Remsha Moghis, Author at Botsify Read Our Blogs | All About Chatbots and Conversational AI Tue, 07 May 2024 10:36:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Remsha Moghis, Author at Botsify 32 32 7 Ways To Implement Chatbots to Your Business Safely Mon, 22 Feb 2021 15:42:31 +0000 Many businesses nowadays use chatbots for their customer service. However, some remain skeptical of its effectiveness.  For one, they believe that using chatbots for business …

7 Ways To Implement Chatbots to Your Business Safely Read More »

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Many businesses nowadays use chatbots for their customer service. However, some remain skeptical of its effectiveness. 

Implement Chatbots to Your Business

For one, they believe that using chatbots for business strips their brand identity and personalization. After all, automation lacks the same personality and flexibility as an ordinary human being. You risk sounding robotic and repetitive to your customers.

But today’s chatbots are smarter and more customizable. With the right software and implementation, you can use chatbots without losing your brand’s identity and personalization. Keep the following tips in mind to take full advantage of the many chatbot benefits for business.

1. Consider using AI-powered chatbots

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more accessible in today’s business landscape. In fact, 8 out 10 businesses use AI-powered chatbots for their customer service and support.

AI-powered chatbots are sophisticated. They can learn and improve how it interacts with your customers. Moreover, you can program it to have more complex responses to varying situations and circumstances.

Nonetheless, this will still require extensive programming and training. But if you have good software, accomplishing this process is a breeze. You can program different scenarios and their respective reactions for your chatbot to be effective and efficient. This will allow your bot to understand and recognize the proper ways to respond to your customers.


2. Create a persona for your bot

One of the popular chatbot business ideas is to create a persona that represents their brands. In a way, your chatbot serves as your mascot that encapsulates your business’ identity. This makes it easier for your customer to remember your brand and recognize it from anywhere else. Moreover, this simple step can humanize your bot in your customers’ eyes.

You can do this by putting a face and a name to your chatbot, allowing your customers to see who they are interacting with. The psychology to this is almost similar to when you suddenly receive a message from a random person in your Messenger or WhatsApp. You will feel skeptical or wary when you cannot see any profile photo in the chat bubble. It also won’t help if you can’t even name who you are conversing with.

3. Give bot some personality

To complete your bot’s character, you should also add some personality to it. After all, nobody enjoys talking to someone who speaks like a robot. Without personality, your chatbots might turn away your customers.

You can show your bot’s personality through its language and tone. Program it to sound more conversational and casual instead of too formal and stiff (unless that matches your branding) so your bots can build rapport with customers faster. You can even add personalization by letting your bot address the customer by name.

Emotional responses can also bring out your bot’s personality. By showing empathy, your bot does more than just show its capability to understand the customer. It also cements the idea that your brand values their feelings and opinions. So don’t forget to program varying emotional responses in your chatbot implementation steps.

4. Allow visual expressions

People love to use emojis, GIFs, and memes in their virtual interactions. A recent study shows that a post or message with emojis tends to have a 25% higher engagement rate than those without.

With that, consider programming your chatbots to respond with visual expressions like emojis, GIFs, and even memes. This helps them convey emotions and meanings while also keeping a friendly connection with your customers.

With the appropriate visual cues, your chatbot can maintain personalization with each interaction. It can make your customers feel comfortable to the point of trusting it. This can also help build up your brand identity and credibility in the process.

5. Provide human backups

Even when your chatbots are very good, they still come with some limitations. After all, their main purpose is to speed up your response time and take care of basic and recurring inquiries. In turn, free up your agent’s time to handle the more crucial concerns. 

You can look for chatbot software that will give you the option to seamlessly transfer conversations to your human agents. For example, Botsify is an automated chatbot tool that allows your agents to monitor your chatbot during a live chat. With just a few clicks, they can take over any interactions with customers when needed.

6. Integrate with other software

You can enhance the customer experience with your chatbots software by integrating it with other software. Some examples are the different types of customer service software, helpdesk software, and ticketing system. This gives your bot access to various data, functions, and features to improve its interactions and responses to your customers.

Having a chatbot is not just helpful for your website. It’s also beneficial to have one for communication apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, and emails. This makes your brand even more accessible to your customers in the process.

After all, almost everyone nowadays uses apps like these for their daily communication. It will be more convenient for both sides to interact in these channels than restricting communication on your website.

Implement Chatbots to Your Business

7. Leverage data and analytics

Leveraging data allows your chatbots to understand and learn the patterns and behaviors of your customers. It gives them an idea of how your customers usually respond in certain situations, their demands, and their needs. In turn, it teaches your chatbots how best to communicate with them.

You can gather data by recording and analyzing past conversations between your chatbots and your customers. This allows you to take note of frequently asked questions, common issues with your products/services, and your customers’ reaction to your chatbot’s performance.

The right data can help you come up with more scenarios for your chatbot’s programming. As a result, you can expand its potential reactions and reactions appropriate for varying situations. You can also use it to create more personalized experiences for your customers. This way, your bot can satisfy their respective demands and needs without further human interference.

Giving chatbots a chance

There are many benefits to using chatbots for your customer service. It ensures that your customer support is always accessible and available for anyone who needs it. It reduces waiting time for your customers and workload for your human agents.

Nonetheless, many organizations remain skeptical about using chatbots for their operations. They fear that bots might make their customers feel uncomfortable with their brand. Most importantly, they are afraid that it might strip away their brand identity and personalization.

But with a proper chatbot implementation plan, you can avoid such fate for your organization. Nowadays, chatbot tools are getting more and more sophisticated. More bots are now capable of learning complex reactions and responses. Some can even mimic the behaviors of real humans to the point where customers can no longer differentiate chatbots from human agents. And with these tips in mind, you can confidently rely on your chatbot to show off your brand’s identity.

The post 7 Ways To Implement Chatbots to Your Business Safely appeared first on Botsify.

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7 Omnichannel Customer Engagement Strategies Mon, 22 Feb 2021 12:30:13 +0000 You’re running a company, you might think that your most critical goal is to get new customers—don’t get us wrong, that’s the key. However, another …

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You’re running a company, you might think that your most critical goal is to get new customers—don’t get us wrong, that’s the key.

However, another priority should be to hang on to the customers you already have. And that’s when the commitment of the consumer steps in.

The relationship between customers and business makes a good brand around the world. It is as essential as the basic need of any concerned company who wants to uplift its position in the market. The backstory of any loyal customers is how your brand treats them and how they engage customers more frequently. 

Customer Engagement Strategy

Customer engagement is one of the factors that keeps connected with your customers and makes your bond long-lasting. It helps to access customers to reach you out and an irresistible way to interact with your brand. Once you win this race, you can overcome your competitors. 

In this era, one term is revolving around us that particularly helps in customer engagement that is omnichannel marketing. Let me explain what is that but first, you have to indulge in customer engagement. 

What is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement is the long-term process for any business that allows customers to interact with companies in different ways such as online and offline.

It seems easy but not that much. Companies spend years to make interaction streamline with their customers. If you are connecting with B2B customers, they surely want to connect for a long duration. And, when it comes to making a purchase, 64% of people find customer experience more important than price. But it depends on how beautiful your product or service is and how you treat them individually. The customer engagement strategy is a key objective that needs to align with your organizational vision. 63% of customers say that organizations should make getting to know them better a top priority. 

Hence having a strong focus on engaging with customers and delivering consistent customer experience across all touchpoints should be the prime objective your business should aim to achieve.

Digital customer engagement is a vital part of your business strategy that contributes to the success of the overall brand experience. If the experience is good, customers are likely to become loyal customers and repeat purchases.

Just have a look at your strategy, do you miss anything?

Today’s market is surrounded by AI technology and this strategy helps you to achieve your long-term goal. If you missed this element in your strategy, you may miss a big chunk. AI helps in many ways just instead of automation & advancement (-because it’s a really big thing).  

Nearly half of all companies (44%) have already moved to a digital-first approach for customer experience. If we see the other side of the mirror that seems little but has a great contribution to your business growth. Like customer experience, customer engagement, customer satisfaction, and others that are more important to retain your customers.

If you want to make your customers loyal, you have to be attentive to these elements but I have seen many companies who ignore one of these while all are essential. These are vast areas that’s why I pick one element “customer engagement” to talk about in detail.

Omnichannel Customer engagement- A turning point for your Business

Look around yourself, you find many platforms where you can start marketing. It can be online or offline. Omnichannel marketing is an approach that provides customers with a completely seamless and integrated experience from the first touchpoint to the last. 

  • Omnichannel sets a customer-centric approach where customers find personalized & consistency on every channel/medium. All the touchpoints seem integrated which makes a joint strategy that helps marketers to provide a unified experience.
  • Omnichannel customer engagement is the concept of building a seamless, integrated interface for your customers using all of your platforms and providing a unified customer experience. This encompasses both conventional and interactive platforms, in-store, point-of-sale, and online experiences.
  • If you have an omnichannel market and targeted B2B marketplace, automation is your essential need. You have to target them as quickly as they couldn’t reach your competitors. If you lose them, you can never bring them back easily. Automation provides a vast area to connect your targeted B2B market and present in front of them as a time-savage tool for business. 
  • Automation helps in many areas like to automate emails, automate customer support, social media management & schedule tool, content management tool, and whatnot. Innovation is at its peak, thousands of software are there that streamlines marketing activities.

Business is present on more platforms


Let’s have a look at how many platforms we have:

  1. Website: For online marketing, the website is an essential proportion of it. A well-designed website with unique plugins makes your website more optimized. Like you have a great AI-powered WordPress-themed website with great content that attracts your visitors can increase your traffic. But the next step that can engage your customer is still missing. 

Guess what? Pop-ups or a must-have website chatbot to automate your conversation with your customers. Like if, your visitor comes to your website with queries, can you be available 24/7? Not possible. A chatbot software is the best solution to engage your customer with its high ability like quick responses, tracking orders, and booking, easy to accept payments, and lead generation through conversational forms.

Also, pop-ups help to build your email list like creating a pop-up for a free resource or subscribing to a newsletter. Once a visitor comes to your site and leaves your website after spending some time. A pop-up shows him instantly to make him stop and at least asking to pour his/her email for newsletters. It helps you in the future to get your target audience without any effort.

Also, to make your customer engaged on your website, it is necessary that your website speed is higher. It says that, if the website speed is less than 5 seconds otherwise 37% of visitors bounce when it takes too long.

Your website should be mobile-friendly if you want to make your customer stay on it. 79% of customers use mobile phones to complete their buying process.

  • Social media 

The best way to make your customer engagement higher is one and only social media. If you ignore social media from your omnichannel customer engagement, it means your marketing has no means. A meaningful and complete platform to reach your maximum and targeted audience. You have hundreds of platforms that help you to grow in the market but you need to prioritize it because you need your budget balanced. 

You can run ads on different platforms like Facebook, Linked In, Google, Youtube, and many others. You can simplify your marketing strategy that can engage your customers in any means. To make your advertising campaign, you have to be careful about your audience. Your content that can grab your customers and the integration on your ads can be redirected to your website to generate traffic and can be a chatbot to engage customers instantly.

Pools, contests, podcasts, live webinars, are the best solutions to make your customer more engaged and to ensure your brand presence on every social channel. This makes your omnichannel customer engagement marketing more powerful and effective.

  • Email Marketing

Cold emails still work for a new & old startup to enhance digital customer engagement. If you see how B2B & B2C interaction is made, their only way is email marketing. It is a more powerful way of communication in terms of increasing sales leads and revenues. Email marketing completes the omnichannel marketing strategy and customer engagements.

Bring your customer on board and make them aware from time to time, email makes this process formal and attractive to all your customers. B2B & B2C mostly focused on email communication when they started purchasing. 

Email marketing helps you to reach out to your paid, unpaid, trial, or your targeted prospect in a beautiful way. Email automation is the best choice in your omnichannel customer engagement because it reduces a huge time difference in your business activities. You are not supposed to send manually thousands of people, email automation can make it faster and quicker. 

  • In-person

In-person, this channel is the most old-fashioned and still in the town channel for the people. It is a brick-and-mortar business where the brands are doing physical marketing. Omnichannel marketing is not only surrounded by digital marketing, it also includes physical interaction between customers and businesses. 

But if they give the touch of digital marketing, they can enhance customer engagement better. People still want to shop in-person. That’s why many brands are open to both of the strategies that make them omnichannel marketers. Omnichannel customers spend 64% more in-store and 10% more online than single-channel customers. 

Omnichannel customer engagement

With all these facts, customer engagement can be easiest if they utilize omnichannel with automation. Automation helps marketers to cover more work in less time. Your business runs like a speedy wheel. No doubt, automation helps customers to engage & retain for a long span of time.

Pro tip: You can also use dynamic QR code generators to bridge your offline channels like in-person to your online channels and ensure efficient customer engagement from all your channels.

Benefits of Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Omnichannel marketing allows you to get more audience by spreading your network. But what after spreading it? What it actually provides to the B2B marketplace and its customers. Let’s see!

1. Provide Unified Experience

The main course of omnichannel can provide a unified experience to the people. If your company starts working on all the possible channels, there is a high chance to grab customers in the end. By providing a unified experience, you can simply enhance the user experience of your prospects and customers and ultimately, your customer engagement gets a rise. 

2. Ensure Your Presence

Count the channels/medium and plan your marketing strategy as a whole. To ensure your presence and create high customer engagement, your presence on every channel/medium is worthwhile. Omnichannel ensures your existence in the market and gives your brand recognition by engaging customers on all channels.

3. Personalization at Every Channel

Every channel has its own charm and provides personalization to your customers according to different channels is not an easy task. But with omnichannel customer engagement, you can analyze different aspects of the audience by the insights of data, and engage with your marketing activities according to all the data. In short, you have a safe corner to promote personalization. 

4. Collective Data from Every Point

When you use all mediums of marketing, you can easily evaluate which medium works best. You can easily collect the data and prioritize each channel for specific usage of marketing activity. Maybe your Facebook ad runs more effectively than LinkedIn ads, or your email marketing does a great job to make new leads and new customers. You can simply sort out the respective data and evaluate your performance for each medium.

5. Increase Conversion Rate Possibility

When your audience sees you in every medium, they surely want to know what you are selling, at least once. It is a high chance to make your new leads as potential customers. The omnichannel engagement has the main objective to convert maximum leads into your buying customers. 

6. Increase Sales Leads and Revenue 

Active on maximum channels create the opportunity to convert more customers and generate sales. When a large number of people see your product and endorsement, they can indulge easily. For instance, if one of your customers endorses your product, 2x customers can consider your product as an option for the next time. Consequently, sales leads and your existing customers make your revenue as much higher.

7. Follow a Customer-Centric Approach

With omnichannel customer engagement, you can set the customer-centric approach that increases the value of the customers’ needs. Meanwhile, an omnichannel customer engagement strategy convinces you to unify your channels and provide a customer-centric approach to the business. 

How Chatbot and Omnichannel Customer Engagement Strategy Grows Your Business 

At this point, I’m going to discuss how you should handle your omnichannel in just one tool. Businesses that adopt omnichannel strategies see 91% higher year-over-year customer retention rates compared to businesses that don’t. It is obvious when you spread your network, you need resources, but what if I recommend you a chatbot for your omnichannel customer engagement. See how chatbot and customer engagement on your omnichannel grow your business.

In-Person Experience on Omnichannel

People want personalization and it really works. Somehow it is better to engage your customers with meaningful activities. Your omnichannel must be providing a unified experience to build a serious connection with your customers. No double human can’t replace bots but when we talk about efficiency in all platforms, it helps alot. Today’s chatbot is that smart which analyzes the instant behavior of customers that helps them to connect like a human.

Like chatbot recommends products by analyzing past behavior of the users and instantly showing them their favorite one to complete their style. People love recommendations as they need an assistant or guide to choose the best.

Non-Stop Working Hours With High Engagement

To operate your omnichannel, you dare to bear all the queries around you. A chatbot is instant and allows you to reduce workload. Its 24/7 availability, quick responses, and offline working hours enhance the customer engagements on omnichannel without human help. If any complex query couldn’t be resolved by chatbots, live chat is the solution to make your customer calm.

Easy to Approach You

Omnichannel marketing set the goal to make ways for customers towards you. Your customers have a number of ways to approach you without any barriers. Unlock all the barriers with a chatbot. Mostly, customers find ways to resolve queries, get information after seeing your products on their newsfeed. The chatbot is reliable too to increase customer engagement as a whole. 

Usability of Social Media With a Chatbot

Within the omnichannel, social media itself is a hub of various platforms. That’s why you have to give time to social media because it provides value to your brand across the world. When people see your product, they want to connect with you and expect great customer support from your side. If you lose your customers at the initial point, you’ll not get them forever. 

Facebook, Linked In, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, etc, these are the channels you have to be active on 24/7. Millions of active users, you can find on different channels, you can pick your targeted one easily. But don’t worry, a chatbot is easily integrated with all the channels and makes your workload as less as possible.

Prioritize Better Customer Experience Channel

In an omnichannel marketing strategy, you need to prioritize your retail channels, like if you find better customer engagement on Facebook, you have to plan something more attractive and engage your customer more in different activities. 

customer engagement

Same if you think your in-store channels are more supportive of customers, you have to optimize it and make your staff more welcoming that makes customers’ experience satisfied. You can simply automate your in-store channel by giving your customer the opportunity to book your product or appointment with a chatbot and can deliver it or takeaways.

Overlook customer feedbacks

Don’t ignore the customers’ feedback, it has the opportunity for you to make your brand optimized. You can easily conduct surveys with a chatbot, without annoying your customers. As chatbot has a brilliant feature of conversational forms, you can use it as a lead capture for building your email list, to get feedback from customers at a time. It helps you to recognize how much your customer engages with your brand and how much they are satisfied. Also, it helps to make your service better after evaluating customer feedback.

Gather customer behavior and insights

If you couldn’t measure your success, there is no possible way to get more in the future. You can notice your customer behaviors after getting insights into your marketing channels. It is easy to export your data throughout the channel. But omnichannel doesn’t mean they show you how much you convert your prospects. If you build a chatbot on omnichannel, you can easily get the full insight into how much time your customer spent and did he get last and pay the bill through chatbot payment integration.

Offer promotions and engagement activities

Once in a life, you surely attract from the promotion and discounts. When anyone sees the discounted price, he/she can easily be attracted to it. Here customer engagement starts. Offer promotions on the different channels can grab large people’s attention towards your products. 

Set your promotion template into the chatbot to engage your customers and provide the best experience via chatbot. It happens when companies offer seasonal discounts, the workload of customer support increases. Instead of having long calls and unread emails, you can build a chatbot on your different channels that provide a unified & consistent experience. You can set the sequence messages of your promotions in a chatbot that reminds customers from time to time. People see your promotions and ultimately they have a chatbot to execute their purchasing.

Build Your Own Chatbot!

Want to engage customers on your omnichannel? Let’s make it instant & alive with AI chatbots

Choose Botsify for your omnichannel customer engagement

The importance of customer engagement is no more to ignore but it is getting enhanced by automation. Communication is the key to grab your customers. All the mediums/channels are made to sleek the way of communication but it’s up to you, to be there all the time, that is impossible. That’s why Chatbot automation can help improve communication on different channels in real-time. 

Botsify Chatbot has the ability to build a chatbot for your omnichannel and give a unified customer experience across all mediums/channels. From support, engagement, to connectivity, you can get all in one with seamless interactions. 


Platforms: you can build a chatbot for Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, and Slack. And join all the platforms to provide seamless interaction and 24/7 customer support. Don’t give a chance to leave your audience.

Integrations: Botsify allows various integration that makes your chatbot more intelligent and smart. Like you can easily accept payment through Zapier integration without crossing a long process. 

Data Analytics: Easy to look after your chatbot and export data to evaluate how your omnichannel chatbot can process and engage your customers.

Features: Chatbot not only provides support, but it also has maximum features that can streamline your marketing and selling process. Like conversational form to gather feedback from your customer or generate leads for building your email list. Chatbot also can speak multiple languages so you can reach your customer without any communication barrier. And lots more than making your chatbot user-friendly and multi-tasker.

Explore more by signing-up to Botsify, Cheers!

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Botsify Vs Other Chatbot Competitors: A Detailed Comparison Mon, 08 Feb 2021 16:35:01 +0000 The essence of the chatbot in business creates hype in the market. It is not just to automate your communication, it is more than that, …

Botsify Vs Other Chatbot Competitors: A Detailed Comparison Read More »

The post Botsify Vs Other Chatbot Competitors: A Detailed Comparison appeared first on Botsify.

The essence of the chatbot in business creates hype in the market. It is not just to automate your communication, it is more than that, let see how chatbots come up in our life.

If we talk about today’s chatbot market, there is a long list of chatbot builders that you can use. Along with the numerous advancement, chatbot took over their place in the industry. A few days back, there was a hype of AI chatbots and it hit a flashback for most of the companies. When it comes to defining chatbot, I’m here to assist you. 

Me: Hey, May I help you to understand what chatbot is?

You: yes!

Me: A chatbot is a software that conveys an automated response to your queries without the help of human agents. It works like a human but unlike them, it does not take rest, or any other excuse to not communicate with others. 

It is that simple!

You could find your answers at a glance, it was me but didn’t expect that humans operate the chatbot. It has an intelligent interface, unlike humans it gets available 24/7 and works non-stop even on weekends. Along with the maximum functionalities, it can work simultaneously for thousands of people. 

chatbot stats

The power of the chatbots now increases and seems like an unpredictable tool in the coming days. But I just wonder, is that chatbot powerful for long or is it magic? Have a short look at it.

Evolution of chatbots 

The origin of the chatbot is not new, it has been around for decades. The first chatbot was screened in 1966, introduced with the name of “Elizza”. It got immense attention when it first responded to the non-directional psychotherapist in an initial psychiatric interview. And after that series of the chatbot was built and is still known in history.

In 1972, the second chatbot “Parry” came up with minor changes in the competition of Elizza. After the successful experiment, Jabberwacky planned to create the first chatbot to simulate human voice.

In 1995, ALICE was the most famous chatbot of the 20th century that was more efficient and the inspiration for Apple’s personal assistant chatbot “Siri”.

So, we can say that chatbot in business is not the idea of today, but it is the oldest form of bots that are hidden for today’s people. The excessive use of chatbots in businesses makes us realize how important and how impactful it is. 

A big market is working on chatbot development that helps companies to uplift their sales and optimize customer support service. By taking advantage of quick replies, 24/7 availability, and other exceptional functionalities that reduce cost and human workload, business owners should carefully find the platform where they can avail all these perks in one. 

Things to Consider While Selecting Chatbot for Business

This section discloses the top five aspects that business owners need to keep in mind while choosing a chatbot for business. It helps to differentiate chatbot platforms comparison. You can easily compare the chatbot pricing structure from different platforms. Having the right technology at the right from the start will not only provide ease to your customers but will also add long-term loyalty to your company.

things to consider to have chatbot in your business

Define the Nature of the Chatbots

Every business and its goals are different. Identify your customer’s needs, their buyer’s journey, frequent experience with your products or services, and recognize the fathom of their pain points. Knowing your customers’ actual desires in advance would lead your company to success.

This makes your chatbot customer-centric and you can provide a high-value to your customers. Whether you want a chatbot for some specific campaign, lead generation, operational efficiency, process automation, or Q&A, or in all cases, helping you to sort out efficiently. 

Identify the Features of Chatbots

If you are heading toward chatbot for your business, you need to compare what features make your chatbot efficient and intelligent. The chatbot does not just respond to the users but you can also use it for capturing leads, easy payment methods, show your products & recommends the user by identifying the experience, remind your customers that you forget your abundant cart, and all sums up, it increases your sales.

For better understanding, let see few chatbot features that you should look into:

Conversational Forms: chatbot conversational form is used to acquire information from the individual for better lead generation.

Broadcast Messages: once your chatbot is associated with a Facebook messenger, you can broadcast messages to many users.

Media Blocks: various media elements can be done by using media blocks such as product images, videos, sliders, files, etc.

Chatbot Menu: the chatbot user can find the catalog or menu over a single button, without redirection to another window. it is easy to find users in the detailed section of products/services.

Make Sure Your Chatbot Incorporates NLP and Speech Support

With the frequent changes in technology, you can find chatbots in business on a simple or advanced level. You have to provide a human-like touch when anyone interacts with a chatbot. It feels like a natural human language. Make sure you pick that platform where you can replace human agents with bots without any fear.

This is only possible if the chatbot development platform provides Natural Language Processing (NLP) and speech support. These types of chatbots have the ability to deliver a better user experience and understand the emotions that help to respond accordingly. It also helps to understand and maintain user data according to experience and interactions.

Omnichannel Support and Integration 

The presence of marketers on all social channels is the new normal in the marketing of any business. And if you want to get a single chatbot platform from all the channels, choose the one that provides omnichannel features.

Adopt a platform that provides chatbots for all the social channels, ads, websites to provide a unified experience to all the users. Make sure the user interface is versatile enough to deliver top-notch service across all platforms.

This also helps you to grab your customer’s attention all over the channels in terms of conversation with your customers. If you do a chatbot comparison, you may find platforms that offer Facebook Messenger chatbot, website chatbot, WhatsApp chatbot, and SMS chatbot. 

Easy to Handover Bot to Human

No doubt, how much chatbot is advanced, it never eliminates the human agents. But it can reduce at the lowest level at some point. When a chatbot faces complexity, the ability to transfer the conversation to the human must be seamless. 

For example: if someone wants human help, the bot couldn’t understand at all. The bot can enable an agent to start communicating on the same channel, whether it’s the website, Facebook Messenger, SMS, or WhatsApp. A live chat solution at the same platform is needed to complete all spices of the chatbot platform. 

Kind of Chatbot Platforms Available in the Market 

There are a variety of choices in the chatbots that you can use for your marketing channels. Either you want chatbots for Facebook to capture a large audience or you want to entertain your visitors and generate leads on the website.  

Today’s marketing starts with social media channels and ends on the same point. And we know well that marketers have outspread on all the digital platforms to promote their products. On the other hand, the chatbot in business works for all the channels and it is basically the need of all the marketing platforms. Let’s do a chatbot platform comparison and see what they are offering.

Facebook Messenger Chatbot

Many chatbot developers (such as Manychat, Chatfuel, MobileMonkey) offer only Facebook messenger chatbot that helps to optimize Facebook marketing campaigns in terms of conversation with your targeted audience. With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, you can show your presence in the huge market and increase your brand awareness from time to time. 

It is easy to build a messenger chatbot for business rather than a separate mobile application of your brand. Chatbot reduces the barriers between you and your audience and helps to entertain them efficiently. Along with other chatbot functionalities, it also redirects your Facebook ads into the personal inbox of the users and you can try this feature with Manychat, Chatfuel, intercom, etc.  

Website Chatbot Platforms

In this era where eCommerce marketing is rising, the website makes a sleek way for the eCommerce industry. A website is an interface where online marketers create an online shop so that the viewers can see and buy the product. So, another availability of chatbots in business is a must.

Thanks to the chatbot, it acts as a seller on the website and helps the visitors make buying decisions regarding your products. A 24/7 assistant for your website is as essential as a shopkeeper in the mart.  If you can examine chatbot platform comparison, you can have a fully-managed website chatbot feature from the Botsify chatbot platform.

Omnichannel Chatbot platform

The most sought-after chatbot platform where you can find all in one. Various chatbot builders are providing chatbots for multiple channels with unified data analytics. The interface must be flexible for all the channels that are easy to use and better for customer experience. 

Omnichannel chatbot platforms are able to provide you several chatbots for your channels such as Facebook messenger chatbot, WhatsApp chatbot, SMS chatbot, Website chatbot, and live chat solution as well. Like Botsify, Intercom, Landbot, Drift, etc are the platforms where you can find an easy integration process on all the marketing channels. 

Flow-based or Story-based UI Chatbot, Which One Should You Adopt?

Critical attention to the chatbot development process should be considered while opting for a chatbot platform. With the help of chatbot builders, you don’t need to have a programmer because most of the platform offers you to make your chatbot by yourself with no coding skills. 

When you sign up for creating a chatbot for your business, you need to understand the platform attentively and give attention even to the slightest pop-up. An initial step for creating a chatbot is to fill the conversation field as you want. If you find complexity in making a chatbot story, you may need a full guide or a chatbot consultant. So, before sign-up for a chatbot platform, with the help of UI-based chatbot comparison, you need to know which can be easy to understand and build by yourself.

Story-Based UI: It is more convenient to build a chatbot that has a story-based UI, this makes it easy to build a chatbot in a few seconds. However, it sorts out the conversational flow leniently with the help of your prepared script for your chatbot. When you start making a story, you can clearly sense where you should put your answers that the chatbot will be saying after interacting with the user and what your FAQs that you will be going to answer. 

Story-Based UI

Flow-Based UI: It is a drag and drops block situation where you can make a flow by yourself. A flow-based interface gives you a smooth surface where you can add blocks as you need. It’s a little bit confusing and needs concentration when you start to create conversation flow.  It has a complicated option for your response and user queries. Sometimes people feel difficulty using the flow-based chatbot. 

Flow-Based UI chatbot

Chatbot Results or KPIs to Track 

When we talk about Chatbot in business, we think it reduces the gap of communication. But it is more than that. In business, a chatbot is a track that joins many loops of the business. With the help of chatbot automation, you can increase CTR, maintain the records of your data, smooth your sales funnel, enhance the user experience, optimize CMS, generate qualified leads, and other factors that we are going to discuss.

Chatbot Results or KPIs to Track

Just to evaluate the effectiveness of chatbot in business and streamline the activities of marketing, make sure to track your KPIs of the chatbot.

  • Voluntary or Prompted Usage of the Chatbot

When a user comes intentionally to interact with a chatbot, it is called voluntary use of a chatbot. On the other hand, if it is used after having a sign, it is prompted the usage of a chatbot.

Either the user deliberately interacts with the chatbot or after receiving a pop-up message. In both ways, you can compare and measure chatbot activeness. But if there is a high rate of voluntary use, it is a great indicator of your chatbot performance. 

  • Total Outbound Conversation

To determine the KPI of the chatbot in terms of conversation, firstly train it according to the customer-centric approach and then test its performance. If the rate of total outbound conversation is high, it means your chatbot features perform well and predicts the chatbot comparison outstanding to other competitors.

  • The volume of User Session and Bounce Rate 

To monitor your chatbot performance, it is comprehensive to have a data-set on your chosen chatbot platform. Once you start the evaluation, you can see various elements that can help you to recognize where you are lacking. 

How much time a user spends on your platform (that is a session) and how purposefully the chatbot makes them stay there, is such an achievement for your business. If the result does not meet the criteria, it means the bounce rate is high and your chatbot fails in its expertise. This should encourage you to change its content, reconsider its customer service positioning, optimize chatbot features or other factors. It’s a metric that should be carefully monitored.

  • The Stable Retention Rate of Your Chatbot User

The Retention Rate refers to the percentage of users who take help from your chatbot again and again. In your specific line of operation, this metric can be contrasted with the normal frequency of customer communications. It will give a clear indicator of the importance of your chatbot and its presence among your customers’ help.

  • Chatbot Response Time

The old-fashioned customer support takes several hours to solve the basic queries. That’s why chatbot in business creates hype by having this specialty. The maximum time a chatbot can give to the user is 1 second. And if the chatbot fails to do this, it loses the credibility of a chatbot. It helps to increase the response rate and try to sort out the user’s query in a few seconds.

  • Authenticity of Leads 

If your chatbot could capture leads without any hassle, it makes your future customers onboard. Measuring chatbot efficiency by having qualified leads is the sublime way to capture your target audience. Statistically, a chatbot in business can generate 36% qualified leads that can be converted to your potential customers. 

Botsify– Easy to Build And a Fully-Managed Platform

Botsify firstly appeared in the year 2016, a pioneer chatbot platform with zero coding skills where a non-techie person can easily create a chatbot. Botsify aims to provide a fully-managed chatbot that helps companies to optimize customer support, acquire qualified leads, promote products and elevate sales & revenue. 

Botsify makes it possible that humans and chatbots can work in the same place that’s why a live chat solution also witnessed that Botsify is worth trying. With Over five years of services, Botsify is continuously working on the user experience and adding boatload chatbot features in their services to grow their clients’ business. 

It is the fastest and finest chatbot for you, do you want to try and hesitate it is difficult to give it a try as compared to other chatbot platforms. No worries 3 quick steps and you will get your own.

Step 1: Sign-up with your account

Step 2: Create your conversational flow according to your customer needs.

Step 3: Save the story and test your instant and fastest chatbot ever. 

Facebook Launched Chatbots, Botsify Followed!

Botsify, a fully managed chatbot platform where you can have optimum functionalities and integration in just one go. Botsify emerged when the Facebook messenger came into the market (in 2016), and it is labeled as one of the pioneer chatbots in history. The chatbot comparison with Facebook messenger is not confusing, if you want a customized chatbot with multiple features, it’s time to have a platform that is fully managed. 

Botsify offers a no-code platform for the users when it was just a fantasy for others. It has been helping businesses to upgrade their position in the market by having AI chatbots with the advancement of NLP. Till now, the chatbot has served 8000+ leading companies and helped them to increase sales and optimize customer support and this process is still going on.

What Makes Botsify an Omnichannel Platform?

Botsify chatbot platform refers to the omnichannel experience where you can get a maximum number of channels for your marketing activities. It helps enterprises to have a fully managed chatbot for all the channels where you can get a single chatbot for all your marketing platforms for your targeted audience. The top chatbot omnichannel platform for your communication are: 

Facebook Messenger Chatbot

Since Facebook launches Messenger chatbot, Botsify is the one who came after this as compared to other chatbot platforms. Botsify offers a non-coding chatbot for the ease of Facebook marketing. It helps the visitors to respond 24/7 non-stop anytime/anywhere. Botsify also provides chatbot development services with their expert chatbot consultant.

Facebook Messenger Chatbot
Botsify Chatbot

With Botsify, you can access your messenger chatbot with a QR code. It is unique as you may not find it in Chatfuel & itsAlive features. With the optimum functionalities, you can send media elements, files, recordings and make your visitors engaged for a long time. Once the user is done with all the responses, they surely decide on buying your product with a great satisfaction level. 

WhatsApp Chatbot

Botsify makes your business WhatsApp personalized and an instant way of connectivity. While many businesses want to provide a personalized experience to their customers, here is Botsify who helped them to go with their decision. 

WhatsApp Chatbot

You cannot find WhatsApp chatbot features in other Botsify competitors like ManyChat, Chatfuel, FlowXO, Intercom, Drift, itsAlive, etc. It’s only Botsify, where you can find WhatsApp chatbot. By reshaping your WhatsApp account into a chatbot, it enhances the user experience with instant support on it. 

Website Chatbot

Instant support, 24/7 availability, offline working hours, is not just a dream. Botsify makes this dream fulfilled for the organization and helps them to increase their website visitors more frequently. 

Website Chatbot

When visitors need an assistant or they need to make any purchase, they don’t need to go multiple pages or any other application, Botsify chatbot has all in one. Add every element to make your chatbot fascinating and if you find difficulty, don’t forget Botsify provides a fully-managed chatbot development service on the go.

SMS Chatbot

Engage your customer as much as possible channels, so they will not forget you for sure. For sending bulk messages of your promotions and discounts, SMS is still the best option to proceed with this. SMS chatbot is responsible to answer any quick query or you can send them vouchers for having fun and increase your customer engagements.

SMS Chatbot

Live Chat Solution

Livechat added value to the Botsify chatbot platform with their multi-purpose interest. It is easy to take over human agents when a chatbot fails to respond to any complex query. A trouble-free transfer bot to humans, make this platform effervescent. Software World also rated Botsify as a TOP RATED LIVE CHAT  software in their research list of top 10 best live chat software. 

Top rated live chat software

Dynamic Integrations of Botsify Chatbot 

Add any plug-in to your chatbot and make your actions easiest as much as possible. Here are multiple integrations that Botsify allows you to connect with your bot that you may not find in Botsify competitors’ integration list. 

  • Zapier: At any stage in the conversation or on the submission of the conversational forms, Botsify will act as a gateway and process the data to Zapier webhook.
  • JSON API: The main objective is to retrieve the API response. This special JSON API for Botsify integration is just a request method that returns a URL response. You can watch the number of respondents you get from the URL you have attached or linked to Jason by using this tool.
  •  With this integration, you can easily monitor your active users of the chatbot regularly, weekly, or anytime whenever you want. You can fetch data of your visitors and optimize the area where you are lacking.
  • Google sheet integration: Having a feature of conversational form and not having any file to save it, it’s useless. Here at Botsify, you can integrate google sheet to export data of the conversational forms or other basic information of your chatbot user that helps to acquire qualified leads.
  • Stripe: Botsify chatbot makes payment methods convenient and trouble-free. With stripe integration, you can streamline transactions from your clients.
  • Integromat: Botsify helps to connect with integromat and helps you to link with other applications, so it’s quick to access other platforms simultaneously.

Optimum Features of Botsify Platform

If you compare Botsify to other platforms you can see the optimum features lined up for users’ ease. Let’s see the main features of Botsify chatbot that impact your chatbot performance:

Optimum Features of Botsify Platform

  • Conversation Form

You can gather leads from the basic information of the users or you can simply make a customized complex form for any context. Botsify conversational form has various fields of emails, text, and numeric details and an easy way to integrate your conversational form with google sheet to export all data.

  • Media Blocks

Botsify allows you to set up media elements including images, video, sliders, files, and recording in just one tap. Botsify chatbot features can help you to increase customer experience by giving the touch of attraction in your conversation and engagement elements. 

  • Data Storage

Monitor your chatbot usage at your Botsify dashboard without having any complex integration. You can easily access the platform to gather data and evaluate how your chatbot performance is going on.

  • Story Tree

This chatbot feature makes it easier for you to analyze your chat flows so that, where applicable, you can make immediate adjustments. To see the bot vs. user interactions, simply zoom in and out.

  • Multilingual Chatbot

Botsify chatbot has the ability to enhance the user experience by conversing with almost 195+ multiple languages. It is easy to interact with different people and spread your business network throughout the world.

Pricing Structure of Botsify

Till now, we have discussed chatbot features and functionalities of Botsify, is it worth spending on Botsify chatbot in business? I hope you are up for this because the worth of this chatbot is surprisingly reasonable and cost-effective as compared to other Botsify’s chatbot competitors.

Let’s see the starter!

  • 14 Days Free Trial

You can get a 14 days free trial of your very first sign-up to Botsify with full access on the dashboard without any initial payment.

  • Dedicated Account Manager 

Only Botsify can give you a dedicated account manager that helps you to develop a chatbot according to your business needs.

  • Unlimited Chatbot User on Custom and Business Plan

On the custom and business plan, you can have unlimited chatbot users without any terms & conditions. 

  • 24/7 Availability

It is the specialty of a chatbot that it works all round the clock without the need for human help unless a complex query hits on. Botsify chatbot has the ability to secure customer response time even in offline hours.

  • Fully Managed Chatbot

Botsify claims that it has a fully managed chatbot platform that provides chatbot consultants and support whenever you need it. And manages your customized chatbot with a good understanding of your company’s goal.

  • Analytics & Reporting

A weekly reporting of your chatbot usage is sent via email where you can reveal how perfectly Botsify chatbot works and if you think there is an unusual disturbance, the Botsify support team is just one call away.

Have a quick look at the pricing structure:

botsify pricing

10 Things Differentiate Botsify From Its Competitors

Botsify occupies a big place in the chatbot industry and also has a great deal with competitors. It is important to choose carefully the assets for your company as you are planning for the long-term. Botsify comparison helps you to differentiate why you should choose it for your business. Let’s examine platforms in terms of chatbot feature comparison and concentrate on what extra Botsify added value for you.

  • Essence of a Fully Managed Platform

In the industry, there are several chatbot competitors. What Botsify makes difference is they serve their clients in two ways. Firstly, the Botsify chatbot platform is as easy as its customers can easily make a chatbot in 3 steps. They have a story-based UI which helps in making conversation flow methodically. 

Secondly, they offer a chatbot consultant who can coordinate with you and make a customized chatbot as you want. It is not enough for one time, Botsify chatbot development managers are always ready to train your company’s bot whenever you want to add your requirements.

  • Acquire Users From Facebook Comments

With the Facebook messenger chatbot, you cannot just interact with your customers in the inbox but also you can acquire in the comment section from your official pages. Unlike chatfuel, intercom & Drift features, Botsify provides this attention-grabbing attribute for enhancing your Facebook marketing activities.

  • Export User Data

Simple and sleek integration can help you to export data of your chatbot users, how many customer hours saved, How many messages responded by the bot, what average chat time with customer, and how much teammate hours saved. 

  • Multiple Teammates

If you analyze chatbot comparisons, many chatbot builders like ManyChat, intercom, FlowXO, Freshdesk, MobileMonkey, etc couldn’t assign multiple teammates’ features. You can add multiple teammates by giving access to your chatbot. You can assign anyone to train and manage your bot after giving the access. 

  • WhatsApp Integration

In the Botsify competitors’ list, you may find WhatsApp integration, but a fully managed chatbot for WhatsApp is needed for your business account. Get your WhatsApp chatbot to increase personalization and user experience.

  • Bot Synchronization

You can sync your bot in two different ways i.e. Simple synchronization and auto-synchronization. Simple synchronization (also called a clone) refers to making a copy of your bot and allowing you to edit the original one that couldn’t affect the copy bot. In auto-synchronization, bots make changes simultaneously with the all sync chatbot.

  • Help Center

Botsify is always available to help their client whenever they face issues in the Botsify platform. They inform you when the maintenance of your chatbot is scheduled, so you can prepare your human agents to perform their duty.

  • Lead Forms

Botsify provides a seamless experience when it comes to generate leads and gather basic information about your visitors. Also, you can build forms for hiring candidates, admission forms for the education industry, and easy to gather booking details as you need. 

  • Training Webinars

A weekly webinar is held by the end of Botsify that helps you to discuss issues and any difficulties you are facing regarding the platform. Botsify CEO Usama Noman makes sure of their presence every Tuesday of the week and tries to figure out all the issues in this live session.

  • Video Call

With the live chat solution, Botsify also has a video call feature where you can talk with your customers face to face wherever they need human help. You can present a product demo and convince them to buy your product in a one-on-one meeting.

Botsify vs chatfuel comparison

In Botsify vs Chatfuel comparison, examine who wins.

  • Botsify offers QR codes for Facebook messenger while chatfuel doesn’t offer this.
  • Botsify chatbot can acquire prospects from Facebook comments sections.
  • Botsify allows you to export user data while chatfuel doesn’t provide this ease.
  • Chatfuel doesn’t have WhatsApp features while Botsify offers an omnichannel experience with all major platforms including WhatsApp.

Botsify vs ManyChat comparison

  • With Botsify chatbot, you can assign multiple teammates while in ManyChat it doesn’t.
  • Botsify chatbot evaluates conversation rating while ManyChat doesn’t allow it.
  • ManyChat doesn’t have WhatsApp features while Botsify offers an omnichannel experience with all major platforms including WhatsApp.
  • With Botsify, a well-managed chatbot help center, on the other hand, ManyChat couldn’t have it.

Botsify vs FlowXO comparison

  • FlowXO doesn’t have WhatsApp features while Botsify offers an omnichannel experience with all major platforms including WhatsApp.
  • With the Botsify platform, you can block specific URL/IP if you don’t want to show chatbot on it while in FlowXO features, it doesn’t include.
  • Easy to sync your chatbot with Botsify features as compared to FlowXO, it doesn’t include.
  • Botsify organizes weekly webinars for assisting customers regarding any chatbot development but FlowXO doesn’t.

Botsify vs Intercom comparison

  • With Botsify chatbot, you can assign multiple teammates while in Intercom it doesn’t.
  • Botsify chatbot can acquire prospects from Facebook comments sections but Intercom doesn’t have this feature.
  • Intercom doesn’t have WhatsApp features while Botsify offers an omnichannel experience with all major platforms including WhatsApp.
  • Easy to sync your chatbot with Botsify features as compared to Intercom, it doesn’t include.

Botsify vs Drift comparison

  • Botsify chatbot can acquire prospects from Facebook comments sections but Drift doesn’t have this feature.
  • Intercom doesn’t have Drift features while Botsify offers an omnichannel experience with all major platforms including WhatsApp.
  • Easy to sync your chatbot with Botsify features as compared to Drift, it doesn’t include.
  • Botsify has a lead form to capture authentic leads while Drift has no lead generation form feature.

Botsify vs Freshdesk comparison

  • With Botsify chatbot, you can assign multiple teammates while in ManyChat it doesn’t.
  • You can export conversational history with Botsify but with Freshdesk, you can’t.
  • You may not find a multilingual chatbot in Freshdesk features but Botsify provides it with almost 195+ languages.
  • Easy to sync your chatbot with Botsify features as compared to Drift, it doesn’t include.

Botsify vs MobileMonkey comparison

  • With Botsify chatbot, you can assign multiple teammates while in ManyChat it doesn’t.

Botsify vs ItsAlive comparison

  • With Botsify chatbot, you can assign multiple teammates while in ManyChat it doesn’t.
  • ItsAlive doesn’t have a customer branding chatbot while Botsify provides you a customized chatbot and white label service as well.
  • Botsify chatbot can acquire prospects from Facebook comments sections but Drift doesn’t have this feature.
  • Easy to sync your chatbot with Botsify features as compared to Drift, it doesn’t include
  • ItsAlive has limited integrations, Block IP/URL feature on the other hand Bostify has all in one.

See more Botsify chatbot comparison here: 

Botsify vs HubSpot comparison

Botsify vs Odus comparison

Botsify vs ActiveChat comparison

Infographic View of Botsify vs Other Chatbot Competitors 

A comparison of Botsify and its competitors gives a huge competition in the chatbot industry and guess what Botsify is soon winning this race. You can see the below infographic that shows how Botsify competes in the market in terms of pricing features and functionalities. 

Infographic View of Botsify vs Other Chatbot Competitors

Decide Whether You Just Want a Chatbot Platform or a Chatbot Expert Too!

The need for a chatbot is no longer hidden for the organization. Either you want to improve customer experience on your website, or elevate your sales by keeping your presence on the Facebook market.

The chatbot takes good care of your customers and helps you to get potential customers. The mobility of chatbot API is easily used for mobile and desktop interfaces that provide a streamlined experience on all the mediums.

Botsify helps you to compete in this race by providing a unified and fully managed chatbot. Also, you can engage a Botsify chatbot development team member, to organize and train your bots. 


The post Botsify Vs Other Chatbot Competitors: A Detailed Comparison appeared first on Botsify.

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An Interview with CTO of Glory Think Group, Ramy AlDamati Mon, 28 Sep 2020 11:31:04 +0000 Ramy AlDamati – CTO at Glory Think Group, is one of the most articulate and insightful people in the tech industry. More than 19 years, …

An Interview with CTO of Glory Think Group, Ramy AlDamati Read More »

The post An Interview with CTO of Glory Think Group, Ramy AlDamati appeared first on Botsify.

Ramy AlDamati – CTO at Glory Think Group, is one of the most articulate and insightful people in the tech industry. More than 19 years, with his extensive experience and expertise as an Information Security Professional with strong experience in IT & IS Management, & Security Enterprise architecture.

He is honored to be among such amazing people in EdTech Education advancement worldwide & to achieve 2nd position in Thinkers360 in the Top 50 Global Opinion Leaders and Influencers on EdTech.  

A highly trained, committed and enthusiastic team player with exceptional talents in leadership and communication. He is a highly motivated individual with the ability to adapt to changing situations seamlessly. He is a keynote speaker and trainer and delivered multiple Training (in EN & AR ) in AI, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, DLTs, FinTech, Blockchain Cybersecurity, and more.

Let’s talk with him!

Botsify: First of all, thank you for giving us your precious time. Let’s start with your career, how it started and what is the biggest achievement in your career till now?

Ramy: Thanks to having me and this great opportunity.

I Started my career in the computer domain before graduating from university, I was always aspiring to explore the newest forms of Technologies, and to make the best of the existing ones. Helping senior students in their graduation projects, Teaching in multiple training centers advance courses that I studied by myself during my free time.

Early 2000 I predicted that such evolution in the internet will definitely need more focus in Cybersecurity, which made me transform my career from Development & Programming to Network & Cybersecurity. And got my master’s degree in 2005.

This step made me a step ahead with the new trends of cyberwars and threats, and joined leader Cybersecurity companies (like its2, FireEye, Kaspersky ) to start my battle against these threats, and help raise awareness in this domain.

Mid 2015, I recognized that new trends are coming to the Technology Space, like Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, AI and Other Emerging Technologies. And with each new trend there will be new Threats for sure. Then I decided to merge my knowledge in Cybersecurity with these technologies, and try to build the best model of engagement or adaptations of these technologies in a safer way, by learning the core architecture of each technology, and build the knowledge base around how to secure them. This help me to participate in many organizations, institutes, research center across the globe to add my insights and tech the technologies in multiple levels. And with the time I was requested to participate in many Conferences, TV Interviews, Consulting Projects, and leading projects that will help doing great changes in our life.

Botsify: Congratulations Ramy, we are glad to see you in the top 50 global thoughts leader and influencer  EdTech list and we got the opportunity to talk with you about this.. How do you feel about this honor? Are these types of achievements the actual destination for which you are struggling in your life?

Ramy: Training, Awareness & building contents is something I was doing for more than 18 years, and even during my university study, It is a habit and passion. And I am trying these days to finalize a unique Platform built on a concept of doing game-changing ways for online training by merging multiple EdTech methodologies which will help people in the Online training business and make it smooth and valuable for all parties.

I was really happy & proud for such achievement by getting the 2nd place in top 50 global thoughts leader and influencer, which motivates me more in doing more contributions in this domain.

Botsify: Everyone is unique and different. What makes you different from others?

Ramy: I really enjoy learning new things, Technologies and merge my experience in all what I am learning to build unique and different approach in everything, 

Having my own startup gave me an opportunity to understand the ins-and-outs of the industry, and to take on tasks I might not have at a larger company. I think this experience gives me self confidence & not afraid of failure.

Botsify: As we have gone through your profile you belong to a perfect technical background so can you please share a little bit of knowledge with us regarding artificial intelligence? How important is artificial intelligence in today’s world?

Ramy: The world is fast evolving, with Artificial intelligence (AI) at the forefront in changing the world and the way we live. This means that with AI, many of our everyday activities can now be carried out effectively by programmed machine technology.

Artificial intelligence is impacting the future of virtually every industry and every human being. Artificial intelligence has acted as the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics and IoT, and it will continue to act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future.

AI technology is important because it enables human capabilities – understanding, reasoning, planning, communication and perception.

Botsify:  A study by Smart Insights shows that out of 100 leading marketers from different industries, 55% of companies are implementing or already considering using AI in their marketing practices. What do you think which AI tool is best or making ways easy to approach the customers? 

Ramy: AI is beginning to embed itself into all aspects of our lives. From the growing number of self-checkout cash registers to advanced security checks at the airport; artificial intelligence is just about everywhere.

Major tech firms such as Facebook, IBM and Yahoo have already publicly expressed their focus on developing artificial intelligence as a new source of business.

Many eCommerce businesses are already using forms of AI to better understand their customers, generate new leads and provide an enhanced customer experience.

The main Tools that must be needed in every ecommerce business today is the Bot Technology, because it will help in many customer experiences like Customer service, Sales bots, Bill payment bots, Voice bots for telephone, customer service, Live chat Helpdesk.

Botsify: If it comes to discussing artificial intelligence, chatbot is the first AI tool popup in my mind, What are your thoughts about this AI tool? 

Ramy: AI-powered Natural Language Processing, or NLP, enables chatbots to mimic human conversation. They can identify the underlying intent behind the text a real person types, then deliver a response that matches that intent.

Plus, chatbots with NLP can now “learn” from past conversations and improve their ability to provide appropriate responses and solutions. And with this advanced level of processing, they’re becoming extremely helpful in customer service situations.

Botsify: Right now, you are the founder of TrustyCrypto and I think this is the new project that is coming soon. So, what comes to you to initiate this project? Tell me about your expected goal behind this.

Ramy: When I joined the Emerging Technology Domain back in 2015, and got engaged with a lot of projects or consulting services, specially in Cryptocurrency, I found this domain need a lot of attentions specially for the people are have no knowledge in it, and like to invest or be part of this era hype. This Domain is full of Scams, fake projects, hackers after your cryptocurrency money. 

Then my Idea of this Startup came up to introduce a multi-tier trusty ecosystems to address unsolved questions of threats and scams by having a clear directions and guidance to people in the domain throw ( Knowledge, Training, Awareness, Process, Service, & Investigation Tools ) that can be used throw flexible subscription model.

Currently we are working with many Regulators, International Investigation companies, Industry experts and many other parties to build such an ecosystem.

Botsify: Cyber systems are complex adaptive systems that we have tried to understand and tackle using more traditional theories. But now, AI around us, so which type of AI applications are being used in cyber security solutions?

Ramy: Cyber security companies are teaching AI systems to detect viruses and malware by using complex algorithms so AI can then run pattern recognition in software. This allows cyber security firms to stay updated on the latest risks and time frames and build responsive strategies to keep organizations protected.

The role of machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity is growing and has now become more proactive. With ML, cybersecurity becomes simpler, more effective, and, at the same time, less expensive. From a rich dataset, ML develops patterns and manipulates them with algorithms. This way, it can anticipate and respond to active attacks in real-time.

AI/ML enables instantaneous automation, completing tasks that would typically take days for humans, in a matter of seconds. The magnitude of ‘cybersecurity’ makes it infeasible for professionals to rigorously manage all aspects of it, particularly when massive amounts of data are involved. By incorporating automation, professionals can focus on anomalies and large-scale threats whilst AI focuses on the data heavy or repetitive tasks.

Botsify: According to your experience, is it possible to detect cyber attacks before they happen?

Ramy: Current prediction tools are limited

Various methods for the prediction of cyber attacks have been designed in the past, but with limited success. Prediction based on network vulnerabilities can be effective but requires up-to-date knowledge of the network, which is challenging.

Predictive analytics is the science that is gaining momentum in helping to determine the probability of attacks against organizations and agencies and set up defenses before cybercriminals reach their perimeters. Already, several cybersecurity vendors are embracing this technology as the core of their security offering.

Botsify: What should be the upcoming AI tool that will give a boost in this technical era? 

Ramy: Emotion recognition and computer vision will scale and AI can help future servicing interactions with emotion detection and emergent responses to the mood of the customer (damage control in some situations, upsell in other cases). 

Botsify: Quote your words that motivates our reader. And if you feel comfortable, share your images at your workplace or any of your favorite places.


“Try Not to Become a Man of Success Only, Rather Become a Man of Value.”

Many thanks for giving us your precious time. You even inspired our readers with your informative words and your experience. 

The post An Interview with CTO of Glory Think Group, Ramy AlDamati appeared first on Botsify.

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7 Ways to Increase Conversion rate with Facebook Messenger Bots Thu, 24 Sep 2020 10:34:26 +0000 Adding spice in your Facebook marketing makes it more fruitful for your business, so let me introduce one of the greatest using tools “Facebook Messenger …

7 Ways to Increase Conversion rate with Facebook Messenger Bots Read More »

The post 7 Ways to Increase Conversion rate with Facebook Messenger Bots appeared first on Botsify.

Adding spice in your Facebook marketing makes it more fruitful for your business, so let me introduce one of the greatest using tools “Facebook Messenger bots” in the town. Initially, people thought Facebook is the place of entertainment and all the social media platforms are just for having fun-loving content, but the marketer makes it a better place for them.

It is a big opportunity to display your brand on the screen, not just display but generating sales. Messenger users represent a large portion of the customer market in eCommerce — and linking to your Facebook community with a Messenger bot is an absolute win.

Facebook is one of the most influencing applications and you can find millions of people throughout the world over there. Do you know how Facebook messenger bots virtually revolutionize business? If not, then after reading this post, you’ll be knowing it from today.

Do you know?

There are over 300,000 Facebook Messenger Chatbots active in the market today. 

On a messaging platform with more than2.32 billion monthly active users worldwide. You have almost done it.

If you want to set your target audience and you find them in one place, it will be easy to target them. The above stats show how frequently people use Facebook and you can imagine what messenger can do for you and your business. 

Ways To Increase Conversion Through Facebook Messenger Bots

More than 20 billion messages are exchanged between business and users monthly on Facebook Messenger. Through answering questions and performing most of the preliminary work usually performed through customer service staff, now chatbots can help to ease the buying process and increase conversation that will be beneficial for your company.

Messenger bots

Source: Medium

 If you do Facebook marketing for increasing your conversion rate, then chatbot is the must-have tool for you. Let’s see how chatbot serves your business at its best.

Providing Instant Customer Service for Your Facebook Audience

It is the most difficult task to satisfy your customers and their needs. Once you have done it, you win the game. Many AI tools here to increase conversions but on Facebook were 1.3 billion Messenger users globally, which provide marketers a big platform to cater to the audience. For this, chatbots work tremendously for marketers. 

Facebook shows your products and instant messenger bots give support to your customers. Mind it, when you build the chatbot, keep the FAQs related to your product in your mind. It is important to have exceptional consumer care to lift the retention rates and set you apart from the competition. 

High-quality content and to the point answer ensures your customer that you provide maximum help in making decisions whether they should buy or not.

Pro tip: make your bot concise and one-click options like multiple choice, it can enhance the customer interest by just clicking the options.

Messenger Bots Helps to Generate Sales-Driven Results 

After having a conversation with a messenger, it’s time to uplift your sales. When people experience good customer care, they ultimately jump to buying your product or services.

Let’s not make a disturbance in between. If you embed chatbots on Facebook messenger you can directly connect with your website too. The traffic can increase your conversion rate with your Facebook marketing and website marketing as well. 

There are many leading brands that use Facebook messenger marketing and provide instant help with chatbots that make your customer convinced about your products. Facebook Messenger bots have good open rates ranging from 70% to 90% which is 2 to 4x better than email.

Build Brand Awareness That Makes People Visit Your Product

Just looking at your Facebook page in the suggestion and making a perception about your brand is not enough. You need to optimize your brand to be aware of your visitors. Making a beautiful Facebook page with a number of product images is good for you.

But do you think when your customer just clicks the “send message” button, what he expects from you? The fully detailed view of your service. So, no need to waste your customer time, as soon as they click the button they know about you by seeing your description. And not only this, but you can also set the icon of your logo just to memorize your brand at first sight. 

You can also embed some quick FAQs about your company if you want to increase brand awareness, but a Lil bit short and concise. 

The Journey Of The Comment Section To Facebook Messenger Bot

When it comes to increasing your conversion rate, first of all, you need to capture the audience. By putting eye-catching products with some appealing content that makes people interested. 

So, Facebook makes a room for you and you can simplify your activities on your page. By making ads you can easily approach your audience as well. When people see ads, or if they want your product they will certainly visit your page, do comments. 

When they comment on your page, you can easily drag them into their room via messenger chatbot. Chatbot directly replies to their messenger, and users can talk and get information about your product comfortably and make your conversion rate high.

Send Product Videos To Maximize The Worth Of Your Customer’s Lifetime

Video marketing is another way to engage your customers without making them bored. Yes, you heard me right, if your site, Facebook page, or other channel have video content, your audience will surely give it at least a minute. So why not in messenger bot? 

As soon as your customer interacts with the messenger bot, and wants a quick look at your product, you can send them related videos. They don’t need to wander different channels, product demos are just a click away. 

It says good click-through rates are between 28% to 48% which is miles ahead of the single-digit click through rates on email. You can also send them new broadcasts but mind it, not frequently just once a week.

Messenger Bots Allow To Include Augmented Reality

It is a high time to compete in this digital era. As many leading brands using Augmented reality in their Facebook messenger bots. So, customers can try a quick look in the chatbots and also increase your ROI and conversion rate at its high. 

Victoria Beckham is one of the first people in her chatbot to accept Virtual Reality, and the effects are truly amazing. It makes shopping easy for all the people who have not trusted in online shopping. 

Facebook Messenger bots

Source: chat marketing

Many people are still not happy with online shopping because they have had some bad experiences with online shoppers. It may be from customer support or your product quality. Make sure, both should be fixed after reading this piece.

Immediate Feedback via Messenger Bots With Customers

To increase the conversion rate, you need to optimize your service frequently. You have to know your audience’s needs and how much they are satisfied with your products and what they want more in it. 

It’ll surely help to research your business product by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes. But again, don’t bother your customers, try to offer giveaways in the return of their time. 

Additionally, Chatbot also sends giveaways to your customers whenever you want. Many seasonal sales or new arrivals, any discount offer is made, Facebook messenger bots up to send exciting news to your customers. 

Also, you can create Facebook contests through messenger chatbot. Through this, you may engage your customer in fun-loving activities to make them remember and for spreading the words in the community.

Feedback chatbot

Why Should You Use Facebook Messenger Bots?

On a serious note, the Facebook messenger chatbot is flawless for Ecommerce marketing. No doubt, a large number of people are using social platforms for shopping. That’s why online marketing is getting wider. 

Messenger marketing

Source: TechCrunch

For some people, it saves time, managing other work rather than wandering in malls or some time users trust them and fearlessly shop while sitting at home. So, first, you have to build trust in them to go further with your product or services.

Here comes chatbot, it is computer software, able to communicate like a human but unlike humans, chatbots do not need rest, break, and not being late. It works like a mimic boy who helps customers by giving responses exactly like you teach them. 

Eventually, It gives assistants to make good decisions for completing the buyer’s journey. When spoken to, the bot will automatically respond, gather data, and give users the necessary messages based on the actions of the user. Can’t do this by support agents or only emails.

Readout: Messenger Follow up is better than Email Follow up

Let’s have a detailed look at why you should use Facebook messenger bots?

1. Ready To Go Replies

If you want to acquire customers then make sure you don’t let them wait a minimum of 2 seconds. Your customers expect that you are here to give information all the time. That’s why your customers can come at midnight or early morning or whatever the time they get free. 

When they are scrolling on Facebook and suddenly they see the desired products or services, they jump on the messenger to chat with you and get information. But you cannot sit and wait for anyone’s query all day long, in this way you can lose those prospects.  

So, the solution is Facebook chatbots, that instantly take the customers as soon as they click on the “send message” button. And give authentic replies in seconds. Facebook Messenger bots work for responding to any query, booking information, and any assistant instantly.

2. Reach Your Audience Faster

It is found that the open rate of messengers who use Facebook more frequently than emails. As soon as the user comes to your page through any referral link or ad, the messenger bots open to help the visitors.

In addition, Facebook Messenger has paid advertisements that can be submitted to someone who has been recently in contact with your Profile. Right, that means you have a user list already. To attract high-intent clients, you can use these ads in parallel with your chatbot.

3. Save Time And Money Of Customer Agents

Every day you have to tackle the same queries and the same issues like tracking the product, cancel the booking, refund procedure, and all. And no offense, it takes time and if you have not many agents to solve your customer issues, then your customer can have a bad experience.

When you hire customer support agents, you have to pay them individually or sometimes you have to hire for night shifts to assist your customers 24/7. So what comes next to make you timeless and reduce your cost? 

It is a messenger bots that works 24/7 efficiently without skipping one at a time. It responds in less time and reduces customer support agents to maximize your sales. Let’s free up yourself and your employees for those tasks that a messenger can not do. 

4. Messenger Bot Like A Lead Finder

When trying to help out customers and prospects, Facebook messenger bots can acquire leads without making them frustrated. The chatbot gives a personalized touch to your customers and tries to build loyalty, they fetch the basic information from your targeted customers so you can easily find a way of reaching out in the future.

You can also make a user-friendly lead generation chatbot to get the information easily without bothering the customers. You can design your Facebook messenger bot as your needs like name, email, phone number, etc. 

5. A Reasonable Suggestion With Bots

You’ll get amazed when your user gets a suggestion with bots. It works like, which flavor you need”? Or Have some fries with that? Or Would you like to taste our new flavor?

These look super cool and a worthwhile suggestion for your foodies customers. Not only foodies customers, If you have a clothing business, transportation business, or any other, but you can also make your suggested in-line products that you have.  

Let’s have a look at how messenger chatbot suggests your products or services that make your customers eager to shop. You can see the bot over there.

6. Engage And Re-engage Your Customers

You surely listen to the process of the sales funnel. How efficiently you use your funnels to track your customers buying journey. If they are stuck on any of the funnel processes, your automation tool reminds your customers that he/she didn’t complete their purchases (or maybe you can remind them with some discount that you did not offer them before).

Chatbot also works the same to re-engage your customers to let them complete their buyer’s journey. With their content and whenever a new arrival comes, they remind them to buy your new products. Engage them with some personalized offers in different events, so they can enjoy buying with you. 

7. The Bot Can Be Where The Customers Are

You are running your business in the US and a customer wants to buy your product in Germany? No need to worry about communication, your bot assists them efficiently. Meanwhile, if it needs any human assistant, your chatbot sends you a notification and you can easily continue with them. 

Even if your customers want to book your service or buy your product, they can do it instantly by staying on the Facebook page with the help of  Facebook messenger bots.

8. You Can Trace The Bot

While using a chatbot as a user may be difficult to have data but as a chatbot owner, you can get all the data of your customers. Not only this, but you can also even trace your chatbot as it works according to your training, or maybe any disturbance occurs.

Further, you can take a look every day or in a week as you want on your bot. And find out how many people use the bot and what chatbot responded to them back. All the analytics is on your fingertips.

So, I hope you got the idea about WHY you should use bots rather than having long calls and waste your day with repetitive queries. 

Tips To design Facebook Messenger Chatbot

  • Make your bot simple, don’t overdo the text. Try to make simple and common words that can be understandable to others.
  • Use related emojis and GIFs to make your content joyful and attracted to the user
  • Try to make your chatbot close-ended, so your bot doesn’t get a complex situation.
  • Create a bot with maximum functionality and avoid useless images or options.
  • When you design a bot systematically, close-ended questions make your user easiness, to just tap the option, and it is considered more helpful for your customers.
  • Add images to display your product images and videos as well if needed. 
  • You can also add your logo in the chatbot, so it looks more personalized and enhances your brand awareness.
  • If you go for open-ended questions and answers, your bot must convey a message in an informative and concise way.
  • Your bot must be trained and provide human-like touch in its conversation. 
  • Take a break between message sending response, not overflow your bot, it seems like a normal conversation.

Create your Facebook Messenger chatbot to elevate your conversions

Sync your Facebook page with messenger bot and increase CX by 85%

Wrapping up

After having a long read, I’m sure you are willing to build Facebook messenger bots for increasing your conversion rate as soon as possible. There are more things you can experience after getting a chatbot.

It is important to find out the best platform that gives you many resources to make a super-duper messenger bot. There is no chance to make a single mistake. So let’s have a Botsify!

The process of building a chatbot seems difficult but it is the easiest way to do once you are used to it. You will explore many other resources like plug-ins, conversational forms, analytics, live chat, and much more that Botsify offers and I couldn’t describe here. 

Maybe I missed something that could help increase your conversions, so log-in to a Botsify account and explore by yourself and let me know what I missed. 

The post 7 Ways to Increase Conversion rate with Facebook Messenger Bots appeared first on Botsify.

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An Interview With The CTO Hardware Sales, Thomas Harrer Wed, 23 Sep 2020 11:57:35 +0000 Thomas Harrer-Chief Technology Officer for IBM Systems Hardware Sales Europe is the well-known  professional, a visionary and a renowned leader in the techie world. With …

An Interview With The CTO Hardware Sales, Thomas Harrer Read More »

The post An Interview With The CTO Hardware Sales, Thomas Harrer appeared first on Botsify.

Thomas Harrer-Chief Technology Officer for IBM Systems Hardware Sales Europe is the well-known  professional, a visionary and a renowned leader in the techie world. With his vast experience in a well-known organization IBM, his understanding of digital transformation and emerging technologies is incredibly advanced.

He indulges in technology and digital business ideas that leverage their customers. He is a well-known spokesperson for his visionary thought and leadership in Artificial Intelligence, Data, Blockchain, Core Frameworks, and hybrid cloud solutions.

I can’t resist myself to share more about him as he is also a community leader, a speaker, an influencer, an author, a mentor, a social media evangelist. He works to encourage networking and opportunities for technological leaders and new talents to develop.

Botsify: Hi Thomas, It is an honor for me to have discussion with you, thank you for giving us your precious time. Let’s start with your career. Tell us about your success journey at the prior stage and the major responsibilities about your current designation. 

Thomas: Thank you for having me. I studied computer science with a focus on mathematics – very technical indeed, but I also spent some time on language, literature and philosophy. At the end of my study, I had the opportunity to apply IT technology for biology and life science. This broad background enabled me to start my career as a technical expert in IBM 25 years ago and also enabled me to grow that career to become a community leader, a speaker, an influencer, an author, a mentor, a social media enthusiast. It is all about inspiring people about digital innovation and how applied technology and architecture fuels that. All together enabled me to become an IBM Distinguished Engineer and brought me to my current CTO Hardware Sales EMEA role, which covers many clients in Europe, Middle East and Africa.


Botsify: You have been working at IBM for 25 years. It is amazing to have such experience at one place. How much have you grown professionally and what exposure have you got under the roof of IBM? 

 Thomas: As a curious person and as a person who stretches the comfort zone, I was lucky to have steady growth on a personal and on a professional side. You need exposures and you need to go to your limits in order to grow. I jumped into several cold waters, just starting in the first month at IBM when our sales team for a large client struggled to establish a modem connection within that client. These situations continued over the years with new challenges and unforeseen issues that needed creative solutions. The work at IBM continued to stay interesting, rich and inspiring, and the best is yet to come.  

Thomas Harrer interview

Botsify: IBM has a vast line of products including cloud and AI. IBM Watson is also famous from the start. Would you like to share IBM upcoming products for AI? 

Thomas: IBM is a strong promoter of AI from Research, Development to implementation of AI at scale. IBM is integrating AI everywhere, in the cloud and at the edge, as a service or as a software delivery, within the IBM technology and hardware platforms which all together enables broad innovation based on all kinds of data. IBM is steadily innovating the technology base and the product and services portfolio using Hybrid Cloud and AI as strategic fields. One specific area of the future of computing are the neurons (besides bits and qubits), which will contribute to exponential growth of AI abilities in the next decade. 

Botsify: How will you describe the passionate work for a top cloud company as you spent almost 25 years. What advice you will give to budding technical people.

 Thomas: Be open, be a learner, be positive, never give up, ask for mentoring and become a mentor for others, grow your professional network and aim for sustainability in all your activities, including your mental health

Botsify: Let’s talk about AI chatbots, research says, “In this way, by 2020, 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without a human agent, helping businesses to cut costs by $8 billion”. What are your thoughts about this research? 

Thomas: There is clearly a huge potential to improve the customer experience and add value for many business situations. I do not see that cost cutting should be the only target. It is part of a balanced effort to improve the quality of the interaction while also improving the efficiency. The best results come from smart intelligent interactions assisted by AI bots well integrated with some human interactions, who also have the best information on the customer situation based on AI and data.

Botsify: In January 2018, IBM introduced the world’s smallest computer. Tell me about that invention, what is the core concept behind it and how people get benefited with that smallest computer up till now?

Thomas: This smallest computer has been described in the context of crypto anchors, “IBM researchers are developing crypto-anchors, tamper-proof digital fingerprints, to be embedded into products, or parts of products, and linked to the blockchain. These fingerprints can take many forms such as tiny computers or optical codes, but when they are tied to a blockchain, they represent a powerful means of proving a product’s authenticity.” In that context, these computers are smaller than a grain of salt and with the cost of a few cents are helping authenticity of products and could reduce product fraud or enhance trust for many aspects of life.   

Botsify: Decision making is a risky task as anyone knows about it. As a CTO, what about your decision making style when you are taking steps over new initiatives.

Thomas: Information is key for good decisions. As humans, we have our reasoning and our intuition. The reasoning side of decisions, the facts, are necessary for understanding the options and to explain decisions afterwards, but your brain knows more than just the facts and you can rely on the balance between reasoning and intuition. Some decisions need some time, for those I need to sleep one night in order to let the intuition figure out what is right or wrong. But intuition can also be very quick, enabling you to take (smaller) decisions in a few seconds, based on data that your brain has already collected without reasoning.

Botsify: Tell us about your last memorable book and favorite place to escape and refuel?

Thomas: I really love the books of Yuval Noah Harari like Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. Yuval Harari explains the history of humans, what makes us so special as a species and describes our future as humans. He describes AI and biotechnology as strong factors for the future with all the consequences that that has.

Botsify: Before AI, many companies didn’t focus on Data storage approach. AI is helping companies with data analytics and helping in making decisions. Do you think every company should adopt this approach?

Thomas: I had many opportunities to work with organizations who saw the role and value of data decades ago and continued to enhance the data storage strategy over time. Coming from the core business data like customers, contracts, products, suppliers etc. – they extend the data strategy by leveraging analytics and AI on more and more data for the whole organization, from research and development to sales and marketing to customer support. AI especially opened the use of non-structured data like language, images and videos. And yes, nearly every company should establish and evolve a data and AI approach, to gain competitive advantage in a quickly changing market environment. This approach needs to include good data protection, as data becomes more critical and valuable and cyber threats are increasing.

 Botsify: As people trying to maximize usage of AI technology, what do you think about the upcoming grand innovation would be?

 Thomas: AI as a key part of data science will contribute to more knowledge out of data and to more intelligence in processes. In the last years, the automotive industry pushed the boundaries with the development of autonomous vehicles. In many industries, trained AI models will be deployed massively into all kinds of environments. There is a prediction that in the next five years, 80% of the AI computation will be performed at the edge, which means close to the location where things happen and where data is generated. I personally see significant grand innovations in medicine and life sciences because there is so much more data including genomic data, that we will see a big shift towards precision medicine based on AI and data.

 Botsify: Companies are adopting AI methods but still there’s a huge gap in AI adoption. What are the roadblock companies are facing to implement AI? How IBM is helping companies to adopt this approach?

 Thomas: The “cognitive enterprise” has a huge potential and adoption is done step by step. The ingredients are theoretically available – hybrid cloud platforms, next generation applications, the data and the exponential technologies have evolved over the last years and are still improving. A specific roadblock is the lack of skills and experts to implement all valuable steps towards the digital future. IBM is helping companies with technology, expertise and services to help with the implementation steps.

 Botsify: What would you like to do beside your work that please you the most? 

Thomas: Besides my family, my aspiration to include sport and movement into my life, and my strong interest in food, I’m excited about music. I really enjoy playing guitar and bass and I’m eager to learn more about melody and harmony and rhythm and improve my skills as a musician.

Botsify: Multiple chatbot platforms like Botsify and Watson assistant work to optimize communication between customers. What more exciting features can be added in chatbots to optimize chat automation experiences. We would love to add your feature ideas in Botsify.

 Thomas: Chatbots may adapt individually to the personality of the person it interacts with. And chatbots may also use good humor in the interactions.

Botsify: If you feel comfortable, share your images or videos at your workplace. We are super excited to do a quick tour of IBM. 

 Thomas: We created a video about German Graduates, most parts taken in the IBM Ehningen Office, where I have my shared office space. The videos were taken at our Spectrum Scale Strategy Days in February 2020, just before the COVID-19 lockdown in Germany. We all hope that we can get back normal at some time in the future.

More impressions are here:

Many thanks for giving us your precious time, Thomas!

You motivated our readers, with your insightful words and with your knowledge.

The post An Interview With The CTO Hardware Sales, Thomas Harrer appeared first on Botsify.

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Digital Marketing Trends & Innovation To Pay Attention In 2020 Thu, 10 Sep 2020 06:29:35 +0000 The digital marketing landscape is rapidly changing. It doesn’t matter which industry you belong to, or even what products and services you sell-you can’t simply …

Digital Marketing Trends & Innovation To Pay Attention In 2020 Read More »

The post Digital Marketing Trends & Innovation To Pay Attention In 2020 appeared first on Botsify.

The digital marketing landscape is rapidly changing. It doesn’t matter which industry you belong to, or even what products and services you sell-you can’t simply ignore digital marketing trends. 

As far as technology is concerned, you can say it is the reason that digital marketing trend is here. The digital marketing trends are evolving like a boom in the business perspective. If I say, I am ruling my business, I must have vivid strategies to follow.

Businesses felt that change in many areas of their business function after deploying automation. But the vast area where automation works is digital marketing, even if you want to talk with your customers in a bulk or even want to analyze their lifestyle, you can judge by powerful AI tools.

There are many wheels in digital marketing. A big turn we can see every next day is digital marketing trends and innovation never stops you from spreading your network. Whether you are operating your business in the USA and want to capture your audience with other various countries, it is not a big deal at this digitized time. 

But how does it all start? Is it a magic key that business insiders keep in their pocket or something else? Let’s go back in time so I can clear your image by all means!

Evolution & Innovation in Digital Marketing Trends

In the year 1990, the word Digital Marketing was first coined and used. Web 1.0 technology was built at that time and allowed users to find out what they wanted to. Still, they weren’t allowed to exchange this information over the internet. The advertisers and analysts this time remain unaware of this newly invented terminology.

How It All Started!

In 1993, the first clickable web-ad banner then went online. HotWired then bought a pair of banner advertisements for their marketing and campaign. That marked the start of the age of digital marketing.

In 1994, several innovations were developed and hit the industry with a new goal (The first e-commerce purchase was made over the internet). This year, Yahoo was introduced, too. It’s received 1 million views within one year of its launch. Yahoo’s concept of digital marketing has changed, and the companies have sought to improve their websites so they can get a higher rating.

In 1996 a few more search engines and tools were launched, such as HotBot, LookSmart, and Alexa. The first Social Media site was launched in 1997.

1998 was the golden year for digital marketing with the launch of Google this year. Besides, Microsoft launched MSN this year too, and Yahoo launched web searching for Yahoo.

Two years later (in 2000), the internet bubble burst, scrubbing out all the smaller search engines. That creates more space and business opportunities for the giants.

And soon after professional and social channels came to life year to year. And interestingly it is still going on and adding more opportunities for us. LinkedIn, Google apps, YouTube, WhatsApp,tumbler, and the list is infinite to read.

This is how evolution and innovation appeared in this century. Moreover, It can also be inferred that no magic key is there but digital marketing is rising exponentially and offers a lot of benefits to both users and business owners every day.

If you want to truly establish your position in this digitized period, then you need to make careful use of all these resources. 

Digital Marketing Trends That You Should Follow

Somehow, in 2020 when the world faces a disastrous period in health and business, digital marketing is trying to set up trends to make sure your ways toward success are more streamline. And you should be aware of these trends that make your journey easier in 2020.

Before moving forward on trends, Let me explain what digital marketing is… 

Digital Marketing

Source: PNG item

Digital marketing is the phenomenon of marketing that promotes your products and services via online channels so that businesses can improve their reach toward customers more promptly.

It can be enhanced by sync with different automation tools that create a specialized and personalized experience for their targeted prospects. This concept has become a trend in digital marketing that evaluates the overall online marketing phenomenon. 

Let’s be clear, we live in an era where marketing technology empowers your businesses alongside some traditional style. So, get some fresh knowledge about new trends in digital marketing and try to figure out what fits you in your firm to not only survive but thrive in this age of transformation.

Trend#1: Artificial Intelligence is a Big Boom

If you still have not realized why your competitors are sunk in profit so I’m telling you that they must adopt AI tools to grow their business. In 2020, many industries now realize why AI is the heart touching innovation for a long time and it might be a wake-up call for them. 

As Karthik Ramakrishnan, Head of Advisory and AI Enablement at Element AI quote,

“In 2020, enterprises will pay closer attention to AI trust whether they’re ready to or not. Expect to see VCs pay attention, too, with new startups emerging to help with solutions,” 

Also, Artificial intelligence statistics for 2019 say that more than 50% of marketers have started using AI in their marketing campaigns, with more to join their ranks soon.

AI is machine learning that provides a human-like interface and solves many problems as humans do. It facilitates you to store big data that helps in predicting consumer behavior and interest with proper insights. 

AI automates various tasks that help in saving time and catering to a large amount of business in a while. AI tools provide much resources to make digital marketing successful.

Trend#2: Chatbot Automation for Online Chat

If you are hoping to make your marketing channels alive, this digital marketing trend helps you to entertain your customers even without any human-help. 

Chatbots are responsive 24/7 and that gives your marketing a boost without losing its patience. It is far better to jump on the chat than to wait for a call from the other side when you are operating an online market. 

Botsify Chatbot

Source: Botsify

Yes, you might be amazed but as soon as the number of messaging apps increases, people get involved in it more often for buying purposes. Look at this stats why people prefer chatbot.

The state of research report says, 

The top benefits of chatbot are 24-hour service (64%), instant responses to inquiries (55%), and answers to simple questions (55%).

The chatbot is the new dominant tool that keeps the major function of the business in its hands. What chatbot marketing does for you is to give instant support against any query from your customer side and provide help in any regard.

But you have to train for it as you train your customer support agent. And yes it is less costly than the wage of a customer support agent. I just point out some major benefits although there are many.

  • Round the clock service with chatbot automation:

Chatbot provides 24/7 service hours without slowing down their action. It doesn’t need a nap or breaks to take a breath, working for you tirelessly.

  • Easy and quick response rate:

After having 24hrs online, chatbot automation helps in releasing your burden by attending your customers. Solve queries and develop a loyal and better customer relationship with them.

  • Ability to generate qualified Leads:

Chatbot not only helps customers but also brings new people for your business growth. A successful marketing strategy is supposed to provide new customers and has good conversion rates. Chatbot marketing supports this strategy and makes sure to not stop your business cycle.

  • Chatbot automation set up personalized style:

Throughout the buyers’ journey, the chatbot provides a user-friendly interface and makes your customers feel protective. After having a conversation with your prospect or customers, a personalized touch can increase the chance to convert your customer into a potential customer.

Communication matters when you follow online trends!

Make your communication faster and streamline customer experience even more better.

Trend#3: Advance and Programmatic Ads 

Understanding technology is not a simple task for a normal human. People get amazed when they just google any product and select any site to explore it. But when they leave that particular site, they find ads in their news feed on all the channels they use.  (By the way, this is called the real-time bidding-A form of programmatic ad).

This is what AI does and the meaning of Programmatic ads will now clear that using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to purchase real-time ads, instead of going to human deals and pre-set costs.

According to Adobe Digital Insights,

62% of media-buying professionals who are increasing spend on programmatic TV in the next six months said the main benefit is reaching a more targeted audience. 

It is also reported that, 

The U.S. is the biggest programmatic ad market, worth $24 billion in 2016, and accounting for 62% of total global programmatic ad spend. The U.K. comes in second, at $3.3 billion. (Source: Zenith Media).

Trend#4 Well-Tailored Long-Form Content  

A closer look at the product always satisfies the consumers. When someone buys a product, he wants to investigate it and try to explore every corner. So, he can make better decisions. 

One of the digital marketing trending sources is content where companies show their real image of product, use-cases, benefits, and what customers want to know. 

86% of highly effective organizations have someone in charge of content strategy. (source: CMI)

Your content must convey the knowledge of products and services. But this time, no short-form content works. You have to create content with an authentic context and with lots of knowledge for better digital marketing.

You can see the current stats of content marketing below.

content marketing AI

Source: Demand Metric

Google supports your content if your content is up to mark and made by all the spices. It helps to recognize your product and services more reliably and the click-rate on your site increases and consequently, your sales increase.

Pro-tip: Usually, posts that are at least 3,000 words long generate the most traffic, as readers are given a detailed analysis of the subject. 

As per research, 

Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads.

Trend# 5: Social Media Channels With Resourceful Features

If we go back to our past, whenever people got leisure time, they used to go out shopping, have some tea with family, or other activities. But now, when people get free-time, they serve the internet, wander on social channels, and interact with several things by just sitting on the couch. 

It says that,

When a brand is available and active on a messaging app, over 66% of consumers will feel more confident about purchases, while 55% feel more connected to the brand. (Facebook)

Either he/she wants to shop or need to satisfy their cravings, it’s all just one click away. You are the one who provides them all these things on their gadgets. The social marketing strategy works all over the world, people see your product, investigate it, and reach you. 

But all you need is to display your product strategically. Your ad marketing must target your qualified audience, your content enhances their knowledge, the trust you have to build, and the assistance you need to provide. All these you can do by digital marketing, that’s why it’s a vast area. 

You can make your official pages, invite the audience, regular content posting, display your products with vivid images, make stories of your brand (Facebook Stories has 300 million active users daily), and many more opportunities you have.

You need to follow online trends in that way and analyze where you were and where you are. Facebook ads another way to engage your audience at a lower cost.

Trend# 6: Social Messaging Apps Boost Marketing Trend

Social media marketing is a powerful weapon in the digital marketing trends. It is not just for entertaining the people but it opens the door for all types of businesses. This stat shows you why I am emphasizing on it.

About 56 percent of global users of the messaging app say they have messaged products to get more information at all levels of the buyer’s journey. (Facebook)

WhatsApp has 1.6 billion active users, sending over 55 billion messages every day.

Social media marketing has many features that make your brand more visible to optimize your marketing digitally. Social media ads, video content, blogs, stories, and the most happening tool is messaging apps that direct you to your customers. 

Almost all social media channels connect with chat messaging and provide a way to communicate. It is not for connecting with only friends and family. You can build your relationship with your customers through this.

On the other hand, businesses create different apps that customers have to download and all the transactions are easily run by their official apps. Many websites embed chatbots to give instant messaging support to their visitors. 

Others also build a chatbot on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and other channels to just engage the customers, resolve queries, and instant assistance and present their products in real-time.

Trend# 7: SEO Strategy to Rank You on Top

In the above portion, I discuss how google supports your content to make your brand visible. But how? So the other side of the image is here. SEO, helps you to understand how customers browse online to discover details about your company to your rivals.

Search engine optimization is now a more open area in digital marketing and many additional things have been introduced that make it easier for searchers. This may help you to show your product in these sections.

Google uses 810 unique SERP features. Of those, 161 are found on more than 0.2% of keywords. (seoClarity, 2020)

About 64% of marketers actively invest time in search engine optimization (SEO). (HubSpot, 2020)

Write a simple word on the search bar and you can find multiple related topics over there. Featured snippets are another eye-catching part that gets thousands of clicks in a day. “People Ask for” suggests a more comprehensive way to find related things. It is all done by SEO.

The long-tail keywords play a part in it and make your content more optimized to reach in SEO ranking. This is digital way to market your content in the town. 

Trend# 8: Voice Search Recognition

One more interesting Digital marketing trend that makes the easiest way for toddlers to the elders is voice search. The textual based content still empowers but voice searching added value increasingly. 

The difference you see in this context like your search for “outfits” by typing or with voice search you could say, “what is the best outfit for a party”

Consider this stat:

72% of people who buy voice-activated speakers say their device is used as part of their everyday routines

Mostly, voice searches use asking location, information about deals and sales, personalized tips, information about upcoming events, customer support, and more.

Well, the stats show it all. In the near future, businesses adopt voice search engine optimization to optimize their conversion rate. These all are online trends that make people highly engaged in any essence. 

voice search AI

Well, the stats show it all. Soon, businesses adopt voice search engine optimization to optimize their conversion rate. These all are marketing trends that make people highly engaged in any essence. 

Behind the scene, AI plays its outstanding role to provide these technologies. AI is getting smarter and the amount of voice assistant errors like Alexa, Siri, and Google has significantly decreased.

By 2020, 50 percent of all queries will be by voice

Marketers need to emphasize more in natural content, so it can easily capture more in audible form than typing. Doing so will help you get the coveted zero position or snippets featured on Google.

Trend# 9: Omnichannel Marketing is Now Vital

Omnichannel marketing is the combination of channels that helps in gathering data and provide a unified profile to make your database the simplest. It is a customer-centric approach. Companies integrate all their channels (it can be offline & online) and put all the data on the same plate. 

Oasis fashion stores declare that this unified approach led to a rise in profit of 48% in the same year.

This trend is the bridge to maintain the gap between customer-retailers. Marketers can approach their customers at multiple channels at a time. This may help companies to spread their businesses in a very streamlined way.

A remarkable study shows that 73% of clients use more than one network and one device during a single shopping trip.

You have more opportunities and platforms to conquer the market and your audience. Various social marketing channels you can explore and increase your ROI by not staying only one channel.

You find people everywhere and after analysis, you can prioritize which channel caters to your targeted audiences. Omnichannel is now a giant platform in the digital marketing trends.

Social media

Source: Botsify

There is another online trend that optimizes omnichannel integration. That is embedding chatbot to provide instant help, provide information, simplify marketing funnel, and other operations regarding your marketing campaign. They build a chatbot to simplify all the channels and restore data. 

Trend# 10: Personalization Moves Beyond The First Name

You have to think timely before you lose your place in the market. If you want to stand out in 2020, you need to personalize your marketing campaign without being late.

If you just overflow our customer inbox with irrelevant content or offers, they might be annoyed by this act. Personalization stats say that,  

63% of consumers are highly annoyed with generic advertising blasts.

AI lends a helping hand for the marketers and accumulates all the messy work in a straight line. It’s hard to overlook every customer and make your content likewise. You have to personalize your content, emails, product, even the discount offers.

Marketers see an average increase of 20% in sales when using personalized experiences.

As we can see in our inbox, companies send emails by our names, it is common nowadays. The sender does not change the content by person to person but the email automation is for sure. 

Personalized email marketing also set a mark in digital marketing trends.

Brands that personalize promotional marketing emails experience 27% higher unique click-through rates.

63% of consumers said they’d think more positively of a brand if it gave them content that was more valuable, interesting, or relevant.

Same as you can offer a discount by knowing a person special days like a birthday. This can be done by your restored customer data. A chatbot is one of the tools that you can use in gathering data in a trouble-free way.  

Trend# 11: Video Marketing Preposition

The standpoint of making everything digital is that buyers interact with goods and products and must have multiple choices to fulfill their needs. And all they can do is just search on the internet. 

Companies follow various marketing strategies. They are comfortable doing new things to market their product. One of the trends in marketing that makes your brand more fascinating is video marketing content about your products and services. Consider these stats:

99% of marketers using video will continue to do so in 2020.

By 2021, the average person will spend 100 minutes every day watching online videos (a 19% increase from 2019).

93% of companies claim they got a new customer because of their video content on social media.

Video content is the energetic strategy that makes people engaged by its presence. And people also try to get knowledge about your brands by the video content. 

It is a vast trend that not only ends on YouTube. But as we discussed above, we have many social channels and their features, you can easily go for this. Like on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and the most used feature is stories and even on your official website. 

63% of businesses say that video gets the best return on investment (ROI) on social media.

If your website has textual-based content and video as well, it can increase your organic traffic up to 5x. 

Trend# 12: Influencer Marketing/Word of Mouth Marketing

Once you are done to satisfy a customer, it will bring more customers to you. So what is this? This is the word of mouth strategy that surely works when influencers amplify your product and convey your message in the large market. 

Let’s say, you make an ad with celebrity endorsement and it gets viral just for the sake of your celebrity. Same as, if an influencer tries your product and recommends it with others, people believe their words of mouth and give your products a try. 

It is completely based on trust. If people realize it is a worthwhile product they surely move your product to others. The chain begins and the ending brings profitability and loyal customers. 

Nearly 90% of all marketers nevertheless considered ROI from influencer marketing equal to or greater than other marketing platforms.

Digital Marketing

Source: Big Commerce

Many companies reach out to influencers or experts and conduct interviews. The reason behind this strategy is they ask questions about related products and usage in real life. Through this, experts convey their brand message to their targeted audience. 

The same thing Botsify did, you can visit the Botsify website you find customers’ testimonials and in their blog section, you can find techie expert interviews as well.

Trend# 13: Conversational Market Makes You Alive Anytime

Another interesting way to reach your customer more effectively is conversational communication. Chatbot helps to make this happen easily in marketing trends. 

It can be described as “ A feedback-oriented marketing strategy used by organizations to improve engagement, create customer satisfaction, expand the customer base, and eventually raise sales. Conversational marketing is based on the common-sense principle of responding to the needs of the client and future clients.

Consider the stats here:

  • 79% of consumers are willing to use messaging apps to get customer service.
  • 82% of consumers rate an “immediate” response as very important when they have a question.
  • 36% of companies use live chat for marketing, sales, or customer service inquiries.

Either you want to take feedback or gather data, you have a new style to do this. And people feel tailor-made content for them and enjoy this way and happily submit forms like this. 

How Botsify Helps You to Follow Marketing Trends

All the trends follow AI technology somehow. And Botsify provides you an AI tool “chatbot” that suits all the trends. So why not follow these online trends with the chatbot. Well, the chatbot is already a worthy trend for all types of businesses.

As I mentioned above the benefits of the chatbot, you have much more to explore from the Botsify platform. You may also cover the major operations on this auspicious tool. 

You can embed chatbots on social media platforms, your official website, social messaging apps, omnichannel marketing. Also, make your content with an overwhelming gesture and affiliate personalized touch that helps in increasing great engagement.

Your marketing needs to be revamped!

Introduced chatbot in your digital marketing strategy and get 5x more profit.

Stay Ahead For More Trends

So, there you go! Adopt these digital marketing trends and change them when the trend changes, because change is very important but it’ll be a positive change in any regard. Stay alerts for more marketing trends.

The post Digital Marketing Trends & Innovation To Pay Attention In 2020 appeared first on Botsify.

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4 Chatbot Automation Use Cases For Your Business Thu, 27 Aug 2020 07:45:08 +0000 Imagine your work without technology is like you living in the 18th century. Today’s era finds more comfort with automation rather than in the home …

4 Chatbot Automation Use Cases For Your Business Read More »

The post 4 Chatbot Automation Use Cases For Your Business appeared first on Botsify.

Imagine your work without technology is like you living in the 18th century. Today’s era finds more comfort with automation rather than in the home or the businesses. There are many resources for automation in businesses and one of the trending is chatbot automation. 

You know the major functions of businesses might be running smoothly but you have to be sure in every aspect. Do you know what major functions we are going to talk about? Well, It is all about 

  • Customer Support-that makes your customer satisfied,
  • Marketing-that promotes your brand and brings customers to you and 
  • Selling-to provides customers what they need and of course the profitability for your business. 

These major functions of your business require thought-provoking insight because it gives a boost to your company. So why not pay attention to some specific area that can be optimized excellently. 

Let’s talk about automation! We live in the technological surrounding and businesses need technology to thrive your business at its finest.

As you notice, we have various AI tools from communication to tracking the sales, so why not try one of the demonstrated tools Chatbot automation, that fits all your major functions when it comes to reducing the communication gap, increasing sales, and optimizing your marketing style.

Chatbot Automation: A Promising Tool

How cute the kids are when they try to copy your words. Same for the chatbots!

A chatbot is a software that mimics like a human and reduces the communication gap between organization and their stakeholder i.e. Customers. The main purpose of this AI tool to use in your business is to make your communication channel optimize. Let’s have a look at stats!

chatbot automation stats

Source: Mantra Labs

If you pick the best chatbot automation platform, you can get many perks at the same time. The benefit of chatbot automation makes you surprised. It can vary according to its need and have various proven records of success. 

The chatbot provides instant help and 24hrs availability without any help from humans. Indeed, technology cannot eliminate humans but it can protect you from errors.

Once you use it you can see the difference in how easily you can get leads, smoothing ways of selling, and interactive marketing. 

Let’s jump to the use cases in different aspects of your company.

Chatbot Usage In Real Life Business

As we discuss the major functions of our businesses, now we are going to compile all the benefits you can get from the chatbot automation. Many examples are set into the market. It’s your turn to find your area and set it up to the mark.

Chatbot Automation Use Cases in Customer Support Service 

Chatbots are mainly used for customer support and carry out the job description of customer support agents. To respond to their questions, timely reply, the betterment of user experience, and proper communication to resolve their customer query.

chatbot automation stats

Source: Landbot

1. Chatbot resolves queries instantly

Here availability matters. Let’s say you are organizing a cricket match event with a large number of people. As we know people are more excited about cricket matches, an announcement is needed to create a hype.

This is a big deal for you to manage your audience and give the required information. Now, the customer support agent is required to resolve the queries until they enter the stadium.

To provide high-quality support you can design a chatbot to help the audience with common questions. It can be:

Where do I buy tickets from? 

What is the cost of tickets?

What’s the schedule of the match?

Is there a parking area reserved for outsiders?

Where should I get my seat #?

And so on…

Once you set up your chatbot for these regular events on your web page you can easily track your users and provide instant help by resolving queries.

It can reduce customer support workload effectively and can take help with humans when a complex situation occurs. 

2. Fun-loving chats with visitors

What inspires you the most when you go to any place for the first time? A welcoming gesture!

A well-spoken person and a cheerful talk make everyone melt. If you never tried it, try once and you can see how people attract you. A quite simple way to win over the deal is to make your conversation polite and well-versed. 

Let’s suppose, the same query pours in your inbox and every next customer asks the same question. Maybe sometimes the customer loses temper and all the frustration gets off to the customer support agents.

Here the job of customer support agents gets complex!

Meanwhile, the agents try to calm him down, and consequently, they also give up at that time that makes the customer more frustrated. 

So, after reviewing the whole situation, we come to the point either you have to find people of a high level of patience (that may be a difficult task) or you need to find some realistic approach that is a chatbot. 

The chatbot is pro to make your customers satisfied even in worse situations. They can’t lose their temper as humans do. But you have to build it in that manner first. 

Why not try Botsify? A cheerful talk with your customer makes the day beautiful!

The must-have tool for your business!

Get your first chatbot to support your customer service, marketing advancement and sales growth

3. Easy to search and quick recommendation items

Sometimes it is difficult to outreach your customer and find the needs of what they want. When customers search for a product they get frustrated by seeing all the stuff that actually they don’t need. 

They want a quick way to find their desired product and chatbot do the same for them. And you know what,

50% of consumers prefer shopping online from the stores where they can connect over chat.

Let’s say, you have a clothing store and a big sale you are going to live in. A huge crowd you face during sale day, (because sale offers are fabulous). Let the chatbot handle your task. 

When customers come to your site/app, they need an assistant for searching for their desired product and recommendation.

Chatbot serves like the same way, provides instant recommendations, and tries to convince customers to hit the button that increases the sale. 

4. Instant booking with quick confirmation

Asking questions when you are buying something is mandatory for customers. And most probably the questions will be the same. So why not you make it automated? While a passenger booking a seat in a plane, there might be some initial query like:

Is the urgent ticket available now?

What is the departure time of my flight?

Can I book my ticket online?

What is the procedure to return the tickets?

So on and so forth…

By answering such questions, a chatbot can help the customer and solve their problem instantly. Your chatbot just not only replies to the queries but also it can make it easy to take the desired action they want.

If they want to book a seat, your chatbot will be able to do this and they easily get the confirmation via chatbot. Are you seeing how perfectly it fits in all the way?

5. Chatbot build remarkable impact on the users

By helping someone, it feels great all day long. Same as a chatbot. Chatbot helps people and people get benefited from the chatbot. It creates a great impact on the customers and they feel secure or some kind of loyalty in your brand. 

Sometimes chatbot can instruct you, suggest you, provide locations, and much more. The beauty of chatbot is it always gets a positive response even if the customer is on fire.

69% of the public prefers to use a chatbot instead of a company’s official app.

After taking help from the chatbot and finding the required solution, the customer feels much better and satisfied with your services. Chatbot automation gives a remarkable experience to the users and attracts customers more often. 

6. FAQs at your customers’ fingertips

Your product is based on some authentic solution. First, you make the customer aware of the problem and present the solution through your product. If you miss out on this part, you can lose your customers. 

So, don’t make others point out your weakness, first fetch out all the most relevant questions commonly known as FAQs and build your first FAQ chatbot.

No need for support agents to repeat the same question again and again. Make a chatbot for your customer’s ease, they have to just type the questions and get all the answers on the screen.

Make your way easiest toward the success of your business. Botsify gives FAQ chatbot within just 3 easy steps, don’t need your data just a website URL or FAQ section URL, botsify fetch all the FAQs in 3 minutes and you can have your FAQ chatbot.

Try Your Chatbot

7. A cost-effective tool 

Your workload increases as soon as you start moving towards success. And you need more resources to manage your work timely and effectively.

And as far as your workload increases, somehow you have to hire employees in a large pool. Same as your customer support agents also required staff to overcome calls,emails, messagings and all.

And if you hire agents, it will take days and the salary package you offer them and the benefits, it will be a high cost on your business. 

Chatbot works efficiently as a virtual customer agent and a cost effective tool that works for you round the clock without taking a break. You cannot find these perks in humans as they need rest, food and maybe they fall sick. 

Chatbot Automation Use Cases in Marketing

When it comes to promoting products, companies spend a lot of money on it. But a cost-effective campaign is not a big deal now. Not only promotions but also make your customer up to date with chatbot marketing. 

Chatbot Automation

Source: Smart Insight

More than 2 billion messages are exchanged between customers and brands through automated chatbot systems. Let’s have a look at how chatbot marketing helps you in your business.

8. A new resource for promoting products

Many strategies you can find to promote your product and services. And companies adopt it with some variations because people have different mindsets and want different types of engagement to pay attention to your products. 

For example, some people love engaging with the conversation, some might be interested in games, and many are interested in quizzes that end up giveaways. If your marketing strategy ends up some rewards, then it can be a boom!!!

As such, people don’t show interest in filling lengthy forms and they leave after taking a single look. But if you offer the quizzes or puzzles instead of those types of boring stuff, you will surely win the heart.

Chatbot exactly does the same for your customers!

With chatbot automation tools, you can spice up your conversation with memes, GIF, images in your chat, and design fun-loving quizzes that give pleasure at first sight but indirectly it hits the promotion of your product. And end up with some recommendation and trial based giveaways. 

The chatbot is waiting for those companies who want more in less expenditure by engaging in a radically different way with their customers.

9. Chatbot generate lead with the sales approach

You can say chatbot marketing provides instant help with quick replies or a 24/7 presence for engaging customers. Chatbot service not only works for existing customers but also helps in gathering prospects and converting them into your customers.

Chatbot knows how actual marketing is!

This smart tool engages prospects in a new style of marketing and under the supervision of humans, it does a great job. Companies spend a lot more in the selling process and if they find a chatbot platform that manages their sales, it can be a big success for them.

As action reality, a real estate agency generated 50 leads in 3 months and the cost they bear on this is damn shocking. Nearly ⅓ of their total earnings off of their real estate lead generation campaigns. (pretty expensive in my senses)

After searching out, they approached Botsify-a fully managed chatbot platform and shook hands together. Within 3 months, they get 4500+ leads by using chatbot automation, that was a big achievement for them.

Consequently, the chatbot helps in making your position in the crowded market and provide your target audience in a while. 

10. Easy to generate an authentic email list

As we discussed above, generating qualified leads with chatbots is now the easiest and smooth process. Chatbot marketing has many other wings and a sequence of their features are so many.

From quick replies of FAQs to the well-versed short form, provide you a way to reach your customers. People need an easy way to do things and thanks for AI technology that makes this happen.

Instead of filling long forms, we all prefer short or one tap selection. Many dynamic ways are open for you and one is a chatbot that provides more convenience to your customer. 

From chatbot automation, you can have a beautiful and joyful conversation and get details from them or you can simply design one tap questionnaire that might be the perfect and convenient way to do your desired action.


Like in the above picture, one of the customers needed an eBook guide and the chatbot offered them directly, without wandering on the website. Botsify offers free eBooks to its customers through the chatbot. 

They just provide a link and when a customer wants access to it, it’ll show a quick pop up that requires basic detail or just email address.

Thus, a win-win situation occurs and by giving some favor you get your own desired query.

11. Chatbot makes an easy payment method

When a visitor comes to your site and finds their desired product/service, the second thing he finds is a pricing structure. As companies are introducing many pricing plans, it gets difficult to catch the best one. 

Your prospect may get confused after seeing your plan or maybe he wants assistance to guide him to get a reasonable plan according to their need.

When we go to the physical market, the salesperson shows a variety of things according to your needs and describes what you can get from a variety of products.

The chatbot takes over this responsibility at its finest. To help out your prospect or customers, chatbot becomes a salesperson and describes all the details including in the different packages.

After satisfying the marketing style, chatbot immediately offers payment mode and your customer finds it easy to pay service as well. 

12. Chatbot simplify funnel marketing strategy

Various strategies you can see in the market that help you to increase ROI by elevating conversion rate. To approach your customers, organizations find a way that describes the customer’s journey with you and your products. 

The marketing funnel describes the customer’s initial stage when they interact with your product to the last stage of completion of the purchase.

By evaluating your funnels, you can potentially drive greater sales, more loyalty, and stronger brand awareness. Chatbot makes your work easy by constantly providing awareness and pin them to consider your product.


Source: GRIT

It tries to prelude your product first, if you get straightforward, such as offering a product to buy it at first meet up, it looks like how desperate your company is. Don’t leave the impact of such nonsense. 

Chatbot believes in making a loyal or trustworthy relationship with their guest. The welcoming gesture with some sort of informative talk regarding your product creates an authenticity on your brand. 

Once you find chatbot marketing in action, you desperately want it to scale up your business. Provide data that helps in driving sales through the marketing funnel, you can normalize the way of the selling process. And do better than before, for sure!

Chatbot Automation Use Cases in Sales

Catering to your customers or prospects for selling is still the most difficult task for the human. The fact of humans is they don’t get easily satisfied with a normal thing. They need some personalized touch to accept that the product is up to their expectations.

Chatbot Automation

Source: Pinterest

Let’s break the ice and walk through how a chatbot can be a sales-driven tool for your company.

13. Easy to create demo and recommendations for customer

As companies offer demo sessions before selling their product, present high compact proof about their product. In the offline market, this is face to face interaction and it is surely satisfied if you are well-spoken and know your customer needs at the very beginning to the end. 

But when it comes to the online market, physical human interaction may be a good replacement with the chatbot. The essence of the chatbot is to provide a full realistic assistant as humans provide.

Introduce product that matches their style and provide good suggestion for them 

Pro tip: remember too many suggestions makes your customer confused, so do research and try to recommend them according to their experience or previous data.

One more thing about chatbot automation is, it stores data to help you out your customer needs. According to their suggestion, you can create a demo booking, or instantly you might create demos on chatbot if you have this much access on it. 

With the Botsify chatbot platform, you can easily embed product images, videos, product descriptions, and the option that should be considered while the demo session, that is video chat. You can easily get in touch live through video chat and experience personalized face to face experience.

14. Chatbot become personal shopping assistant

It’s been so long when people only rely on word of mouth. Now, technology gets the way clear for people, they can interact with things even sit on the couch. And make better decisions against multiple products. 

But the question is who assists them regarding better choice. If someone is not there, then it can be a big turnoff from your site. So, our technical world is getting stronger day by day. 

For example, if you just search the name of the product on google and when you come back to Facebook, insta or other sites you can see the ad of your desired product even with many different ads.

This is AI technology for you!

The chatbot revolutionized the selling process to assist consumers adequately. Chatbot helps in recognizing customers’ needs by fetching data from them or their restore database. 


Source: Ruby Garage

By guiding them like a personal assistant, customers find ease throughout the buying journey and feel a better shopping experience from your store.

15. Chatbot serves like a sales agent

Large size companies serve 24hrs by adopting day and night shifts. But medium and small size companies can’t afford it to have a huge pool of staff.

Mainly, the small and medium-sized business has small headcounts. What does it mean, they cannot run their business 24/7?

Of course not, chatbot works for small to large organizations and resists them to not stop their business even in a single day. Chatbot has many benefits and the most acceptable one is it is never tired and doesn’t take rest even for a minute. 

As a sales agent, it provides information and satisfied customers about your product and tries to open up the door against any query. Engaging your prospects or customers with their conversation even when you take rest or enjoy Sunday!

16. Conduct feedback for future betterment

The way you feel the customer needs, you come up with better performance every time. Selling and marketing are two ongoing processes.

It is important to have access to your customer when your company needs to do something new or add new things to existing products/services. It helps in recognizing customers’ wants.

But you can not ask people directly what you want. There are many practices people follow in industries. Taking surveys and feedback is top on the list.

Let’s say, a man comes to your site, connects with a chatbot, and finds a product that he wants. After a conversation with a chatbot, he concluded that the product is up to the mark. 

The next step he has taken is that he completed the buyer’s journey and purchased your product. After purchasing, the chatbot asks some relevant questions regarding their service and what they want more in this. Easy peasy!!

chatbot botsify

This is to fairly deal with anyone and provide the best ways to communicate with your customers in any regard. You can opt for feedback forms, surveys, multiple-choice questions, and many more.

Find Your Chatbot Platform

If you find a chatbot platform for your business, don’t forget Botsify!

Botsify, A fully managed chatbot platform that offers you multiple features and dynamic plans for developing your business. 

I quickly sum up of the use cases providing Botsify for companies in a few lines:

Whatever your industry is, you can easily build your chatbot according to you. Many templates await you and that is free to use. All the resources you can easily find on the dashboard and get quick access after completion of your details.

Botsify offers these platforms:

Website chatbot

Facebook chatbot

SMS chatbot
Instagram chatbot

And the list of the features are:

  • Live Chat

 To provide humanitarian assistance when chatbots confront complex queries.

  • Multilingual Chatbot

The multilingual chatbot allows talking to different language people most easily.

  • Video Chat

Better your communication with face to face interaction when needed.

  • Conversational Forms

To conduct feedback or gather qualified leads or in any case when it is required.

  • Media Blocks

To make your chatbot user-friendly, you can use your product images, videos, or Gifs, etc.

  • Storage Database

Botsify provides data storage to handle the accumulated data and places all the items in one row so that in the future you can also find ease in approaching customers.

  • Analytics to check out your chatbot service

Botsify dashboard has a lot of flexibility but the analytics seems to be the most relevant for you. This is used to identify both failure or excess.

  • Story tree

It displays your chat flow and makes quick adjustments to everything you need in the conversation.

Book a demo to create your chatbot for your business growth!

Start with the first chatbot platform to upgrade your business operations

Partying word

Chatbot automation not only helps you in customer support but you can clearly see how a chatbot can help you out in three main aspects of the business. This piece will help you to differentiate the meaning and use cases of chatbot. And I’m sure in the future, I’ll be able to write more about chatbot to spread the knowledge to my readers about chatbot. Because… 

Technology is expecting more enhancement in chatbot and other AI tools, so the business insiders thrive business operations with a more innovative style. But first, you should consider chatbot to autopilot your communication to your customers even in sales, marketing, or customer support operations.

The post 4 Chatbot Automation Use Cases For Your Business appeared first on Botsify.

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An Interview With The Head of Marketing Operations, Eran Soroka Wed, 19 Aug 2020 10:46:08 +0000 AI technology creates a massive way for us and many of us try to get in-depth knowledge to explore more. No doubt, it is the …

An Interview With The Head of Marketing Operations, Eran Soroka Read More »

The post An Interview With The Head of Marketing Operations, Eran Soroka appeared first on Botsify.

AI technology creates a massive way for us and many of us try to get in-depth knowledge to explore more. No doubt, it is the most trending and thought-provoking topic which gets massive attention from the people. So, we have decided to come up with someone who has vast experience in marketing but a newbie in chatbot industry. SO here we go!

We have talked too much with expert techies, now it’s time to start the conversation with the person who just inn in this field. What fascinates him and what brings him in this field, we are just going to explore.

Eran Soroka, a marketing expert and all-rounder in the media and media/tech industry, with extensive experience in managing and editing various projects, content, and products – in entertainment, news and sports, across multiple platforms. Currently working at CoCoHub as a Head of Marketing Operations.

He has a big social circle with 15K Facebook followers, 25K Twitter followers. He has much to talk with us so don’t wait. Let’s start!

Botsify: Hi Eran, we are glad to have you, thanks for giving us your time. Let’s start with your career. How long have you been working in the media? And why are you now starting with conversational AI? 

Eran: Thanks for having me, Botsify. It’s a great pleasure. 

I’ve been a man of words and communication for the last 24 years, always aspiring to explore the newest forms of media, and to make the best of the existing ones. 

I started as a sports journalist at the age of 15.5, made it all the way to be chief editor of Israel’s 2nd-biggest newspaper, and then became head of digital desk, radio manager and finally website chief editor for Channel 10 (today “Reshet”), Israel’s 2nd-biggest TV channel. At those latter positions, while integrating the online and social worlds into the company’s TV activities and DNA, I also fell in love with automation, data-driven decision making and digital innovation.

Eran interview

Then, in April, I saw a job opening for being a marketing and content manager for CoCoHub, a conversational AI company. This opportunity was very enticing for me, so I applied and reached out to lead conversation designer Jason F Gilbert, and later to CTO Chen Buskilla, to explain what I can bring to the table. Fortunately they picked me, and I couldn’t be happier to get immersed in this amazing new world.

Botsify: As you mentioned that you have vast experience in marketing as a chief editor. Share your experience about how technology can provide marketing a meaningful help to grow any business. 

Eran: I’ll provide a short story to get my point across. When I started my role as head of digital desk at Channel 10, the online and TV departments were disconnected completely. As a part of my plan to fix that, I started sending the editor of the main news show a list of the most clicked-on items on our news section at the website, by 4:00PM every day. 

At first he smiled, saying that “one day, this will be a blueprint for the 8:00pm news lineup”, but he was very open for integrating whatever tools the digital world can give him to analyze what’s the most engaging content, and how he can capitalize on it. From then on, the TV decision makers were getting up-to-the-minute updates on items turning viral, which in turn shaped our site’s homepage and future TV shows’ agendas. 

The same goes for marketing. Technology such as Google Analytics, insights and other tracking tools can be helpful in understanding what’s the content that appeals the most to your audience and how our audience changes, and then, tweaking or even completely changing your strategy accordingly. Both as a marketer and as a content editor, you always have to think about new and creative ways to make your product/content attractive. Even when you select a headline, cut a snippet or upload a social media post as an editor, you are de facto marketing it. What’s the point of creating content if it’s presented poorly and nobody will consume it?

Botsify: Chatbots are one of the successful tools for marketing and selling purposes. As a chatbot user, which type of advancement do you want to see in the future?

Eran: The world of possibilities is endless, really. In the era of information overdose and non-stop personalized advertising, chatbots and voice bots can make a difference between the customer finding whatever he asked for within 30 seconds, and being stuck on the line for days with never ending bureaucracy, never coming back again. 

In my vision, chatbots standardization – which is our main goal at CoCoHub – is the biggest advancement. It will allow everybody, regardless of their coding abilities, to use conversational AI, solving 80-90% of the customers’ problems while giving them an almost human-like experience, saving time and money for everybody involved, and letting the call centers representatives deal only with cases that require some “human touch”, such as helping out people in dire straits or in specific circumstances.

Botsify: Tell us about your favorite sports, and have you been a childhood player in any game?

Eran: I started both as a football and basketball fan, since my childhood home was 400m from a local football stadium, but I fell in love even more with basketball as time went on, and for the last 8 years I’ve been an NBA analyst and broadcaster in the Israelli sports channel. 

I played in amateur football and basketball teams, but my main sports “career”, so to speak, was 2 years at a great Judo club under the future national team coach. Judo was a mania in Israel in the early 90’s due to our first olympic medals in this sport, and it taught me a lot about resiliency, toughness, creativity and ability to bounce back, which helped me when I was older.

Botsify: Who was your role model growing up? How did that person’s actions impact you?

Eran: It was a combination of my two favourite basketball players at the time – Magic Johnson and Charles Barkley. I loved Magic’s leadership, creativity and vision, on and off the court, and I loved Barkley’s tenacity and how he turned his height deficit, round frame and sharp tongue into advantages. I wasn’t the highest or the most athletic guy around, so it was fun trying to follow Barkley’s philosophy, “Go get the damn ball”, and imply it for other aspects of life – when I’m going all-in on something, I want to leave my mark on it.

Botsify: Top 3 Ways to Treat Yourself to Self-Care?

Eran: I’m not a healthy life guru or something, not even close… but there are some things that I found working for me. I ditched white flour because it turned out to be harmful for my health. I’m trying to walk at least 20-25km combined every week in the open air. And I only drink water, coffee/tea and squeezed juices. I also don’t smoke anything or drink alcohol – I know it seems contrary to self-care for others, but that’s the way I am…

Botsify: You have accomplished many milestones in your life. Tell us about accomplishments are you most proud of?

Eran: I was the first to introduce social media regularly into the daily print media in Israel, so that’s something that I’m very proud of. But my best (and most exhausting) years in that regard were on channel 10 – taking a company that lagged light years behind its competitors in its digital orientation and abilities, and making it able to give a decent fight to everybody on the field – all with a smaller, younger and less experienced crew.

Botsify: What do you love best about yourself (physical trait or personality characteristic), and Why?

Eran: I’ll quote my former CEO who said that my best trait is my ability to connect people. I really believe that if you find the right initiatives for both sides, and can frame a win-win situation even in cases that don’t look like it at first glance, you‘ll have a better chance of fulfilling your vision and make both sides committed to it.

I also tend to see myself as creative, with ideas but especially with words. My parents bought me some word puns books at an early age, and it was all downhill from there… today I’m a big pun-lover, an undisputed bilingual master of dad jokes.

Botsify: Any message you have for our community?

Eran: I’m a newcomer in this field, but I found the conversational AI community very warm, diverse, rich, fascinating, welcoming and most importantly – collaborating. I see it as a newly-discovered island which became a habitat for people from various backgrounds and disciplines, where every one can chime and bring his own best practices from their previous “lives”, in order to take this industry forward and inspire others. I’m also able to learn something new every week from the series of interviews I’m doing for CoCoHub with leading conversational AI figures, called Taking Turns.

The only problem with the community – and that’s a substantial one – is that the conversational AI field is fragmented, there is no code reuse and no collaboration – and each developer sticks to his platform and tool set of choice, needing to reinvent the wheel many times over. It drives me crazy sometimes… 

So, my main message is – cultivate a spirit of collaboration, in order to create a strong, vibrant community, even when competition will be stiffer. Chatbots and Voice bots, unite!

(And by the way, we have a big and international conversation designers community at Discord, so you’re all invited…)

Botsify: Your favorite place where you spend most of the time?

Eran: I spend most of my time at home or at work, but I’ll list 2 of my favorite places: one is the National Park, about a 1.5km walk from my home, which is a huge, green, peaceful place for walks and other activities. My favorite destination in Israel is the north, where you can find amazing views, parks and rivers, all within a 2 or 3 hours drive.

Botsify: Chatbots are trending worldwide to automate customer support, and products like Botsify are providing ease for everyone. What do you think businesses should consider Chatbots as a perfect virtual assistant?

Eran: I believe that since every business has a goal (or more than one) to achieve, every business can use a chatbot – whether it’s via Botsify, or our own platform at CoCoHub. Whether it’s for lead generation, for entertainment purposes or for educational instructions, having a chatbot should not a goal by itself, but it’s a perfect tool – with the ability to immerse your customer in the brand’s language, values and character through a conversation – to create a much better customer journey and, eventually, achieve your goals. 

Thank you so much for giving us your precious time. You even inspired our readers with your informative words and with your experience. 

The post An Interview With The Head of Marketing Operations, Eran Soroka appeared first on Botsify.

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How To Optimize Chatbot Marketing Strategy In 2022 Tue, 11 Aug 2020 05:27:12 +0000 Today’s assistive technology creates an outstanding hype in the marketing and sales segments. Chatbot marketing makes a great image to capture business profitability. What comes …

How To Optimize Chatbot Marketing Strategy In 2022 Read More »

The post How To Optimize Chatbot Marketing Strategy In 2022 appeared first on Botsify.

Today’s assistive technology creates an outstanding hype in the marketing and sales segments. Chatbot marketing makes a great image to capture business profitability. What comes in your mind when you think about chatbot marketing?

I’m sure, you are being possessive over time for applying the best technical tool for your ease. Chatbot marketing is another option to be considered more in 2020. And yes, it actually works. 

But the question is “how”. What happens between the starting point A, having the initial chatbot to the ending point B, converting into the potential customers.

What makes your chatbot marketing more strengthened? The answer you’ll find in this piece and we’ll guide you what makes chatbot marketing more emphasized and focused in 2020 marketing. 

Chatbot Marketing: A New Marketing Style 

First and foremost, the chatbot is a nearly-human-like AI tool that drives prospects into potential customers through automatic conversation.

Grand View Research report says,

In 2019, chatbots became more AI-driven, capable of handling complex human interaction with ease and are now taking over traditional conversational services.

AI-driven chatbots are increasingly being adopted in many businesses and taken over various communication aspects and customer support services as virtual assistance.  

Chatbot marketing provides a new way to optimize marketing strategy and play a viable role in the betterment of customer experience. The major aspect of chatbot marketing is optimizing user interface while interacting with customers.

chatbot marketing

Chatbots directly confront customers and you have to look forward to their needs and plan some strategies to optimize it. 

Chatbot marketing refers to promoting your products or services via automation tools like a chatbot to automate marketing and selling operations. Chatbots map out predetermined scenarios of the users by utilizing the power of AI. 

Chatbots handle certain tasks, but when it comes to designing the chatbot you keep all the points in your mind as a chatbot user. A user-friendly chatbot is a must-have requirement from your customer side and you have to be very careful about it.

Before we are going for chatbot marketing and set up all the strategies in one go, we will reveal why chatbots are taking over the marketing.

Why Chatbot and Why Now?

As chatbot figures out sales and marketing processes in streamlined, people also try to focus on this promising tool.  Nowadays, as situations are getting worse due to pandemic, it’s time to get aware of this technology.

The attributes of the success of many other companies are they adopt technology as they find something new.

According to IBM – 265 billion customer requests are recorded per year and businesses spent nearly $1.3 trillion to address them. Using chatbots could help save up to 30% of this cost.

Currently, the need for a chatbot is necessary if you want to stabilize CRM and increase ROI. It is definitely more accessible but requires time and effort to implement NLP.

Once you have done it, it’s easy to digest. But wait, why are you wasting energy on NLP implementation.

Many chatbot platforms like Botsify will provide you chatbot with zero coding skills. You don’t need to be a programmer for creating chatbots at your marketing channels.

As chatbot is the future of communication and according to a business venture, communication is the only gesture, you can make them aware of your product. Here comes the Chatbot marketing strategy.

Today’s need is to connect with your customers and still provide better service in this pandemic situation. Regardless of the pandemic situation, organizations also want to get more in less time.

And now spending more on AI tools even to customize emails, newsletters, ad campaigns automation, and other communication moods. 

Here are some of the factors that can explain the growth of this trend and why this trend is getting attention day by day.

  • The stellar rise of messaging apps

With more than 2 Billion messaging apps that are expected to hit the markets across the globe by 2020, people intensively connect to you as they prefer chatting over calls. 

Chatbot messaging apps

Source: Medium

The chatbot can be embedded at any messaging apps where you can find your targeted audience easily and provide a seamless experience to your customers. As Facebook messenger works as it best when it comes to chatbot marketing.

  • Customers’ anticipations for a quick response

In this meantime, your customer’s expectations force you to make them satisfied at the initial point to the stage of placing orders.

Chatbot eliminates the waiting element from the retailers’ side and proposes chatbot aid for the purpose of quick and real-time replies.

  • The expected cost-saving marketing

Getting started with chatbot means you have more options to have opted for communication, but one thing that impacts on your whole organization is the cost-saving element.

chatbot marketing

Source: Geomant

In chatbot marketing, you can overcome your cost up to 30% by implementing conversational solutions like virtual agents chatbots. Chatbot obliterates the cost of customer support agents and freeing up human agents.

But the total elimination is not the choice, human interface also required to address complex inquiries. But the expenses are not much higher as compared to before. 

  • The “hype” effect

The benefits of chatbot marketing can’t be neglected. That’s why in the 2020 marketing style, businesses will figure out the concept of the chatbot. Even so, the advanced AI still anticipates voice chatbot which will be an amazing innovation. 

At the same time, organizations are still battling with current chatbot technology and integrated with business growth technology like CRM to offer innovative customer experience.

  • Round the clock marketing strategy

Your profit is dependent on your working hours, the more you give the time, the more you achieve the goals. The complexity of managing the time of the customer support agents and hiring for both shifts really sucks. 

By the end of 2023, the companies are expected to save 2.5 billion customer service hours by using chatbots (Chatbots Life)

However, chatbots freeing up you with this issue. For chatbot, timing doesn’t matter. Working 24hrs without feeling sick or feeling restless is much better than a human assistant. 

How an Ideal Chatbot be Like!

In previous years, AI technology tried hard to fulfill the requirements of the companies. In 2020, where many businesses collapse, chatbot marketing is always on their path for making business operations trouble-free. 

These days social media seems endless. From ordering food to buying clothes, people are more interested in interacting with chatbots and get quick responses with related information.

Chatbots work for your website as well as your other apps. Chatbot centralized all the frequent based queries in one box. Thanks to the NLP, for making understanding language as human talk.

But it is more than that. The basic purpose of chatbot marketing is sales but chatbot with great setup may acquire leads, create a well-defined image of your brand, perfect user experience, in short, a promising tool for your marketing and selling purpose. 

Let’s dig deeper to know how to make an ideal chatbot for you.

  • Must-have proactive chatbot

To make your marketing as your choice, try to make your audience take sensible steps that bring them into your sales funnel. To do this, your chatbot provides a quick response form through clear textual based buttons. 

chatbot marketing 24/7

Source: Picuki

The quick responses make your sales easy and bring your prospect on the same track.

A proactive chat will never find a hurdle in any steps and no live chat human assistant needed until chatbot finds bit difficulty. 

  • Catchy content to revamp your audience

The chatbot is not the tool for simply answering the questions but a joyous flavor you can add to it. People love conversation when it is to the point and well-defined words.

It surely makes customers more interested in talking with and making buying decisions uncomplicated. NLP based conversation provides the opportunity to give relevant answers in real-time.

Mindful communication is the beauty of chatbot. It makes the customers more thoughtful and more engaging about your brand.

  • Add cheerful flavor in chatbot

An ideal chatbot will surely increase your profit when it gives personalized and human-like touch. In our regular chat, we frequently use emojis, it is the best way to express emotions. So why not in the chatbot? 

Emojis are fun visual content to express gratitude to your customers, make the conversation more joyful and pleased. Don’t forget, GIFs are too more impressive.

chatbot marketing

Source: The Drum

Fixing emojis with related content gives a direction to your customers for identifying if they are in a hungry mood or want to shop. ( I’m still in a hungry mood man!).

  • Keep up with your chatbot

Your chatbot must know you, keep your eyes on it. All the effort you have done but are you conscious about what gets you in return?

Has your chatbot literally worked as you designed? 

Don’t keep it a secret, review your analytics to follow up your chatbot and find ways to make it better. Ready to know what lacking is in your chatbot or how proper it works.

  • Train your chatbot like a human

As humans require training to enhance their skills, the chatbot is the same. It also wants ongoing training to fulfill the needs of your customers by improving its thinking ability about brand-specific and industry-specific knowledge and terms. 

Chatbots have been able to work almost 24/7 to assist. But if it doesn’t provide new skills or you can say not added new queries according to situations, it will not be helpful for your customers.

Try to make your chatbot pro-active, well-trained, and speedy to respond like a human.

  • Magnificent images add another spice

Looks are more important for making your customers satisfied with your products or services. For example, a visitor to your Facebook page wants to buy clothes, so you can add images and product demos in your fashion chatbot

No need to jump on the website or download another app for instant looks. Chatbot reduces the time for making decisions and loves your products at first sight.

Images should be real and perfectly embedded with relevant information that makes your chatbot marketing optimized.  You can get relevant and high quality stock images from platforms like Freepik, Shutterstock.

Do you want an ideal chatbot platform? Botsify is here for you!

Botsify is a fully managed chatbot platform with multiple features and categories. The flow of Botsify chatbot is mesmerizing and easy to use.

You can find various functions at a time and a reasonable cost. Now, it’s time to visit the Botsify chatbot platform to maximize your sales and decrease the churn rate as well.

botsify chatbot

Platforms you can use with Botsify

Have a quick look at all the platforms that you can use and retain your customers for a long time.

  • Website chatbot

Your website should look welcoming. That’s the reason Botsify can integrate chatbot at your website.

Whether you try to convince your customers through website chatbot marketing or customers themselves approach you, in both ways chatbot supports them.

  • Facebook Messenger chatbot

Facebook is the perfect platform to start a conversation with the targeted audience because 3 billion people are using Facebook.

A big platform for chatbot marketing as well. The chatbot works for Facebook messenger and in the comment section as well. 

  • FAQ chatbot

FAQs are frequently asked questions from your customer side about your products or services. It plays a vital role in giving knowledge about your products or services.

With Botsify, you can scrap all your FAQs in only one chatbot, it is easy to create and easy to use with quick response.  

  • SMS chatbot

SMS marketing with the chatbot, a sigh of relief. It is a very insightful feature of botsify, you can optimize your SMS marketing with a chatbot by sending messages in a bulk.

Chatbot marketing strategy is trying to improve every segment of marketing and present a new style for selling with the least time. 

Bundle of features for chatbot marketing with Botsify

A bundle of features awaits you, Botsify perceived customers’ point of view and provide where your customers find ease.

  • Conversational forms for gathering data

Chatbot helps you to grow your business by using the conversational form in your chats at any stage of the conversation.

  • Multilingual bot for better content

If you want to spread your brand all over the world, you must interact with them in their languages for meeting their satisfaction. Botsify provides multilingual chat to adopt other styles of language.

  • Live chat for human take over

Live chat proves that humans can not be replaceable until more advancement after today. Humans can take over the bot by using live chat while chatbot gets in complex queries. 

  • Media blocks for prominent visuals

In marketing, the show off your products is much necessary. The chatbot provides you an instant look (it may be images, videos, or text-based interaction) when a visitor interacts with the chatbot.

It makes chatbot marketing more powerful and more comprehensive.

  • Datastore for restoring purpose

Botsify provides data storage for managing gathered data and puts all the things in one row so you can find ease to approach customers in the future as well.

  • Story tree for making changes

It shows the flow of your chat and does instant changes to whatever you need in the conversation. 

  • Greetings to make the customer happy

A happy and personalized greeting makes a pleasant gesture. Your customers find great experience when they interact with chatbots. It makes the perfect combo as always.

  • Analytics for your insights

Botsify dashboard has many options but the most important for you is analytics. It is used for finding a lack or abundance of your bot. Keep your eye on it, not a big deal.

It is not enough here. Botsify has many other options. Once you use it, you can find how easy to drive your sales with chatbot marketing. Let’s not wait, get your asset.

Optimize Chatbot Marketing Functionality in Different Aspects

The prime reason for marketing is to expand a business brand with maximum profit. The ROI based marketing may help you to be a leading company in the globe.

The purpose of bidding chatbot in your marketing strategy makes your operations successful and prominent. 

Chatbot marketing caters to all the aspects of marketing like lead generation, lead nurturing, data gathering, personalization, proactive notification, and easy to gather feedback. Let’s see how chatbot provides these things in one go!

  • Lead generation in chatbot marketing aspects

To reach out to your B2B or B2C connection and connect it in a friendly way, is the core concept of lead generation with the chatbot.

If we see in the past days, Business development agents experienced difficulties in reaching out to the embark audience. 

Lead generation

Source: GetApp

Lead generation optimization is the view of chatbots that clarify pretty much achievements like in real estate business, 30k leads generated with botsify within 15days.

  • Personalized marketing strategy via chatbot

 We are totally dependent on technology. That’s why before starting any project, we find the best tool to make it a fast and error-free job, and personalized marketing is no different.

Marketing is not only to sell your product instantly, but a healthy relationship with your prospects much needed. Finger crossed because you are going to meet your customers like you both are your friend.  

Attending someone again and again, likely possible to keep your space in his mind. That’s the reason chatbot marketing is now making space in a wide range of organizations.

  • Large engagement capacity strategy

By optimizing your marketing with the chatbot, instantly help in making a large audience. But how to retain your customer till they make them your potential customer?

To do this, you have to make them remember on any occasion. Chatbot marketing strategy makes it possible to initiate engagements at a high level and keep on the track of the funnel till the end.

Flipping your marketing concept to be personalized creates effective engagements at the same time.

  • Congregate and analyze feedback consistency

Chatbot is all in one, you can also create different templates and forms (like a feedback gathering form.) Why are you waiting to receive positive feedback?

Vector illustration

You deserve it after making your customer satisfied, but wants are unlimited. That’s the reason you have to overlook your customers’ needs after gathering and analyzing feedback.

Some recommendations needed to improve your brand. It gives good vibes for your brand too. Enjoy feedback with instant chatbot marketing. 

  • Conveying your message with more fun

Finding ways to make your customers satisfied is more likely to make a child happy. A fun-loving chatbot is a twisted way to make this thing happen.

Your messages will improve your customers’ mood but if it is customized and personalized, it is more fascinating. At first sight, chatbot greets every prospect and customer, to welcome and assist them.

It never leaves you alone. No doubt chatbot delivers quality information with a joyous way and a touch of humor. 

  • Research frequently based questions

Plan your requisite asking about your products, it mainly improves your chatbot marketing. You can add all your information according to customer needs. You have to think and put yourself in other people’s shoes. 

Research all your frequently asked questions and try to scrap more about your products. Chatbot has many features and you can make FAQ chatbot as well and other talking chatbots also serve this service.

  • Design your queries as close-ended questions

Although chatbots have advanced for many years still sometimes it gets a little bit confusing. When the chatbot provides optional based questions, it looks simple and easy to attract customers.

chatbot marketing

Carrying out close-ended questions may help chatbot be more convenient.

Chatbot marketing is not the name of eliminating people but surely works as an error-free job. If a chatbot faces any difficulty, the live chat option plays its part and integrates with human assistants. 

Partying words

It’s difficult to summarize chatbot features because those who are operating, they get benefits and still require more advancement over there.

Decreasing your churn rate and increasing your customer experience, directly dives your sales up to mark. 

Let’s not stretch more instead visit the Botsify platform to make your channels more optimized with chatbot marketing strategy. Make your marketing medium as omnichannel marketing and provide a seamless experience to skyrocket your business. 

Sign up Now

The post How To Optimize Chatbot Marketing Strategy In 2022 appeared first on Botsify.

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