Areeba Khan, Author at Botsify Read Our Blogs | All About Chatbots and Conversational AI Fri, 23 Feb 2024 12:55:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Areeba Khan, Author at Botsify 32 32 Improve Customer Acquisition Using PPC Marketing Strategy In 2022 Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:35:21 +0000 How many sleepless nights have you had so far looking for the right strategy to find new customers? Let’s be honest here, It's not like you are not paying enough on your PPC Marketing or not giving enough attention to website SEO or getting no traffic,

The post Improve Customer Acquisition Using PPC Marketing Strategy In 2022 appeared first on Botsify.

How many sleepless nights have you had so far looking for the right strategy to find new customers?

Let’s be honest here,

It’s not like you are not paying enough on your PPC Marketing or not giving enough attention to website SEO or getting no traffic,

But the conversion is like, meh…

Do you know the reason behind this?

Want to make your 2020 a little better in terms of customer acquisition?

Worry no more,

In this guide, we have explained how and why customer acquisition can instantly be improved.


In order to make things easier I have crafted this guide into the following sections:

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

It’s easy to get people to click on your ads or bring traffic to your website but what makes a visitor convert into a customer is the experience.

Basically creating engagement for that visitor is the most crucial step for any campaigns you create for generating traffic.

So take a closer look at your current landing pages that you are getting traffic on and tell me one thing,

Are you providing a grocery store experience or an Apple store experience?

via GIPHYSuppose you get to transform your regular-looking landing pages into more personalized and engaging ones.

How would that affect its conversion?

Right now your prospects are figuring things out on their own unless a sales representative is bothered.

What you need to do is to deliver through and through assistance as soon as they land on your website.

Just like an Apple store, which sells experience more than showcasing the product or service.

But how can one achieve that?

It’s simple, chatbots!

I am guessing you already know what chatbots are but if you don’t,

Here’s a beginner’s guide to chatbot and customer support automation for you.

Did you know?

Most non-technicals think that chatbots are gimmicky and there isn’t much to do except send and receive text messages through a bot.

But do the people who understand conversational AI well enough know how beneficial chatbots really are for customer acquisition?

As they have evolved into a whole new marketing strategy that businesses across industries are using and doing great things.

In fact, the market is densely competitive due to the fact that chatbots are soon going to be a thing for almost 80% of all global businesses, one way or another.

So in a world full of automated conversations do you think your customer support representatives would be fast and accurate enough?

And also if you think a human support agent can talk to your 15 online customers at a time,

Think again!

According to a recent study, around 70% of customers and prospects have no problem talking to a bot and 51% of them don’t mind a bot resolving basic issues that come in the way,

So this means, as long as it provides timely and accurate information a chatbot can help you attain customer satisfaction.

However, chatbots have been around for quite some time and the phenomena aren’t new anymore.

Which means more competition for you.

But there are many many ways to leverage a chatbot to your own benefits

A.k.a customer acquisition.

So today, we will be focusing on a new way to get website visitors to sign up

Or make sure people do a little more than window shop on your e-store.

But how do PPC and chatbot go together?

It’s simple, you can integrate a lead-collecting chatbot into your website instead of a long complex form and every time a prospect would click on any of your PPC ads, or show up on any of your pages in any way,

the chatbot will interact with them in a personalized flow & collect their information one at a time as a conversation.

Wait… what did I miss?

Well, to understand this, I want you to look at PPC in a whole other way.

Do you know how it feels like when you want to achieve certain goals but are stuck at one point?

No matter what you do, it just seems like you are making no progress while others are doing great things… By others I meant competitors.

PPC marketing is no different.

When it comes to making a difference and getting results, every business has to get a grip on something unique or at least kick-ass that everyone else isn’t already doing.

Of course, you can fool a website visitor with big claims on the ad that shows up on google but getting clicks won’t be doing any good to you, since you are paying for that click already.

Your goal here is to generate results in terms of conversion or lead collection.

And this only happens when the landing page, the content, product, service or overall user experience is convincing enough.

So here’s a question I want to ask you,

Does your website deliver user experience?

No, I am not talking about a color-popping landing page with a lead-capturing form with 6 fields…

Let’s be honest again, nobody wants to go through another letter template-looking form. ?

Your prospects will have to skim through the entire page to find any information they might need when filling out the form and I am pretty sure they wouldn’t be too happy about it.

In fact, there’s a high chance you might lose potential customers because of the long and boring processes they have to go through before getting what they want.

Be it an appointment with your agency or buying a t-shirt from your e-store.

PPC is all about converting the cost you paid to get the person to click on your ad and a basic landing page might not do the job…

Which leads us to the real question, how to fix that?

Diving into the strategy…

These tactics are universally applicable to any PPC marketing campaign of any business?

To make things smoother, I am going to explain this customer acquisition approach in 3 simple steps:

1. Deploying a chatbot to the website
2. Making landing pages dynamic using page messaging
3. Generating leads with PPC ads traffic

Let’s get right into it, shall we?

Okay so here comes the fun part,

We have to make sure that the chatbot reorganizes and presents all the information that is given on each landing page optimized for PPC marketing.

But why?

So when we look at a webpage, all the content is right there and we look for the answers by going through the entire thing.

Chatbots are different and perfect for keeping the interaction exciting.

So rather than giving all away at once, the chatbot will be able to nurture the conversation and provide just the right information at the right time.

Keeping that in mind we create an action-based chatbot flow:

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

Meaning, the chatbot triggers information based on the choices the user makes.

This helps us engage users so they can uncover information slowly gradually, without having to go back and forth or type in relevant keywords to get answers.

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

Rather than presenting all the available information in one go, prospects could engage in a conversation to both uncover and share information.

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

See that…

Conversation flow uncovers information as the user consumes it.

Of course, when the user selects any of these options, it’s highly likely they are going to fill out the lead generation form that the PPC campaign was all about.

I am sure you’re wondering “how is it really that different than the landing page?”

And I am going to say it one more time, landing pages are lonely.

Especially for a non-dynamic website, where there is no personalization going on, a chatbot really adds interactivity.

With a polite sales rep answering questions, making suggestions and informing prospects to help them make the right purchase, a chatbot completely transforms the experience.

Okay so at this point our basic chatbot flow was covered and the chatbot is up and running on the website, but that’s not enough.

Reducing Bounce Rate Using Page Messaging.

For website chatbot, we have this simple yet smart way of capturing target leads…

For example here, we created page messaging for the Pricing page using our tool Botsify.

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

This message pops up after 5 seconds so it is not too pushy but in case any prospect is looking for information, they will be able to see it and as soon as they click on it.

And there is a nice beep sound on it, just in case if your user is on a separate tab of the browser.

The conversation will go something like this:

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

Page messaging can be used for all landing pages as well, like contact us, about us, and sign up pages, using a different.

On that note, our chatbot deployment ends and begins a more crucial step, reception.

How engaging and fruitful the chatbot is – will determine if the whole strategy is worth writing a blog post about.

Or failed miserably.

But I think you are smart enough to have guessed that it worked…?

But really how?

Well, first of all, a chatbot is a lot more dynamic when compared to a standard landing page.

Take this one as an example:

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

As a prospect, the first thought that would go through my mind when looking at this form would be “hmm… another set of fields I need to fill in to get them to contact me”.

As compared to a conversation, doesn’t matter if it’s a person or a bot, as long as it is engaging and interactive, I would instantly feel taken care of.

In simpler words, experience.

The more engaging experience prospects have, the lower your bounce rate goes and customer acquisition becomes a lot smoother. Visitors will stick longer to the website.

Thus, the conversion rates improve significantly and cost per lead lowers – your PPC ads do more than just bring traffic to your website.

At the end of the day, what matters is how many visitors convert to leads,

Then the next step would be how many of these prospects converted into customers.

But for now, we are only aiming at the leads a chatbot can collect.

Testing out the Strategy

This strategy has been implemented in a handful of businesses and here’s how:

When we conducted A/B testing on chatbots and traditional landing pages for different businesses from different industries looking for different results.

For instance, a real estate agency is aiming for traffic on their listings page and the chatbot is there to help provide relevant information when and where (as per the query) needed.

Similarly, an E-commerce platform has PPC ads set up for ‘new arrivals’ and they want a chatbot to make purchase decisions faster by helping people out with what they’re looking for.

So on and so forth, we compared landing pages with and without a chatbot integration and found that their conversion rates increased by 30% with chatbots.

Mainly, because traditional landing pages and their customer acquisition techniques are dependent upon a simple lead capture form whereas the chatbot initiates conversation from a pop-up message and takes it ahead till the required information is provided.

The results definitely show improvement in customer engagement as well. People stayed longer than usual on the said landing pages while interacting with a chatbot.

It all comes down to how personalized you go with your conversation flows.

We try to keep things as customer-oriented as possible, from location to possible requirements based on the choices they make when talking to a bot,

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

When it comes to capturing leads, a chatbot really adds to your PPC game.


Marketers can do so much in terms of customer acquisition with a chatbot

It’s cheaper – imagine hiring sales and support staff for every 10-15 website visitors, keeping them on hold till your support representatives are available

or having a bot that is capable of responding and more or less, does the same job each one of your support representatives would do.

A single chatbot is capable of handling thousands of website visitors all at once. Meaning, you save a lot!

Similarly, the traffic you were generating with PPC marketing converts to leads and that resonates with 2 things.

1. The cost per ad lowers because your conversion rate is increasing
2. You can increase the density of your PPC ads and double up your customer acquisition using the lead-capturing chatbot strategy.

Win, win!

On the plus side, a chatbot ensures that the conversation between your prospects and the bot goes somewhat similar to a sales interaction, unlike traditional landing pages.

Take another example of a US-based hotel decor service provider Uberoom, we deployed a website chatbot that would help people choose the right package according to their requirements,

Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing
Customer Acquisition with PPC Marketing

The chatbot would go to an extent where a person can ask about the type of floral decorations they can do for a hotel room in Ohio.

Do you know why their customer acquisition increased so much so quickly?

Because most of the traffic they were getting on their website was unaware of the many services they were already providing.

The rest were unable to make customized orders and didn’t find the information given on the website helpful enough

Comparatively, when the chatbot was integrated, things started to become better.

Not only their customer acquisition increase but existing customers appreciated the timely response, detailed information, and interactive conversation with the bot.

In other words, the grocery store feels gone!

In fact, the leads they qualified through the chatbot were more like the sales-qualified leads rather than the marketing-qualified leads because of the fact that the chatbot focuses on interaction more and less on marketing themselves.

This also concludes that chatbots compliment PPC marketing and can help elevate your sales.

Now that you know exactly what and how chatbot ensures customer acquisition it’s time to take a look at some of the takeaways by analyzing the aforementioned strategy.

Again, chatbots do not limit to a few businesses or industries.

So don’t feel shy implementing the tips and tricks I am about to disclose over here.

As long as your business exists on the mighty world wide web, it can definitely benefit from a chatbot that not only helps provide customer support to your existing customer base but also help you get new ones.

? Analyzing your pain points when it comes to customer acquisition.

?Considering that making a conversation flow helps collect information about prospects.

?Deploying a chatbot to your website.

? use page messaging to provide personalization to each landing page that you get traffic through PPC marketing

?Add interactive flows to each landing page

?Increase customer satisfaction rate with faster and more thorough customer support

?Collecting leads in exchange for valuable and relevant information for the users

So this wraps up the Conversational AI customer acquisition strategy for the year.

Read About Customer Acquisition For E-commerce Business

As for the future hold of chatbots, they have become an ideal lead-capturing tool for businesses across industries.

Not only do they help you generate leads but qualified leads and the cost is comparatively low.

When used with PPC marketing, the chatbot helps increase conversion rates and make your ads clicks worth the penny.

Despite the fact that many marketers still don’t believe in the benefits of chatbots, AI is here to stay and soon enough will be taking over a major chunk of lead generation.

The promise of an ultra-intelligent sales rep, who can answer every single query, is still years away.

While it might be the trend for businesses to implement AI-powered virtual agents into their websites and landing pages, marketers hoping to see real gains from their chatbots today are better off focusing on how the chat interface can help them increase user engagement and supercharge their lead generation process.

What are your thoughts on chatbots?

What difference did you see in your business before or after using them?

Let us know in the comments below.

In case you want to work with us and fly your business in 3 months book a free demo meeting with us.

The post Improve Customer Acquisition Using PPC Marketing Strategy In 2022 appeared first on Botsify.

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Messenger Follow up Vs. Email Follow up Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:20:11 +0000 There are certain parameters to judge whether email follow up is a better option or a messenger chatbot can take the lead. Or maybe both are equally useful, let’s compare both in terms of their functionality and see who wins...

The post Messenger Follow up Vs. Email Follow up appeared first on Botsify.

Messenger Chatbots have become a popular alternative to email follow up. Mainly because of the faster, easier and reliable source of delivering your message to the subscribers.

On the other hand, email marketing is still the biggest and most significant way of following up on your prospects and customers.

More than half the world’s population (over 4.2 billion people) were active email users globally in 2022. By the end of 2026, that figure is projected to go over 4.7 billion. 55 percent of consumers say email is their preferred digital channel for business communication.

There is no denying that email follow up is highly effective and does impact greatly on your sales and conversion, but…

Chatbots aren’t any less!

Facebook Messenger has more than 300,000 active chatbots – taking care of your online business to the next level.

Learn how this real estate business generated $500K worth leads using a Messenger chatbot.

Now you can streamline your entire sales and marketing processes with the help of chatbots.

Got an angry customer’s problem solved? Collect feedback from chatbots for retention.

Want to upsell your existing customers who love your product/service? Let your chatbot provide them updates of all the latest features, collections, offers and discounts.

Want to promote your newly launched product? Go ahead and let your subscribers know.

Chatbot vs. Email Follow up – Who Takes the Cake?

There are certain parameters to judge whether email follow up is a better option or a messenger chatbot can take the lead.

Or maybe both are equally useful, let’s compare both in terms of their functionality and see who is the winner!.

Cart Abandonment – Messenger Chatbot

Many customers oftentimes abandon shopping carts while making a purchase on your website.

It could be because of any possible reason other than not being interested in your product or not willing to purchase at the moment.

Whatever the reason might be it’s important for you to set up a reminder for them to complete their purchase and in order to do so, a more personalized and smarter way would be to use a Messenger chatbot.

Ask your website visitors to subscribe to your messenger bot this could be in exchange for a discount code, some special access (or anything that would intrigue them enough to subscribe to your messenger chatbot), etc.

Once they’re subscribed to your messenger bot, even if they left before completing a purchase you can setup reminders for these customers.

So why not just email follow up?

Because, if the customer had simply forgotten a chatbot can remind that there’s an email ready with their cart details and they can simply complete the purchase through it.

Aaaand… if there was an issue completing the order, your chatbot will gather data from that particular customer and you can help them out personally. This will also come in handy making purchase processes smoother.

On the flip side, you can send follow up emails to customers but the chances of them going straight to their spam/promotion folders can be a risk of either getting ignored or taking too long that the customer loses their interest.

However, you can use chatbots to redirect your customers to that specific email follow up. This will ensure a better response rate and of course, faster conversion.

Open rate & click rate – Messenger Chatbot

Now this one is very interesting and thought-provoking.

Usually, a messenger chatbot would follow up on a message sent by users who interacted with it themselves or liked the page at the very beginning.

Thus, the messages chatbots send have a 70-80% open rate and a 15-60% click rate.

Compared to email follow up, these statistics are pretty shocking, no?

Wondering why?

Well, email open rate across most industries on average is below 25% and only 4% click-through rate.

The main reason why there’s such a drastic difference between the two is, chatbots have so much data available. It can improve the user experience more and more as they converse, because of machine learning.

There are bots available out there, completely indistinguishable from that of a human support agent – unless the business wants to be transparent about it, customers can’t tell a difference.

No Spam, User-initiated contact – Chatbot

The difference between email follow up and messenger chatbot open and click-rate is affected by the direct user actions.

This includes liking and following the page, commenting on the posts, installing the application of that business and of course, initiating conversation in messenger themselves.

So when a user chatbot is assigned to take follow-ups on these users, there is a higher chance of them opening the message and even clicking on any given CTAs.

On the other hand, emails are rarely scheduled and just distributed when and where needed from a business point-of-view.

Well, have you ever wondered why so many emails go ineffective and right into the spam folders?

There is a very subtle difference between a spammy and user-requested content within an email follow up if you compare them side by side and there is no sure way of not ending up in the spam folders.

However, if you want to make sure your emails aren’t ignored as often, chatbots can be of help, as we discussed above.

Enough with pitting chatbots against email follow up – we understand both these mediums are useful and important in their own ways, but let’s discuss…

How Chatbot Follow-ups on prospects?

Botsify offers the auto-sequence feature for those who like to keep users in loop.

  • Got a customer who could upgrade to your pro-plan? Setup auto-sequences to upsell them.
  • Want to follow up on an abandoned cart? Ensure purchases by setting up a reminder.
  • Want to encourage a prospect in taking their next step to subscribe to your platform? Auto-sequence is the answer.

But, how?

The auto-sequence feature can be used before, after and in the middle of any ongoing conversation with users.

For instance if a user says hello to your messenger chatbot and leaves, you can setup a follow-up message for them which can be anything from a text, a carousel, an image, a URL, video – you get the point.

Similarly, you can setup up reminders for form completion too – this allows you to generate more qualified leads without looking needy. Simply trigger a bot response for people who haven’t given their complete information while interacting with your chatbot.

Messenger Follow up
Messenger Follow up
Messenger Follow up
Messenger Follow up

Most importantly, you can schedule a message for people who haven’t responded to you in a while.

Like for examples send a followup consisting of your current packages/discounts etc to never lose a potential prospect anymore.

Messenger Follow up
Messenger Follow up

There are so many other ways you can setup these auto-sequence messages and followup through your messenger chatbot – forget emails, start building your messenger subscriber lists to make sure faster conversions and better response rates every time!

Messenger chatbot follow up is the new cool as it ensures a two-way communication – unlike emails, what you are telling your prospects, may never get a response.

Chatbots are a better way of direct dialogue with prospects and customers.

Whether they are looking for a quick resolution and support from your bot or responding to your promotional content – your chatbot users intentionally and willingly interact with your bot.

But this doesn’t entirely replace email – in fact, they can go hand in hand to improving your overall conversion rates and sales.

What do you think?

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The post Messenger Follow up Vs. Email Follow up appeared first on Botsify.

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5 Ways Chatbot Improves Talent Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:14:26 +0000 So are you ready to learn how you can use a chatbot to improve your talent acquisition as well as pre-screen the profiles?

The post 5 Ways Chatbot Improves Talent Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process appeared first on Botsify.

I am pretty sure after reading the title you must be wondering how talent acquisition chatbot works for hiring candidates.

Why you need them and is it worth it. ?

Well, the answer to your questions and concerns is simple, chatbots make your hiring procedures much easier and faster!

As talent acquisition is a vast area to work on, and find the best talent through out a pool of CVs. Here comes talent acquisition chatbot to make your ways easiest.

But why chatbots?

❌Think about all the potential qualified candidates waiting for your response on email.

❌Losing highly profitable future resources to your competitor.

❌Spending thousands on advertisements and not getting a single relevant profile.

✔And now think about a chatbot getting the right candidates to you.

✔Taking care of all the resumes received and finding the best possible ones that fit the profile.

✔That too, in your budget!

So are you ready to learn how you can use a chatbot to improve your talent acquisition as well as pre-screen the profiles?

Tell us which industry you belong to so we can create more content, specific to your industry

Then let’s get right to the real stuff.

What you will be learning today:

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

I will demonstrate how to create a Facebook chatbot that gathers resumes and filters out the relevant ones to streamline your talent acquisition process.

Why facebook in talent acquisition process?

Well, 67% of the applicants you are looking for, use Facebook to search for job openings today.

But the million-dollar question is, how to get relevant profiles? Since hiring the right candidate requires two crucial steps:

A. Finding people who will be interested in the position.
B. Deciding whether or not the person is eligible for the position.

And that is exactly what I am going to show you-one step at a time!

Phase 1: Talent Acquisition via chatbot

First and foremost, I need to get applicants… But how?

There are several ways to reach out to potential applicants on Facebook, but it can be a little dainty to decide where to begin.

The best way to solve this puzzle is to start off with the easiest ways and keep the tricky ones for later.

And the easiest way to reach out to the Facebook audience is through sponsored posts. It’s easy, it’s fast and it’s result-driven!

Now here’s the deal

In order to get the maximum reach, you must create a custom audience.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

If you target the right audience, you can get the relevant profiles with very little spending on paid ads.

For example, if I want to reach out to people in New Jersey, I will limit my demographics to reach to this region only. However this won’t get tailored results either, there is still room for narrowing the audience down further.

So the next step is to target the educational background so that the ad will be displayed to people with a relevant career path.

But that’s not it!

A qualified data scientist from New Jersey won’t be interested in this job opening. I need to target certain job titles, experiences to specify this job post furthermore.

Once done, set up a budget and schedule for your boosted post and you’re good to go!

Facebook jobs are simple and fast but managing the information received can be a hassle.

Not everyone will be providing accurate information, not everyone will be responded on time. And every submission received, will require a manual screening; which, itself, is a tough job.

Although I am not denying the results achieved from this type of sponsored posts, letting a chatbot take care of the entire process will be a relief. ?

So, let’s create an “Employment” ad campaign with all the necessary details given to get a maximum number of reach.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Okay, so Facebook has simplified campaigns for certain ad categories which then leads for relevant functions your ad might require and get the most out of the budget spent on this ad.

Meaning, this special ad category will provide a more accurate and fruitful reach against each penny you spent on select ad.

In order to get your chatbot to get access to the submissions, you will have to choose Messages as your objective.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Keeping in mind that the goal is to convert the audience to messenger chatbot.

Now moving onto the campaign ad set

You can decide the budget as you like and customize your audience, ad placement and more necessary details for this ad set.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

The estimate daily result will help you get an idea of what you should expect from spending your set amount on this very ad.

And if you want to get a better idea of your reach and potential results you will generate from the ad, you can limit the cost!

This way Facebook will determine the cost of each possible candidate that you might get a hold on through this campaign. I suggest limiting cost per bid if you are running multiple ad campaigns and/or you’re on a budget.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Another important option I would like to talk about is the accelerated delivery type.

This helps your ad campaign get maximum reach in minimum time. Meaning, you will be getting more than your estimated daily reach through it – which technically means your ad may not run as long as you have scheduled it to.

However, your budget will not exceed while doing so.

This is ideal for situations when you require urgent hiring but also want to run the ad for a few days, in case the applications received are not compatible enough.

Moving on

Now that you have allocated your budget, setup cost per lead and customized your audience it’s time to set up the chatbot conversation which will collect resumes from these users.

To trigger this bot conversation you have to choose your desired call to action.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Since, I have already chosen employment in the ad category its ideal to choose ‘apply now’ as my CTA.

Now, this call to action button will take users to a specified bot flow.


For this, I am going to go down to messenger setup and type some bot responses for the applicants.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

? Click on “create new” to set up bot responses. Here I have chosen the ‘use existing’ option.

? Now choose a greeting message type. You can either choose a text-only message or one with a video or graphic.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

? So the next step is to choose a format of messages these applicants will receive. You can send them a set of questions, quick responses or buttons.

? However, in order to connect your chatbot conversation, you will have to choose between quick responses or buttons.

Let me show you why…

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Out of the 4 options available, only quick replies and buttons will allow triggering a chatbot to take over the conversation and collect resumes from these users.

Here, check it out:

? FAQs allow auto-responses that you can setup within this dialog box.

A.k.a, no chatbot integration options are available.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

? Choosing none, will not take this conversation any further unless you talk to users yourself.

? So you are left with 2 options – quick replies and buttons.

The functions of these 2 actions are pretty similar, the only difference is in the layout.

See for yourself

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Although the button action has an extra gig to it; it can also redirect to a website URL.

But here, I am solely focused on connecting chatbot to this ad, so I will consider both actions equally useful.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

? I have chosen a button action type because of layout, however, you can use quick replies too.

Select send a postback option and then you will be required a bot payload to complete this message setup.

Aaaand here comes the interesting part!

In order to provide a bot payload, I will have to create a bot conversation first. So let’s take you to the Botsify dashboard and make a chatbot story for this ad!

? Since the chatbot will be collecting resumes, I need to make sure that people are using their applications properly.

For this, I will create a resume collection form.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

? now here’s why chatbot forms are better than facebook lead forms. You can customize the response type your bot will be receiving.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

For instance, here, my bot will identify if the applicant has actually submitted a resume file or not.

Marketing it ‘required’ will ensure each user submits the resume before going further.

This is an essential step that helps improve talent acquisition by validating user information.

Storing this information as a user attribute allows your bot to remember each and every user who submits their resume through this step.

This may be useful in the future to contact any of the applicants since the records will be stored for as long as you don’t delete them.

Amazing no!

Alright, so now that I have setup my form fields it’s time to decide where I want to store these applications.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

There are several ways you can store user responses, like here, I am choosing google spreadsheets.

Well, I would suggest using spreadsheets to store resumes since it is going to be a lot easier making any changes on a single sheet, than back and forth between emails of each submission received.

Set up your submission settings as you like and go ahead and save this form once you are done.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

? So now that I have created my form I need to add it to a bot conversation.

And the reason why

I need the bot payload in order to setup my greeting message in the ad.

So let’s add this resume collection form into a chatbot story and copy the payload.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

? now coming back to the ad

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Hit save and finish once you are done and with that, you have reached to the publishing your ad.

Review your ad one last time and see if you need to make any changes.

Here’s what my ad looks like:

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Now every time a person clicks on the ‘Apply Now’ button through this ad will be redirected to my chatbot.

And the conversation will go something like this ?

As you can see, the validation check is definitely important

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Until an applicant provides a valid file format, my bot will not take the conversation further.

In fact, to make sure the resume file submitted is accurate, I had added an additional step;

Confirmation message.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

So, just in case, somebody accidentally submits a wrong file they have a chance to do over.

And this is one of the numerous ways chatbot outperforms regular Facebook job advertisements.

Not just for the employer,

But for the candidate too!

Does Facebook job feature allow multiple submissions? No!

Can you automatically validate if the user has sent accurate information? Again, nope.

Will the submissions be stored in a google sheet without a human effort? You get it… Right!

I know this talent acquisition process is a little overwhelming for non-technical,

but once you get the hang of it, it’s way sorted out and easier than you know!

Okay, so

Now that the ad is up and running, we need to evaluate the submissions received.

With that being said, phase 1 comes to an end!!!

Now let’s get to the fun part:

Phase 2: Pre-screening the Applicants

? Think about the dozens of applications you will be getting through this ad,

?After that screening each one of these,

? Then categorizing eligible and non-eligible applicants for the position,

? At last, selecting one candidate from the eligible ones and keeping records of the rest in case you need them in the future…

To ease out these processes a chatbot can help with one major step-candidate pre-screening. Note that pre-screening of the candidates can be done via other tools as well, for example: pre-screening interviews by Hireflix.

Look, I can’t expect my chatbot to hire the perfect candidate for me (not yet, maybe in future, who knows).?

But it can bring everything on one single page for me to scan out and take it from here.

So let’s have a look at the google sheet where my bot-enable form collected data of each application received.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

And here’s what you need to know about chatbot storing the data in google sheets.

-The arrangement of your form fields will be followed in the sheet as well. For example, the form I created, consist of 2 form fields.

As you can see, the chatbot stored my form fields in the first 2 columns:

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

P.s: I added the serial number myself – generally, the data storage begins with responses your bot received on each form field respectively.

-Then it shows you where the form was triggered from. If you setup your form to trigger with a specified user message like “hi, hello, hey” or word whatsoever, your bot will mention it over here.

In this case, my bot triggered this form as soon as a user clicked on ‘Apply Now’ on the job advertisement, as I mentioned earlier but let’s look at it again for reference:

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

So here, it shows ‘Get Started’ which is the standard button text on Facebook Messenger bots.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

-Next up, it provides date and time, which may be helpful in keeping records.

Also, the bot provides time as well, not in this case it wasn’t necessary to keep in the books so I am just keeping the date for reference’s sake.

-And last but definitely not least, the name of the applicant.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

From here onward, you will be able to check each applicants responses to your form fields.

Check if their profile is upto the par with position and mark eligible and non-eligible against each!

See how cool talent acquisition chatbot is!?

‘Can talent acquisition chatbot categorize applicants?’

Hell yes!

Not only it stores each user’s attributes but also categorizes in pre-defined OR custom categories.

? Here’s how it goes

In order to store each applicant’s data, we need to separate them from the rest of the bot users.

And the easiest way to do so is through user attributes.

If you don’t know what User Attributes are, its basically a feature that allows chatbots to categorize users into different categories.

For example here, my bot needs to know which user actually applied for this job position and for that, I have set true and false values to keep it simple for my bot to categorize users.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Although, you can add more values if needed.

Now comes the question of where I will be using this attribute.

A chatbot creates customized segmentation of users, meaning your application will fall into a specified category if it shows the set “attributes” that we were just talking about:

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Now let’s check if this ‘applicants-only’ segmentation is doing the job or not

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process


So this shows, my chatbot picked my “applied for data entry” attribute and threw my entry in this user list.

But is that all it picked?

Nope, not just it

When I collected data through forms I stored each form field as user attributes as well.

Let’s recall phase 1 here:

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

My bot also stored responses to this form field where applicants are required to submit their resumes.

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

So basically,

Chatbot stored applicants into a separate category that I can check and modify any time I want!

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

This ensures a two-way check of applications received and easy access to every candidate’s data provided.

Now to check which user falls into this segment, I will simply click on the segment and this curated list will ONLY show the applicants.

Since its human-error-free, you do not need to validate this information and simply go ahead with scheduling interviews with these candidates!

On that note, phase 2 comes to an end!

Although it may seems a gigantic list of things you need to do before getting the results.

In the long run, this strategy helps you streamline your Facebook job posts and save your time, energy and resources on simply scanning through resumes that may not even be relevant to the position. Now, you can relax on your chair and give it a try to talent acquisition chatbot in your HR department.

So go ahead and assess your applicants with talent acquisition chatbot!

Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process
Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process

Wait, wait.

How can I spare LinkedIn while talking about talent acquisition?

Want to know some gimmick-free tips and tricks to get the most out of your LinkedIn?

Download this free ebook guide on LinkedIn talent acquisition.

And in case you want to work with us and fly your business in 3 months book a free demo meeting with us.

The post 5 Ways Chatbot Improves Talent Acquisition And Pre-Screening Process appeared first on Botsify.

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Generate $500K Real Estate Leads in 3 Months Using Botsify Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:11:54 +0000 So if you have been bitten over and over again by useless Lead Generation tactics it’s time to read something useful and result-driven.

The post Generate $500K Real Estate Leads in 3 Months Using Botsify appeared first on Botsify.

You must have read tons of guides about lead generation, website traffic, email open rate and none of them talk about the real stuff…  Conversions!

But today, you will not be disappointed as this strategy successfully helped generate amazing real estate lead magnets for a number of customers and one of them is Action Realty.

In this guide, I will be covering a bullet-proof strategy on how to get real estate leads without losing your sleep over it. So if you have been bitten over and over again by useless articles it’s time to read something useful and result-driven.

Here’s what we were able to achieve for Action Realty with our chatbot-driven real estate leads strategy:

chatbot impressions showing the number of queries as messages received which eventually converted into real estate leads

But wait, if you’re not from the same industry, real estate lead generation works pretty much the same it works for any other industry so if you are not a realtor don’t worry, this is going to be just as useful to your business too.

And of course, to all our dear real estate marketers/business owners – read it, bookmark it, (frame it may be, jk), share it with your team and most importantly, start practicing it!

So without boring you with long intros here are the 5 key things I will be covering that can effectively enable you to generate real estate leads:

1. How we worked to help this real estate client to get $500k worth of free leads through chatbots. (You can take this as a lead generation example for any business though).
2. Why real estate lead generation through chatbots will be global in the future?
3. How you can design and create amazing lead-magnets for any industry.
4. A quick look at this real estate leads strategy.
5. Some cool tips and tricks to generate more free leads and improve customer acquisition.

Start generating leads today

a real estate lead generation strategy using Botsify’s lead generation chatbot

Action Realty, a 15-year old real estate agency, was looking for a way to get into the realtors’ digital market but kept struggling for the last 2 years but was unable to find its place among the overwhelming crowd of top-notch companies already ruling the internet.

Even after trying out several advertising strategies it managed to get just 50 leads in a 3-month period which cost them nearly ⅓ of their total earnings off of their real estate lead generation campaigns. Which, in my humble opinion is pretty damn expensive!

Keeping their ROI from online spendings in view, they decided to opt for an automated chat service to take care of their website and social media marketing. When they were doing the research they found out “Botsify” one of the most popular chatbot building platforms and we were lucky enough to get this email from their Sales Agent Molly:

the initial email we received when this customer was looking for real estate lead generation tools online and found Botsify’s chatbot building platform which helps real estate agencies capture free leads and improve their customer acquisition

Now that you have come this far reading, I am guessing you are interested in knowing more. But before I get you into this real estate leads strategy,

Let’s have a quick look at the overall strategy blueprint that generated 4500+ real estate leads in just 3 months.

real estate leads strategy blueprint to give you a solid grip on the tools and tactics we used for this client and helped him scale up to $500,000 worth free leads in 6 months

Inforgraphic maker

Phase 1 – Target Existing Users to Try the Bot & Share with others

For the first phase, we decided that we would build a chatbot which generates engagement between their past customers and send out the email marketing sequence to list they already had.

This was to see if our chatbot is good enough to capture their attention & it can make them share the real estate listings in their circles for a quick commission. Also, we would be able to test that without spending a DIME ?

The first step to real estate lead generation or any other strategy consists of a number of trial and error and we were in the same situation.

The scope of their chatbot was limited as well so we started off by creating a messenger chatbot first to see how their Facebook audience will respond to it. We integrated a chatbot to Facebook to engage the existing clients and send an email blast to a list of 19,249.

 the newsletter we sent out to the client’s subscriber list to drive traffic onto their Messenger chatbot, which was the first step of our real estate leads strategy

We basically set up a referral program for existing subscribers on the list and asked them to click on the link provided. This link will redirect the user to our chatbot where they will see a bot message to share the listings with real estate images of “for sale” properties using the Facebook share option.

real estate lead generation chatbot flow based on the affiliate program we created to generate free leads

On each deal closing, we will be giving them a 1% let’s say one property was $100,000 dollars which directly converts to $1,000 dollars commission! Which was to ensure that more and more people will do it willingly.

EASY MONEY RIGHT? Here’s what the stats showed us:

4220 people opened the email, 2110 clicked on the link and out of which 780 shared the bot message with at least 5 people each resulting in around 3500+ shares

email open rate and other statistics of our real estate leads referral program strategy

Guess what? The viral effect didn’t end there…People who received the message shared it further and this way, we managed to generate 2083 free leads! And these were real people, interested in real estate quotes and listings.

In just a month!

It was just the first phase and we were managed to generate this many leads.

And all this was made possible with the right use of existing clients.

They were already aware of the company so starting off with an audience with no trust issues was the key.

Generate More Leads Today!

Although we were not expecting such an overwhelming response, we still had a long way to go…

Phase 2 – Ads and Engagement

There is no point in doing something spectacular and keeping it to yourself so it was time to take some action! We started off with a little social media advertisement and redirect the audience to the messenger bot.

The idea was to create an ad that would let people get access to an ebook guide. The ebook was targeted to certain demographics since it was titled “why you should live in Tennessee after retirement”. This would work as a bait to increase our real estate leads count.

We targeted audiences aged between 40-65+ male and female both and other demographics weren’t specified because we didn’t want to narrow down the audience too much. We set up a budget of $500 to run this ad for 3 weeks.

Facebook advert containing some real estate images and the ebook guide which eventually redirects the user to the messenger chatbot

When the user would click on the send message button on this ad, it will be redirected to the messenger bot.

The bot will greet and ask for an email and phone number. We integrated conversation forms to collect emails and phone numbers of the users. It’s easier to click away from a web form and not submit information, but the chatbot managed to collect information within the conversation.

Because people are less likely to abandon a chat than a web form field! Even if they did, chatbot followed-up on each user in an interactive way rather than forcing it onto the person. So here, it will be increasing the chances of getting better real estate quotes and convert more often.

chatbot message sent out to anyone who would click on the ad, creating more chances of generating free leads

Once the information was provided, the bot would let them know that the ebook has been emailed to them on the given email address.

We did not limit the ad campaign to messenger only, the more people see the ad anywhere on Facebook or Instagram, the better the chances of clicking and eventually generating more real estate leads.

However this time the share was quite less than before as this audience came through paid ads and wasn’t as engaging as the existing customers. Mainly, because more than half of the people were not willing to provide the information needed.

The rest didn’t even bother clicking, But it wasn’t all bad!

We still managed to get 1167 emails and phone numbers from each user who those who clicked on the ad. The conversion rate of 0.428$ per lead was literally awesome. Then we added these 1167 people on our email list right away and the phone numbers came in handy for cold calling.

Generate better leads with Botsify

Now we thought of another workaround using the same real estate lead strategy as an example but from a little different angle. We decided to use this ebook one more time, just to see how differently it will be received at the user end.

And if there is going to be a major difference in numbers, which will help us clear out confusions regarding the method used in the 2nd phase were less effective or it’s just how it’s going to be ?

Phase 3 – Website Traffic to Chatbot User

This time we decided to focus on website traffic and its conversion onto the chatbot. We created a Facebook post using the same ebook and this time redirected the user to the ebook landing page.

using messenger checkbox plugin to convert website traffic on messenger to generate free leads

In order to read the ebook, people would have to subscribe to our Facebook messenger bot through the messenger checkbox plugin.

The message received by subscribers once they checkmark on the plugin. This tool is excellent for real estate leads and conversions

We created another ad campaign using the same text, same ebook, the only difference was that traffic this time was not going to the messenger. Instead, it was redirecting the user to the ebook landing page. This way, people will convert to our messenger bot and in return, will be able to download the ebook from the same webpage.

Facebook ad snippet that redirected users to the ebook landing page which was the 3rd step of our real estate leads strategy

Guess what, this resulted in 250 chatbot subscribers. Which in comparison to our campaign before wasn’t a good result at all. A conversion rate of almost $2 per real estate leads.

Let’s recap Phase 1.

Now we decided to send the same affiliate sales message to these people using subscription messaging. This kept the real estate lead generation campaign active. Not just active, we eventually received 107 real estate leads through it and successfully managed to give real estate quotes to multiple prospects and finally, closed another deal!

Get Started with Botsify and Generate Leads faster

about in the next phase. So fasten up your seat belts and let’s get right into the…So if we compare phase 2 and phase 3, I would say phase 2 still performed a little better and it could be because of in-conversation forms.

Another thing we found that the click-through rate of the post was less than the click-through rate of the messenger ad which is a key point if you are going to advertise on Facebook anytime soon.

Moving forward, we noticed one thing happening quite often…People leaving queries about the listings in messages & comments too. Which could eventually be a great opportunity to send out real estate quotes to these commenters…

So we came up with a plan to capture these real estate leads with a kick-ass tool, that you will be learning.

Final Phase – The Comments…

We found out that people were constantly sending queries under the listed property posts on Action Realty’s Facebook page and also on their messenger chatbot. These queries were kind of repetitive and contained certain keywords. Such as “available” “info”, “more details”, “booking appointment“, “rental properties“, “visit”, “price”, etc.

At this point, our for-sale properties were getting a great response from the audience, It was time to get real estate quotes for the rental listings! And in order to make that happen, we decided to use these queries and convert them into qualified real estate leads.

Luckily, we found out that a lot of people were interested in the rental listings we posted over the course of 2 weeks. So we decided to use the acquire users from comments feature and convert these commenters to bot users.

We triggered bot replies to comments by selecting these rental listing posts, adding the keywords commonly found in the comment section, set up a bot message we wanted to send to each specific keyword and start converting them into chatbot users! Then we chose to boost these posts to increase engagement in the comments section. We received tons and tons of comments with these kinds of keywords:

Chatbot conversation

We kept a close eye on the bot’s conversation with each user to see if the real estate leads strategy is even working or not. We figured out the silver lining of this entire strategy…

This integration of bot responses to comments helped us manage queries a lot easier! In fact, we managed to respond to at least 2000 comment queries over a month period. Which means more conversions, which means more real estate quotes sent!

Which converted to generating 1240 successful leads through comments and surprisingly enough, at least 1/5 people who commented on the posts were in fact, potential clients so each one of the listed property got rented out pretty soon after.

In merely 10 weeks of working with this real estate leads strategy phase by phase, it was time for us to share the results with our client, but just when we thought of sending our report over we got this email:

Customer feedback for botsify

At this point, Action Realty had received 4740 Leads in less than 3 months and closed more than 30 deals with this real estate lead generation strategy.

Start your lead generation journey now!

Not only this, but the company was reviewed 64% more positively for better real estate quotes and closing deals faster than ever by the clients?

Of course, you want to know the happy ending of the story and we certainly don’t want to deprive you of it either. After the 11th week of trying out our platform for their Facebook this real estate agency,

Managed to bag, not 100, not 1000 but 4740 free leads, successfully respond to nearly 200 thousand user queries, saved more than 99,000 hours of the users and…Closed 32 deals!

And all this in less than 3 months in total (yeah that’s just bananas)! If it seems a little show-off to you well, it definitely is… Jokes aside, let’s recap the whole AI-ed Strategy on how to get real estate leads:

  • Integrating chatbot to Facebook and targeting the existing audience.
  • Using Email marketing as our complimentary tool.
  • Leverage the audience with an affiliate program so they can earn while on spreading the word for us.
  • Not rushing into a big budget for paid campaigns and testing out a simple real estate lead generation strategy using an existing email list and then.
  • Using Facebook advertisement to collect data and grow chatbot subscriber list.
  • Strive for targeted and relevant reach rather than bigger reach.
  • Collecting real estate leads, in exchange for valuable and relevant information to users.
  • Using the information submitted by users for cold calling and email marketing.
  • Using Facebook advertisements to convert the audience into chatbot subscribers.
  • Providing value in exchange for subscribing to the bot through the checkbox plugin.
  • Getting more engagement in the form of comments with boosted posts and automating responses to certain keywords.
  • Resulting in converting commenters to chatbot subscribers to eventually free leads to buyers.

Just a quick reminder, this strategy is not limited to one specific industry, you can apply this real estate leads to your fishing business too (no offense to fishing business we love tuna)… or to your multi-million dollar clothing brand.

Aaaand, to spice things up, even more, we have a few interesting chatbot tips and tricks for your business to shine amongst your online or offline competitors.

Here’s a real estate podcast our CEO got invited for an interview. Find out what he has to say about online real estate and AI collaborating.

And just a quick reminder, this strategy is not limited to one specific industry, you can apply the methods to your fishing business for that matter (no offense to fishing business we love tuna)…

or if you are a multi-million dollar clothing brand.

To spice things up even more, we have a few interesting chatbot tips and tricks for your business to shine amongst your online or offline competitors.

You can implement these tactics to any other business, become a chatbot pro and set lead generation examples for your industry!

Also give a read to: Real Estate Marketing: Templates + Examples to Win in 2020

In case you want to work with us and fly your business in 3 months book a free demo meeting with us.

Have you tried using chatbots for real estate lead generation yet? What difference did you see in your business before or after using them? Let us know in the comments below!

The post Generate $500K Real Estate Leads in 3 Months Using Botsify appeared first on Botsify.

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6 Low Budget Content Marketing Ideas for SMBs Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:09:56 +0000 Are you a small business owner who can’t get enough of content marketing tips? The problem you may face is that some marketing techniques require a lot of money to implement.

The post 6 Low Budget Content Marketing Ideas for SMBs appeared first on Botsify.

Are you a small business owner who can’t get enough of content marketing tips? The problem you may face is that some marketing techniques require a lot of money to implement.

How do you go about content marketing, if you don’t have a huge budget to spare? You can use these 6 tips that cost little to no money!

Find long-tail keywords with no competition

Writing for marketing is all about serving the people. What the people want is their questions answered as fast as possible. What you should do is find a question that is bothering your clientele and answer it, and also know where is the best place to advertise a business.

Some of the most asked questions are already answered. As a small website, you probably can’t answer those in hope to get some traffic.

What you should do is find the questions that few people look for. These are called long-tail keywords. The name speaks for itself, these are the search queries that have over three words in them.

They are usually easy to rank for and will bring you new customers little by little. Here’s where you can find ideas for these keywords:

  • Answer The Public
  • Google Keywords Tool
  • Google cues
  • Reddit
  • Quora

Publish a guide

Another way to bring some great content on the web is to share your experience. Think about what is your target audience. Answer these questions:

  • Who are the people why are buying from me
  • How are they using my products
  • What problems do they face that I can help solve

If you know your customers well, you should be able to come up with a list pretty soon. Take a look at your list and make a Google search to find how many competitors have similar content.

The thing about guides is you may not even have to compete for a place in the search. A guide can be a great way to let your customer make the first step down the sales funnel.

Ask your visitors to subscribe to the newsletter or leave their contact information in exchange for access to a guide, a video manual, or a free webinar.

Publish an infographic

Infographics are huge these days. They’re a good way to show a lot of information, they’re catchy, they sell well.

However, publishing a fancy looking picture is not enough. The thing is there are so many infographics out there that the demand for them decreases. So you have to make it very valuable.

Do your own study in something within your industry, or find a great study that got little attention. Then you have to make sure the information you’re bringing up is very relevant either to your customers or to people at large.

If you create an amazing infographic on the topic your customers can relate, it can give you a lot of exposure in the social networks and on the web in general.

Create an amazing infographic with ease!

Participate in the discussion

Talking to people on the internet can actually be a great content strategy. Pick the forums that your clients or people in your industry gather and take part in the discussion. Find other websites that may host discussions that are important to you. This includes Quora, Reddit, or similar websites.

You can find the relevant topics on these websites and talk to people. Share your expertise on the subject, answer the questions people have, and leave a link to your article or a guide when necessary.

This helps you get valuable backlinks and promote your brand on the major websites your customers use. Some people may even order your services directly in the DMs.

Find like-minded websites

When you publish a piece of content, nobody knows about it without a link. That’s how Google measures whether you are fit for being in the search or not.

This means you have to find opportunities to spread your content to other content creators around the web. Google explicitly bans link exchange, the practice of swapping links with other websites with the sole goal of getting more link juice. Some experts even say this practice doesn’t work anymore.

What works is showing your work to other people in the industry and making sure they like it. Your company doesn’t even have to be big and influential. ProEssayWriter, a small company that works in a highly competitive market, is able to write for top publications like the Huffington Post simply because of the experience they can share. You can be just like them.

Find websites that write on similar issues and write to their webmasters to establish a relationship. Compliment their efforts and say you’re using their content on your website. Offer to enrich their content with some information you have on your website and leave a link.

Some webmasters will do that if the content you show them is useful, and you don’t scare them away with being too salesy.

If that doesn’t work, you can always write a couple of guest posts for bigger websites. This will bring in both traffic and authority in the eyes of Google.

Engage on Instagram

Does your content look good? If it’s food, fashion, or something else that people love to see on Instagram, you’ve won a lottery.

Ask your customers to show off your products on the social network while mentioning your brand or a hashtag. Offer a discount in return.

This strategy costs you very little, but the number of customers you are going to get from word of mouth marketing is worth it.

(Header Image Credits: DiggityMarketing)


The post 6 Low Budget Content Marketing Ideas for SMBs appeared first on Botsify.

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8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:08:30 +0000 Every business today spends a lot of time and resources to establish its social media presence and, it is always worth it.

The post 8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing appeared first on Botsify.

Most marketers today spend a lot of time, energy and resources to establish their business social media presence. Due to the ever-growing need of social media, it also helps you grow massively in businesses. But of course with the right strategies and tools.

There is more than half of the entire world’s population using the internet right at this very moment.

You no longer have to spend thousands of $$$ on an advertisement to run on television. Facebook is providing you many lead generation opportunities through paid advertisement on Facebook and Messenger both. The more you sweeten the pot, the more leads you get!

Marketing managers of this age plan and strategize around the latest social media trends. Because what worked back in 2014 won’t probably turn out to be as effective for the market today.

Social media is a highly competitive place. You will have to take all kinds of risks to achieve what you have aimed for. It is always going to be a hit or miss unless you find a middle point where your audience finds you.

What Makes it so Special?

The fundamental concept of social media automation is to reduce time and effort you spend on repetitive tasks. That somehow slow you down in achieving your social media marketing goals. Not just automatic social media posting, you can use different tools for many more daunting tasks that slow you down.

With the increased demand of businesses social media presence due to 4.2 Billion possible users. There has been an equal increase in the need for social media marketing tools that are smart, comprehensive and cost-effective to capture as much of their audience attention, as possible.

In today’s world for any small or large business with any number of social media audiences, it is always a great idea to opt for automation.

Social media automation comes in many different shapes in sizes – depending on what exactly your business need.

A social media automation tool is capable of doing the job of multiple employees alone.

Social media marketing has been widely popular among organizations. These days and marketing professionals are required to manage and effectively put their social media to good use; lead generation, brand awareness, and PR.

SMM (social media marketing) can benefit you to establish and run your business online or grow your existing online presence to a greater extent.

Also Read: Boost your following on social media

So without any further ado, lets jump right to the 8 reasons, why your business needs social media marketing.

Reason #1: Customer Acquisition is Easier

The number 1 reason for you to opt for social media marketing is the ease of finding your customers with a very less amount of investment.

Social media is one of the most stress-free and profitable digital marketing platforms. It can be used to increase your business visibility. To get started, create social media profiles for your business and start networking with others.

By applying a social media strategy, it will help you significantly increase your brand recognition. By spending only a few hours per week, over 91% of marketers claimed that their social marketing efforts greatly increased their brand visibility and heightened the user experience.

Undoubtedly, having a social media page for your brand will benefit your business. With regular use, it can also produce a wide audience for your business in no time.

Reason #2: Reach out and engage with your customers

Social media is a good way of engaging and interacting with customers. The more you communicate with the audience, the more chances you have of conversion. Set up a two-way communication with your target audience so that their wishes are known and their interest is catered with ease.

Moreover, communication and engagement with customers is one of the ways to win their attention and convey them your brand message. Thus, your brand will reach more audiences in real terms and gets itself established without any hassle.

Reason #3: Your Content gets Streamlined

There are some readily available 360-degree automation tools that help you not only schedule your posts but also replicate them whenever you want. These tools help you save time in doing repetitive tasks.

However, timing your content is very important – which is mostly because of the demographics of your audience. If your audience has a different time zone than yours or belongs to multiple time zones. In short, you have to customize your schedules a little more. Kontentino can help you choose your custom audience for a specific post!

When your brand is consistent on social media it builds a strong following. We have seen many companies who have created social media profiles on popular social networks. But failed to create consistency with their content.

This clearly shows that more and more businesses have acknowledged the power and usefulness of social media marketing.

Reason #4: Faster Customer Support

Despite your content scheduling, tracking post analysis, advertisement running on multiple social media platforms, what about the dozens of queries pending in your email?

If your inbox flooded with messages, you are probably missing out on some – which means a higher chance of losing a customer too. In this scenario, your can automat customer support that responds to queries to save your time and hassle.

Botsify is a chatbot building platform that helps you automate your messenger and website chat. You can create custom chatbots by creating multiple conversation scenarios, add multimedia, google search and lead collection forms to it. Most chatbot platforms offer real-time support to your customers however, Botsify does more than that.

You can generate leads faster with a chatbot by adding – collect leads through messenger chatbot using Lead Generation Forms within the conversation. Create conversational forms with Botsify to make your chatbot interactive and collect user information then and there!

Reason #5: Optimize your Social Media

Increase your productivity and efficiency while working on that Facebook lead generation of yours!

You may also like: How to generate leads faster with these 10 Tools 

There is a tool for everything to figure out what your audience does, where it comes from, where your targeted market search for the same product. You are about to launch, how much traffic your content might potentially get you and where to look for advertisement on your blog.

Social media tools like Hootsuite, Feedly, MeetEdgar and many more are all free or paid platforms that help you optimize your social media. Let’s stay ahead of your monthly content calendar!

Reason #6: Finding Content becomes Easier

If you want to find out the most trending topics that you want your content to revolve around (which is highly recommended) then Buzzsumo is your best bet! You can find the relevant trending topics and how they are performing. All you need to do is automate your research by providing the relevant keywords you want.

Reason #7: A break from traditional marketing strategies

Social media marketing seems very basic and all figured out. But there is always a good amount of planning and strategizing behind all the successfully running content you see online every day.

When you step into SMM, you get familiar with the social marketplace, learn to strategize, plan and execute successful campaigns. Also, be able to analyze the success and failure of your strategies and know where and how to improve for your next one!

Even more so, if you are working as a marketing professional already, you must have noticed the increased demand for digital marketing managers, community managers, and content marketers.

Reason #8: You Create Your own place among the competition

There is no denying the fact that most businesses are doing a fantastic job. Just with an online presence which made the big names in the corporate world to move over to the online world too!


The post 8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing appeared first on Botsify.

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5 Simple Ways of Growth Marketing Explained Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:07:02 +0000 Growth marketing isn't as difficult as you may assume it to be, but there are certain tactics that need to put out on the table.

The post 5 Simple Ways of Growth Marketing Explained appeared first on Botsify.

Growth marketing is a powerful new way of establishing a loyal user base. In this guide, we will explain growth marketing from a startup perspective.

So let’s get started.

What is Growth Marketing?

The process of designing and experimenting in order to improve and optimize the results achieved from the targeted area.

If you have a certain metric that you want to double up, growth marketing is your best bet to achieve that.

Growth marketing individuals handle:

  • Areas that need testing and improvements
  • Develop and conduct experiments which will optimize processes, identified in the testing earlier
  • Further experimentation of the tested improvements to draft a hypothesis
  • And lastly, analyze the outcomes of all the experiments undertaken to assess if any area requires further testing and/or improvements.

In simple words, growth marketing also called ‘growth hacking’ is the 2.0 of marketing. It takes the conventional marketing paradigm and introduces layers such as A / B research, value-additive blog posts, email marketing strategies powered by results, SEO optimization, innovative ad copy, and strategic review of any part of the experience of a customer.. Through applying these tactics, the experiences obtained provide a roadmap to improving those areas that allow the company to expand sustainably.

What’s the Need?

Marketers use a rather scientific method when implementing a growth marketing strategy that helps them carry out these experiments. It’s focused more on the data side, rather than the creative aspects of the marketing strategies of any organization. You may call it an analytically minded function.

But be sure to handle failure while planning on carrying these experiments. Not all growth marketers achieve scalability and growth while conducting trials to improve their strategies.

On the plus side, you are one step closer to the right growth marketing formula. The best way to do that is to have a workaround of an experiment that you implement from each of its angles. If it seems like failing, you have another one on standby!

You may also like: 2019’s top 5 growth marketing strategies

Twitter’s User Growth Strategy – How it Used “Top People to Follow” to Power Onboarding Users

Twitter came up with an excellent user growth (marketing) strategy was to encourage users to follow more users during their onboarding phase on the platform. They tested a feature called “ten people to follow” which quickly ignited users from onboarding to the product to actually using it as it was meant to be.


Users didn’t have to look at empty and boring newsfeeds. Instead, they began interacting with people of their interest and their interactions kept their interest in the site and to stay further.

Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing

suggestions tailored for my account

This strategy was implemented in 2010 when twitter had 30 million active users, which is great just FYI. But the Product Manager Andy Johns thought it was too slow. After several trials and errors, the team was finally able to get a massive shift in their graphs by gaining up to 60,000 users to onboard in a single day. With the help of growth marketing including the aforementioned strategy.

What’s the takeaway for you?

Provide your onboarding users with a nice and secure footing into the platform so that they feel welcomed. It can be anything from connecting with their friends, sharing files, sending broadcasts.

Another Great Example

A similar (but not same) user-driven strategy could be Botsify’s “10 minutes to become a pro” strategy. This chatbot platform provides a bunch of baby steps. New users can feel like they’re able to use of the product right away. While you can also engaging them into using multiple features provided.

Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing

The progress bar shows how far to go and checks-off actions that have been taken.

Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing

This strategy was implemented keeping non-technical users in mind, who require a little push from behind to fully enjoy the swing rides.

This works on the individual level but will generate mass level results for you!

Enough with the theoretical explanations, its time to talk about the real stuff! Growth marketing isn’t as difficult as you may assume it to be. But there are certain tactics that need to be put out on the table.

Beware! These tactics may require you to get out of your traditional marketing comfort zone. So, if you are ready for it, just fasten that growth marketing seat belt of yours and let’s get right into these…

Similar to this: Achieve Hypergrowth with the right strategy

5 Ways of Growth Marketing Your Business Needs

1. Become Data-Driven

If you are someone who makes decisions on the basis of gut feeling or anything your marketing head says is the word of god – also known as the HiPPO (highest paid person’s opinion) strategy – then you need to get rid of these approaches altogether. Growth marketing requires you to dive deeper into data yourself. Figure out the right strategies and get used to working with the tools and techniques needed for these analyses.

2. You Must be Product Focused

In the modern sales world, you cannot really sell your product if you do not understand what you are selling. Similarly, in growth marketing, your business requires you to be the evangelist and seller both and not trick people into buying your product when they don’t.

Growth hacking is more truly believing in helping people with a product. It is about illustrating the real benefits and value of your product out there. And then let the buyer make its own decision – not as much of a hacking right?

3. Growth Marketing Requires a Hacker Mentality

When stepping into the crazy world of growth marketing you need to gear up with a jack that does everything. When we say everything, we mean it. You may expect to edit a video, optimize an advertisement copy, do some coding or implement another A/B testing.

In other words, you need to possess a wide array of skillset when putting the badge of growth marketer on your shirt. Especially, if your strategies are at the early stages!

4. Be Able to Handle Multiple Responsibilities

Again, you need to be able to cater to multiple tasks and domains. And be comfortable adapting new techniques and using tools that enable your strategies. Growth hacking is detail-oriented but the focus never goes away from the big picture. Is result-driven but being ambiguous isn’t the end of the world either. It requires data for decision making but values human intuition as well.

5. Stop Fearing Failure

Growth marketers must be able to understand the fact that failure is just a part of experimentation – until you finally achieve the goal you will encounter many of them. After all, failure is the stepping stone of immense growth.

Growth marketing allows you to become bold enough to try out new things and see what works best for your business. This will eventually lead you to the right path for success.

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How Automation Can Improve Your Social Media Campaigns Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:05:30 +0000 While making a fool-proof strategy for your social media you will require some tools to assist you to speed things up, ensure accuracy and provide insights into whether or not it is working out for your brand.

The post How Automation Can Improve Your Social Media Campaigns appeared first on Botsify.

Social media campaign has raised in the past few years and the businesses realized the need for upping their social media game. Since an increasing number of social media platforms made them squirm in figuring out a way to always be quick, steady and responsive to the audience.

Social network sites data

“This statistic provides information on the most popular networks worldwide as of April 2019, ranked by number of active accounts. Market leader Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts and currently sits at 2.32 billion monthly active users. Sixth-ranked photo-sharing app Instagram had 1 billion monthly active accounts.” –Source: statista

Meanwhile, there was an entire industry forming to figure this whole social media mechanism out – the SaaS Industry. An acronym for Software as a Service which is comprised of various tools and software that aim to help businesses do better online.

One major cause of developing these tools was to automate social media while you focus on making your campaigns viral.

But the question is how automation helps your campaigns directly?

Why Automation Is Important for Social Media?

The fundamental concept of social media automation is to reduce the amount of time and effort you spend on repetitive tasks that slow you down in achieving your digital marketing goals. Not just automatic social media posting, you can use different tools for many more daunting tasks that slow your campaigns down.

Reason #1: Time Efficient

Of course, when you use automation tools for your social media campaigns, you spend less time and effort on content that only gets a few shares and website visitors.

While using a centralized dashboard for content scheduling or to schedule Facebook posts or on other social media platforms, you not only schedule your posts in advance but also save yourself the hassle of going back and forth with multiple accounts by logging into each one individually and then post the same content over and over again.

This gives you more time to keep an eye on the comments, mentions, inboxes and trending topics”(Twitter trending topics, Instagram, or else)” for future content sake – since these domains cannot be fully automated and require more attention than simply posting content.

You may also like: Build a customer support bot for your social media is 15 minutes

Since your objective of social media marketing should always be providing value to the audience. Prioritize delivering quality content and while doing so, save time and hassle with automation.

Worldwide social users data

“This statistic shows the number of social media users worldwide from 2010 to 2016 with projections until 2021. In 2019, it is estimated that there will be around 2.77 billion social media users around the globe, up from 2.46 billion in 2017.” –Source: statista

These are some of the best automation tools you can find.

Reason #2: Content Consistency

When your brand is consistent on social media it builds a strong following. We have seen many companies who have created social media profiles on popular social networks but failed to create consistency with their content.

According to i-Scoop , 78% of businesses have dedicated resources for their social media which rose from 67% in a matter of 5 years. This clearly shows that more and more businesses have acknowledged the power and usefulness of social media marketing.

But some of these businesses do not have sufficient resources to dedicate them for social media management solely or do not have enough time to look at how their content performs and what needs to be done. These businesses tend to struggle to reap even the fewest or no benefits from social media marketing.

Content automation tools can be the solution for it – Hootsuite, MeetEdgar,Buffer, DrumUp and many other content automation tools help you find relevant and fresh content to share on your social media and stay active on each one without having to stay online all the time.

SocialBee is one such tool that offers an AI article generator, which is designed to make the content creation process significantly easier and more efficient. By utilizing this tool, you can create high-quality content for social media in a fraction of the time it would take to do so manually.

SocialBee’s AI post generator also provides an opportunity to tailor content in your own tone, meant to fit your specific needs and preferences, allowing you to make the most out of your social media marketing efforts.

Reason #3: Better Strategy

There are probably a million ways automation helps you improve your social media strategy but one tried and true way is to figure out when your content performs the best.

Of course, you cannot always expect it to get maximum engagement but automated posting on social media definitely helps you analyze when your content performs the best. Then you can schedule your content within that particular time bracket. This strategy does not only work with filler content but also with your marketing campaigns.

For example, if you are holding a Mega Sale that ends in a week, you can schedule a 12 hour or 24-hour reminder post that sort of shows the time running out.

In order to check how the content is performing, you can always check on your content automation tool’s dashboard.

Automation allows you to modify your social media campaign and the strategy, in general, to ensure a higher number of reach. Since these tools get insights into how well the content is being received at the other end. From likes, shares, retweets and link clicks to conversion, you will be able to deliver your audience exactly what they like and post in volume too.

How Automation Affects Your Social Media Campaigns

While making a fool-proof strategy for your social media you will require some tools to assist you to speed things up, ensure accuracy and provide insights into whether or not it is working out for your brand.

As the number of social media platforms continues to grow, it is nearly impossible for you to manually engage with each one’s audience equally and provide timely content to them every time. But all thanks to content automation tools, you can do it efficiently and make the most of your time strategizing.

TechCrunch’s Facebook Chatbot Marketing

Ever since Facebook announced chatbot integrations to messenger the news spread like wildfire and many hopped on this crazy exciting journey. Now chatbots come in many different shapes and sizes to suit your marketing strategies and campaigns like TechCrunch.

This online tech publication has a facebook chatbot that acts like a digital digest. When you visit their page on Facebook and hit the “Send Message” button underneath the cover photo, it will redirect you to their Messenger chatbot.

Facebook Chatbot Marketing

This is an excellent opportunity for them to send direct messages to any user that opts into their messenger bot since they’re giving explicit permission to the business.

As for a specific social media campaign, this example can be taken into consideration. Techcrunch uses its Messenger bot for growing its daily website visitors. How? By encouraging them to read the content available over their website.

They’re giving value to the users and simultaneously increasing their readership by sending out this daily digest as links to thousands of Facebook users. Making it an everyday ritual is what makes this campaign successful as the odds of clicking through their website increases to a great extent.

TechCrunch chatbot

This does not only increase TechCrunch’s messenger audience but also incrementally grow their monthly traffic. What could be a more important success metric than that for any digital publication after all?

There are so many other uses for Facebook Messenger bots. Your business can use it as a lead generation device, answer FAQs for customers, allow customers to set appointments, and so much more.

A takeaway for you:

Chatbot marketing is a powerful and fun way of brands to engage with their users and can potentially increase their social media campaign’s engagement rate.

Apart from the specific use case mentioned above, your automated chatbot can generate leads, respond to customer FAQs, take appointments on your behalf and even create a questionnaire for your giveaway campaigns. Here’s a complete guide on how you can create a facebook contest using a chatbot.

4 Ways and Their Tools To Automate Your Social Media Campaigns

There are tons of social media automation platforms you can choose from and they all pretty much offer the same features with one or two differences. However, it is important for you to know exactly which type of automation your business requires.

This is why I have gathered these 4 different ways you can automate your campaigns, your communication and overall management of your social media marketing.

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1. Content Optimization

Hootsuite alternatives does not only enables you to schedule your posts, but it also helps you automate your tasks and content too. You can actually streamline your entire social media campaign and manage your networks as a team by keeping a close eye on the progress of assigned tasks, sharing information with other team members and repurpose your old posts by duplicating them with the drag and drop feature.

Send your posts as a draft internally or to your clients to get approval and then schedule them accordingly once you get a go. On the plus side, the platform offers a built-in UTM tag creator, helps you evaluate how your content has been performing with social media analytics and also lets you restrict your posts to a specific audience to reach if need be.

An overall social media automated posting and scheduling tool that helps you bring multiple tasks on a single dashboard.

How cool is that!

2. Automated Chatbots

Now that your content is scheduled, posts are being analyzed what about the dozens of queries pending to be responded in your inboxes?

Even if you are using just a single social media platform it’s simply too expensive to dedicate a resource for 24/7 customer support for merely a small number of queries you get. But if your inbox is flooded with messages you are probably missing out on some – which means a higher chance of losing a customer too.

Botsify is a chatbot building platform that helps you automate your messenger and website chat. You can create custom chatbots by creating multiple conversation scenarios, add multimedia, google search and lead collection forms to it. Most chatbot platforms offer real-time support to your customers however, botsify does more than that.

  • You can respond to your comments through a chatbot. All you have to do is set up one or more keywords and their responses. For example here, I have setup these 5 keywords that I mostly got queries for on my page and automated it using botsify’s acquire users from comment feature.
    So as soon as anyone drops a comment containing any of the designated keywords (on a selected post that I have automated comments for), they will instantly receive a message response from my media campaign
  • You can optimize your facebook sponsored ads by redirecting your users to specific conversation flow. This works best for promotional offers on your website or seasonal discounts etc.


Customer chat

3. Social Media Management

There are some readily available 360-degree automation tools that help you not only schedule your posts but also replicate them whenever you want. These tools help you save time in doing repetitive tasks.

However, timing your content is very important – which is mostly because of the demographics of your audience. If your audience has a different time zone than yours or belongs to multiple time zones then you have to customize your schedules a little more.

 4. Content Finder

If you want to find out the most trending topics that you want your content to revolve around (which is highly recommended) then Buzzsumo is your best bet! You can find the relevant trending topics and how they are performing. All you need to do is automate your research by providing the relevant keywords you want.

Although this tool is a little on the pricier side (as compared to other social media optimization tools) but the information it provides is worth every penny. Buzzsumo tracks result from numerous platforms including facebook, twitter, Pinterest and many more. You can find filtered search results by location or platform.

Other than the content you can also look for influencers and build your relationship with them.

Final Thoughts

The best way to increase your engagement, stay relevant and deliver the right content is through automation. Although you cannot fully automate your social media management, you can use tools that fasten up your pace, lower repetitive tasks and help you build your brand better.

But always remember one thing while you use automation tools, one shoe never fits all, find out tools that are relevant to your needs so that your time money and resources dont go wasted for nothing.

The post How Automation Can Improve Your Social Media Campaigns appeared first on Botsify.

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Improve B2B Customer Feedback with 8 Simple Ways Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:04:21 +0000 Want to improve your b2b customer experience and encourage them to give their feedback? We have gathered 8 foolproof tips to help you improve your b2b customer feedback instantly!

The post Improve B2B Customer Feedback with 8 Simple Ways appeared first on Botsify.

If you ask any business where to begin when you decide to improve your customer feedback?. And not only the regular feedback but improve b2b customer feedback as it certainly increases the customer service. Also, the most common answer you would find is customer service.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to hire more support staff or get the most expensive CRM tools, the experience your customer has with your company is all that matters.

This means your customer service team along with the tools you use can be put to the best possible use to become excellent at customer feedback.

And if you are wondering why I have put so much emphasis on improving customer feedback here are a few facts why you need to do so.

So if you are interested, keep reading!

Facts About Customer Feedback you Didn’t Know

1. Bad Customer Feedback will cost you

According to research conducted on the impact of customer’s experience on a company’s success and found out that on average American businesses lose $62B to poor customer experience.

Customer Feedback
Customer Feedback

Source: Vonage The $62 Billion Customer Service Scared Away. More importantly, what happens after a customer has a bad experience with a business and the results show a good 42% of customers will share their feedback on social media or other public domains.

2. One Bad Review = Dozens waiting inline

According to Lee Resource, every time a customer gives negative feedback about a business, there is a high chance of approximately 26 other unhappy customers who have not reported yet. And when you improve b2b customer feedback thoroughly it makes the review analysis better. This, in fact, is a positive outcome – since customer churn is around 50% every 5 years and they’re simply leaving your business without you having to know it.

3. Never Ignore Customer Feedback on Social Media

According to Martinz Research, a study of more than 1200 complaints found on Twitter about various companies, only 29% of these customers got a response and the rest were left unattended.

Customer Feedback on Social Media
Customer Feedback on Social Media

Source: Maritz Research and evolve24-Twitter Study

On the other hand, the same study found out that about 83% of the customers who share their negative feedback on social media and got a response appreciated it.

4. Customers Beat Around the Bush

One dissatisfied customer can affect many minds regarding your business. Imagine a customer who had a terrible experience with your brand and convinces 15 people by telling them about it.

Yes! According to the white house office of consumer affairs, 1 dissatisfied customer shares the feedback with 9-15 people on average. And almost 13% of all customers share negative feedback with more than 20 people in person or on social media.

But how do you improve your b2b customer experience and get a maximum of “improve b2b customer feedback”?

Since working with b2b customers is a little different and much less upfront – they will not be sharing feedback on social media for you to respond if a business fails to meet the expectations and deliver as promised they will simply switch to your competitor. This is a much bigger problem, because, in a b2b market, you cannot afford to lose even a single client to your competition. So, to improve b2b customer feedback I have the right solution for you!

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I have gathered 8 foolproof tips to help you improve your b2b customer feedback instantly!


Tip #1: Speed up Your Communication

According to Temkin Group lack of speedy communication with a supplier is considered the number one pain point among B2B decision-makers, which equals twice as much as price.

Often times we ignore the fact that resolving a customer’s query then and there is not as important as catering to that request first-handly.

In fact, your customers would appreciate a quick reply from your end acknowledging their query rather than you getting back to them after 3 days with the resolution. Which is absolutely fair, since you wouldn’t know what your customer had to face during that time you were fixing the bug or whatsoever the problem and on top of that, your customer had no idea that it’s been taken care of and could be looking for alternatives in the meantime.

So if you want to improve b2b customer feedback this could be one the easiest ways, to begin with.

Tip #2: Improve Your Support on Mobile

Since most of the customers are available on their mobile devices, it is very much likely that they would want to have an equally great experience on their mobile as you provide them on the web. As it is recommended to have as many channels to reach out as possible, which includes social media and other mobile applications.

But if your business is hard to find through a mobile device (on the web or social networks) your customer might get frustrated every time they have to write you an email and follow up on the long and boring chains. As a matter of fact, 52% of your customers would leave your company due to a bad mobile experience.

You can avoid that from happening by creating an easy and mobile-friendly interface of your website and providing multiple social media channels for your customers to reach you. So to improve b2b customer feedback focus on mobile support. Other than a responsive site, you can use no-code app builders like AppMySite to create applications in minutes.

Tip #3: Self-service is Customer Preference

Did you know? 50% of customers prefer solving your product/service issues themselves and almost 70% would like your company to have a self-service application or guide.

This not only helps take a lot of burden off your shoulder but also enable your customers to understand your product/service a little better.

Include self-service options for your customers to help them figure out answers to their questions faster – and you no longer have to worry about their response to it.

Tip #4: Don’t Test Customer’s Patience

When you fail to provide the customer with the experience they expected to have with your company, keep in mind the fact that there are many other suppliers ready to replace you. And eventually your goal for “improve b2b customer feedback” will decline.

As per Esteban Kolsky, 13% of customers are likely to tell about their bad experience with a company to at least 15 people. On top of that 67% of them said bad customer experience is the main reason for churn.

So the last thing you want is to get your customers frustrated to the point where it leads to churn. Why because only 1 out of 26 dissatisfied customers complain to the company and the rest 25 customers simply move on.

Invest your support team into providing better customer experience and you will see a visible improvement in your feedback since 67% of your customers are more likely to share a positive experience as compared to those with negative.

Tip #5: Customers Hate Waiting

There is no denying the fact that your b2b customers want a fast resolution from your end. Whether you are providing a product or service there is going to be an issue every now and then but what matters is your efforts and attempts to save that ship from sinking (or in simpler terms, customer churning).

The most customer still finds calling as their preferred method but only if the response they receive is quick and up to the mark. According to Vonage customers get frustrated when they have to stay on hold for more than 11 minutes and hang up.

Customers Hate Waiting
Customers Hate Waiting

Source: Vonage The $62 Billion Customer Service Scared Away

An easy and effective solution for this could be providing a better and faster way to connect with you and for that automated live chat is your best bet!

You can opt for an AI-enabled chatbot to help provide a first-hand response to these customers and then connect them to your representatives if and when needed.

You can also train your chatbot to provide resolution for basic troubleshooting as well as redirect to relevant pages.

If you want to learn how to create a b2b website chatbot read this in-depth guide.

Tip #6: Retain Your Customers

According to CallMiner, Companies in the US face more than $136 billion in revenue loss because customer switching resulted from avoidable reasons.

It’s 2019, customers don’t believe in forgiving and forgetting unless you deserve. One bad experience will result in switching to a different company!

Not only this, 50% of American consumers claim to have discarded a purchase or subscription they had planned to make due to poor customer experience.

Rather than focusing on getting new customers, you need to focus on your existing ones and how to retain them – and their feedback will improve itself.

Also Read: 16 best survey tools worth checking out

Tip #7: Give Automation a Try

According to Genesys, 10-15% of customers have said that they are willing to stay on hold for more than 5 minutes. In order to get each one of your customers to get a timely response, you can opt for automation tools that are readily available to help you respond to customers faster than ever before.

Botsify itself is a b2b solution, dedicated to every b2b business of every industry in helping them optimize their customer support, fasten their resolution time, and reduce their customer churn as a result.

Chatbots are being deployed to an array of industries now since the use cases and results are massive and the cost in exchange is comparatively low. Other than chatbots you can also find many other automation tools to help improve your overall customer experience. Here are 10 excellent tools for b2b companies to try

Tip #8: How to Meet Customer Expectations

Show your customers that you value them by meeting their expectations. How? Train your sales and support team to always cater to customer queries, despite having the answer to their questions or not.

Customers love getting a quick response from companies rather than waiting for them to come back days later with a solution.

One way to ensure that is by collecting your customer feedback.

The WordPress Survey plugin is here to help you to listen to your customers. Let your customers share their feedback with you in one of the easiest ways and learn about customer satisfaction levels. With the help of anonymous surveys, you will be 100% sure that your customers are sharing their honest feedback with you. It is designed to meet all the requirements that a good survey must have. It is known to be the Google Form alternative in WordPress, which is why the majority of WordPress users enjoy using this plugin. For getting the correct infographic results you must also conduct surveys. They are the best way for speaking with your audience.

Also read: 12 Best Online Survey Tools to Gather Feedback (2023)

Survey Monkey, zonka feedback, Feedier, Survicate, UseResponse, and many other tools can help you create customer service surveys and in exchange reward each one of your customers. This motivates them to share their valuable feedback with you so that you know where your brand really stands. Create simple and engaging feedback forms to collect your customer feedback easily with these platforms.

Or you can create your own customized feedback collection forms with Botsify to get an idea of their experience with your bot. And see your goal “improve b2b customer feedback” rising like never before.

The post Improve B2B Customer Feedback with 8 Simple Ways appeared first on Botsify.

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How India Go Solar Saves 20 Hours of Customer Support Daily! Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:02:48 +0000 Find out how India's 1st solar E-commerce marketplace is saving its customer support hours using a chatbot

The post How India Go Solar Saves 20 Hours of Customer Support Daily! appeared first on Botsify.

India Go Solar is India’s 1st solar E-commerce marketplace. Their platform aims to increase awareness of solar energy and to facilitate buy & sell transactions on a Hi-tech E-commerce platform.

They get a number of customers queries every day on social media like any other E-commerce business would do and which is why they opted for an automated chatbot to cater to their Facebook Page with 9000+ Likes and 4800+ Chatbot Users.

chatbot users details

Products and Service Provided By India Go Solar

India’s 1st solar e-info commerce marketplace offering a wide range of exclusive solar products, projects & services online for both B2C and B2B customers.

These are the services they provide:

  • Solar Roof Top Kits
  • Solar Service & Repair
  • Solar Asset Management
  • Solar Solution Investment
  • Solar Efficiency Management
  • Solar Project Financing
  • Solar Structure Fabricator
  • Energy Efficiency Services
  • Home Energy Automation Solutions
  • Solar rooftop financing
  • Solar Product Suppliers
  • Quick and Easy Finance

And some of the products they currently offer:

  • Home Automation System
  • Solar Power Fence
  • Home Lighting System
  • Solar Roof Top Kits
  • Solar Water Heater
  • Petrol Pump Solutions
  • Cold Storage
  • Solar Batteries
  • Solar LED Lights

Purpose of Chatbot In India Go Solar

India Go Solar opted for our chatbot for both, their Website Live Chat and their Messenger of over 9k+ Likes on their Facebook Page. The purposes for which they required chatbots were to:

  • Inform customers about their current services, projects, and products
  • Provide their customer support agent’s help regarding any product or service
  • Cater to customer complaints and
  • For users who wish to enroll for affiliate programs and partnerships

Chatbot Flow

IGS has integrated a single Botsify Chatbot to both its Website and Facebook. So whenever a user visits either of them, they get to have the same experience with our chatbot. Take a look here;

India go solar Chatbot

The conversation flow is identical. However, for this demonstration, we will be showing you the website Live Chat.

→ When a user visits India Go Solar’s Website, a Live chat message window will pop up.

user interaction with chatbot

→ Once the user clicks the “Get Started” button, the chatbot asks them to mention their name, and email address and phone number first to begin the conversation.

*This way IGS generates Leads and adds users to its mailing list to keep them updated with the latest products, offers, and more!

Aiva Chatbot

→ The user has to provide the necessary information before getting start.

Start Conversation

→ The chat window pops up after clicking ‘Start Conversation’, and a ‘Get Started’ button appears.

Get started

→ A welcome message emerges once the user pushes the button.

chatbot India Go Solar

→ The text includes 3 options:

A. Start Solar Business
B. Call Aiva
C. For Solar Product

customer support chatbot

A. Start Solar Business

This option redirects the user to India Go Solar’s Affiliate Program form if a user wishes to inquire about partnership information with them.

solar business

B. Call Aiva

This option is for people looking for a customer support agent to talk to. Once a user clicks on the Call Aiva option, it can get in touch with their Call Centre Agent.

C. For Solar Product

When a user clicks on this option, a slideshow of their Solar Powered products appear.

  • Users can click on any of these products and it will redirect them to the relevant product on the website.

Aiva Chatbot

*This type of slideshow can be made using the ‘Media Blocks’ feature when creating a chatbot. It helps users see all the given options in a category to choose from.

Aiva Chatbot

  • Users can go back and forth using the arrows given under the ‘Click to Submit’ button if they want to check the options.

Click to submit

  • If the user wishes to apply for any of the given options, by clicking the ‘Click to Submit button’ the chatbot redirects them to the ‘Project Installation’ page on the website


  • Alternatively, if a user types in an instead of going with either of the 3 given options, the chatbot continues to answer to that user accordingly. Take a look here:

India Go Chatbot customer support

  • The chatbot picks up keywords and responds to users with a relevant answer and in case the user doesn’t get what they were looking for, the chatbot provides them with contact information of the human support agent’s help.

As for the Numbers:

  • India Go Solar Bot has more than 4400 users on their Website Live chat and 400+ Users on their Messenger

website chatbot users

  • The total number of messages they have sent so far is 7300+ which means they saved 7300+ messages worth of time using Botsify.

customer support

  • The number of messages our chatbot has served so far is more than 8000

customer support

  • Saving Daily 20 Hours, 21 Minutes worth of Customer Support Cost and our Chabot has enabled them to collect over 4500 Leads so far.

customer support

You can check out India Go Solar’s Messenger Chatbot & Website Chatbot here.

The post How India Go Solar Saves 20 Hours of Customer Support Daily! appeared first on Botsify.

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