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Customer Experience Metrics to Help Your Marketing Strategy Read More »

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Learn about Important Customer Experience Metrics to Form an Effective Strategy

Customer satisfaction

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You can’t shape an effective marketing strategy without deeply analyzing customer experience metrics. By tracking the correct CX metrics, marketers can better understand the customer journey and identify their pain points more accurately. This also makes it easier to optimize touchpoints, which in turn helps improve loyalty and revenues.

Experts also believe that measuring various CX metrics is one acceptable way of gaining insights into customer sentiment. This enables marketers to spot areas for improvement. For instance, these metrics make it easier to find systemic issues that may damage loyalty or increase churn risk.

The good thing is that CX technology is evolving quickly, so tracking those metrics is easier. You can also have a robust SEO tool in your arsenal to keep an eye on those changing metrics. And it’s easy to make a choice, considering you can find platforms offering SEO Tool Reviews. All you have to do is compare those tools and pick ones that can perform site-wide audits, pick social media engagement signals, track bounce rates, and perform other tasks to help you gauge your marketing campaign’s performance.

In short, customer experience (CX) has always been significant but has become a key differentiator, with 86% of consumers willing to pay more for a great experience. An SEO tool will help, but you need to learn what metrics to track. Here’s what you should focus on:


1. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is a percentage calculated from data gathered by using a 1-10 scale for responses to ‘How likely are you …’ type questions. If you subtract the % of Detractors from the % of Promoters, you will get a Net Promoter Score. It stands out among the most helpful customer experience metrics.

NPS monitors the customer experience from the perspective of loyalty. It asks users to consider how likely they are to revisit a brand (for customer retention) and their willingness to advocate for it (organic promotion). It, therefore, benefits marketing by leveraging ‘word of mouth’ and using satisfied customers to expand brand visibility.  

The metric uses three categories:

  • Promoters: score 9-10. These are loyal enthusiasts who are likely to revisit.
  • Passives: score 7-8. Customers are satisfied but not committed and open to offers from elsewhere.
  • Detractors (0-6). These customers are not satisfied, and their word-of-mouth recommendation is likely to be negative.

NPS insights inform marketing strategies in several ways:

  • identifying areas for improvement in product, service, or strategizing customer experience
  • segmenting customers into categories for targeted marketing
  • prioritizing a customer-centric approach to decision-making
  • leveraging Promoters as brand advocates by encouraging them to share testimonials or take part in referral programs
  • proactive engagement, using NPS to address issues promptly and proactively engaging with Detractors.


2. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score

Customer feedback

Image Source

The CSAT score considers the customers’ overall experience by asking how satisfied they are. Like NPS, customers respond using a scale of 1-5 or 1-10.

The CSAT metric is useful for:

  • gauging the quality of the customer experience
  • distinguishing the satisfied customers from the less satisfied customers
  • predicting customer churn (lost customers)
  • unearthing gaps between the customers’ expectations and their experience
  • benchmarking performance against others in the industry

It’s possible to use CSAT Data to identify areas for improvement, which helps get better results for your marketing campaigns.

Much like NPS, CSAT data can inform an entire marketing strategy, identifying the most successful as well as the weakest areas. It also informs decision-making regarding brand development and growth.

The CSAT data can:

  • be showcased in marketing content as social proof of providing a positive customer experience
  • identify highly satisfied customers to encourage referrals and testimonials
  • facilitate tailoring the customer experience by analyzing scores in each customer segment
  • be used in conjunction with other metrics, such as NPS and CES


3. Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer experience

Image Source

CES evaluates the ease with which customers interact with the company. It measures the effort required to accomplish key customer service tasks, such as resolving issues, making a purchase, or finding information.

CES asks customers to rate the ease of their experience on a scale ranging from ‘very difficult’ to ‘very easy’. The easy range has the higher score. A low CES, on the other hand, would indicate the customer has had difficulty.

CES insights are beneficial. Using them, marketers can:

  • streamline procedures
  • enhance self-serve options
  • reduce response times
  • optimize for mobile friendliness

CES helps marketers create an effortless user experience. A feature that boosts retention and reduces churn. It also drives growth in competitive marketplaces by fostering customer loyalty for long-term relationships.

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4. Churn Rate

The churn rate is a critical metric. This measurement is the percentage of customers lost to the business. It’s a metric that directly impacts growth. A high churn rate would mean the company is losing its customers faster than it is replacing them.  

Churn is essentially a calculation, with the percentage rate arrived at by analyzing data over a set period of time. It’s found by dividing the number of customers lost over the period by the total number of customers at its beginning. 

In most cases, it’s found that companies lose around 10-25% of their customers yearly, but anything more than that is alarming.

By understanding churn and its impact, marketers can implement targeted retention initiatives. 

Reducing Churn through Targeted Marketing Initiatives

Reducing churn should always be a priority. Good customer retention drives business growth. A good marketing strategy will include the provision for targeted ‘win-back’ campaigns with personalized emails to encourage engagement and loyalty schemes that have value incentives.

Another low churn tactic is to focus on retaining only the best customers rather than everyone. This could be done by offering a reduced rate for an annual subscription or extending customer support and other initiatives that provide customer value over the long term.


5. AI chatbots

AI chatbots play a vital role in boosting customer experience. When a user visits your website, store, or social homepages or profiles, they bear the time-consuming human agents’ responses which makes the users particularly intense or sophisticated, this is where AI chatbots come into the market and make the customer experience on scale at no cost.

Artificial intelligence is also playing a vital role in enhancing the customer experience, there is a new tool that is making CX more impactful and that is VOICE AI, when a user interacts with the VOICE AI agents, the users feel like talking to real human agent which is operated based on AI and open AI.

Voice AI

6. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

CLV is another critical customer experience metric. It helps businesses understand their customer’s lifetime value by considering the expected total revenue their extended customers would likely bring in.

CLV measures their worth. CLV insights help with decisions around allocating resources to retain high-value customers and optimizing campaigns to target segmented high-value customers without incurring costs higher than their lifetime value.

CLV, therefore, provides insights into future revenue streams and facilitates informed decision-making regarding product development, pricing, and customer support.


7. Website and APP Engagement Metrics

These key metrics, including bounce rate (BR), analyze user behavior. They provide insights that reflect the performance of the content, page, or platform. BR measures how many users leave a site after viewing just one page, a behavior that could signal issues with the content or the page’s usability.

Another useful digital metric is time on site (TOS). It measures the duration of each user’s visit, revealing their engagement with the site. A longer duration signals satisfaction with the content and the website or app’s performance. 

These metrics help identify the best-performing content and user habits and preferences. The insights can help refine and fine-tune strategies for better customer success.

Apps have several useful metrics that analyze many aspects of the user experience. These include:

  • the number of daily and monthly active users
  • the user journey through the marketing funnel
  • session frequency
  • session depth in relation to user interests

8. Social Media Engagement and Sentiment

Likes, shares, and comments on social media provide the marketer with valuable first-stage insights into how well content is performing with its intended audience. However, to understand exactly how well content resonates, a deeper analysis that leverages sentiment is required.

Sentiment analysis involves using AI and natural language processing (NLP). Its focus is on establishing the attitudes and emotions behind brand mentions. It categorizes conversations as either positive, negative, or neutral, producing quantitative data. As such, the metrics paint a comprehensive picture of the user experience.

By using engagement and sentiment metrics together, marketers are able to identify which content draws meaningful reactions, addresses customer concerns, and strengthens brand loyalty. By making informed data-driven decisions, they can adapt strategies quickly and effectively.


9. Feedback and Review Analysis

Feedback and reviews are among many important CX metrics. They can provide insights into customer preferences, sentiments, and pain points. It’s all about gaining access to valuable data to identify the target audience and their overall journey.

 To gather those details, you may use various methods, including social media monitoring, surveys, and review aggregation. It’s also vital to utilize analytics tools, including natural language processing and sentiment analysis, to arrange unstructured data.

Categorizing feedback based on urgency, themes, and impact can inform data-driven decisions, enabling you to optimize customer support, refine product features, and personalize marketing communications.



Knowing how well customers enjoyed their interaction with a business is vital since customer satisfaction is the main driver for repeat business. It builds marketplace visibility, a critical factor in long-term growth and success. The metrics reveal how much effort the user needed to complete tasks, such as making an inquiry or completing a purchase. They also highlight who the audience is, its habits and interests, and its lifetime value to the business. Using these metrics makes it easy to gather before and after data that helps assess the impact of campaign elements and judge how well content is resonating. Used collectively, the metrics paint a comprehensive picture of a business’s customer satisfaction, with data gathered from various perspectives from various sources.

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The post Customer Experience Metrics to Help Your Marketing Strategy appeared first on Botsify.

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Voice AI: The Next Frontier in Automation & Comparing Voice AI Platforms https://botsify.com/blog/voice-ai-the-next-frontier-in-automation-comparing-voice-ai-platforms/ https://botsify.com/blog/voice-ai-the-next-frontier-in-automation-comparing-voice-ai-platforms/#respond Mon, 15 Apr 2024 08:59:27 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=8634 Introduction: In the era of rapid technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare to finance. One of the most promising …

Voice AI: The Next Frontier in Automation & Comparing Voice AI Platforms Read More »

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In the era of rapid technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare to finance. One of the most promising areas of AI is Voice AI, which is poised to become the next frontier in automation. Voice AI, also known as voice-enabled AI or voice recognition technology, utilizes natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to human speech. This article explores the potential of Voice AI, its applications across different sectors, and the transformative impact it can have on businesses and society.

Understanding Voice AI:

Voice AI enables machines to comprehend and interpret spoken language, mimicking human-like conversation. Powered by advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, Voice AI systems can analyze speech patterns, recognize words and phrases, and generate appropriate responses. These systems leverage deep learning models, such as neural networks, to continuously improve their accuracy and performance over time.

Applications of Voice AI:

  • Virtual Assistants: Voice AI has paved the way for the widespread adoption of virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri. These assistants can perform a variety of tasks, such as setting reminders, answering questions, and controlling smart home devices, all through voice commands.
  • Customer Service: Voice AI is transforming customer service operations by enabling businesses to deploy virtual agents that can handle customer inquiries and provide assistance round the clock. Companies like Bank of America and Starbucks have implemented voice-based customer service solutions to enhance the customer experience.
  • Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, Voice AI is being used to streamline administrative tasks, such as medical transcription and documentation. Voice-enabled electronic health record (EHR) systems allow physicians to dictate patient notes directly into the system, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Education: Voice AI has the potential to revolutionize education by personalizing learning experiences and improving accessibility. Voice-enabled tutoring systems can adapt to individual learning styles and provide real-time feedback to students, enhancing engagement and comprehension.
  • Automotive Industry: Voice AI is increasingly integrated into vehicles, enabling drivers to control navigation, entertainment, and climate systems hands-free. Voice-enabled virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa Auto and Google Assistant are becoming standard features in modern automobiles.


Tools for Voice AI Development:

1. Botsify Voice AI

Voice AI

Botsify offers Voice AI phone agents that enable your sales and customer support at scale. It offers some pre-built templates that help users to easily customize according to their scripts. Botsify allows you to choose voices from almost 30+ accents in English from now and It will be transcribed into 130+ languages. When you sign up using this link for a book-demo so you will be asked how you want to use the Voice AI:

  1. Customer Support: Botsify offers customer support for Voice AI so you can easily build some FAQ scripts and the rest of the answers will be given by Voice AI.
  2. Sales Outreach: The main feature of Voice AI is your sales outreach when a user interacts with the voice AI agent, It will answer according to your sales pitch and Voice AI uses AI to answer any irrelevant question asked by a user.


  1. Do it yourself $27 per month (A basic plan for your personal use, startup websites, and Facebook page)
  2. Done for you $147 per month(A professional service for scalable businesses who want us to build and manage their agents)
  3. Custom – $797 per month (For enterprises with high usage & on-premises solutions)

You can check out the pricing models of Voice AI agents of botsify.


  • Botsify Voice AI uses ElevenLabs, Play HT, OpenAI
  • Botsify offers Multi-Language Voice Agents (Coming Soon)
  • It offers Call Recording & Analytics
  • It allows Integration with 3rd Party Platforms
  • You can design custom scripts using Botsify’s drag-and-drop feature


  • 2 different sections for different uses of voice AI as Sales Outreach and Customer Support
  • Clone your own voices
  • Forwarding calls to humans
  • Calling actions or API upon confirmation
  • Automated calls using API
  • Automatically replying to frequent questions
  • Your realistic human agent


  • Limited customization options
  • Complexity in understanding nuanced language
  • Integration challenges with existing systems
  • Ongoing maintenance requirements
  • Data privacy concerns
  • Dependency on Internet connectivity
  • Lack of human touch in interactions

2. Aisera:


Aisera’s Voice AI agents redefine customer service by offering intelligent and efficient interactions. Powered by advanced natural language understanding (NLU) and machine learning, Aisera’s agents can understand complex queries, provide accurate responses, and automate tasks seamlessly. These agents excel in handling diverse conversations, delivering personalized experiences, and resolving issues across channels in real-time.

Aisera’s Voice AI agents enhance productivity by automating repetitive tasks, empowering agents to focus on high-value interactions. With their ability to learn and adapt, Aisera’s agents continuously improve, ensuring exceptional customer experiences and driving business success through increased efficiency and customer satisfaction.


You can contact them for pricing


  • Aisera uses Gen AI for the contact center
  • 3000+ built-in AI workflows while reducing hallucinations
  • AI Copilot for Customers and Agents
  • Omnichannel & Multilingual Conversational Experience
  • Conversation Assist & Live Agent Handoff
  • Enterprise AI Search
  • Integration with 500+ backend connectors


  • It provides Knowledge Base information
  • It allows a ticketing system for its users
  • Reduce your contact center’s operational cost
  • AI Voice Bot reduces call volumes
  • It delivers quick, accurate, and personalized responses


  • Limited customization options may restrict tailoring to specific business needs
  • Complexity in understanding complex queries or nuanced language
  • Integration challenges with existing systems or platforms
  • Ongoing maintenance requirements for optimal performance
  • Data privacy concerns regarding the collection and usage of user data
  • Dependency on Internet connectivity for effective functioning
  • Lack of human touch and empathy in interactions


3. Play.ai


Play.ai is a conversational voice AI agent that is trained to speak with users. These are personalized A.I. Voice Agents for Your Business or your products. It can enhance your app with the audio-in, audio-out API, enabling seamless, natural conversations with your PlayAI agent. Transform your user experience with the power of voice. It comes with pre-built templates that allow its users to customize according to their needs.


  1. Free Plan(Create unlimited agents, 30 minutes included)
  2. PRO $20.00 Per month (400 minutes included, $0.05 per extra minute)
  3. Business $99 per month (2000 minutes included, $0.05 per extra minute)
  4. Growth  $499 per month (10,000 minutes included, $0.05 per extra minute)


  • Personalized Voice AI Agents for Your Business: These chatbots are trained on your business, your products, your knowledge, your goals, etc.
  • Healthcare practices: These chatbots are trained on pre-visit questions, post-visit follow-ups, general FAQs, etc.
  • Hotel Concierge: These chatbots are trained on bookings, room services, check-in/out policies, etc.
  • Restaurant Staff: These chatbots are trained on menu questions, handling bookings, cancellations, etc.
  • Front desk reception: These chatbots are trained on appointment availability, business hours, general FAQ, etc.
  • E-commerce Store: These chatbots are trained on customer preferences, your business, your services, etc.


  • Delightful human-like voice AI experiences
  • It opens doors for every business, developer, and thinker to easily build capable and useful conversational Voice AI solutions
  • Unlock Time Savings
  • Increase Revenue
  • Reduce Operational Costs
  • Discover Data Insights on What Customers Want
  • Seamless Integration
  • High-Quality LLMs
  • High-Speed AI
  • Deploy Anywhere
  • Best-in-class TTFB
  • Enhance Customer Service Accuracy
  • Improve Customer Experience


  • Lack of comprehensive information available about play.ai may obscure understanding of its limitations
  • Potential limitations in customization options might hinder tailoring to specific business requirements
  • Challenges in understanding complex queries or nuanced language could impact user experience
  • Integration hurdles with existing systems or platforms may pose implementation challenges
  • Sustaining optimal performance over time could require ongoing maintenance and updates
  • Data privacy concerns may arise regarding the handling and utilization of user data
  • Reliance on internet connectivity for effective functionality may pose limitations in offline scenarios
  • Potential absence of human-like empathy or conversational nuance could affect user engagement and satisfaction

4. Liveperson:


LivePerson’s Voice AI agents represent a leap forward in customer service automation. These agents are powered by advanced natural language understanding (NLU) technology, enabling them to interpret and respond to customer queries accurately. They can handle complex conversations, offer personalized recommendations, and streamline support processes across various channels seamlessly.

LivePerson’s Voice AI agents enhance customer experiences by providing immediate assistance and resolving issues efficiently. With their ability to understand context and sentiment, these agents deliver human-like interactions, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Businesses benefit from improved operational efficiency and reduced workload, leading to enhanced productivity and better customer outcomes.


  1. Conversational Cloud (Automate messages and calls, optimize consumer insights, increase agent productivity with Liveperson AI)
  2. Conversational Cloud & Generative AI (Accelerate automation, increase conversion rate, and boost agent productivity with Generative AI)


  • Liveperson’s Natural Language Understanding (NLU) capabilities
  • It allows users Multi-channel deployment options
  • Real-time speech recognition
  • Personalization features
  • Integration with LivePerson’s platform
  • Advanced analytics and reporting tools
  • Customizable chatbot designs
  • Continuous learning and improvement


  • Human-like interactions
  • Seamless integration with LivePerson’s platform
  • Advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities
  • Enhanced customer experiences through personalization
  • Scalability for high volumes of interactions
  • Real-time analytics and reporting tools
  • Customizable chatbot designs
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Access to expertise and support resources


  • Potential complexity in setting up and configuring Voice AI agents
  • Integration challenges with existing systems or platforms
  • Dependency on internet connectivity for effective functioning
  • Limited customization options may restrict tailoring to specific business needs
  • Ongoing maintenance requirements for optimal performance
  • Data privacy concerns regarding the collection and usage of user data
  • Potential lack of human-like empathy or conversational nuance in interactions
  • Complexity in understanding complex queries or nuanced language


5. Voiceflow:


Voiceflow is an innovative platform that enables developers and businesses to create advanced Voice AI agents and conversational interfaces without the need for extensive coding knowledge. It empowers users to design, prototype, and deploy voice-enabled applications using a visual interface and intuitive drag-and-drop tools.

One of the key strengths of Voiceflow is its user-friendly interface, which allows designers and developers to create complex conversational flows and interactions seamlessly. Users can visually map out the dialogue paths, define intents and entities, and incorporate natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to understand and respond to user inputs effectively.

Voiceflow supports multi-platform deployment, allowing chatbots to be deployed across various voice-enabled devices and platforms such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and web browsers. This versatility enables businesses to reach their target audience across different channels and devices, enhancing accessibility and user engagement.


  1. Sandbox – Free 
  2. Pro – $50 per month
  3. Teams – $625 per month
  4. Enterprise – Custom Pricing


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for building conversational experiences
  • Support for multi-platform deployment, including voice-enabled devices and messaging platforms
  • Advanced natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities for accurate interpretation of user inputs
  • Visual flow editor for designing conversational flows and interactions
  • Collaboration tools for team collaboration and project sharing
  • Real-time testing and debugging features to ensure chatbot functionality
  • Integration with third-party services and APIs for enhanced functionality
  • Analytics and reporting tools for tracking performance and user interactions


  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface, facilitating ease of use for developers and non-technical users alike
  • Simplified design process with the visual flow editor, enabling quick creation of complex conversational flows
  • Versatile deployment options across various voice-enabled devices and messaging platforms, ensuring wide reach
  • Accurate interpretation of user inputs with advanced natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities
  • Enhanced collaboration with team members through built-in collaboration tools
  • Efficient testing and debugging features for ensuring chatbot functionality and identifying issues promptly
  • Extensive integration possibilities with third-party services and APIs, expanding functionality and customization options
  • Valuable insights into chatbot performance and user interactions provided by analytics and reporting tools, facilitating continuous improvement


  • Learning curve for users unfamiliar with the platform’s interface and tools
  • Limited customization options may not fully accommodate complex chatbot requirements
  • Dependency on stable internet connectivity for effective use, potentially limiting accessibility in offline scenarios
  • Integration challenges may arise when connecting with certain third-party services or APIs
  • Continuous maintenance and updates are required to ensure optimal performance and functionality
  • Potential complexity in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, especially for inexperienced users
  • Data privacy concerns may arise regarding the collection and storage of user interactions within the platform
  • Lack of human-like empathy or conversational nuance in interactions, which may affect user engagement and satisfaction

Generate More Leads With Cold Calling by Voice AI

Gather quality leads on autopilot and 10x your ROI with automated Voice AI agents

6. Genesys:


Genesys Voice AI agents offer a transformative approach to customer engagement and support. Leveraging advanced natural language understanding (NLU) and machine learning capabilities, Genesys agents deliver personalized interactions and resolutions across various channels. These agents excel in handling complex queries, understanding context, and adapting to customer preferences in real-time.

Genesys Voice AI agents streamline workflows, automate processes, and enhance agent productivity by intelligently routing inquiries and providing relevant information. Businesses benefit from improved customer experiences, increased efficiency, and optimized operational performance, driving better outcomes and loyalty. Genesys Voice AI agents are at the forefront of delivering intelligent and impactful customer interactions.


  1. $75 per month (for Voice AI)
  2. $115 per month (for Voice AI + Digital)

There are more different prices according to your needs


  • Engaging experiences
  • Omni-channel conversations
  • Easy to use
  • Seamless integrations 
  • Human in the loop
  • Intent Minner 
  • Re-usable data, logic, templates
  • Analytics and Insights 


  • Make the virtual more personal
  • Transfer to live agents with ease
  • Connect with customers immediately
  • Easy to create scripts
  • Easy to activate the Voice AI agent 
  • Easy to optimize automated interactions


  • Complexity in setting up and configuring Voice AI agents
  • Integration challenges with existing systems or platforms
  • Dependency on Internet connectivity for effective functioning
  • Limited customization options may restrict tailoring to specific business needs
  • Ongoing maintenance requirements for optimal performance
  • Data privacy concerns regarding the collection and usage of user data
  • Potential lack of human-like empathy or conversational nuance in interactions
  • Complexity in understanding complex queries or nuanced language

7. Air.ai


Air.ai is a voice AI agent platform that enables 100,000 sales and customer service reps at the tap of a button. It is the world’s ever AI that can have full-on 10-40 minute long phone calls that sound like a REAL human, with infinite memory, perfect recall, and can autonomously take actions across 5,000 plus applications. It can do the entire job of a full-time agent without having to be trained, managed, or motivated.


$0.11/minute Outbound. On average 5x cheaper than a human

Inbound campaigns and calls made via API and Roleplay are currently 0.32/minute as there is no dial time, voicemails, etc


  • The platform leverages AI and machine learning to enhance conversational capabilities
  • automate tasks
  • improve customer engagement
  • Air.ai Voice AI agents can handle various use cases, including customer support, sales inquiries, appointment scheduling, and more, making it a versatile solution for businesses looking to leverage Voice AI technology for 
  • improved customer interactions


  • It allows you to upload as many leads as you want into your campaign
  • Transfer live calls to human agents
  • It allows voicemails to detect and not answer unnecessary calls
  • The agency is not limited to script only, it goes for a dynamic conversation
  • The agent can book calls automatically
  • It allows cal.com to setup SMS automation to send pre-call video
  • The agent can do both inbound and inbound calls
  • They don’t have limits to upload contacts


  • Trouble of agents for calendar information
  • It can call clients anytime.
  • Agent goes off according to timezones
  • The calls are automatically marked as spam
  • Campaign working issues
  • Campaigns take too long to start
  • Realistic Voices issues

8. Synthflow


Synthflow’s platform’s no-code interface enables customers to simply construct and configure voice agents and procedures. This flexibility enables enterprises to tailor their artificial intelligence solutions to their specific domains, increasing productivity and efficiency across use cases.

The platform offers tailored performance and accuracy by owning and deploying models for specific applications or sectors. This improves AI-powered results while also increasing the platform’s relevance and applicability across a wide range of business scenarios.


  1. Starter – $29/mo*, 50 Minutes, then 0.58$/min
  2. Pro – $450/mo*, 2.500 Minutes, then 0.15$/min
  3. Growth – $900/mo*, 6.000 Minutes, then 0.08-0.13$/min
  4. Agency – $1,400/mo*, 6.000 Minutes, then 0.08-0.13$/min


  • Synthflows voice AI agents integrate with HubSpot, Google Suite, and Stripe
  • Human-Like Voice Assistant
  • It is trained on your data with GPT also
  • Put your calls on Autopilot.
  • Voice bots are designed to initiate actions and complete tasks
  • Choose a voice or clone your own
  • Real-Time Appointment Booking
  • AI Text Assistant


  • It employs unique custom models
  • It offers a no-code interface
  • It allows making outbound calls and answering inbound calls
  • Schedule appointments 24/7
  • No coding required!
  • Ready-made templates of agents


  • Learning curve for users unfamiliar with the platform
  • Potential limitations in customization options
  • Dependency on stable Internet connectivity
  • Integration challenges with certain third-party services
  • Continuous maintenance and updates are required
  • Complexity in troubleshooting technical issues
  • Data privacy concerns regarding user interactions
  • Potential lack of human-like empathy in interactions

9. Curiousthing:


CuriousThing.io‘s Voice AI agents redefine conversational experiences with advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. These agents excel in understanding and responding to complex queries, providing personalized recommendations, and automating tasks seamlessly. CuriousThing.io’s Voice AI agents are designed to enhance customer interactions across multiple channels, offering real-time support and intelligent insights.

They enable businesses to streamline operations, improve productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. With their ability to learn and adapt, CuriousThing.io’s agents continuously optimize performance, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty while helping businesses achieve their goals more effectively.


Lucy – $99/ month (For Australian phone number, AUD$99, for US phone number, US$99)


  • CuriousThing.io handles inbound and outbound calls
  • Plug and Play AI Assistants
  • It comes with 3 assistants Lucy, Alex, Sam & Lou
  • Powered by ChatGPT
  • Captures inbound leads
  • Answers missed calls promptly
  • Multi-channel communication
  • Scale customer service operations effortlessly
  • Multilingual support


  • Assists with appointment bookings
  • Sends SMS on the spot
  • Answers FAQs over the phone
  • Handles calls from external customers and internal employees
  • Follow-up customers
  • Retrieves missing documents
  • Helps complete transactions


  • It doesn’t have eleven labs
  • Potential complexity in setting up and configuring the Voice AI agents
  • Integration challenges with existing systems or platforms
  • Dependency on stable internet connectivity for effective functioning
  • Limited customization options may restrict tailoring to specific business needs
  • Ongoing maintenance requirements for optimal performance
  • Data privacy concerns regarding the collection and usage of user data
  • Possible lack of human-like empathy or conversational nuance in interactions
  • Complexity in understanding complex queries or nuanced language

10. Voximplant:


Voximplant is a cloud communications platform that supports voice and video interactions, making it suitable for building Voice AI-powered agents and IVR systems. It provides APIs and SDKs for speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion, and real-time voice communication. Voximplant’s Voice AI capabilities enable developers to create interactive voice response (IVR) systems, virtual assistants, and voice-enabled applications. It offers scalability, reliability, and global reach, allowing businesses to deploy Voice AI solutions across diverse use cases and industries.


Calling Phone Numbers:

International / Price per minute Domestic / price per minute  

Landline                                     from $0.013

Mobile                                                 from $0.013

Phone Numbers & Receiving Calls:

                                                                                  Monthly fee Installation fee           Inbound / Price per minute

Landline                                                                                          $1                    Free                                   $0.005

Other (Alaska and Hawaii)                                                         $1                     Free                                   $0.05

Mobile                                                                                             $1                     Free                                   $0.005

Toll-free                                                                                          $3                     Free                                   $0.03

In-App Calling:

Calls use SDK Voice / Price per minute  

Calls from an app $0.003  

Calls to an app $0.003

Please check the pricing model on the website.


  • Omnichannel conversational
  • Natural Language Processing Cloud service
  • Integrate bots into voice calls and text
  • Boost contact center efficiency
  • It leverages industry-leading Machine Learning capabilities
  • No-code builder


  •  Avatar bots operate 24/7
  • automate up to 80% of routine tasks
  • Make shorter dialogues more effective
  • Appointment scheduling
  • NPS and CSAT surveys
  • You can use it as a Taxi booking
  • Food and grocery delivery
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Build automated surveys to measure customer loyalty
  • It has also integrations with Viber and Webim


  • It has different pricing for different countries
  • You should know the coding language to connect the bot
  • The response time is very time taking
  • It doesn’t have eleven labs
  • The platform and user guide are not user-friendly

These 10 tools represent a range of options for developers and businesses looking to leverage Voice AI for building intelligent chatbots, virtual assistants, and voice-enabled applications. Each tool offers unique features, capabilities, and integrations, empowering developers to create personalized, efficient, and engaging conversational experiences for users. By harnessing the power of Voice AI, organizations can enhance customer interactions, automate tasks, and drive innovation in the digital era.

Challenges and Considerations:

While Voice AI holds immense promise, it also presents several challenges and considerations:

  • Privacy and Security: Voice AI systems raise concerns about privacy and data security, as they require access to sensitive personal information. Ensuring robust data encryption and implementing stringent privacy controls are essential to protect user data.
  • Accuracy and Reliability: Achieving high accuracy and reliability in voice recognition remains a challenge, particularly in noisy environments or for users with diverse accents and speech patterns. Continuous training and refinement of AI models are necessary to improve performance.
  • Ethical Implications: There are ethical considerations surrounding Voice AI, particularly in terms of bias and fairness. Developers must address issues related to algorithmic bias and ensure that Voice AI systems treat all users equitably.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating Voice AI into existing systems and workflows can be complex, requiring seamless interoperability with other technologies and platforms. Businesses need to carefully plan and strategize their implementation to maximize the benefits of Voice AI.


Voice AI represents a paradigm shift in human-machine interaction, offering new possibilities for automation and innovation across various industries. As Voice AI technology continues to evolve and mature, businesses must seize the opportunity to leverage its capabilities to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and drive growth. By embracing Voice AI, organizations can stay ahead of the curve and unlock the full potential of automation in the digital age.

In conclusion, Voice AI is not just the next frontier in automation; it is a transformative force that has the power to reshape the way we live, work, and interact with technology. As we embark on this journey into the future, it is crucial to embrace Voice AI responsibly, with a focus on ethics, privacy, and inclusivity. By harnessing the potential of Voice AI, we can create a more connected, efficient, and accessible world for all.

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The post Voice AI: The Next Frontier in Automation & Comparing Voice AI Platforms appeared first on Botsify.

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