Faizan Siddiqui, Author at Botsify https://botsify.com/blog Read Our Blogs | All About Chatbots and Conversational AI Mon, 29 Jan 2024 08:22:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://botsify.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-Untitled-design-39-32x32.png Faizan Siddiqui, Author at Botsify https://botsify.com/blog 32 32 An interview with Software developer & Blockchain Architect at EY, Aminadav Glickshtein https://botsify.com/blog/aminadav-glickshtein-interview/ https://botsify.com/blog/aminadav-glickshtein-interview/#respond Tue, 20 Jun 2023 12:27:19 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=950 In this educational post, we are going to learn more about AI technology and chatbots. So, we have many individuals who are ambitious and passionate …

An interview with Software developer & Blockchain Architect at EY, Aminadav Glickshtein Read More »

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In this educational post, we are going to learn more about AI technology and chatbots. So, we have many individuals who are ambitious and passionate to speak and share knowledge about their experience. Here we go!

Finally, we got a chance to come across a techie person who was struggling when he was 8. From a very young age, he learned computer coding and since then his process of learning is still going on. He has been a bibliophile since a very young age. But interestingly, when he was 15, he built many products from idea to distribution and monetization. (That’s ah-mah-zing).

Meet him, the most proficient and upbeat Aminadav Glickshtein–a Manager. Hire Full-stack Developer. Block-chain Security “hands-on” Architect at EY. Aminadav executed multiple projects and worked with leading organizations. His victories are still going on. His expertise lies in different technical domains and programming languages. (E.g. JavaScript & NodeJS, Go, Python, PHP, Java, VBA).

Moreover, he always searches for  technical solutions to any challenge to make things better and easiest by the help of AI and machine learning. Aminadav is self-taught and His never-ending research makes him curious about technology. He found opportunities to learn from a single paper or even from every person. 

Let’s dive in and know more about him and his work.

Botsify: Hello Aminadav, we’re all really excited to have you here today. Tell us something about your career, how you start with Block-chain and AI, and what complications and hurdles you faced while developing your career?

Aminadav: Let’s make the long story short. At the age of 7, I had a dream to build a computer on my own. It was not as simple as today. On every card and hard-disk, there were small jumpers that you needed to know precisely how to connect them. It’s like a way of encoding instructions for the cards to not have conflicts with each other. It was very complicated. Don’t ask me how, but I exploded my pc. Literally, smoke in all the whose, the electricity goes down. My father, instead of being angry, he supported me. I continued to do hardware and software experiments. At the age of 9, I used Qbasic to develop software for my school. It had a phone book, a homework manager, a small game, and some more features.

Let skip 15 years of full-stack development. Six years ago, I found that everyone around me is speaking about the Blockchain, and I was interested to learn what it is. In my nature, I can’t have the feeling of understanding something before I deep dive and understand it in all the details until I can develop one by myself. I started to learn about Bitcoin, smart contracts, Zero-knowledge proof, and many more subjects. I built algo-trading bots, developed a secure exchange. I found vulnerabilities in smart contracts (and reported them).

You also asked about AI. I started when I was the CTO of GiftWizard. We had to develop an engine to recommend users what gifts to buy for their family & friends. We had a massive amount of data, and the app needed to give the best recommendation for each buyer. It was based on Facebook likes & comments, and previous purchases.

Botsify: We have seen in your profile that you have developed many technical products and we are really very interested to know about these products. Tell us more in detail about those products?

Aminadav: I’m an entrepreneur. I had products that downloaded millions of times, but for this blog, I would like to focus on a small chatbot I developed. The reason is that this chatbot was the first app that I switched to chatbot technology. I found that users much better like it. No learning-curve no support. So easy to use.

I created a chatbot to manage double parking spots. In short, every driver tells the chatbots where he parked, and if you blocked someone and he needs to exit before you, that chatbot will ask you to move your car. So simple, and a lot of people are using it daily. No registration, no download, it’s working directly from WhatsApp.

Botsify: Before moving forward to know more about your technical specialties and views let’s talk a little bit about your favoritism So, What is your favorite destination? Do you want to work in that place, or have you set up your mind that this is the dream destination where you work calmly and gain much profit?

Aminadav: My dream is to sit in a lone-island surrounded by the ocean, and play with my children. At the same time, my own chatbot is replying to people, advising them, helping them, developing, and doing all my work. 

Until the chatbot will be ready, I’m trying to develop and create technology that connects people. 

Success comes from creating a masterpiece every day. No one cared that Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling for four years in such an awkward position it permanently damaged his health.” – That’s a quote from an article called “Success is Living Like Your Cat”. 

Botsify: So among all the struggles, there is a game-changing masterpiece. So what is your masterpiece product which makes you successful among all other full-stack developers?

Aminadav: When I was 11 years old, I wanted to learn JavaScript. I didn’t speak English at all, anyway, I printed the full documentation (from MSDN) of the JavaScript language, in my father’s office. And I learned it slowly-slowly page-by-page, using a Hebrew-English dictionary. I learned JavaScript and English at the same time. Since then, every new thing I would like to learn, before reading articles, or books, before watching tutorials, I’m starting with the full documentation and force myself to understand everything. I believe that my wish to understand things deeply, helping me today to debug and find better solutions.

Botsify: As we have gone through your profile you belong to a perfect technical background so can you please share a little bit of knowledge with us regarding artificial intelligence? How important is artificial intelligence in today’s world?

Aminadav: Today, we can say that our own lives are dependent on AI. When you are crossing the road, and a car is stopped, there is a high chance that the driver was in the middle of writing SMS, and he didn’t notice you by himself. So why did he stop? Because he has MobilEye, an AI system that sees you, and it alerts him. 

The truth is, almost every app can be more usable and smarter by using AI technology. Even a calculator. The app can learn about the users what each one needs, and to show him the best interface for him to accomplish his tasks.

Botsify: And one more question connected with the above questions popping up in my mind is that share some views about Future use and importance of artificial intelligence, and also share some AI products you like really much and want to acquire them in life?

Aminadav: It sounds strange, but I believe that people who don’t like to use technology nor install apps, or buying the newest gadget, will be the first one who would like to use AI. For using a chatbot, you don’t need to be smart, the chatbot needs to be smart. The user doesn’t need to install anything, just tell the bot what he needs. I’m sure that most of the apps we see today will be replaced with AI chatbots.

Botsify: You know what? If it comes to discussing artificial intelligence chatbot is the first AI tool popup in my mind, What are your thoughts about this AI tool? Chatbots are trending worldwide to automate customer support and products like Botsify are providing ease for everyone. What do you think businesses should consider Chatbots as a perfect virtual assistant in this sadly pandemic situation?

Aminadav: It’s an excellent question. I can answer from many perspectives. But let’s take one. Using AI chatbots solutions like Botsify, it’s much cheaper than hiring real customer support agents. Today many SMB can’t pay for employees so that Chatbots can help them in support for their end-users

Botsify: We know that you are a brilliant developer so you can answer this question perfectly If you want to develop a chatbot list the new feature you wanted to add in chatbots?

Aminadav: If I was a product manager of Google Assistant or Facebook Messenger, the first feature I will add is autocomplete. To help the users writing test messages to the bot. Sometimes, e.g., I need to know what the user’s address is or where he parked. I want that my users will be able to type, and I will give them instant results to choose from, like in Google search. 

In Facebook and Telegram, you have quick replies. That the users can choose, but auto-complete can give the user the option to select from a huge amount of possibilities, and help him to interact with the chatbot.

Botsify: As we already know you are a successful developer so tell us a little bit of your success story and achievements and also Quote your favorite thoughts that match a successful business insider that appeals to you so much.

Aminadav: I extremely took the Agile product development methodology. Every app that you will ask me to develop, probably I will develop the first draft version (Proof of concept)  in one day. 

Most of the people and usually stakeholders have no idea what they exactly need. Presentations, documents, meetings, customer surveys – doesn’t help. Only when they see a real app, that is working on the web, or on their mobile phone, they start to understand what to ask for. So it’s useless to talk too much about specifications, requirements, and technology. First, to create a POC, get feedback, fix, improve, change, and every day to release something. Don’t plan too much.

Of course, this can work better,  for someone who has enough experience with all areas of technology, he knows to do good refactoring, using the micro-services practice, and have an end-to-end developing experience.

Botsify: Finally last but not the least As you already know Botsify is an AI chatbot making platform What is your opinion about Botsify? We would love to have your feedback.

Aminadav: Botsify is an excellent product. Let’s focus on one important thing I found you have Integrate a chatbot into a website. There are many solutions for a chat on a website, or for creating chatbots for social media. But your service can give the users the option to create one bot, and use it on the website, and connect it to social media. I think it can be precious to the users.

Thank you so much for giving us your precious time. You even inspired our readers with your informative words and with your experience. 

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Social Media Scraping and the Benefits It Has for Businesses https://botsify.com/blog/social-media-scraping-and-the-benefits-it-has-for-businesses/ https://botsify.com/blog/social-media-scraping-and-the-benefits-it-has-for-businesses/#respond Tue, 24 Jan 2023 07:25:41 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=5848 Web or data scraping has become a proven tool to help businesses collect data for various purposes. However, despite a proven track record, many businesses …

Social Media Scraping and the Benefits It Has for Businesses Read More »

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Web or data scraping has become a proven tool to help businesses collect data for various purposes. However, despite a proven track record, many businesses still haven’t implemented this strategy yet. Did you know that you can use the same tool on social media?

In this article, we’ll look at what data scraping is and how it can be used to collect data from social media platforms. We’ll also examine the benefits businesses can get from scraping social media. Finally, we’ll also look at the challenge and how you’re able to overcome them using tools like a TikTok scraper already connected to a proxy.

What Is Data Scraping?

Data scraping is an automated process used to collect information across the web. It can be used to collect specific information from websites, search engines, images and even social media. These tools will then combine the data into a single format, which the user can analyze to draw conclusions from.
Web scraping can collect the products and prices from your competitors, monitor their promotions, identify trends and opportunities in the market, improve your SEO and more.

Defining Social Media Scraping

Social media scraping is the process of collecting data from different social platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. Scraping these platforms can give you a direct insight into your target audience. Since these platforms have millions (sometimes even billions) of daily active users globally, this gives you access to a lot of valuable information.

The type of information you can scrape includes:

● Contact details (get phone numbers, email etc.)
● User ID
● User bios
● Favorite hashtags

● Comments
● Locations
● Users followers
● Accounts the user is following

The Benefits of Scraping Social Media – Is It Worth It?

You may be wondering what the benefits are of scraping social platforms. After all, this is important to know before you invest your time in the process. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits you can expect from scraping these platforms.

Discover Trends

Trends are crucial for marketing. By scraping social platforms, you’re able to stay on top of emerging trends. You can discover what your target audience is interested in at the moment and then use this information when planning and designing your next posts and related content.

Target Local Users

You’re able to use the data collected from social platforms to identify your local audience. This makes it possible to target them with personalized promotions that are only available in specific locations.

Find Out More About Your Audience

You can use social scraping to learn more about your audience, their preferences and behaviors. This way, you’re able to create posts you know your audience will engage with. Much like data lake business intelligence, these tools will then combine the data into a single format, which the user can analyze to draw conclusions from.

Monitor Competitors

You can collect information about your competitors, which you're able to use to ensure your own content and offerings are competitive. You can also scrape data from larger competitors to identify where you're able to improve your strategies to grow and improve.

Increase Followers

You can collect information from your followers that can help grow your follower base. By collecting the other accounts your followers follow, you’re able to identify other accounts that your business can follow. This expands your reach and can increase your own followers.

Gather Inspiration

By scraping social accounts, you can discover ideas for new content. By following the trends, you’re able to see what your audience is interested in at the moment and create related content. You can also monitor your competitors’ content to identify gaps that you can fill.

Sentiment Analysis

By scraping social platforms, you’re able to conduct sentiment analysis. Find out what your audience thinks of your products, services and brand. Collecting any mentions of your business lets you quickly see what users think about you.

Improve Public Relations

Collecting data from social platforms can also be used to improve PR and communication. By scraping any mentions of your brand, you can quickly identify if any consumers have issues or complaints so that you’re able to address them swiftly.

What Are the Challenges of Scraping Social Media?

The biggest challenge to scraping information from social media accounts is their strong bot protection. Social platforms try to keep the experience for users pleasant. There’s nothing as frustrating as having thousands of bots spamming a platform with useless information or slowing it down.

Since web scrapers are automated programs, they are picked up as bots. So if you try to access a social platform using a web scraper, you’re very likely to be blocked. Since this block is directly linked to your IP, this also means if you try to use the platform personally, you won’t be able to.

How To Overcome These Challenges

The best way to overcome this challenge and be able to collect data from social media without getting blocked is to use a residential proxy. A residential proxy hides your IP and replaces it with one from their pool. The IPs in a residential proxy pool are all linked to real devices, meaning they won’t be picked up as bots.

While you can just buy a residential proxy to pair with your skyscraper and use it for personal browsing as well. You can use specific tools to make scraping social media even more efficient. For example, a TikTok scraper has been specifically developed to collect information from this platform. It already has all the features needed to bypass any restrictions or tests on this platform. Best of all, a TikTok scraper is already connected to a proxy. This means you only need one tool to scrape the platform, and you don’t have to worry about bans.

Final Thoughts

Social platforms contain a wealth of information. This information can be used to improve various aspects of your business. As such, social media scraping is becoming a useful technique for businesses to collect the data they need from these platforms.


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Chatbot For E-Commerce: What it is and why you should use it to sell more https://botsify.com/blog/chatbot-for-e-commerce-what-it-is-and-why-you-should-use-it-to-sell-more/ https://botsify.com/blog/chatbot-for-e-commerce-what-it-is-and-why-you-should-use-it-to-sell-more/#respond Mon, 16 Jan 2023 05:42:37 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=5799 E-commerce chatbots are the perfect tool to facilitate “conversational marketing”. That is the use of digital service channels (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and live chat) to …

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E-commerce chatbots are the perfect tool to facilitate “conversational marketing”. That is the use of digital service channels (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and live chat) to offer an improved shopping experience to customers.

In other words, an e-commerce chatbot is an intelligent virtual assistant solution that can be implemented by digital businesses to help and guide customers at every stage of the purchase journey. This prevents them from abandoning your business or leaving the shopping cart careless. Moreover, with the integration of purchase-to-pay automation, chatbots can also assist with payment processing and invoicing, streamlining the entire purchasing process.

Thanks to easy and precise messages, an e-commerce chatbot makes user purchases much easier to carry out. In addition, they make customers feel more secure since when they have a complaint or claim, a bot will always be willing to help them.

In summary, an AI chatbot for ecommerce is the key tool to offering good customer service and improving your sales. Since it will send personalized messages to your clients, which helps the good interaction of a client with your business, eliminating any communication barrier.

5 Reasons to use a chatbot for e-commerce

You already know what an AI chatbot for ecommerce is. Now you know what are the reasons why every electronic business prefers to use this tool to improve customer service. Here are

5 reasons for its implementation: 

  • Allows bilateral communication with the client. You not only help or guide them, but also learn from your customers, listen to their questions, and build a relationship.
  • An e-commerce chatbot interacts with 2 to 5 times more customers than was previously possible via email or phone calls.
  • Stores that use conversational marketing with an e-commerce chatbot platform are the right way are increase annual revenue by 7-25%.
  • Open up new channels to drive sales – Instead of being limited to just your website, you can now display a catalog, make sales, and collect payments through WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, and more digital touchpoints.
  • An e-commerce chatbot allows you to send content and promotional messages to the touch points where your customers spend the most time, creating a powerful omnichannel strategy.

How do chatbots add value to e-commerce?

Have you ever wondered why customers abandon their carts? The main reason is that customers feel that the business is not there to help them. In fact, according to  Forrester, 53% of online shoppers abandon their carts if they don’t get instant answers to their questions.

This means that customers need answers as soon as the question arises. It’s no longer just offering email support. Much less are they going to wait for us or withhold a phone call? It is important to solve with minute details everything about the product and services of your business.

Therefore, the best thing you can do is implement an e-commerce chatbot. This gives your business even more value since they will always be aware of your customers. Even the most complex queries from your customers can be answered in real-time, saving on shopping cart abandonment.

8 ways an e-commerce chatbot improves your sales

You already know what an e-commerce chatbot is, what its benefits are, and the added value it brings to your business. Next, discover how it helps you increase the sales of your e-commerce business.

  • Personalize your services

An e-commerce chatbot remembers past user interactions and further uses them to personalize future conversations. Additionally, bots can keep customers focused while guiding them through the entire sales funnel, using product recommendations and key information about your business.

In addition, by personalizing the services, the participation rate increases. It also saves customers time by promoting relevant products. This strategy undoubtedly allows customers to close their purchases in a faster and more interactive way.

  • Record interactions in real time

With the help of an omnichannel platform, an e-commerce chatbot enables businesses to get hands-on user interaction in real-time. This information can be analyzed to improve services based on user input.

Instant access to key data reduces the cost of operation and also maximizes the efficiency and running of a business.

  • Helps agents focus on complex tasks

An e-commerce chatbot can handle 80% of simple and repetitive customer questions, the famous frequently asked questions. In addition, they can help customer service agents maintain the support location to resolve complex queries.

Addressing complex inquiries with priority, it allows you to win more customers while lowering the cost of operation. Since they will have a whole focus on solving the problem.

  • Perfect customer service

According to a slick text report, more than 50% of customers expect businesses to be open 24/7. An e-commerce chatbot allows you to serve your users throughout the day by answering the main questions of your customers.

It is expensive for any business to maintain instant customer support 24 hours a day. Therefore, bots can establish a real connection with users when they need it most.

Furthermore, an e-commerce chatbot can answer 80% of repeat customer inquiries. And, in the event that he is unable to address the issue, he will instantly transfer the inquiry to a live chat agent. All this you achieve, with the help of an omnichannel platform.

  • Manage your catalog on multiple channels

If your customers realize they need to make a purchase while using another social media app, wouldn’t it be better if they could make that purchase within the app itself?

For the vast majority of digital users, entering a website or app can seem like too much effort as they don’t want to extend their path to purchase. Therefore, it is important to help you from bots.

Implementing this tool with omnichannel software, allows you to create the same chatbot on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and live chat. All this management is managed from the same place.

  • Drive lead generation

An e-commerce chatbot helps the lead selection process. This is because an e-business can use this tool to persuade customers to fill out forms and collect data.

Remember that an e-commerce chatbot can collect information from leads in a number of ways, ranging from capturing data directly in the conversation flow or even allowing customers to fill out forms natively in the bot.

  • Collect feedback

There are two ways in which e-commerce can obtain feedback from consumers. The first is through reviews and the other is through web forms. If a business focuses too much on collecting these types of reviews, sooner or later they will realize that it is not profitable.

This process is, in fact, too slow. Therefore, very few consumers post positive reviews. On the other hand, in the event of the delivery of a defective product or any complaint, a client makes sure to publish it in all your digital service channels.

Remember that bad reviews hurt business and that is why there is a need to improve customer experience to collect feedback from users. Through chatbots, e-commerce can activate the feedback collection process according to the defined time.

A bot can then get feedback from users while interacting with them. Also, if you have had a bad experience, ensure that the problem has been transferred to the assigned team in real-time.

In this way, you can reduce the impact of a negative comment on your digital channels.

  • Provides metrics

Many times the mistake is made of seeing chatbots as conversational tools. However, if you have an omnichannel support platform, you will have the possibility of accessing key data to improve sales and service processes.

The right user metrics can do wonders for your business. For example, they can collect unique details from users in real-time, such as interaction with products, preferences, what they didn’t like and how they responded to the chatbot, etc.

When used correctly, these user details are no less than a gold mine. They can help your e-business to improve the customer experience by knowing where to take the reins in the correct direction. Contact Botsify for ecommerce chatbot platform anytime.

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Chatbots In Banking: A Fresh Approach To Customer Experience https://botsify.com/blog/chatbots-in-banking-a-fresh-approach-to-customer-experience/ https://botsify.com/blog/chatbots-in-banking-a-fresh-approach-to-customer-experience/#respond Wed, 11 Jan 2023 14:31:58 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=5782 The use of chatbots in banking is becoming more and more popular. Similarly, some of the most well-known banks in the world are incorporating live …

Chatbots In Banking: A Fresh Approach To Customer Experience Read More »

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The use of chatbots in banking is becoming more and more popular. Similarly, some of the most well-known banks in the world are incorporating live chats into their websites and employing WhatsApp chatbots to interact with their clients.

Societe Generale, TransferWise, ADIB, and Swedbank are a few of the banks and financial organizations setting the bar high.

One industry that needs safe and secure technology is banking since it needs to provide a positive client experience while preventing fraud and other problems. Banking AI chatbots can assist with both.

The need for online assistance is great given the rise in digitization and the rise in demand for online services.

Conversational banking, in which chatbots carry out banking tasks, comes into play in this situation. For instance, AI chatbots in banking enable users to access financial services on weekends and after hours.

When one discusses the banking sector, one can see how large it is. Numerous services are provided, ranging from account maintenance to managing insurance and loans. Similar to this, there are numerous possible applications for chatbots in the banking industry.

Below, we go over some of the most well-known chatbot applications in banking that are enhancing the client experience are:

1. Simple to use FAQ

A customer could have a variety of banking-related questions. The inquiry may relate to opening a new account, requesting a loan, investing money, or simply verifying the balance of an existing account.

The use of a FAQ chatbot on banking websites will enable users to receive prompt responses to their questions. Additionally, the chatbot can provide an update if the consumer needs to follow up on their inquiry rather than passing them off to a different agent (in which case they will need to repeat it).

Up to 80% of inquiries can be automated with a clever chatbot powered by AI. Every time a consumer asks a new question, the ML algorithms are constructed such that the AI learns to answer the query more accurately.

2. More Conversions and Pertinent Information

To continue expanding, a bank has to attract new clients. Banking chatbots can assist with that. Chatbots assist banks in providing tailored and individualized solutions because of their simplicity of use and improved option display. The customer gets a good impression as a result of this.

By posing pertinent queries, banking chatbots can also profile users. You may qualify leads using this information, deliver customized communications, and boost conversions.

3. Reliable Notices

People are quite cautious when it comes to their finances. They desire the ability to get immediate notifications regarding all of their transactions. If they’ve established any budgets, they’d also wish to be notified when their allotted amount has been spent.

Customers can receive this information via AI chatbots directly on their preferred communication channel. Customers have more faith in the bank when proactive communication is present. 

4. Gather and Validate Data and Documentation

In banking, chatbots are useful not just for informing consumers but also for obtaining their consent, verifying their KYC documents, and gathering other information.

Customers no longer want to visit the bank’s location because of increased work-from-home opportunities and online services. According to Capgemini’s research, during the next three years, 70% of customers will switch from online banking to voice banking in order to receive better assistance and service.

Customers can upload their documents online by using chatbots. The AI of the bank can then instantly verify these documents. After obtaining the required paperwork, the bank can provide a confirmation and set up a meeting to move things along.

5. Faster Platform-wide Assistance

Chatbots can guarantee that customer service is available across all platforms and at all times, which is important given the growing need for 24/7 assistance. Additionally, the application of AI in banking ensures cross-platform collaboration in order to enable banks to provide knowledgeable value offerings.

Banks can have an omnichannel presence with chatbots. All platforms can be integrated in one location for easier and quicker access. Customers are able to receive quick and simple assistance through social networking platforms, instant messaging apps, Android apps, and websites thanks to this.

6. Customized Assistance and Financial Advisor

Customers can receive personalized ideas at any time, regardless of the hour, thanks to AI in banking. The usage of chatbots enables the user to get individualized counsel based on their portfolio in an emergency, even during the holidays.

Additionally, customers can choose their preferred language when interacting with banks. The customer will feel closer to the banks in this way.

Chatbots, on the other hand, provide contextual messaging. This indicates that the customer’s conversation history is kept and is accessible at a later time. In order to offer tailored offers and guide clients in the correct direction, the bot may instantly search through previous chat and purchase history when a customer starts a new conversation.

Additionally, if the chat needs to be moved to a human agent, the customer won’t have to repeat their query because the person will already be aware of all the necessary information.

7. Communication that is Secure

When it comes to internet transactions and communication, banks must contend with the issue of harmful activity. In banking, chatbots save the day by immediately informing consumers of any suspicious conduct. Additionally, chatbots can use two-factor authentication to confirm a customer’s identity.

Additionally, the messages are end-to-end encrypted if WhatsApp is linked with the chatbot. Due to having one less worry, people enjoy interacting with banks on this platform.

Because they are typically accessible on the bank’s website, mobile app, or WhatsApp, customers may easily confirm the legitimacy of banking chatbots (which shows a verification mark). There are fewer fraudulent operations as a result.

8. Feedback is simpler to give

Securing feedback and focusing on improvement are crucial for any bank to develop. Chatbots can ask clients the necessary questions without boring them thanks to conversational AI’s capabilities. This method is quicker and more interesting.

Another crucial aspect is that chatbots may quickly obtain input from users while the issue is still fresh in their minds.

The chatbot’s input enables the banks to identify areas that, in comparison to others, need development. Through the use of technology and information, AI in banking enables the creation of greater prospects.

In conclusion, banks now cater to a wide range of clients, the majority of whom are millennials who want a tech-savvy approach.

For speedier and easier use, chatbots in banking provide consumers with a tailored and personalized digital environment. After all, chatbots examine consumer banking behaviors in order to make the best suggestions for how to best suit their needs.

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Best Customer Service Tools for Great Retention Rates https://botsify.com/blog/best-customer-service-tools-for-great-retention-rates/ https://botsify.com/blog/best-customer-service-tools-for-great-retention-rates/#respond Mon, 22 Aug 2022 08:43:46 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4908 In running your business, whether business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C), customer service is one of the critical organizational units to operate. After all, your customers …

Best Customer Service Tools for Great Retention Rates Read More »

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In running your business, whether business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C), customer service is one of the critical organizational units to operate. After all, your customers are the ones who will make or break your business. That is why flawless customer success is crucial in every business.

The good thing is that technology has paved the way for business software to be developed. There are a lot of different customer service tools that were introduced, and they are considered game-changers in the field of customer success.

One of the metrics considered relevant in customer service is customer retention. To be successful in business, you should be able to retain customers, not just acquire them. Today, a variety of customer service tools that can aid in retaining customers exist in the market to aid businesses with their operations. Let us take a look below at the best customer service tools for great retention rates.

1. Help Desk

A customer help desk is a ticketing system that aids customer service teams in managing incoming service requests from customers. Also called customer support center, it provides a systematic ticketing function that allows customers to receive fast and prompt responses to their issues. The customers can view the status of their tickets in real-time.

A help desk can perform many other functions. Originally, the term help desk was specific to a platform where IT-related issues and concerns are raised, there is even dedicated help desk software for schools, for example. However, this has since expanded to customer service. In essence, a help desk is meant to solve customer issues as fast as possible. And with that kind of service, clients are sure to stay loyal to you.

2. Shared Inbox

This is an all-in-one inbox solution that helps customer service teams provide better service. Its purpose is to centralize all the messages from customers from different platforms. The system provides a conversation trail and status histories of customer concerns. Thus, there is no need to go back and forth to different agents and have them repeatedly explain their concerns.

With the shared inbox, the system can have centralized contact information. This is where the customers can reach out to. It is also a centralized platform in which the different agents can manage the requests.

Having a shared inbox within your customer success department is a great way to organize your process. With this feature, your team can get more systematic. It also assists in establishing good communication among your team members. With a customer service team like that, you are also sure to provide stellar customer service.

3. Mobile Apps

Practically everyone owns a mobile phone nowadays. Moreover, almost everything is within your reach just by using mobile apps or mobile-friendly websites. Imagine how pleased your customers would be if your customer support can be conveniently reached by just using their phones’ apps?

Customer service mobile apps are becoming more popular among businesses, and with the help of an iOS app builder, it’s now easier than ever to develop your own custom mobile app. Customer service mobile apps are becoming more popular among businesses, and with the help of an iOS app builder or using another mobile app tech stack, it’s now easier than ever to develop your own custom mobile app. Its mobility and easy-to-use interface are perfect especially for on-the-go clients. All customers prefer services with fast turnaround time, as it is less stressful and less complicated for them. All these can be offered with a mobile app. And with those features, customers will likely come back to you.

4. Customer Portal

Aside from mobile apps, a customer portal is a great way to improve customer service efficiency. A customer portal may be a website or an application where customers can create their profile and portfolio. Through this portal, they can easily view all the information they need, avail services, as well as track the status of their tickets.

Customer portals allow your customers to independently manage their accounts. They are perfect for those who like to take matters into their own hands. Giving control to these clients gives them confidence in your products or services.

5. Automated Emails

With almost every aspect in business processes being automated, email automation platform can become your go-to tool. In the early times, marketing involved paper leaflets being handed out or faxed. But today, the emailing system has evolved. And now powered by artificial intelligence, marketing emails can be automatically sent at the best times determined by the AI based on the activity logs of customers.

Automated emails are perfect for customers who are subscribed to your newsletters and for software updates. It is also a great avenue for mass announcements for any promotions, marketing, reminders, and other urgent matters. For example, a customer has left an item in her online cart. You can set an automated email to remind the customer about it after a certain period.

What’s more, automated emails can also be used for personalized experience for your clients, based on their behavioral patterns and online transactions.

6. Social Media

Let’s face it, social media is one of the biggest technological innovations in the world today. And for businesses, social media is a great opportunity to reach out to customers.

In order to strengthen your brand awareness, you must be active on social media. Being engaging also gives your customers assurance of your strong presence, which in turn can create trust. It is the best tool to build personalized connections with your clients. Doing so will help in your customer retention.

Social media is also a venue for very effective but affordable marketing strategy. From Facebook to Instagram to Tiktok, these have options for businesses to market themselves and reach the right target customers.

7. Online Community Groups

Online community groups or forums give your customers a sense of belonging. When you establish a community group, you get to know more of your clients on a deeper level. And with that, you can create personalized experiences for them.

In a community group, your customers can likely find the things they’re looking for. It can be answers to their product/service inquiries, troubleshooting guide, or just to read actual customer reviews.

Do you know that online community groups can also attract you more clients? The more customers that vouch for your business, the more that people will eventually trust you.

8. Call Center Solutions

Many customers still prefer to do things the good old-fashioned way. This is why there will always be customers who like to talk to a real person when purchasing a product, availing a service, or raising a concern. It gives customers the comfort and familiarity of speaking to a live person. However, phone support can pose many challenges. Thus, call centers solutions provide automated features to aid call center operations. Some of the best call center software options in the market include CallHippo, Zendesk Talk, Five9, and Genesys Cloud, providing businesses with the tools they need to deliver exceptional customer service.

Call center solutions can direct calls to the proper agents. This feature is called call routing. Most, if not all, solutions are also integration-ready with other business software. And since they’re cloud-enabled, the solutions offer a more efficient and affordable setup. Other call center software features include multichannel support, reports and analytics, pay per call marketing, outbound calls, interactive automated response, call scripting, and escalation management.

9. Live Chat

Live chat is one of the best customer service tools created. Usually part of a help desk, live chat offers many benefits. When customers visit your website, live chat allows them to interact with your business in real-time through an online chatting system. 

Along with live chat software are chatbot systems. Chatbots are smart programs designed to simulate and interpret conversations. Chatbots are like computerized customer service representatives. In the absence of a real person, chatbots take over in answering customers through online chat.

Live chats aren’t just useful for websites. You can even add live chat to apps or include live streams on apps where that kind of functionality is required. With tools like Sendbird, you can integrate real-time chat functionality for live streams with the help of their high-quality API. And you’ll want to do that, too, as you can increase live stream conversions by 450% when you take full advantage of Sendbird’s chat features.

Chatbots are used by most businesses nowadays. Their popularity due to their capability to entertain and respond to clients instantly, 24/7, even if they are away from their computer or mobile device. They save business owners time as well as personnel resources. They can also help a lot in cutting costs. For clients, chatbots work perfectly well especially if customers want immediate response to their queries.

10. All-In-One Solution

Question: Is there a better customer service tool than the ones mentioned above? Of course, it is that tool that has everything in it! An all-in-one customer service platform has “all” the features to serve customers end-to-end. It is a great one-stop-shop for those who wish to automate their entire customer success department.

This complete package tool could have everything mentioned above. On top of that, it could include customer relationship management functions. Aside from that, it can offer sales and marketing features, as well as reporting and analytics features. The latter functions are vital for making strategic decisions in your future customer success plans.

There are many all-in-one tools available on the market. They differ mostly in features offered and in pricing plans. Generally, though, this powerful software can better guarantee in helping your business achieve stellar customer success.

The Best Customer Service Tools That Fit Your Business

In reality, there are no one-size-fits-all customer service tools. You have to find the right one that fits your specific business needs and requirements. For example, if you have an online business, you should look for the best customer service tools for online business.

Choosing which of these customer service tools to use for your business is rather challenging. It would be great if you could utilize all of them. However, you have to consider a lot of factors like budget. But if these tools can guarantee things like a high customer retention rate, you should definitely go for them.

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The Impact of Covid-19 on Data Privacy, Security & Protection https://botsify.com/blog/the-impact-of-covid-19-on-data-privacy-security-protection/ https://botsify.com/blog/the-impact-of-covid-19-on-data-privacy-security-protection/#respond Wed, 10 Aug 2022 08:51:24 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4842 Who thought that a viral outbreak from a city in China could end up as a global pandemic and shut down the entire world? Yes, …

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Who thought that a viral outbreak from a city in China could end up as a global pandemic and shut down the entire world? Yes, we’re talking about Coronavirus, or Covid-19, to be exact. It might not be as lethal as the other global pandemics like category 2 Flu (1968) or HIV (peak 2005-2012) have been in the past but still, it manages to do significant damage to human lives as well as the economy. The complete lockdown of markets and institutes has forced economies to switch their working practices if they want to survive. As of Jul-2022, the world is still suffering the after-shocks of the lockdown.

To minimize the overall effect, every institute, organization, and even country has decided to utilize the best of the technology. This technology utilizes a vast amount of information generated and communicated by every stakeholder of the system. 

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP):

The lockdown has promoted new working culture like remote work, contactless payment, online shopping, etc. all of these are utilizing the information of users. To regulate the increasing volume of information being fed into the world of the internet. The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) introduced the e-Privacy Regulations in 2018. Parallel to that, companies and institutions have also increased the awareness of their data and started adopting the new set of regulations

Although these regulations were not designed specifically to regulate the new culture raised during the lockdown. But still, it was made flexible and extended enough to maximize the security and data protection of personal data without compromising general public health.

Data Privacy Concerns and their Solutions:

Even after the lockdown, where the whole world has opened. The culture of remote working, online shopping, contactless payments, etc. seems to be persistent for a long time. There are several advantages of all these like low workforces, automation, low costs, etc. But all of these also possess some serious privacy concerns regarding the users’ information and Data. Let’s take a look at some of the major data privacy threats:

  • Contactless Payment Frauds

The Contactless Payment system was popularized during the covid-19 period as it prevents the spread of coronavirus in routine merchant payments. It utilizes Near Field Communication (NFC) or RFID technology. The issue with this technology is that it is not that much of secure as the older method where biometric and/or password protection layered the transaction. The cards or tags could be scanned and the information on them could be copied, altered, or deleted without the consent of the owner. This could lead to great financial losses.

This could be minimized by utilizing secure card procedures such as encryption, etc., and contactless biometric scannings like retina scans or facial recognitions. The AI could also be enrolled for further verification like user’s geolocation according to transaction or spending habits etc.

  • Fake Accounts

Now, this is a multi-level threat. It ranges from a fake individual account to a fake business one or even worse, a fake authority account. It is very difficult to distinguish between the real ones and the fake ones. Although their main purpose is to pull out the maximum information possible, they can also be used to misguide, spread fake news, and initiate chaos (like in 2012).

People tend to trust brands or authorities and they blindly believe that they won’t do anything fishy with them but in the end, it turns out to be a mockup set by the scammers or a hacker using the original account of someone (Twitter, high-profile account hack 2020), but it’s already too late.

The best possible solution is to use Artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor all the activities on social media. Unlike the method of checking/removing/blocking upon the request/report of the users, the AI can automatically sense the threat and prevent it before it can impact even a single entity. Using ai to find suspicious activity is the way to go.

  • Remote Jobs

Lockdowns due to the coronavirus forced most businesses to adopt the work-from-home culture. Some jobs were flexible and easy, while others were very difficult to manage. For example, an IT manager who looks after the servers and databases has to access them and work on them from home. It might seem simple, but in actuality, it is much more vulnerable as home networks are not that much of secure as private corporate networks, and also the machines, i.e. home desktops, routers, etc. are easy to penetrate and hack. Moreover, a fake remote request made by hackers can compromise the whole system and its data. For institutes like banks, financial services, etc, this could be a complete knockoff to the business as well as users.

This could be prevented by introducing automation to the systems. Most of the tasks like taking routine backups, request approvals, data handling, etc. can be done without human interference with the help of automation. With automation, the objective becomes simple; let the system do most of the work by itself.

  • Malware/Phishing Emails

While more and more businesses are switching to online services, email traffic has increased drastically in users’ inboxes. Almost all businesses use email confirmations, requests, and marketing to pitch their product/services to new/old customers. This led to a boost in email malware and scams. The average new users are the general victim of these scams. They hand over sensitive information about them easily and then suffer for a long time.

The more advanced picture of this issue is malware emails in which the attacker installs some specific programs on the users with just a click on the attachment. These malware programs silently run in the background and then either grant backdoor access to the device directly to the hacker or encrypt all the data on the device and the user then has to pay for decryption (ransomware attack).

The best counter to this issue is to use only trusted sites, brands, companies, and most of all trusted email services. A strong antivirus should be there on each device. Also, the aforementioned entities should conduct awareness programs for general users periodically on all these scams and frauds


The coronavirus has indirectly raised several threats to users’ data privacy. Every institute and government is developing new regulations and strategies to eliminate or at least minimize the threats to general users’ data. The best possible solution is to upgrade current systems and practices with the latest technology, i.e. AI, automation, cybersecurity, etc.

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How to Use Instagram Ads to Bring Users to Your DMs or Your Messenger Bot https://botsify.com/blog/instagram-ads/ https://botsify.com/blog/instagram-ads/#respond Wed, 27 Jul 2022 08:09:49 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4674 Instagram is a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all shapes and sizes. It’s a versatile platform with at least 1.452 billion users around the …

How to Use Instagram Ads to Bring Users to Your DMs or Your Messenger Bot Read More »

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Instagram is a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all shapes and sizes. It’s a versatile platform with at least 1.452 billion users around the world as of April 2022. Therefore, if you’re looking for an app that can help effectively promote your brand and produce satisfying results, Instagram should definitely be on your list. 

Businesses that use Instagram should also pay special attention to Instagram Direct, which allows people to start a conversation with you in your Instagram DM inbox. Getting messages this way won’t save you from having to reply to them manually, but it will give your brand some unique opportunities. 

For instance, you will be able to learn more about conversational commerce and experiment with it on an incredibly popular social media platform. You can leverage this chance to have more chat interactions with various users and see where it gets you.

To make this process easier for you, this article covers the most important aspects of this ad type along with another, similarly useful one. Continue reading below for more details.

What Are Instagram Direct Ads?

Instagram Direct ads, also known as click-to-Instagram Direct ads, are the ads shown in the Instagram Feed or Stories. They allow people to send an Instagram direct message to your  brand’s inbox just by clicking on your ad. 

When someone clicks on this type of ad, they will be automatically sent straight to your DMs. Then, they can start a conversation, for instance ask questions about how to avoid retail traps, or inquire about your products. You can use this opportunity to chat about everything you have to offer or provide customers with support.

Why Should You Start Running Instagram Direct Ads? 

Instagram Direct ads can be an excellent way to boost your sales and create more engagement with both your existing and potential customers. Here are some of their main advantages:

Instagram Direct Ads Are Conversational

While it’s not a hard-set rule, people tend to react to Instagram stories more often than to posts in their feeds. The reason behind this can be the fact that reacting to a story requires less effort since just one click is needed to send an emoji. The same applies to Instagram Direct ads. They allow customers and leads to react to your Instagram Stories and start a conversation this way.

From this point, you can get the conversation going and, by keeping people engaged, turn potential customers into returning ones. However, remember that by running Instagram DM ads, you’ll be likely to get a lot of messages. Therefore, it might be wise to think ahead and invest in omnichannel communication software, so it’s all easier to manage. Another clever option would be to take advantage of an AI text generator tool just like ChatGPT3, Chatsonic, LaMDA, or any other great AI-supercharged software to help you generate replies to your potential customers’ inquiries faster and at a larger scale. This is just one example of a variety of different possibilities for Instagram marketing.

Your Ads Will Get Noticed by More People

People are likely to visit Instagram Stories to see timely and authentic content. There is value in the fact that it disappears in 24 hours – it helps the audience feel more connected to people and businesses they follow. 

Additionally, Stories create a sense of urgency that makes people check them more often. Hence, if you decide to run Instagram Direct ads in them, you can be more confident that you’ll reach your target audience. 

Now, Instagram Stories Are More Popular Than Ever

Today, there are over 500 million active daily Instagram Stories users, with 36% of businesses using them to promote their products or services. And since 70% of Instagram users admit to watching Stories daily, they can help you reach an abundance of people.

How to Set up Instagram Direct Ads?

Because Facebook owns Instagram, you can use this to your advantage and set up ads for both platforms in one place using Facebook Ads Manager. It’s an all-in-one tool for creating ads, or managing when and where they’ll run. It also allows you to track how well your campaigns are performing in comparison to your marketing goals.

Head to Facebook Ads Manager to get started, and then follow these steps:

  1. Create a new ad and set Messages as the Consideration.
  2. Move to Message Destination and pick Instagram Direct.
  3. In the Audience section, choose proper targeting for your particular business.
  4. In Placements sections, it’s best to stick with Facebook’s automatic placements.
  5. Head to the Budget & Schedule section and select appropriate ad spend and timing.
  6. In the Identity section, connect your brand’s Instagram account.
  7. Last but not least, in the Format section, select and fine-tune your ad creative as you deem fit.

Keep in mind that the Instagram Direct ads won’t appear anywhere on Facebook. They will only show up in Instagram feeds and Stories. Thanks to this solution, people who click on them will be redirected straight to your DMs. There will be no need for them to switch ads.

On top of that, it’s important to remember that to run other types of Instagram ads, you don’t need an actual Instagram account. For instance, if your ad leads to a landing page, Facebook will use your page name and profile, making it look like you have an account. 

On the other hand, Instagram Direct ads lead people straight to your DMs, so you need an actual account. This way, you will be able to have an inbox, respond to messages, and create conversations.

How to Use Instagram Direct Ads?

Creating Instagram direct ads is one thing, but, still, you need to figure out how to get people to actually click on them. Learn to do so with these ways in which you can use direct ads and drive customers to your DMs.

Share Limited Deals

To boost the engagement and simultaneously improve your sales, consider creating an ad to share news about your enormous seasonal sale. Alternatively, you can also remind people that you offer a 50% discount on a certain product. Make it conversational by telling people they can message you to receive deals tailored to their interests. Create a sense of urgency – limit the time of your sale, so customers are aware that they need to act fast to snatch the deals.

Give Advice

Customers enjoy receiving personal and relevant advice. You can make it especially helpful by covering subjects or products they don’t know much about, e.g., natural cosmetics or diet supplements. Don’t hesitate to use your professional knowledge to encourage people to start a private conversation on Instagram.

Organize Giveaways

Organizing a giveaway with attractive prizes is another great way to prompt people to slide into your DMs. Giveaways are also an excellent way to collect leads. When people provide everything that’s required to enter, you can collect the contact information in the chat. Once the giveaway has ended, try to keep the conversation going and work your way to winning them over as a customer.

Click-to-Messenger Ads for Instagram

You may already be using click-to-Messenger ads to bring new users to your chatbot. These are the ads that show up on Facebook and direct people straight to your bot in Messenger. But did you know that, instead, you can have these ads show up on Instagram and still be able to direct customers to your Messenger?

However, keep in mind that this might not be the easiest process. In fact, automatically redirecting users from the Instagram app to the Messenger, which is an entirely separate app, can be quite daunting at first. That’s because “regular” click-to-Messenger ads also redirect to the Messenger app.

Some people may be unaware that Facebook owns Instagram and think that the seemingly sudden app switch is a mistake on their part. This could potentially lead them to stop the process or exit it altogether.

Why Should You Start Running Click-to-Messenger Ads on Instagram?

When people interact with your click-to-Messenger ads, they will automatically start a conversation with your business in Messenger. That’s why using them would make the most sense if you’ve already successfully built a bot that can hold a worthwhile conversation. This way, it will actually be able to engage and convert users. 

Furthermore, this type of ads might be a good decision if your products or services are particularly appealing to a younger audience. In other cases, placing your ads on Facebook will be more effective.

Creating click-to-Messenger ads can prove to be quite a complex process. Therefore, you can follow this official guide by Meta to ensure that you do everything correctly.

How to Benefit From Click-to-Messenger Ads?

Click-to-Messenger Ads are unique because they’re the only type of Messenger ads that appear on the Facebook News Feed and Instagram Feed. They make it easy to implement a call to action (CTA), which can be highly effective in sending customers into your business’s Messenger chat. 

The Messenger chat acts as a landing page for customers where they can converse with your representatives. They are also provided with a great opportunity to ask questions about products and offers you’re advertising. Moreover, click-to-Messenger Ads attract customers from various platforms, so your brand won’t be limited to Messenger only.

The Bottom Line

Instagram ads are incredibly powerful tools that virtually any business can use to engage more customers and boost revenue. They also give brands a way to advertise online and show off their creative side with images, videos, and other visual content. You can also use them to promote your brand to a wider audience.

To further optimize your Instagram ad campaigns and generate more revenue, consider leveraging an AI-powered ad operations assistant like AdOpsOne. By automating tasks and providing valuable insights, AdOpsOne can help you streamline your ad operations and make data-driven decisions for better results.

Whether you choose to focus on Instagram Direct ads or click-to-Messenger ones, the results will be likely to astonish you. Follow the tips provided above for the best results. Don’t shy away from running some tests and experiment with different ideas to see how both ad types could benefit your business.

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Top Tech Trends for Businesses in 2023 https://botsify.com/blog/tech-trends-for-businesses/ https://botsify.com/blog/tech-trends-for-businesses/#respond Wed, 27 Jul 2022 07:50:29 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4666 One of the many perks of living in the 21st century is to be able to enjoy the new, quite different, and special technology. Technology, …

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One of the many perks of living in the 21st century is to be able to enjoy the new, quite different, and special technology. Technology, as you perfectly know, is constantly evolving due to the needs of human beings in order to create a more facilitated and advanced life.

In this post, we will review the top tech trends for businesses in 2023 so that you will get familiar with the capabilities and excitements you can add to your business. Then, you can adapt your business to these top tech trends and align with the pace of technology to meet the expectations of your customers

Why is Aligning with Top Tech Trends Important?

It is undeniably important that you should adapt your business to the top tech trends but why is that so? There are two main reasons involved regardless of the type of industry you are active in:

  • Increasing your brand visibility – let’s go one step back and see why you chose to take your business to the online and virtual world. You waved goodbye to your traditional strategies because many of your competitors were going online and many of your customers began to change their preferences and expectations. If you remained tied to your traditional boundaries and confinements, you could not have survived the market. Adding new tech trends is the same story. If you want to increase your visibility,  profitability, customer retention rate, and conversion rate, you need to be a modern solution to modern needs
  • Simplifying your internal business operations – technology is meant to facilitate. If you allow your business to embrace and absorb technology in each department, you can notice how simplified the process gets. For instance, think of using a project management tool to manage your agile team instead of still sticking to your traditional project management strategies. Not only processes would be done in a much easier, faster, more accurate, and error-free way but also your teams would be much happier and more productive. 

What Are the Top Tech Trends for Businesses in 2023?

Here, you can read about the top tech trends for businesses and see which one suits your business best:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has emerged during the past decade and continues to evolve and remarkably affects our lives and businesses in the present time and definitely in the near future. Some of the examples of AI technology in our everyday life are voice search, speech recognition, personal assistants such as Siri and Alexa, navigation apps, etc. 

Since AI is evolving and getting more advanced, it can be used to analyze the interactions and behavior of people. This can be very helpful in terms of predicting demand patterns for products and services of almost any industry. As a result, your business can provide a personalized customer experience which can lead to more satisfied customers and increased revenue for your company. 

For instance, AI and big data analysis can give you a pattern associated with your generated leads and target audience based on their demographics, interests, online behavior, etc. Knowing about the needs of your target audience in advance can help you create a personalized customer journey and avoid surprises. 

Another example of AI is the algorithms of social media networks. Using the same method of following the users and collecting their behavior data, these networks can customize ads, posts, etc. for each user. Here is an Instagram example:

Instagram Shopping uses AI to suggest products to users that it thinks they may like based on their previous visits, amount of time spent on posts, followed or most searched accounts, most shared posts, most liked posts, etc. Similar algorithms can be used to streamline the experience at Shopify and BigCommerce stores

Jonathan Mangual, SEO Manager at MyPerfectResume shared: “Through custom AI development company we can help our shoppers get rid of their choice paralysis and ensure they make the right decision when selecting and buying a product. Without AI, we would be forced to review thousands of items on our own and make a selection without any guarantee that this was the right choice for us. Resulting in high return rates and unsatisfied clients”. 

2. Machine Learning

Machine learning, just like AI, is paving its way toward advancements. Many jobs do not exist nowadays as they have been influenced by machine learning and automation. While it may sound controversial whether machine learning is a positive change to societies, it should be mentioned that machine learning has also created new jobs and professions.

For instance, we now have positions for data scientists, automation specialists, robot monitoring professionals, AI engineers, AI architects, machine learning engineers, etc. So, machine learning does not only not threaten societies but also helps individuals evolve into professionals and specialists instead of being a workforce that does a linear, boring, repeated job that can be easily replaced by machines. And developers who focus their efforts on bigcommerce app development should consider using the power the machine learning.

3. Extended Reality (ER)

A general name for technologies that improve or replace our perception of the world is eXtended Reality (XR). This is frequently accomplished by superimposing, engulfing, or even combining computer text and graphics with both real-world and virtual settings. eXtended Reality includes Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). VR immerses the user in an environment while AR enhances their environment.

To give you an example of how VR and AR are being used in business, we can mention the development of navigation instead of simple maps. So, you can easily get to your destination without having to always keep an eye on the map. Another example can be the use of this tech trend in the beauty industry. Let’s take a practical example to illustrate this further. If your employee is working in a large warehouse and needs to coordinate well, he or she will require some form of device. To get a bigger picture you should look at some wearable technology examples. Beauty and makeup brands allow their online buyers to try on cosmetics virtually before buying them.

4. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

The next tech trend on our list is RPA or Robotic Process Automation. RPA refers to the use of software to automate business processes, including application interpretation, transaction processing, data handling, and even email replying. RPA automates routine processes like receipt and expense reporting that previously required human labor. As mentioned earlier, project management systems are one example of RPAs. Another example can be time management tools as well as mind mapping software

Again, just as we said when talking about machine learning, RPA is also bringing new jobs to our world of business so there is no danger of unemployment if individuals adapt themselves to the needs of modern technology. For instance, developers, analysts, and architects of RPA are in demand in the businesses that use the RPA tech trend. 

5. Blockchain

Let’s first clear the air that we are not referring to cryptocurrencies by mentioning blockchain technology. Blockchain technology can be defined as a chain of data that you can only add data to and not take data from it. That is actually why the name includes ‘chain’. Moreover, What makes it so safe is that the prior data blocks cannot be changed. Blockchain development is also consensus-driven, meaning no one organization can control the data. Due to such security of data, blockchain eliminates the requirement for a reliable third party to supervise or verify transactions.

6. Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is another tech trend that you can use in your business. As its name suggests, the Internet of Things involves things or objects that are smart and can be connected to the Internet or to each other in order to exchange data. You can see many examples among home appliances (e.g. smart refrigerators, doors, lamps, ovens), cars, watches, etc. 

However, you can use IoT in your business as it can provide you with improved safety, better decision-making processes based on collected data, increased efficiencies, better customer service, etc. 

7. 5G

5G technology is the 5th generation of mobile networks. Following 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks, 5G is a new international wireless standard. In order to connect practically everyone and everything together, including machines, objects, and gadgets, 5G enables a new type of network.

The goal of 5G wireless technology is to provide more users with faster multi-Gbps peak data rates, extremely low latency, enhanced reliability, vast network capacity, and a more consistent user experience. Almost all telecom companies, including Verizon, T-Mobile, Apple, Nokia Corp., and Qualcomm, are now developing 5G applications.

8. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity offers digital protection for your online business, guaranteeing that your users, staff, and system are secure from any threats. It is not a new technology but it is constantly developing as threats and cyberattacks are evolving and becoming more complex. Here is a list of cyberattacks and cybercrime:

  • Backdoor Trojan
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS)
  • DNS Tunneling
  • Malware
  • Phishing
  • Ransomware
  • SQL Injection
  • Zero-Day Exploit

93% of business networks are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Cybersecurity has become a requirement for internet businesses of all sizes since there are cyber criminals out there trying to hack networks and systems that contain sensitive and valuable data. You can protect your data from cybercrime and significant harm by using cybersecurity technology lookup.

9. Edge Computing

First and foremost, it is critical to recognize that cloud computing and edge computing are two distinct, non-replaceable technologies. While cloud computing is used to handle data that is not time-driven, edge computing is used to process data that is.

In remote areas with poor or no connectivity to a centralized location, edge computing is chosen over cloud computing. In other words, edge computing is local storage that functions like a small data center. It is a distributed computing system that puts business applications closer to data sources like the Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets or regional edge servers. Strong business advantages can result from being close to the data’s source, including quicker insights, quicker turnaround times, and better bandwidth availability. In this context, reverse ETL acts as a crucial component, allowing organizations to extract, transform, and load data from operational systems or databases within the edge computing infrastructure for centralized analysis.

10. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a fast-developing technology that uses the principles of quantum physics to solve issues that are too complicated for conventional computers. Additionally, the advancement of quantum computing software has played a pivotal role in harnessing the immense computational power of quantum systems, enabling faster simulations and optimization algorithms.

Thanks to its remarkable ability to quickly query, monitor, analyze, and act on data, regardless of source, this tech trend is also helping to limit the spread of the coronavirus and to create viable vaccinations. Banking and finance is another industry where quantum computing is being used to manage credit risk, provide high-frequency trading, and detect fraud.

11. Hybrid Work

As companies ease out of the pandemic and employees return to the office, hybrid work has begun to emerge. This means employees are required to work a few days a week in the office, or half the staff is in person and the other half online. 

Employee GPS tracking apps can help organizations effectively manage this transition by offering real-time visibility into remote and in-office activities. These apps enable companies to track employee hours, regardless of their location, ensuring fair and accurate performance evaluation, regardless of where employees are situated.

12. Coaching Platform

Developing your staff involves refining their practices and granting them a role in affecting the atmosphere of their place of work. Coaches are beneficial for tackling difficult scenarios and fostering a sense of empowerment within a business or company. If your company already has coaches, provide them with a coaching platform for business growth. It will make their daily tasks simpler and result in positive changes for team members.

There are benefits to this trend, including increased flexibility, strong and more diverse talent pools, and increased employee wellbeing. On the other hand, there are DEI considerations to weigh as well. Companies also need to adapt their workflows and tech stack accordingly. For example, their meeting culture and tools need to fit with both in-person and remote employees. This includes using video conferencing apps, meeting minutes tools, and communication tools. Employer of record organisations such as Remote simplify the hiring and management of global talent and remove the legal implications of global hiring

13. Hybrid Events:

In the digital age, it is obvious that many corporations have adopted remote and hybrid work models, as discussed above. In an office setting, many events and activities occur in parallel. However, for remote workers, it can be difficult to travel and attend in-person events or register for events that are far from their hometown. With hybrid events, you can create a virtual environment with many engaging features such as polls, quizzes, live chat, gamification, or even using AR/VR to offer them an effective in-person-like experience. This is considered one of the most important points for businesses, as happy employees are twice as productive.

14. Webinars:

In the same segment, webinars are considered one of the best ways to make remote employees feel personalized yet easy to coordinate and collaborate. With webinars, you can effectively collaborate, do team meet-ups, and a lot more. There are many webinar platforms and webinar service providers that offer many engagement features like polls, Q&As, confetti, screen sharing, emojis, live chats, and other interactive features to make them feel engaged. If not with hybrid events, it is best to enhance collaboration opportunities with webinar platforms.

15. Data Observability:

Observability is a growing trend in 2023, enabling comprehensive insights into complex systems. It utilizes metrics, logs, and traces to understand distributed systems and microservices. Automation and AI/ML enhance observability, promoting collaboration between DevOps teams. Cloud-native observability tools like Datadog, Splunk, New Relic, etc cater to evolving architectures. Observability goes beyond monitoring, providing a holistic understanding of system behavior and business impact. In the market, various observability tools offer comprehensive data analysis, real-time visibility, and proactive insights for optimizing system performance and driving informed decision-making.


We just introduced 10 top tech trends for businesses in 2022 in this post! Depending on your business and the needs of your target audience, you can implement each of these new or evolving tech trends together with your tech and development teams. Remember that it is more a necessity than a choice to adapt your business to the latest tech trends. Wish you the best of luck!

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Social Media Marketing An Ultimate Guide for Small Businesses https://botsify.com/blog/social-media-marketing-guide/ https://botsify.com/blog/social-media-marketing-guide/#respond Tue, 21 Jun 2022 05:56:10 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4512 Undoubtedly, you will have to do a proper marketing plan to promote your pocket-size business online. You should decide to expand the scope of reaching …

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Undoubtedly, you will have to do a proper marketing plan to promote your pocket-size business online. You should decide to expand the scope of reaching consumers who want your products or services. To do that, it is important to require an ultimate guide on how to engage your customers for regular brand promotion. Social media platforms are popular portals for easy communication and business branding. To increase sales, you need the audience. Your targeted leads should be turned into sales. Social media marketing plans are here very useful to boost the daily brand awareness campaigns for superb lead conversion. In this connection, a few blog post examples are helpful for beginners to realize the influence of social media marketing systems on small businesses. 

Why Do You Require social media for Portable Business Promotion? 

The small size business online has to be expandable with a lot of opportunities for investors to reinforce the financial framework. You will have to accelerate the revenue-generating frequencies to strengthen the economy of your management. Here, through the social media platforms like Facebook and Pinterest, you will get top communities and groups to rank your sites. These prospects are not fake and free radicals. Get genuine site visitors for better business promotion. As online virtual marketing systems require the participation of customers, you can’t separate the business from the social media portals. In fact, you are getting a readymade platform for customer retention. Your daily brand visibility rates will be on rising via the social media visitors who like to visit your business profile. 

Social Media Creates Base for You to Build up Business Online 

Right now, small-scale business conglomerates and virtual trading groups struggle for survival. They have to create their base camps to start making solid approaches for customer retention. Social media is an easy and cost-effective tool for you to do vast business promotions. You do not need to be an expert to operate this world-class virtual channel for marketing and product sales. The base is here strong and promising for a beginner who has to compete with others. Opening a free online account on Facebook or Instagram, try to make an oversize network that will lead to a superb communication system. People are here to check your profile and timeline posts with curiosity. Don’t hesitate to schedule Instagram reels and share them with your audience, as they prefer short video content. They are real customers who are eager to watch videos and read content posted on social media channels. Data access is almost free and free of hazards for marketers. 

Free Campaigning to Promote Business 

When you launch your 1-month-old portable business on the internet, you should be economical. You can’t waste all your hard-earned dollars on advertisement, and festoon design. Today, Facebook is one of the much sought-after marketing places for marketers and social media marketing agencies. It is not costly for beginners to post ads, and upload videos for demos. That’s why 90 percent of small businesses depend on social media for marketing and various online lead generation programs. Investors do not buy expensive software packs for data management. You can update and optimize conventional mobile apps on this social media platform. From video posting, and email marketing to regular advertisement, you must find the key social media websites. 

Worldwide Recognition 

Best products need proper media exposure. Unknown brands can’t stand alive without smooth campaigning and advertisement. The link with consumers is easy and long lasting via top social media sites. If you have a start-up company, at first, your connection with the local audience should be sweet and durable. The specific niches should allow you to keep your product lists visible to local customers. Extensively, you can take the brands to global consumers who can buy your products using e-commerce sites. For brand awareness, quick marketing, and local business promotion, be in touch with social media tools. 

Social Media – Best Place for Improving Brand Visibility 

Investors who are determined to improve brand visibility should measure the strength of campaigning. You will have to see whether leads are convertible into sales. On Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social media networks, marketers check the rates of leads to convert. Track the participation of prospects and how they are able to give a higher rank to the sites. In this stage, you should social media carousel ads and other types of advertisements that you create to increase your online visibility.

Use Social Media Auditing Tools 

Social media auditing tools give you a brief-up or a preview of the ultimate progression of online marketing. Audit the daily performance including your weakness and strength to do the conversion of the online leads. Certainly, it takes a few days to achieve success. However, you will be able to understand your social media marketing participation and efforts to reach the last transit. This is the lens for you to analyze all aspects of regular ads display and marketing on social media websites. Marketers should have clear concepts about the customers. What do they want in the long run? The relationship with the social media groups and visitors should be smooth for the improvement of prospects’ conversion rates. 

Social Media Portal – Personalized Business Promotion Platform 

Design the business profile pages according to your desires. It is a personalized system for you to do the proper paintwork for brand integrity. Even you can add new groups to your list for advertisement. Here, you have an integrated and organized domain with the availability of the advanced content management framework

Quick Exposure to Business 

Businesses you start should not be dead without any mobility. In the beginning, it is troublesome for entrepreneurs and small traders to have an oversize viewership with frequent leads to hit the site. The business exposure needs to be quick. Social media channels experience heavy web traffic with the possibility of lead generation without interruption. It is one of the biggest entertainment and marketing tools for global entrepreneurs

Get Mobile Visitors through Social Media 

Million teens are found doing online navigation to watch videos on social media channels. They have smartphones and androids for easy access to top social media pages like Facebook. Capture the chunk of mobile visitors dealing with personalized social media channels like Twitter. 

Entertainment and Marketing Campaigns Run Neck to Neck 

Online entertainment for the young generation is attractive. With the least effort, you can enjoy seeing top movies, online videos, and photos. Chat with the sweetest friends and daters on your mobile phone device. Social media channels provide filtered entertainment and recreation to please you. At the same time, key players in the digital marketing field opt for top social media sites for promoting their businesses. People who visit Facebook for online chatting and dating are also available to join promotional campaigns and exhibitions. Begin high-quality business venture in the digital milieu. It takes you to the top entrepreneurial schools and the global marketing arena for establishing a network. In this way, brand integrity is reinforced through such dynamic social media marketing campaigns. 

Social Media Becomes Powerful Structure for Communication 

Innovation in the digital marketing system enables entrepreneurs and small business owners to communicate with customers. Power migration takes place with the advent of new social media channels. The behavioral pattern of online visitors undergoes rapid change because of the overdose of social media boosters. People prefer Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for corporate business promotion, and correspondence. Customers have the right to post their views for or against brands. This empowerment puts more energy into people to have the inspiration for being members of top social media websites. Leads pour into these cross-device open source portals for being transformed into genuine sales. This power migration from basic e-commerce portals to glossy social media channels is invariably unique and worth the effect. All short-lived and longer-duration online promotional campaigns for lead conversion are easy to conduct on personalized Facebook or LinkedIn. 

Easy to Maintain Platform for Marketing 

The economic recession during the post-pandemic period stays stable. Start-up companies and small-size traders search for a quick solution to end the problem. They take the decision to change the platform for cost-saving and maximum risk management. Studies confirm that social media marketing systems enhance the cost-effectiveness of cutting expenses. Mobile apps and other tools for daily usage are not costly on any social media channel. It is an easy-to-maintain advertisement portal. 

Top AI Tools on Social Media 

Nowadays, AI tools on social media channels do a lot of work for you. It has automated post-monitoring systems.   The machine takes notes from you and uploads the content automatically.  The virtual assistance system replies imitating a human voice. For online marketing, product selling, and business promotion, these AI tools are a must. 

Social Media Helps Business Grow 

With the rapid visibility of key social media sites online, customers showcase their interest to be present on these channels for communication. Entrepreneurs manage their start-up agencies and companies easily by being connected with these powerful websites. The advancement in the tele-correspondence helps entrepreneurs to operate their one-stop storefronts and shops with comfort. Even non-tech novice businessmen have the chance to work in a high-tech digital environment. It is due to the proper personalization of the virtual correspondence tools for marketers. 

Social media marketing systems are now emerging as the reliable backbone to provide power to the economy of the country. Steadily, new job opportunities are coming forward to remove the financial crisis even during the Covid outbreak. It is a great influential vehicle to motivate prospects. It increases the workforce. The barrier between customers and sellers becomes thinner inspiring marketers to establish a new connection with customers. The supply chain becomes smoother and more flexible. You will have awesome marketing potential and confidence to continue pampering your daily business management workout via your favorite social media channels.

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5 Ways to Choose the Right Facebook Ad Objectives for Your Small Business https://botsify.com/blog/right-facebook-ad-objectives/ https://botsify.com/blog/right-facebook-ad-objectives/#respond Tue, 31 May 2022 06:29:57 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4422 Ever heard the phrase “Begin with the end in mind”?  If you have, this applies to the world of Facebook advertising as well.  It is …

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Ever heard the phrase “Begin with the end in mind”? 

If you have, this applies to the world of Facebook advertising as well. 

It is exactly what you need to do to succeed with Facebook Ads. 

In addition to having excellent ad creatives, choosing the right Facebook ad objective that aligns with your campaign goal sets you up for success. 

So how do you avoid choosing the wrong Facebook Ad objectives for your small business?

Here’s everything you need to know. 

What are Facebook ad objectives?

A Facebook ad campaign objective is simply the desired action you want people to take when they see your ad.

Facebook determines who to show your ad to based on your chosen objective.

As seen below in Facebook Ads manager, all the ad campaign objectives are grouped into three major categories: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

Let’s take a closer look at each. 

Awareness objective

This category comprises brand awareness and reach. 

It is majorly for advertisers looking to get more people to know and recognize their brand, and the products and services they offer. 

When you choose an objective from this category, Facebook shows your ad to a large pool of potential customers (Top of the Funnel). This ad objective optimizes for impressions or reach as the goal is to get as many “targeted eyes” as possible to see your ad. 

Consideration objective

Ad objectives under this category include traffic and engagement, app installs, video views, lead generation, and messages. 

You should consider picking an ad objective from this category if you’re an advertiser looking to target your warm audiences (i.e, people who have come across your brand before). The goal of campaigns optimized for an objective in this category should be to nurture audience interest, educate and drive engagement (likes, shares, comments, etc.).

Conversion objective

Under this category, we have conversions, catalog sales, and store traffic. 

According to Brian Lim, CEO of iHeartRaves & INTO THE AM, “the goal of campaigns optimized for an objective in this category should be to get people to purchase your product or service. Facebook shows your ad to audiences with high buying intent that just need a little nudge to convert (bottom of the funnel).”

How to choose the right ad objective for your small business

According to a recent Databox study on Facebook ads, the most common Facebook ad objectives for SMBs are brand awareness, followed by conversions, traffic, and lead generation

Bearing that in mind, how should you choose a Facebook Ad objective for your small business? 

Here are 5 things you should keep in mind when choosing an ad objective:

1. Understand the impact of your chosen ad objective

Before selecting an ad objective, it is essential to understand the different objectives – what they mean and the actions they evoke when chosen. 

Essentially, the ad objective you choose will determine the outcome of your ad and communicate to Facebook algorithms what actions you want your audience to take when they come across your ad.

For example, there is no reason to choose brand awareness (targets cold audiences), if your goal is to get more purchases or products in the buyer’s cart.

2. Focus on your current goal

When choosing an objective for your small business’ ad campaign, it is essential to focus on your current marketing needs to avoid wasting your marketing budget on audiences that are not likely to take the actions you desire.

For example, choosing a reach objective will be a great choice if you’re looking to generate buzz for your latest product or service, as this ad objective focuses on getting your ad shown to as many people as possible.

3. Conduct A/B testing

For the best ad results, it is essential to be flexible. Therefore, always leave some room for testing different ad objectives to see if you stand the chance of generating more results by choosing one ad objective over another. 

Suppose you’re just starting and have no historical data to leverage on. In that case, it’s perfectly okay to test and compare different ad objectives and the results you get, and when/if necessary, pause, pivot, and go in a different direction. Use Facebook Ads Analytics to track and measure the performance of your A/B testing.

Jessica Ulloa, Community Manager at MyPerfectResume says: “There isn’t only one way to choose the right Facebook Ad Objective for your business. This decision is based on your specific business needs and situation. It is particularly tricky to find the right objective if you have just started your business. A great tip is to test different options. You might be surprised to learn that the Facebook Ad Objective that brings you the best results is probably the one you weren’t even considering.”

4. Consider brand awareness objective

When choosing an objective, keep in mind the different stages that make up the marketing funnel and target people based on the stage of the marketing funnel that you’re in. 

That said, if you’d like to go for one objective that has worked for many small businesses, then you should consider optimizing your ad for awareness or reach. 

Going by the Databox study highlighted earlier, SMBs listed brand awareness as their top Facebook ad objective. As such, consider choosing brand awareness if you’re new and looking for a safe option to start from and learn.

5. Think of your overall marketing strategy

Choosing an ad campaign objective can be confusing for a beginner. One way to make it easy for you is to have a staff meeting to define your marketing strategy before diving in. Once you have crafted a solid marketing strategy, try finding a middle point by selecting the ad objective that best serves your marketing goals and plan.

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