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Every business comes down to the earnings it generates (fair enough). But THE question is, how do you ensure long-term revenue growth that will help your brand expand? There are many roads up that mountain, but SEO is definitely one of the best routes. Why? There are many reasons for that, such as organic traffic, more qualified leads, and a compound effect of your efforts over time. 

But does SEO work for all business sizes, niches, and locations? Actually, it does. How is that possible? Digital magic! Well, almost. The biggest secret SEO holds is flexibility. You can adjust it as much as you like, depending on your goals. Still, for many, search engine optimization seems too complicated, but it shouldn’t be like that. And we’ll prove it in this post.


Does SEO Really Help a Business Earn Long-Term Revenue? 

Oh yeah, SEO really helps companies grow. In fact, search engine optimization is the holy grail of long-term revenue. Don’t just take our word for it. Here are stats that prove it:

  • According to Search Engine Journal, 49% of marketers say that organic search has the best ROI of any marketing technique. Databox puts that number at 70%
  • 68% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. 
  • Search is a 24/7 business. As a result, 51% of website traffic and 40% of revenue are driven by organic search. 
  • 88% of US customers search for products online before making a purchase offline, and 80% of local SEO searches actually convert. 

SEO helps you deliver value to both your existing and potential customers. How? Through content. If the things you share are juicy and helpful, people see you as a trustworthy brand. And name at least one thing that’s more valuable than trust. 

What is the percentage of revenue SEO is responsible for? You can find different numbers in different sources, but the idea stays the same – when compared with paid search and social media, SEO wins by a landslide across industries.

Brightedge Statistic

Source: BrightEdge

6 Ways How SEO Can Support Your Business Growth

To be clear – SEO, by its nature, is more of a long-term strategy. It takes a while to fully implement and some time to see results, but the outcome is solid and sustainable growth (if you know what you’re doing, of course). What results can you expect?


1. Make Your Brand Seen (Finally)

All brands are like extroverts – they enjoy being in the spotlight (no judgment here). But it’s not just for the sake of winning a popularity contest. Being visible is how businesses survive and grow. In the end, the more eyes on your product/service, the more leads and sales for you.

Still, truth be told, there are already so many companies vying for the customer’s attention at the same time. And consumers are simply tired of all that noise. If you’ve been in marketing for long enough, you know that banner blindness is more real than reality. So, yeah, standing out from the crowd isn’t easy, let alone ensuring long-term revenue growth. But roll your sleeves and do your SEO (or just outsource it), and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Businesses invest so much in PPC, hoping to generate long-term revenue. Yet, most people keep ignoring those ads and prefer organic search results, which get the most links as well. A good SEO strategy is what can get you to the top of search engine results, increasing your visibility and CTR at the same time. 


2. Get More Traffic (A Lot More)

There are over 1.13 billion websites on the internet. That’s a lot (Hey, Captain Obvious!). Out of these, 90.63% of web pages get zero organic traffic from Google. Zero! On the other hand, the first three results on Google search result pages get the most traffic. 

Even then, most clicks go to the website on the number one spot, and less than 1% of searchers bother to check the second page. I mean, when was the last time you scrolled down to the end of the search result page, let alone checked out the second and third pages? Exactly! It’s the same with customers. 

And SEO is the key to those prime spots in SERPs. Even repurposing old blog content and throwing in a couple of optimized images for a little razzle-dazzle can boost your organic traffic by 106%.

But don’t think that SEO is all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. Ha! First, you have to polish your technical optimization, learn millions of tips for buying and obtaining links, and ensure that your local SEO is in place. And well, those are definitely easier said than done. But a little motivation goes a long way. 


3. Rock That Lead Generation and Conversion Rates

Let’s face it – getting leads is just as dependent on how many people know about your brand as it is on your sales tactics. When more people come by to check out your site, the number of signups and sales also goes up. It’s math, really (something about probability). Remember how the top spots in search engine results get the most clicks? Well, some of those clicks will turn into leads, conversions, and more revenue for you. But how do you get there? Two words – content marketing.

SEO and content marketing always go hand in hand. The latter nets you 3x more leads than PPC. The recipe is easy – you share truly valuable information, and people start seeing you as the authority in your niche. Since the content will be live for a really long time, maybe forever, it becomes a good source of long-term revenue for your business. 

The best part is that these results only get better with time. You know, good SEO ages like fine wine. You can’t put it in your cellar, of course. But if your SEO works, you’ll be able to buy something decent for that cellar as well. 

content marketing stats

Source: Content Marketing Institute


#4 Gain a Competitive Edge and Be Different

You know how the situation is. There are probably hundreds of similar businesses like yours, all targeting the same customer demographics as you do. What can do about it? Fight back with better marketing tactics, of course. For some, this would mean pumping out ads but we already know most people ignore those. So, you want to use SEO instead. 

marketing tactics

Source: terakeet

Again, if you can get your web pages to the top of search results, you will end up with more clicks and traffic than your competitors. Don’t believe it? Well, people searching online for something already have an idea of what they want and just need a little nudge in the right direction. That’s why optimizing your website with your target keywords and sharing quality content will help you outrank your competitors (almost) easily.

Still, SEO is more than just keywords and content optimization. It has many technical aspects to it. For example, mobile-friendliness can help you capture more traffic, as 70% of people now prefer to use their mobile phones for online searches. 

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5. Build a Richer Backlink Profile That Generates More Long-Term Revenue

Most marketing specialists believe that backlinks have a really great impact on your brand authority. Then again, the top pages in Google search results have 3.8x more backlinks than the rest. Remember those pages mentioned earlier that get zero traffic? Well, most of them had no backlinks. Coincidence? Probably not! 

Clearly, backlinks can affect organic traffic which will, well, impact everything else. But wait. Can’t some links lower your web performance? That’s right! Spammy and low-quality backlinks will do no good for your page. So, the quality of backlinks is far more important than the volume you have. Overall, link-building is arguably one of the most challenging parts of SEO, and many struggle to get the hang of it. That’s why many choose to outsource this task to an outreach team.


6. Get a Source of Sustainable and Future-Proof ROI in Marketing

Guess what? SEO is actually more profitable and cost-effective compared to other forms of marketing. According to SEOmator, for every $1 spent on PPC, you can expect to make $2 on average. But with SEO, you can get an ROI of $250 for every $1 spent. That sounds like a decent investment, doesn’t it? 

Unlike paid ads, you don’t have to keep pumping money to keep getting results. As lovely as the results of SEO might be for the present, the best part is that they become even more powerful with time by cementing your place amongst the top players in your niche. 

You know, trends come and go, but love lasts forever (not only in Hollywood movies). And that’s the story of what happens between search engines and time-proven SEO tactics. Get your SEO strategy right, and you will rank high for years to come. 


Common Issues With Long-Term SEO Strategy & How to Overcome Them

Here’s the other side of the SEO story. It takes a lot of planning and knowledge to come up with an SEO strategy that can generate long-term revenue for your business. This is just like any investor should learn not only about the miracle of compounding but also about risk management. Same works for SEO. But in this context, the most common challenges include:

1. No Resources (Talent, Time, and Budget)

Not having the right talent or working with a limited budget and time constraints? We’ve all been there. Of course, it’s easy to say that SEO is effective when you can afford everything and anything. But most businesses can’t. And it’s alright. You can still enjoy its benefits with little resources.

Solution: Just like issues can vary for each business, the solution you need will also look different. If you’re a small business owner and can’t afford an in-house team like the big companies, try to do it yourself. Knowing more about SEO is a great investment in your long-term business growth strategy. you can also take more valuable information through existing SEO guides available on the internet.

If you don’t want to do it yourself. Hire a contractor and make them focus on one single tactic instead of spreading your resources all over the place. What could that tactic be? Mention recommends paying attention to guest blogging. It is a great way to show that you know your thing, spread the word about your brand, and get those valuable backlinks. 


2. Not Having a Real SEO Strategy in Place

The thing about SEO strategy is that you actually need to know what you are doing to avoid it being a time sink and a waste of money. Even when the chips are laid right, there are so many factors that can affect your result. For example, if you do not know how to manage projects well, set clear goals, and prioritize tasks, you will find yourself grappling with too many things at once. And your website will be the one that suffers as a result. That’s why strategy isn’t just a beautiful PDF file. 

Solution: If you want to succeed, make your SEO planning clear, factual, and flexible. In the end, great search engine optimization comes down to clear and systematic actions. That’s it. You need to have clear goals and targets right from the start. For this, you have to know your audience to understand how to align your business goals and efforts with their interests and preferences. If you feel like you’re missing something, consult with professionals or get an SEO expert who can help you build an effective strategy.


3. Constantly Changing Trends That Are Hard to Follow

Trying to master SEO can sometimes feel like trying to handle a slippery eel with wet hands (ew). This is because there’s always something new to learn and another thing to unlearn. But there’s a good reason behind this. Consumer behaviors change all the time, new technological advances shake the world, search engines get better at adapting to the changes, and so best practices also evolve to meet up.

Solution: It may feel like a lot trying to adapt to every new Google update, but the truth is that once you fix your sights on matching the user intent, it becomes less stressful. Think of it this way – all changes and updates have one goal: to deliver the best possible experience to consumers. And it’s also in your best interest. So, keep learning and adapting, and don’t forget to use the SEO tools at your disposal to make your workflow easier.



SEO isn’t just about ranking better on Google. It’s about delivering the right type of information to users at the right time. And your rankings are just a reflection of that in the long run. There is no doubt that any business can support long-term revenue growth with SEO. But in reality, they can do much more. They can become industry leaders with an army of loyal customers who find their brand special.

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Customer Experience Metrics to Help Your Marketing Strategy Fri, 26 Apr 2024 06:58:41 +0000 Learn about Important Customer Experience Metrics to Form an Effective Strategy Image Source You can’t shape an effective marketing strategy without deeply analyzing customer experience …

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Learn about Important Customer Experience Metrics to Form an Effective Strategy

Customer satisfaction

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You can’t shape an effective marketing strategy without deeply analyzing customer experience metrics. By tracking the correct CX metrics, marketers can better understand the customer journey and identify their pain points more accurately. This also makes it easier to optimize touchpoints, which in turn helps improve loyalty and revenues.

Experts also believe that measuring various CX metrics is one acceptable way of gaining insights into customer sentiment. This enables marketers to spot areas for improvement. For instance, these metrics make it easier to find systemic issues that may damage loyalty or increase churn risk.

The good thing is that CX technology is evolving quickly, so tracking those metrics is easier. You can also have a robust SEO tool in your arsenal to keep an eye on those changing metrics. And it’s easy to make a choice, considering you can find platforms offering SEO Tool Reviews. All you have to do is compare those tools and pick ones that can perform site-wide audits, pick social media engagement signals, track bounce rates, and perform other tasks to help you gauge your marketing campaign’s performance.

In short, customer experience (CX) has always been significant but has become a key differentiator, with 86% of consumers willing to pay more for a great experience. An SEO tool will help, but you need to learn what metrics to track. Here’s what you should focus on:


1. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is a percentage calculated from data gathered by using a 1-10 scale for responses to ‘How likely are you …’ type questions. If you subtract the % of Detractors from the % of Promoters, you will get a Net Promoter Score. It stands out among the most helpful customer experience metrics.

NPS monitors the customer experience from the perspective of loyalty. It asks users to consider how likely they are to revisit a brand (for customer retention) and their willingness to advocate for it (organic promotion). It, therefore, benefits marketing by leveraging ‘word of mouth’ and using satisfied customers to expand brand visibility.  

The metric uses three categories:

  • Promoters: score 9-10. These are loyal enthusiasts who are likely to revisit.
  • Passives: score 7-8. Customers are satisfied but not committed and open to offers from elsewhere.
  • Detractors (0-6). These customers are not satisfied, and their word-of-mouth recommendation is likely to be negative.

NPS insights inform marketing strategies in several ways:

  • identifying areas for improvement in product, service, or strategizing customer experience
  • segmenting customers into categories for targeted marketing
  • prioritizing a customer-centric approach to decision-making
  • leveraging Promoters as brand advocates by encouraging them to share testimonials or take part in referral programs
  • proactive engagement, using NPS to address issues promptly and proactively engaging with Detractors.


2. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score

Customer feedback

Image Source

The CSAT score considers the customers’ overall experience by asking how satisfied they are. Like NPS, customers respond using a scale of 1-5 or 1-10.

The CSAT metric is useful for:

  • gauging the quality of the customer experience
  • distinguishing the satisfied customers from the less satisfied customers
  • predicting customer churn (lost customers)
  • unearthing gaps between the customers’ expectations and their experience
  • benchmarking performance against others in the industry

It’s possible to use CSAT Data to identify areas for improvement, which helps get better results for your marketing campaigns.

Much like NPS, CSAT data can inform an entire marketing strategy, identifying the most successful as well as the weakest areas. It also informs decision-making regarding brand development and growth.

The CSAT data can:

  • be showcased in marketing content as social proof of providing a positive customer experience
  • identify highly satisfied customers to encourage referrals and testimonials
  • facilitate tailoring the customer experience by analyzing scores in each customer segment
  • be used in conjunction with other metrics, such as NPS and CES


3. Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer experience

Image Source

CES evaluates the ease with which customers interact with the company. It measures the effort required to accomplish key customer service tasks, such as resolving issues, making a purchase, or finding information.

CES asks customers to rate the ease of their experience on a scale ranging from ‘very difficult’ to ‘very easy’. The easy range has the higher score. A low CES, on the other hand, would indicate the customer has had difficulty.

CES insights are beneficial. Using them, marketers can:

  • streamline procedures
  • enhance self-serve options
  • reduce response times
  • optimize for mobile friendliness

CES helps marketers create an effortless user experience. A feature that boosts retention and reduces churn. It also drives growth in competitive marketplaces by fostering customer loyalty for long-term relationships.

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4. Churn Rate

The churn rate is a critical metric. This measurement is the percentage of customers lost to the business. It’s a metric that directly impacts growth. A high churn rate would mean the company is losing its customers faster than it is replacing them.  

Churn is essentially a calculation, with the percentage rate arrived at by analyzing data over a set period of time. It’s found by dividing the number of customers lost over the period by the total number of customers at its beginning. 

In most cases, it’s found that companies lose around 10-25% of their customers yearly, but anything more than that is alarming.

By understanding churn and its impact, marketers can implement targeted retention initiatives. 

Reducing Churn through Targeted Marketing Initiatives

Reducing churn should always be a priority. Good customer retention drives business growth. A good marketing strategy will include the provision for targeted ‘win-back’ campaigns with personalized emails to encourage engagement and loyalty schemes that have value incentives.

Another low churn tactic is to focus on retaining only the best customers rather than everyone. This could be done by offering a reduced rate for an annual subscription or extending customer support and other initiatives that provide customer value over the long term.


5. AI chatbots

AI chatbots play a vital role in boosting customer experience. When a user visits your website, store, or social homepages or profiles, they bear the time-consuming human agents’ responses which makes the users particularly intense or sophisticated, this is where AI chatbots come into the market and make the customer experience on scale at no cost.

Artificial intelligence is also playing a vital role in enhancing the customer experience, there is a new tool that is making CX more impactful and that is VOICE AI, when a user interacts with the VOICE AI agents, the users feel like talking to real human agent which is operated based on AI and open AI.

Voice AI

6. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

CLV is another critical customer experience metric. It helps businesses understand their customer’s lifetime value by considering the expected total revenue their extended customers would likely bring in.

CLV measures their worth. CLV insights help with decisions around allocating resources to retain high-value customers and optimizing campaigns to target segmented high-value customers without incurring costs higher than their lifetime value.

CLV, therefore, provides insights into future revenue streams and facilitates informed decision-making regarding product development, pricing, and customer support.


7. Website and APP Engagement Metrics

These key metrics, including bounce rate (BR), analyze user behavior. They provide insights that reflect the performance of the content, page, or platform. BR measures how many users leave a site after viewing just one page, a behavior that could signal issues with the content or the page’s usability.

Another useful digital metric is time on site (TOS). It measures the duration of each user’s visit, revealing their engagement with the site. A longer duration signals satisfaction with the content and the website or app’s performance. 

These metrics help identify the best-performing content and user habits and preferences. The insights can help refine and fine-tune strategies for better customer success.

Apps have several useful metrics that analyze many aspects of the user experience. These include:

  • the number of daily and monthly active users
  • the user journey through the marketing funnel
  • session frequency
  • session depth in relation to user interests

8. Social Media Engagement and Sentiment

Likes, shares, and comments on social media provide the marketer with valuable first-stage insights into how well content is performing with its intended audience. However, to understand exactly how well content resonates, a deeper analysis that leverages sentiment is required.

Sentiment analysis involves using AI and natural language processing (NLP). Its focus is on establishing the attitudes and emotions behind brand mentions. It categorizes conversations as either positive, negative, or neutral, producing quantitative data. As such, the metrics paint a comprehensive picture of the user experience.

By using engagement and sentiment metrics together, marketers are able to identify which content draws meaningful reactions, addresses customer concerns, and strengthens brand loyalty. By making informed data-driven decisions, they can adapt strategies quickly and effectively.


9. Feedback and Review Analysis

Feedback and reviews are among many important CX metrics. They can provide insights into customer preferences, sentiments, and pain points. It’s all about gaining access to valuable data to identify the target audience and their overall journey.

 To gather those details, you may use various methods, including social media monitoring, surveys, and review aggregation. It’s also vital to utilize analytics tools, including natural language processing and sentiment analysis, to arrange unstructured data.

Categorizing feedback based on urgency, themes, and impact can inform data-driven decisions, enabling you to optimize customer support, refine product features, and personalize marketing communications.



Knowing how well customers enjoyed their interaction with a business is vital since customer satisfaction is the main driver for repeat business. It builds marketplace visibility, a critical factor in long-term growth and success. The metrics reveal how much effort the user needed to complete tasks, such as making an inquiry or completing a purchase. They also highlight who the audience is, its habits and interests, and its lifetime value to the business. Using these metrics makes it easy to gather before and after data that helps assess the impact of campaign elements and judge how well content is resonating. Used collectively, the metrics paint a comprehensive picture of a business’s customer satisfaction, with data gathered from various perspectives from various sources.

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How to Optimize Your Facebook Page Chatbot for Maximum Reach Fri, 29 Dec 2023 05:49:43 +0000 Facebook Page Chatbots have become an integral part of modern marketing and strategies to boost customer service. They offer businesses a unique opportunity to engage …

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Facebook Page Chatbots have become an integral part of modern marketing and strategies to boost customer service. They offer businesses a unique opportunity to engage with their audience, provide instant assistance, and even promote products or services. However, to reap the full benefits of a Facebook Page Chatbot, you need to optimize it for maximum reach. In this article, we’ll explore the steps to make your chatbot more effective and engaging.

Understanding Facebook Page Chatbots

What are Facebook Page Chatbots?

Facebook Page Chatbots are automated messaging systems integrated into your business’s Facebook page. They interact with users, answer questions, and guide them through various processes. These chatbots are designed to provide a seamless and efficient communication experience.

botsify facebook chatbot

Benefits of Using Chatbots on Facebook

  • 24/7 Availability: Chatbots are always available to assist users, ensuring that potential customers receive responses at any time.
  • Cost-Efficient: They significantly reduce the need for human customer support agents, saving both time and money.
  • Quick Response: Chatbots can respond instantly, improving customer satisfaction by reducing waiting times.

Setting Up Your Facebook Page Chatbot

Creating a Facebook Page Chatbot is a straightforward process. You can either use Facebook’s built-in tools or opt for a third-party chatbot agency. To set up your chatbot, follow these steps:

  1. Access Your Facebook Page: Log in to your business’s Facebook account and go to your page.
  2. Go to Settings: Click on “Settings” located at the top of your page.
  3. Messaging and Automation: Choose “Messaging and Automation” from the menu on the left.
  4. Chatbot Setup: Click on “Chatbot Setup” and follow the on-screen instructions.

Optimizing Chatbot Content

To make your Facebook Page Chatbot more engaging, focus on the content it delivers. Craft responses that are not only informative but also engaging. Use multimedia content like images, videos, and GIFs to make the conversation more visually appealing.

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Personalizing the Chatbot Experience

Personalization is crucial for making your chatbot more effective. Collect user data to tailor responses and recommendations. Use the user’s name and remember their previous interactions to create a more personal experience.

Increasing Chatbot Reach

To maximize your chatbot’s reach, consider the following strategies:

  1. Promote Your Chatbot: Use your other social media channels and website to promote your Facebook Page Chatbot.
  2. Utilize Messenger Codes: Messenger Codes are scannable codes that people can use to connect with your chatbot.
  3. Leverage Facebook Features: Utilize Facebook’s features like sponsored messages and click-to-messenger ads to increase visibility.

Measuring Chatbot Performance

It’s essential to track the performance of your Facebook Page Chatbot. Some key metrics to monitor include:

  • Response Time: How quickly your chatbot responds to messages.
  • User Engagement: The number of users interacting with your chatbot.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of users taking a desired action.

Troubleshooting and Improving

Like any technology, chatbots can encounter issues. Common problems include misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Regularly update and improve your chatbot by analyzing user feedback and addressing these issues.


Optimizing your Facebook Page Chatbot is a crucial step in enhancing your brand’s online presence and customer service capabilities. By understanding chatbot basics, setting up your chatbot correctly, personalizing the user experience, expanding its reach, and monitoring its performance, you can ensure that your chatbot provides value to your customers.

To further improve your chatbot’s efficiency, regularly analyze its performance data and address issues as they arise. With a well-optimized Facebook Page Chatbot, you’ll be well on your way to achieving maximum reach and customer satisfaction.


  1. What are some popular Chatbot platforms for Facebook?

Some popular chatbot platforms for Facebook include ManyChat, Chatfuel, and MobileMonkey. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces for creating and managing chatbots.

  1. How can I make my Chatbot more engaging?

To make your chatbot more engaging, focus on crafting responses that are informative, concise, and visually appealing. Use multimedia content, personalized recommendations, and interactive elements.

  1. Is it essential to personalize the Chatbot experience?

Yes, personalization is crucial. Personalized responses and recommendations make users feel more valued and engaged. Collect user data to create a more customized experience.

  1. What are some key metrics to measure Chatbot performance?

Key metrics for measuring chatbot performance include response time, user engagement, conversion rate, and the number of issues or misunderstandings encountered.

  1. Can I use Chatbots for marketing on Facebook?

Yes, chatbots are valuable for marketing on Facebook. They can assist in lead generation, product recommendations, and promotional campaigns, providing a unique way to engage with your audience.

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10 Reasons Why Facebook AI Chatbots Are Best for Lead Capturing Tue, 28 Nov 2023 11:30:09 +0000 In the world of digital marketing, lead capturing is a vital component for businesses to grow and succeed. A well-established method of achieving this is …

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In the world of digital marketing, lead capturing is a vital component for businesses to grow and succeed. A well-established method of achieving this is by using Facebook AI chatbots. These intelligent systems have revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers and have become a powerful tool for lead capturing. In this article, we will explore the top ten reasons why Facebook AI chatbots are the best choice for this purpose.

What Are Facebook AI Chatbots?

Before delving into the reasons, let’s understand what Facebook AI chatbots are. Chatbots are automated systems powered by artificial intelligence that can engage in conversations with users through text or voice. Facebook AI chatbots are designed specifically for the Facebook platform, enabling businesses to automate their customer interactions, answer questions, and even generate leads.

messenger chatbot

Importance of Lead Capturing

Lead capturing is the process of collecting information from potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services. It is a critical step in the sales funnel, as these leads can be nurtured into loyal customers. To achieve successful lead capturing, businesses need a system that is efficient, responsive, and cost-effective. Facebook AI chatbots tick all these boxes and more.

The Benefits of Using Facebook AI Chatbots for Lead Capturing

24/7 Availability

One of the primary advantages of Facebook AI chatbots is their round-the-clock availability. They don’t need breaks or sleep, making them an ideal choice for capturing leads at any time of the day or night.

Personalized Interactions

personalized interface

Image Source

These chatbots are capable of providing personalized interactions with users. By analyzing user data and behavior, they can tailor their responses and recommendations, making the user feel valued.

Efficient Data Collection

Gathering user information is crucial for lead capturing. Facebook AI chatbots can efficiently collect user data, including names, email addresses, and preferences, which is invaluable for businesses.

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Compared to hiring a team of customer support agents, using AI chatbots is a cost-effective solution. You only need to invest in the initial setup, and the chatbots can handle numerous conversations simultaneously.

Quick Response Time

No one likes to wait, especially in the digital age. Facebook AI chatbots offer rapid response times, ensuring that potential leads don’t lose interest while waiting for answers.

Improved Customer Engagement

Engaging with potential leads in a timely and informative manner is key to capturing their interest. Facebook AI chatbots excel at this, keeping users engaged and informed throughout their interaction.

botsify facebook chatbot

Building Trust and Credibility

Consumers tend to trust businesses that are responsive and efficient. Chatbots can help build trust by providing accurate information and solutions consistently.

Handling Multiple Conversations Simultaneously

Imagine your business getting hundreds of inquiries simultaneously. Chatbots can handle this workload efficiently, ensuring no lead goes unattended.

Integration with CRM Systems

Facebook AI chatbots can seamlessly integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, making it easier to manage and nurture leads.

Tracking and Analytics

With chatbots, you can track the performance of your lead capturing efforts. This data helps in refining your strategies for better results.

User-Friendly Setup and Usage

You don’t need to be a tech genius to set up Facebook AI chatbots. The setup process is user-friendly, and their usage is intuitive.

Case Studies

To better illustrate the effectiveness of Facebook AI chatbots, we present some real-world case studies of businesses that successfully improved their lead capturing and customer engagement through these chatbots.

Challenges and Solutions

While chatbots offer numerous benefits, they also come with challenges. We discuss common challenges faced by businesses and how to overcome them when using AI chatbots.

Future of Facebook AI Chatbots

The future looks promising for Facebook AI chatbots. Advancements in AI technology will likely make them even more effective at lead capturing and customer engagement.


In conclusion, Facebook AI chatbots are a game-changer for lead capturing. Their 24/7 availability, personalized interactions, and efficient data collection make them the best choice for businesses aiming to grow their customer base. By using these chatbots, you can boost customer support engagement, build trust, and handle multiple conversations simultaneously. With integration with CRM systems and robust tracking and analytics, they offer a complete lead-capturing solution.


  1. Are Facebook AI chatbots suitable for all types of businesses? Yes, Facebook AI chatbots can be adapted to various industries and business sizes. Their versatility makes them a valuable tool for lead capturing across different sectors.
  2. Can Facebook AI chatbots really understand user preferences? Absolutely. These chatbots analyze user data to provide personalized interactions. By examining user behavior and past interactions, they can tailor their responses to match individual preferences, making the user feel valued and understood.
  3. How cost-effective are Facebook AI chatbots compared to traditional customer support? Facebook AI chatbots are significantly more cost-effective than traditional customer support. They don’t require a large team of customer support agents to operate, which can lead to substantial cost savings for businesses.
  4. What is the learning curve for setting up Facebook AI chatbots? The setup process for Facebook AI chatbots is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. You don’t need extensive technical knowledge to get started. Businesses can quickly implement chatbots to enhance their lead capturing efforts without a steep learning curve.
  5. What kind of data can be tracked and analyzed using these chatbots? With Facebook AI chatbots, you can track various types of data, including user interactions, preferences, and conversion rates. This data is valuable for refining your lead capturing strategies and ensuring they align with your business goals.

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5 Conversational Commerce Solutions for Shopify Mon, 16 Oct 2023 09:04:16 +0000 In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, e-commerce businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer experiences and drive conversions. One such avenue that has …

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In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, e-commerce businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer experiences and drive conversions. One such avenue that has gained significant traction is Conversational Commerce. This approach leverages the power of real-time conversations to engage customers and guide them through their shopping journey. For Shopify store owners, integrating conversational commerce solutions can be a game-changer. In this article, we’ll explore five top-notch conversational commerce solutions tailored for Shopify.


In the digital age, online shopping experiences have become more interactive and personalized. Conversational Commerce, the integration of real-time conversations within the e-commerce process, has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers on a deeper level.

Furthermore, with Voice over Internet Protocol technology integration, businesses can offer seamless and efficient real-time communication channels, enhancing the conversational commerce experience for customers.

What is Conversational Commerce?

Before we move forward & tell you about these powerful tools let’s first discuss what is Conversational Commerce. Basically, it involves buying & selling using messaging apps, chatbots, and live chat to engage customers in meaningful conversations during their shopping journey. This approach replaces traditional, static shopping experiences with dynamic and personalized interactions.

Now you must be thinking why do you need conversational commerce for your business when you’ve already got a website!

Well, Conversational Commerce offers several advantages, such as improved customer engagement, increased conversions, and better customer satisfaction. It allows businesses to provide instant support, answer queries, and even suggest products based on customer preferences.

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It’s important to have a nice website, but having support through social platforms is equally important.

Top Conversational Commerce Solutions for Shopify

  1. Botsify

Botsify is an omni-channel fully managed chatbot platform that provides a seamless integration with Shopify leading to a perfect Conversational ECommerce Chatbot Solution without any customizations needed. But if you need it’s 100% customizable. Customers can explore products, search for products, track orders, and eventually checkout within the chat window.

The chatbot integrates with WhatsApp, Website, Instagram, Telegram & Facebook Messenger.

  1. Tidio

Tidio is an all-in-one chat solution that offers live chat, chatbots, and marketing automation. It allows Shopify store owners to engage visitors, recover abandoned carts, and provide real-time assistance.

  1. Gobot

Gobot specializes in AI-powered chatbots for e-commerce. It can guide customers through product selection, offer recommendations, and provide instant support, enhancing the shopping experience.

  1. Octane AI

Octane AI focuses on Facebook Messenger marketing and SMS automation. It enables Shopify businesses to send personalized messages, recommend products, and recover sales through automated conversations.

  1. LiveChat Inc

LiveChat provides a user-friendly chat platform for real-time customer support. It offers integrations with Shopify and features like chat surveys, a ticketing system, and chatbot automation.

Now that you know the solution, you must be wondering how you decide between the right chatbot solutions & how you go about trying them out.

How to Choose the Right Solution for Your Shopify Store

Selecting the appropriate conversational commerce solution depends on factors such as your business size, customer needs, and desired features. Evaluate each solution’s compatibility, pricing, ease of use, and customization options.

Steps to Integrate Conversational Commerce

  1. Research: Explore different solutions and assess their features.
  2. Choose: Select a solution that aligns with your business goals.
  3. Install: Install the chosen solution’s app on your Shopify store.
  4. Customize: Configure the chatbot’s behavior, appearance, and messaging.
  5. Test: Ensure the solution works seamlessly before going live.

Best Practices for Implementing Conversational Commerce

  • Personalization: Tailor conversations based on customer preferences.
  • Proactive Assistance: Initiate conversations to offer help and suggestions.
  • Seamless Transition: Ensure smooth handoff between chatbots and human agents.
  • Data Utilization: Leverage customer data to provide relevant recommendations.

Success Stories: Brands Leveraging Conversational Commerce

  1. Bathu Sneakers: Increased conversions by 25% using personalized chatbot recommendations.
  2. Gourmet Delights: Improved customer satisfaction by offering real-time assistance during checkout.

The Road Ahead for Conversational Commerce

The field of Conversational Commerce is evolving rapidly, and the future holds even more exciting possibilities. As artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, chatbots will be able to understand and interpret human language with greater accuracy. This means more natural and engaging conversations between customers and chatbots, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

In a world where customers value efficiency and personalization, Conversational Commerce is the bridge that connects businesses and shoppers in meaningful ways. By integrating these solutions into your Shopify store, you create an environment where customers feel heard, understood, and valued.

Conversational Commerce has emerged as a transformative approach in the realm of e-commerce. Shopify store owners can harness its potential to provide exceptional customer experiences, boost conversions, and stand out in a competitive market. By selecting the right solution and implementing it effectively, you open the door to a new era of customer engagement and business growth.

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Unlocking Business Potential with Digital Product Design Studios Fri, 22 Sep 2023 14:51:39 +0000 For many years, product design has remained something of a closed-off endeavor. In the past, manufacturers relied on large companies to design products for them …

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For many years, product design has remained something of a closed-off endeavor. In the past, manufacturers relied on large companies to design products for them and then produce them in bulk—often without any input from the end user. But as time has gone on and technology has improved, more and more businesses have started looking toward digital product design studios (DPDS) for help with their manufacturing needs. This can be beneficial for both sides of the equation: companies get access to a wider range of styles than they could ever find with traditional methods, while designers are given more creative freedom than ever before.

The Evolution of Digital Product Design Studios

Digital Product Development

The evolution of digital product design studios is a natural progression that has come about as a result of growing trends in business. The importance of collaboration, customization, user experience, and innovation are all factors that have contributed to this change. The rise of the digital product design studio also means that companies are increasingly measuring ROI (return on investment) when making decisions about their products and services.

As more companies recognize the value in having their own internal team for creating new products and services rather than outsourcing this work they’re looking for ways to improve efficiency at every step along the way: from ideation through development; from testing prototypes with customers through launch; even after launch when customer feedback may lead you back into another phase of refinement or redesigning your offering entirely before putting it out there again on the market place!

Tailored Solutions for Business Challenges

The digital product design studio is a flexible, tailored solution that can be customized to meet your business challenges. To get the most out of this partnership, you will need to understand how to make a good business case, choose the right partner, and manage expectations.

The lifecycle of a digital product design project begins with research and ideation followed by prototyping and testing. Once you have validated your concept with customers, we will move into production where we build out your MVP (minimum viable product) or complete version 1 of your app/website/product launch site or eCommerce storefront. This phase includes QA testing before release so that we know it works as intended when it goes live!

You can also include a chatbot on your website for customer feedback and use it as lead generation for your business. There are a lot of chatbot agency that provides many features of chatbots.

User-Centered Design Principles

User-centered design (UCD) is a strategic approach that prioritizes users throughout the design process. It leverages user research and analysis to guide product development, guaranteeing that the final product aligns with user needs. This approach has a track record of delivering value by forging meaningful connections between individuals and their surroundings. A user-centered approach enables you to address multiple aspects of your target audience’s needs by taking into consideration all aspects of their lives geographic location, socioeconomic status, or cultural background and ensuring they have access to whatever solution you provide through an easy-to-use interface that makes sense for them as individuals instead of just being “one size fits all.”

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Gather quality leads on autopilot and 10x your ROI with automated chats

Brand Identity and Market Differentiation

A brand identity serves as the public face of your business. It’s what people see and remember when they think about you and your products, services, and/or workforce.

A strong brand can help set you apart from competitors in the market by making it easier for consumers to recognize who you are as an organization, what makes your products special, or why customers should choose them over someone else’s offering. In turn, this gives them confidence in their purchase decision because they know exactly what they’re getting before purchasing anything at all (e.g., “I know I’m getting a great deal on this laptop because HP has been around forever”).

But how do we achieve these things? One way is through digital product design studios virtual spaces where experts collaborate on projects with clients from anywhere around the world using state-of-the-art technology like 3D modeling software programs like SolidWorks or Autodesk Maya; cloud platforms such as Sketchup Cloud which enable faster access times while sharing files seamlessly across multiple devices; video conferencing via Skype etcetera…

Measuring Impact and ROI

Measurement plays a vital role in the design process as it offers insights into the utilization of your product and areas requiring enhancement. This ensures the creation of products that genuinely deliver value to your customers. There are several ways to measure impact and ROI:

  • Surveys – Surveys allow you to gather feedback from users about their experience with your product or service. You can use surveys before and after a release or feature update to see how it impacted users’ behavior, or periodically throughout development so that you have a baseline for comparison against future releases/updates.
  • Analytics – Tools like Google Analytics provide insight into how many people are using certain features on your website or mobile app, where they come from (e.g., search engine optimization), which pages convert best (e.g., purchase pages), etc., which helps inform decisions around where else we should focus our efforts next time around!

We believe that digital product design studios can unlock new business potential for product companies. These studios provide a way to reduce time-to-market and cost while increasing innovation and quality. They also allow companies to expand their capabilities beyond traditional design services by offering expert advice on topics like marketing, engineering, and logistics allowing them to build better products faster than ever before!

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10 Ways to Build a Holistic Customer Experience Strategy in 2023 Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:36:43 +0000 Earlier this year, customer experience (CX) expert, Annette Franz, dropped a truth bomb in an article she wrote for CX Network. It goes something like …

10 Ways to Build a Holistic Customer Experience Strategy in 2023 Read More »

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Earlier this year, customer experience (CX) expert, Annette Franz, dropped a truth bomb in an article she wrote for CX Network. It goes something like this:

“In a world where products and services are becoming more and more commoditized, customer experience is the only true and sustainable differentiator. That means that customer experience leaders have a lot of pressure on them to ‘get it right’ from a variety of angles.”

Well, we happen to agree with Annette’s opinion, and hence this blog. Here, we’re discussing 10 different tips you can keep in mind that’ll help you build a holistic customer experience strategy in 2023.

Let’s dive in!

1. Map the customer experience

Your customer’s journey with your brand begins much before they make a sale. It begins with the first introduction to your brand and then every interaction they have with it (including touchpoints like websites, ads, etc.).

To understand how you can create an effective customer experience, begin by identifying all your customer touchpoints and the impact you think they’ll make. Then address what’s the scope of improvement. And how to manage customer expectations.

Some experts even suggest reverse engineering the entire process. “Steve Jobs advocated starting with user experience and then moving back to technology,’” says Nadzeya Sankovich

Steve Job quote

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“This approach can work for your company as well. For example, you might begin by analyzing your brand’s customer journeys. Put yourself in the client’s shoes. Where are the opportunities to make a great impression? (For example, for Amazon, this is early delivery).”

Oh, and don’t forget to align the user journey map to align with your business goals.

2. Get personal

Your customers can only remember your name if you remember theirs. And the same goes for other aspects of your business, too. What we’re trying to say is it’s time to personalize your customer outreach efforts by:

  • Planning and creating content they’d like to read
  • Practicing sales techniques like ABM (account-based marketing).
  • Sharing personalized
  • Keeping their pain points in
  • Addressing them by their
  • Delivering contextual support.

traditional marketing diagram

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Don’t underestimate the power of a personalized experience. It’s a tried and true methodology for boosting customer loyalty. It nips bad experiences in the bud. Plus, loyal customers are repeat purchasers. What’s not to love?

3. Customer support should be at the forefront

Your customer support is one of the most important touchpoints your customer comes across. So it needs to be top-notch to deliver a top-notch customer experience and improve customer satisfaction.

tech support fun

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Here are a few ways you can deliver excellent customer support (according to experts):

  • “Understanding languages your target customers speak and identify regions where multilingual support is necessary to tailor your translation ” (Simon Bacher)
  • “Open up a Slack channel with customers for onboarding, activation, and support can lead to a very delightful customer ” (Joydeep Sen Sharma, teams at CastAI, Bigeye, and testRigor use this strategy too.)

Other things you can consider are:

  • Provide educational material to customers for their use cases (this is something PandaDoc does extremely well by offering team-specific video training and content).

panda doc

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  • Make your customer support extremely well-versed with your product/service so they can understand the troubles customers face and quickly guide
  • Invest in customer relationship management (CRM) software, so your executives can provide contextual

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4. Be upfront about your terms and conditions

One of the best ways to make your customers happy is to communicate with them every step of the way about the processes you have.

For example, if it takes you a week to deliver a product, let them know that instead of letting them play the guessing game. This simple step avoids anxious or hesitant customers.

Before they go ahead to purchase your product, highlight on your pricing page all the product features they get within that amount. Or, you can ask them to opt-in for a free trial so they can learn about the product’s features themselves.

And after they buy your solution, send them an email to keep them in the loop. Share details about the processes you have and updates (if any). And, of course, what they can do to make their experience well worth it.

For example, here’s Grammarly introducing a new feature (Grammarly GO) to its premium users.

grammarly pro ai writing

P.S.: Grammarly is also excellent at keeping existing customers engaged by sending them

personalized analytics. That’s to say, they’ll send you your weekly word count, areas of improvement, common mistakes, accuracy, etc., in their weekly emails.

P.P.S.: Keeping customers informed about your company’s terms and conditions and the exact uses/downfalls/benefits of your product is especially important. And if you work in a critical industry like healthcare, it’s an even higher priority.

Consider Henry Meds as an example, where transparency is deeply rooted in their core values.

They offer breakthrough medications for weight loss but prioritize keeping customers well-informed and satisfied with every step of the process.

henry overview

(Image Source)

But they don’t just say it. They practice what they preach. How?

  • Outlining their process in three simple steps to reduce friction in the buyer’s
  • Offering transparent and easy-to-understand pricing
  • Sharing detailed FAQ pages with pertinent

henry faq

(Image Source)

5. Provide value to your customers

Delivering customer experience is one thing. Delivering a customer experience such that customers end up remembering your brand is a different thing altogether.

And the only way you can get customers to remember your brand is by providing value to them.

For example, if your customers have already opted to be a part of your newsletter, show them ways they can improve their lives. With the help of your newsletter share:

  • Personalized recommendations
  • High-quality research studies
  • Interesting content
  • Relevant examples
  • Exclusive insights

Consider Content Connect as an example. The newsletter is aimed at freelancers and content marketers, so Ashley Cummings, the person behind the newsletter, shares free reports with relevant research.

She also shares expert interviews, recommendations, and whatnot. Plus, it’s all for free, so readers don’t have to second-guess opting in.

ai content prediction

6. Get customer feedback

There’s no better way to deliver a great customer experience than to ask your customers exactly what they want. Here’s how you can do this:

  • Send out surveys to get their insights (You can offer free rewards or host giveaways to get them to become a participant.)
  • Hangout in the community forums and social media pages where they hang out to understand their pain points, likes, and dislikes about your
  • Ask sales and customer support teams for their insights about the most common questions, concerns, and areas of improvement. This would help as clients are the most honest towards customer-facing teams. Consider the option to hire a virtual assistant to simplify your tasks.

7. Be ready to adapt

“Always, always, always meet your customers on their terms,” says Nick Matthews, CEO of Stillwater Behavioural Health.

“You may have certain blanket processes and protocols, but you should be shifting those with each customer to meet them on the terms that make them feel comfortable. By doing this, you’re tailoring the customer journey to each individual and offering the personalized service experience that each customer wants and needs.”

“Some customers work slow, some work fast, some need a push, while others want you to be relatively hands-off. Whatever makes your customers happy and comfortable — adapt and work accordingly,” he further elaborates.

This strategy might be a little difficult to enforce if you’re a B2C brand, but it works flawlessly if you’re a B2B company.

8. Empathy > everything else

Empathy is your one-way ticket to making your customers like you. You’ll provide a positive customer experience every single time.

Sure, you can get away with witty responses once in a while. But if your reply to a customer comes from a sarcastic or holier-than-thou place every time, your customers are less likely to like you.

Instead, use an empathic tone when communicating with them (try to understand where they’re coming from, provide useful resources, and speak in a simple manner).

empathy mapping

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9. Train your employees

Your customer experience strategy doesn’t start and stop with your support staff. Instead, every team member of your organization needs to be extremely well aware of how they can contribute to making the customer experience top-notch.

For instance, implementing a well-structured sales playbook can provide clear guidelines on how sales teams should engage, ensuring consistency and clarity in interactions with customers.

To ensure this happens, train your employees with the prompts to use when communicating with potential customers. Then teach them a few ways to delight those prospects with a positive experience.

10. Understand behavioral insights

Lastly, you can truly create a holistic customer experience strategy by tapping into your own data. Find patterns and interruptions, customer likes and dislikes, and look for areas to provide personalized recommendations and insights to match their interests.

An example provided by Mark Varnas, an expert database administrator, is that of Netflix:

“Netflix set the gold standard in creating personalized content recommendations. Did you know even the images they show you on the service are tailored to your interests?”

“For example, a spy movie may show a character with a gun if you’ve previously watched action movies, or it may show two characters making eye contact if you previously watched romance. Understanding how to tailor your content to an individual audience is central to holistic CX.”

holistice CX model

Image Source

Create better experiences for your customers with Botsify

Every good customer experience strategy makes room for efficiency. And what better way to do that than to ensure the most common questions get an automated response?

For example, imagine if you receive a hundred support tickets in a day. Out of those, 70 of them ask the most basic questions for which you have already created training videos.

Instead of letting your support staff handle all tickets, you can use chatbots. They can understand which questions require the help of a support executive and which can be answered through training videos. Furthermore, incorporating a video translator into your training videos can enhance their effectiveness by providing multilingual subtitles or translations, ensuring that your instructional content is accessible and beneficial to a diverse global audience.

And this brings us to our unique selling point — creating top-shelf chatbots.

There are several chatbot agency in the market that offers chatbot to enhance your customer experience and botsify is leading them.

Our chatbots are available 24/7, have no wait times, can help you automate your process, and grow with you. Moreover, you can keep us entirely on autopilot, and we’ll still help you deliver the same experience!

To understand what we can do for your business, book a free demo with us. We’d love to show you why our customers (like Unilever, WHO, and UNICEF) love us.

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Top 5 Shopify Chatbot Apps for Better Customer Experience Mon, 11 Sep 2023 08:37:59 +0000 In today’s fast-paced digital marketplace, customer experience has become paramount for e-commerce businesses. One of the innovative ways to enhance customer interaction and streamline operations …

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In today’s fast-paced digital marketplace, customer experience has become paramount for e-commerce businesses. One of the innovative ways to enhance customer interaction and streamline operations is by incorporating chatbots into your Shopify store. These AI-powered virtual assistants can engage customers, answer queries, and provide personalized assistance 24/7. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 Shopify chatbot apps that are revolutionizing customer experiences.


As online businesses strive to create seamless and personalized experiences, integrating chatbots into e-commerce platforms has emerged as a game-changer. Chatbots are AI-driven software programs designed to simulate human conversations, and they have proven to be invaluable for enhancing customer interactions.

Why Use Chatbots on Shopify?

The dynamic nature of online shopping requires businesses to be available around the clock to address customer concerns. Shopify chatbot apps allow merchants to provide instant responses, aiding customers in their purchasing journey and reducing response times.

Criteria for Selecting Shopify Chatbot Apps

When choosing the right chatbot app for your Shopify store, consider factors such as ease of integration, customization options, AI capabilities, and compatibility with different messaging platforms.

Generate More Leads With Website & Messenger Chatbots

Gather quality leads on autopilot and 10x your ROI with automated chats

Top 5 Shopify Chatbot Apps

  1. Botsify

Botsify focuses on creating AI-driven shopify chatbots that can handle complex customer queries. It’s designed to enhance user engagement and conversion rates by allowing customers to explore your shopify products right from the chat apps using chatbots on platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Users can also add products to their cart and eventually checkout. Once a customer’s order is done they can even track products by entering order numbers directly from the chat applications. 

The app’s machine-learning capabilities enable it to learn from interactions and improve over time.

You can also add your customer representatives to the platform to directly conversate with the customers in real-time.

shopify app botsify

Image Source

  1. WhatsApp Chat & Abandoned Cart

Boost sales with abandoned cart recovery, WhatsApp subscribers, upselling/cross-selling, and converting cash on delivery to prepaid orders. Run chatbot campaigns to collect customer data, recommend products, and create a WhatsApp shop. Omnichannel support inbox can help you engage customers, automate 70% of queries, and assist with additional purchases

whatsapp chat & Abandoned Cart

  1. Liquido: WhatsApp Store

Boost sales with abandoned cart recovery, WhatsApp subscribers, upselling/cross-selling, and converting cash on delivery to prepaid orders. This app doesn’t include a chatbot that auto-reply and it’s exclusively for Whatsapp. Although if you just need a standard ready-made template this is the app to go for. It starts at just $10/month.


  1. Octane AI

Octane AI stands out for its robust integration with Facebook Messenger and SMS chatbot marketing. It allows you to create interactive campaigns, send automated messages, and recover abandoned carts through personalized conversations.

Octane AI

  1. Tidio

Tidio offers a versatile chatbot solution for Shopify with support for multiple communication channels, including live chat and chatbots. Its AI-powered chatbots can assist customers, while its live chat feature enables real-time human support.


Benefits of Integrating Chatbots with Shopify

  1. 24/7 Availability: Chatbots provide round-the-clock customer support, catering to global audiences across different time zones.
  2. Personalized Recommendations: Chatbots can analyze customer preferences and purchase history to offer tailored product recommendations.
  3. Efficient Query Resolution: Basic customer queries can be resolved instantly, reducing the workload on support teams.
  4. Cart Recovery: Chatbots can send automated reminders to customers who abandoned their carts, increasing the chances of completing purchases.
  5. Data Collection: Chatbots gather valuable insights from customer interactions, helping businesses make informed decisions.

How to Integrate a Chatbot with Your Shopify Store

  1. Choose a Compatible App: Select a chatbot app that aligns with your business needs and integrates seamlessly with Shopify.
  2. Customize the Chatbot: Configure the chatbot’s responses, appearance, and behavior according to your brand’s voice and style.
  3. Test and Optimize: Run tests to ensure the chatbot functions as intended and refine its responses based on user interactions.

The Future of Shopify Chatbots

The evolution of AI technology suggests that Shopify chatbots will become even more intuitive and capable of handling intricate customer inquiries. As AI advances, chatbots may even offer emotional intelligence, providing a truly human-like experience.


Incorporating chatbots into your Shopify store can revolutionize customer interactions and drive business growth. These AI-powered assistants enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and boost conversion rates. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, embracing chatbot technology is a strategic move for businesses seeking to provide exceptional customer service. It is very difficult to make a good decision when choosing the best chatbot marketing agency for your business.


Q1: What is a Shopify chatbot?

A: A Shopify chatbot is an AI-powered virtual assistant integrated into a Shopify store to engage customers, answer queries, and provide personalized assistance.

Q2: Can chatbots handle complex customer inquiries?

A: Yes, some advanced chatbots, like Botsify, are equipped to handle complex and specific customer queries using machine learning and AI capabilities.

Q3: How do chatbots recover abandoned carts?

A: Chatbots can send automated reminders to customers who added products to their carts but didn’t complete the purchase, encouraging them to finalize their orders.

Q4: Are there industry-specific chatbot templates available?

A: Yes, chatbot apps like Botsify offer a range of industry-specific templates to cater to different business needs.

Q5: What does the future hold for Shopify chatbots?

A: The future of Shopify chatbots looks promising, with advancements in AI technology likely leading to even more sophisticated and human-like interactions.

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Lead Generation for Modern Businesses: How Chatbots Can Boost Engagement for Your LLC Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:36:51 +0000 Historically, when customers have had specific questions about a product or service, their only real recourse has been to place a phone call. Today’s consumers, …

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Historically, when customers have had specific questions about a product or service, their only real recourse has been to place a phone call. Today’s consumers, particularly those from younger generations, are more hesitant to talk on the phone, particularly when they’re browsing the Web after hours or when they’re engaged in podcasts or other audio content. According to statistics from Drift, just over a third of consumers actually want to talk to a live customer service rep for any given concern.

Chatbots provide a win-win for everyone, allowing customers a more convenient way to engage while also enabling businesses to better engage clients right where they are. When properly deployed, chatbots can significantly increase customer engagement with your LLC’s online offerings.

Once you’ve established the basics of your LLC— hiring a Northwest Registered Agent, setting up a website, and securing the appropriate business permits— it may be worthwhile to consider implementing a chatbot. The lead generation benefits can be staggering. And to obtain the most significant benefits, a robust chatbot strategy, well-aligned with other sales and marketing efforts, is key.

AI chatbots are involved in the market for engaging customer support. AI chatbots are used in many social media platforms like chatbot for website. AI chatbots interact with users to answer their queries and generate more conversation.

College student using ChatGpt for studying.

The Advantages of Using Chatbots

Consider just a few of the advantages that chatbot technology can offer to your LLC:

  • They save time and money. A chatbot can effectively function as a 24/7 sales representative… but unlike human sales reps, chatbots don’t need to be trained and they don’t require a salary or benefits! Chatbots Journal claims that there are 265 billion customer support requests every year, costing $1.3 trillion to address, but chatbots can help mitigate this expense.
  • Chatbots are fully text-based. Studies confirm time and again that the average smartphone user would much prefer to interact with customer service representatives over text, as opposed to a phone call or email. (Statistics show that a staggering 74 percent of consumers prefer chatbots to corporate representatives!) Chatbots can be a great way to engage users with warm, easy-to-follow conversations.
  • Chatbots can guide the consumer journey. As you look to transition consumers through your sales funnel, chatbots can be invaluable. Often, they serve to direct users toward an important landing page or to provide the information needed for the consumer to make a confident purchasing decision.
  • Chatbots can handle a bulk of consumer inquiries. Chatbot technology is sophisticated enough to handle the most common customer service issues. In fact, studies confirm that about seven out of 10 customer inquiries can easily be handled by chatbots.
  • With chatbots, you can collect analytics. Chatbots also help you capture data from each customer interaction. Not only can this be used to hone your sales and marketing efforts, but it can actually be used to make your chatbots smarter and more effective.
  • Chatbots are fast. Not for nothing, chatbots can have real-time conversations with customers, without requiring your customers to wait in a queue and listen to that dreadful “hold music.” Some inquiries will still require interaction over the phone, but being able to offer instant customer care gives your LLC a huge competitive edge.
  • Chatbots can share media. If a customer comes to your website with a question, or if they’re on the fence about making a purchase, you can equip your chatbots to provide images, videos, and other media files to educate and entice the customer.
  • Chatbots are easily integrated. No matter your current website and digital marketing strategy, chatbot technology tends to be fairly quick and easy to incorporate. It’s a simple yet effective way to overhaul the user experience your website offers.

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These are just a few of the benefits of equipping your LLC’s website with chatbot technology.

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How to Use Chatbots to Enhance Engagement

With all of that said, what are some of the most effective strategies for using chatbots to facilitate engagement? What works for one LLC may not work as well for the next, yet there are a few guidelines that are generally recommended. Consider a few best practices:

1) Provide chat commerce.

Chatbots can help you generate leads by fielding questions and directing customer service inquiries, but they can also generate leads by assisting with actual transactions. Specifically, you can use chatbots to process payments, complete orders, and provide customers with information about account management.

Chat commerce is useful for generating leads precisely because it allows your chatbots to upsell or cross-sell. When customers bring up questions about alternate products or pricing tiers, your chatbots can note it, collecting this data for use in future sales or marketing interactions.

2) Generate auto-responses.

Another way to use chatbots is to configure automatic responses. For example, you can create a boilerplate dialogue that is triggered any time a customer takes a particular action, whether that’s adding an item to their shopping cart or navigating away from the checkout page.

How do auto-response triggers help you generate leads and boost sales? Again, think in terms of upselling or cross-selling. Say you have a company that sells men’s shaving equipment. Your chatbot can be programmed to automatically prompt customers who add a razor to their shopping cart to stock up on aftershave or beard oil, as well. Doing so can help increase average cart value or at the very least plant a seed for those customers to come back for their future shaving needs.

3) Provide instant customer service.

Your chatbots can also be programmed to respond to some of your most common customer questions, concerns, or complaints. 

Let’s go back to the example of our men’s razor company. If your customer service team discovers that customers have a lot of questions about cleaning and maintaining their razors, you can ensure that your chatbot is ready to offer the right guidance. This allows for on-demand answers that don’t force your customers to actually wait in line to speak with a live representative.

4) Personalize your customer service experience.

One of the many values of chatbots is that they can synthesize huge volumes of data instantaneously. This includes data from your CRM software, ranging from customer names to previous orders and customer service interactions.

By processing this information, chatbots can personalize the customer service experience, helping your users to feel as though their needs are being attended to in a direct way, not just with stock answers. This sense of personalized service can bolster loyalty and facilitate connection, making purchases and referrals much more likely.

5) Solicit feedback.

Still, another way to use chatbots most effectively is to solicit feedback from your customers. Ask about their customer service experience, their website experience, or their general thoughts about the products and services you’re offering.

Not only can this data be analyzed by your sales and marketing team, and used to make long-term improvements, but it also helps your customers feel like their voices are actually being heard and appreciated. This is an important way to foster loyalty and connection.

6) Follow up with precious customers.

Chatbots can be used to follow up with customers about previous orders. Let’s think about our hypothetical men’s shaving supplier. Say a customer buys a razor, and a few weeks later they return to your business website to check out other grooming supplies. You can trigger your chatbot to automatically engage the customer in conversation, thanking them for their order and verifying that it’s met expectations.

In doing so, you can not only increase your odds of another sale, but you can also build brand loyalty that will keep customers coming back to your LLC.

7) Harvest information from your website visitors.

One of the most direct ways to generate leads via chatbot technology is to have your chatbots ask customers for their content information, which can be automatically synced with your CRM for follow-up at a later time.

Customers won’t volunteer their information for anything, but you can often entice them with the offer of a promo code or special discount.

8) Ensure full team buy-in.

As you consider different options for using chatbots on your business website, it’s critical to look beyond any siloes you have. That is to say, it’s important to confirm the involvement of your entire team, including marketing, sales, and customer experience personnel, to be sure your chatbot use is aligned with your lead generation objectives.

There are countless ways to use chatbots but if you try to do anything and everything, you may find that your chatbots are working at cross purposes. Full team buy-in is essential to have a streamlined and focused approach.

customer representative making calls

Chatbots are Changing Customer Service

The advent of chatbot technology has changed the way companies think about customer service. Thanks to chatbots, it’s easier and more affordable than ever to provide 24/7 care, ensuring your customers get the answers they need instantaneously. And, chatbots can be used to gain the information needed for a successful lead-generation campaign.

Be sure to implement your chatbot strategically, in a way that harmonizes well with your broader lead generation and customer engagement efforts. The right approach can yield a significant boon to your LLC’s sales, helping you to generate more leads, facilitate more conversions, and ultimately create bonds of loyalty toward your brand.

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5 Benefits of Implementing Oracle Applications in Your Business Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:27:50 +0000 Image source Businesses worldwide now see the benefits of moving their operations to the cloud. Customized, on-premises infrastructure and isolated company apps are no longer …

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Businesses worldwide now see the benefits of moving their operations to the cloud. Customized, on-premises infrastructure and isolated company apps are no longer viable options in the face of relentless technological progress. Oracle Applications is one example of cloud-based, corporate software that helps businesses modernize their operations to keep up with the rapid pace of change.

The personalized, on-premises solutions can’t adapt quickly enough to meet the evolving demands of a company. That is why Oracle Cloud Applications are essential to help businesses gain access to cutting-edge tools. 

Here are the top five benefits of implementing Oracle Cloud applications in your business:

1. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

Businesses can streamline operations and boost productivity using Oracle applications such as ERP, HCM Cloud, CX, SCM, and EPM. These programs have advanced capabilities that automate routine processes, lessen the need for documentation, and free up staff time for higher-value work. 

Oracle ERP Cloud was built to give you access to various financial, risk, order, inventory, procurement, and revenue management tools as and when your business requires them. Its goal is to improve efficiency and effectiveness across the board. 

Businesses’ productivity and effectiveness will increase with the help of simplified workflows and connected systems.

Increased automation and information availability from Oracle cloud applications should benefit marketers, warehouse supervisors, and upper management. Less time is spent on the production process, which is good for the business and its clients. That has the potential to lower operational expenses, significantly increasing earnings.

Imagine a factory that produces a 20% profit on its 10 different products. Using an Oracle enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, it can quickly identify the least profitable items. In-depth data analysis will guide the producer to invest in equipment that will automate the assembly of these products, resulting in a 25% increase in the average profit margin.

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2. Improved Decision-Making For Scalability and Flexibility

Oracle’s robust reporting and analytics features allow businesses to obtain vital insights into sales, financing, inventory, and consumer behavior. Executives and managers can use this information to make data-driven choices, spot trends, and adjust to the market swiftly.

When it comes to scalability, Oracle applications are designed to expand your business, no matter how big or small it starts. Hexaware’s TRIADIC platform guides businesses of any size or complexity down the best cloudification path. Oracle applications’ scalability and adaptability to new circumstances mean they can grow with your company and respond quickly to new opportunities.

A solution that doesn’t break your company’s monthly budget is always preferable. So, if you want a long-term solution to help your company undergo digital transformation and boost earnings, Oracle’s NetSuite ERP Cloud is the way to go. The NetSuite license cost is affordable for larger businesses and is an incredible business investment.


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3. Enhanced Customer Experience

Getting new customers is challenging, but client retention is far more difficult. Gaining clients’ loyalty requires not just attracting and keeping them but also providing them with a consistently positive experience. 

Oracle ERP is the preferred cloud-based ERP by a growing number of businesses due to its many useful features, seamless connection with other Oracle products, and adaptability to any technological stack. 

Oracle Cloud application customers appreciate the platform’s friendliness to those with a lack of technical expertise. The dashboard is excellent since it displays the outstanding jobs along with their due dates and is easy to navigate. Oracle has accomplished this by staffing its company with devoted customer success managers.

A customer is interacting with saleswomen

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4. Reduced IT Complexity and Costs

Oracle Cloud apps can cut down on the time and money spent on in-house IT infrastructure. They reduce or even eliminate the need for software and hardware upgrades and maintenance. 

Businesses can concentrate on their core competencies while utilizing Oracle’s safe and dependable cloud infrastructure through Oracle’s PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) ecosystem.

Oracle ERP Cloud is far faster and simpler to set up than traditional, on-premise systems. In this regard, Oracle ERP Cloud is superior to on-premise programs, which necessitate separate installations. 

It is highly unlikely that service interruptions will occur with Oracle cloud applications. In contrast, on-premises programs are hard to keep up with due to security problems. The challenging task of data, software, and hardware maintenance will eventually fall within your IT department’s jurisdiction. It might be part of their responsibility, but it’s tiresome and boring to deal with the same issues more often.

5. Improved Data Security

Oracle ERP software aids in safeguarding a company’s most valuable asset—its data- which is essential for making sound decisions. The fact that such data is centralized makes it more secure than if it were dispersed across many systems with varied degrees of protection. 

Oracle cloud applications take the place of the paper and electronic versions of spreadsheets that have been floating about the office. An Oracle ERP system will often store your files on many servers in different locations to prevent data loss in the event of a server failure. If your business deals with private client information, data safety is crucial.

Another way through which Oracle cloud applications can improve data security is by restricting access to it. Permissions in most Oracle systems are straightforward to manage, limiting access to sensitive data and decreasing the likelihood of fraud and other illegal acts.

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Is Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Secure and Reliable?

Oracle’s Cloud is renowned for its reliability and security. It guarantees data protection, security, and compliance to ensure customers’ information is safe. Either way, with that said and done, there are precautions that you should take to boost Oracle cloud security. Some include;

Data encryption: Encryption safeguards sensitive information data by transforming it into an indecipherable code that can only be read with a decryption key.

Data backup: Backups are generated from important information regularly and saved in safe places in case of system or data loss.

Two-factor authentication: Adds an extra layer of security. Users need to submit a password and a one-time verification code, for example, to obtain access. Two-factor authentication lessens the likelihood of security breaches caused by unauthorized users.


Oracle Cloud is a safe and secure platform that guarantees data privacy, integrity, and compliance. Oracle Cloud applications are important for your business because they boost efficiency and productivity, enable better decision-making with real-time insights, improve customer service, and reduce IT complexity and expenses.

The cutting-edge tools and capabilities of Oracle Cloud Applications help businesses react to shifting needs and provide outstanding customer experiences. You can strengthen Oracle Cloud security and protect sensitive data by employing encryption, data backup, and two-factor authentication.

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