Kruti Shah, Author at Botsify Read Our Blogs | All About Chatbots and Conversational AI Wed, 24 May 2023 17:52:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kruti Shah, Author at Botsify 32 32 10 Fruitful Benefits of Using Instagram Chatbots for Small Businesses Thu, 28 Jul 2022 09:20:47 +0000 What is an Instagram Chatbot? Digitalization of many brands, in times like today, is inevitable because of how rapidly the technology is revolutionizing every industry. …

10 Fruitful Benefits of Using Instagram Chatbots for Small Businesses Read More »

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What is an Instagram Chatbot?

Digitalization of many brands, in times like today, is inevitable because of how rapidly the technology is revolutionizing every industry. It is now no surprise that Instagram chatbots have also gained popularity. Social media, for any B2C brand, is the first point of projection and around 36% of such brands consider social media to play a critical role in customer relationship management.

The fact that we can develop the chatbots directly on Instagram without having to code anything makes all the difference. Instagram chatbot is mainly a messaging system that addresses human inquiries using automated responses. These bots use AI to communicate with people.

According to research published on HubSpot, 82% of consumers look for an immediate response from brands on marketing or sales questions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Respond quickly to the queries because slow communication means slow growth
  • Align the internal flow of communication within your businesses
  • Equip your social media channels with the right information

Imagine living in a world in which you are able to quickly and precisely acquire all of the information you require to be aware of each and every possibility. The value of Instagram bots truly becomes apparent here. They are able to respond immediately to the most urgent concerns and questions raised by clients, which results in increased levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The success of your Instagram business is dependent on the level of genuine engagement shown by its users, which in turn drives organic growth. A comment bot is a great resource if you want to increase the quality and quantity of interaction on Instagram. An Instagram engagement bot like this is excellent. Text chatbots on Instagram are able to respond to messages in a timely manner, saving both you and your customers important time. Joe Troyer, CEO & Founder of Digital Triggers says “Potential buyers can email enquiries any time, day or night, and will promptly receive a response. This response will also be accurate and succinct. Chatbots can provide recommendations to customers as part of their conversational functions. It will be helpful in accelerating sales in the short run.”

Currently, small businesses are struggling to establish their companies overall and they may not have sufficient manpower to handle their social media round the clock. Chatbots for this matter are an all-rounder. Below are 10 fruitful benefits of using Instagram chatbots that will help you interact better with your customers.

Boosted Customer Response

Do you know that one of the biggest dilemmas for about 30.5% brands was not to be able to respond their prospects in time on social media? According to SproutSocial, it takes an average of 10 hours for brands to respond to a consumer. While most are happy to hit 24-hour mark, the truth remains that in many instances, the response time translates to a sub-bar customer experience and an opportunity missed. This has become a bigger problem in our fast-paced and modern societies. With Instagram chatbots, interacting with every prospect at the right time is no more a dream – these bots can provide answers to your consumers’ most pressing questions right now when they are most-engaged and in need of assistance from your business.

We interviewed Veronica Miller, Digital Marketing & Growth Director at VPNoverview via HARO and got her insights. She adds “Chatbots can provide support to customers around the clock, which means that there is no longer a need to employ human customer service representatives. By automating the sales process in its entirety, from the very beginning to the very end, they can improve its efficiency. They are also able to respond to the majority of fundamental questions, including those about size charts, shipping fees, and other related questions, thereby reducing the workload of sales agents.” She further added “A small business can save both time and money by using a bot to improve sales processes for their customers and themselves, so streamlining the sales process and saving everyone involved both time and money.”

 Cost-Effective Solution

In order to replicate the same level of productivity, a business would pretty much need an entire department of customer service representatives working around the clock. That takes a significant amount of human capital and financial resources that many small to medium-sized businesses simply do not have.

A recent report from IBM found that leveraging chatbots can save businesses as much as 30% when it comes to costs associated with customer support. But that is not all, businesses can also realize significant savings when it comes to human capital.

Did you have an idea that chatbots can handle 68.9% of chats from start to finish? Integrating a chatbot into your customer support workflow cannot only save you cold, hard cash, it can also free your staff up from repetitive tasks which allows them to focus more on growing other parts of the business simultaneously.

Instagram chatbots take care of immediate responses to the customers and they do it tirelessly; they do not call out, they do not get sick, they do not quit and do not need any sleep at all – they work 24/7. By no means we are recommending to ask your employee to over-exert but instead we are encouraging you to use the benefits of the AI that it has in store for you.

Vincent Amodio, Founder of Icon Medical Centers added “Implementing a chatbot that can do all of its responsibilities is a significantly more time and money-efficient strategy than developing software that is compatible with multiple platforms or hiring new employees to perform each role. A single sales agent might be able to efficiently manage one or two people, but anything beyond that is a huge challenge, and I wouldn’t recommend doing it anyhow.”

Automated with a Personal Touch

Are you not fond of businesses that try to sell you their services or products personalizing it to your needs? Us, when acting as a customer, do feel the feel of personalization. It is important to keep in mind that automation, when implemented correctly, does not necessarily correlate with a decrease in a quality of processes or experiences.

This is because chatbots are powerful tools which can be used to improve personalization? Several of them can segment your audiences based on their profiles and even anticipate personalized method of engagement based around your consumers’ unique preferences and levels of interest.

It is important to note that every technique should be used with a certain degree of measure. The chatbots, including Instagram chatbot, are not designed to be an all-encompassing solution for your customer service. Instead of this, view these bots as a tactic which is meant to augment your efforts versus replacing them. The Instagram chatbots begin a conversation with the customer with a quick response, however we must understand that once the conversation starts involving complex queries, someone from the relevant department will then have to take up the query and resolving it manually.

Jason McMahon, Digital Strategist of Bambrick says “Chatbots make it possible for clients to come in touch with a company in a quick and simplified way, which can assist in the development of a more personal relationship between the company and its clientele. This can be especially helpful for smaller businesses that might not have the resources or funds to have a social media team working 24/7. Chatbots can also assist in the building of a more personal connection by delivering pre-programmed responses that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each unique customer.”

Streamlined Payment Processing

Isn’t it interesting that you can program your chatbot to accept direct payments from your customers within your Instagram DMs? Bill payments is a crucial part of any business because this is a beginning point of your company to making sales.

Fortunately, chatbots these days have much more to offer than just customer service. Modern technology enables these nifty little programs to also drive conversions and even help close sales. According to a report by Drift, 41.3% of consumers ‘use conversational marketing tools for purchases’ – this is over a two-fold increase since 2019.

Joe Troyer, CEO & Growth Advisor of Review Grower says “One of the benefits that we are experiencing with Instagram Chatbots is that it enables our customers to directly pay for the items they purchase on Instagram. Instagram chatbots, in particular, provide conversational marketing solutions that increase conversion rates. Small businesses from flower shops to e-commerce stores that sell industrial tools like lathes can use this type of marketing on Instagram platform by having conversations with clients about general or more targeted inquiries. Chatbots provide small businesses with data-driven results that give it a competitive advantage and better satisfy the requirements of their target audience.”

Data Driven Insights

Instagram chatbots are a gold mine for the data and insights they provide – helps align your business strategy for so many campaigns. These insights can help you refine and upgrade your social media strategy. This is possible because these bots log in every single interaction with customers and can collect user data which will eventually help us to market better, re-target relevant audience and personalize content.

Not only do you have access to customer data related to their social presence, but you can also collect their names, emails, and other forms of contact information. Ultimately, effective chatbot will allow you to understand your customer better and interact with them on a personal, meaningful, and impactful level.

Sumit Bansal, Founder and CEO, TrumpExcel adds to the post “Always keep in mind that a chatbot should be contributing to the overall experience of the consumer. Avoid causing frustration and make sure that a chatbot interacts easily with your customer. At the same time, make sure that your chatbot does not come in the way of the customer and instead passes the conversational baton to an employee if that is in the best interest of the conversation.”

Automate Lead Generation

Over 40% of consumers like chatbots because they can assist everyone outside of the business hours cycle. With the use of chatbots you are quite literally able to generate leads, cultivate prospects, offer support, and make money – all the same time with Instagram chatbots!

Majority of digital marketers complain that they find lead generation very challenging – many of these professionals spend more than half their annual budgets on generating leads. Here’s an exciting news for you, statistically 55% of businesses who use chatbots can generate more and high-quality business.

Moreover, implementing Instagram chatbots is a great way to protect your business against any Instagram’s algorithm changes. The biggest reason Instagram chatbots are so successful is simply due to sheer volume of direct messages to businesses (leads) sent daily. 

Robert Smith, Head of Marketing at Psychometric Success says “Bots are very developed and active at committing customers to personalized messaging through their journey. The truth is, your business can use chatbots to direct customers in making timely decisions using lead generation. AI bots use a preset questionnaire to convince the consumers for lead generation and guarantee elevated conversion rates.” 

Automate Sales

Is taking care of orders placed directly through your social media pages a hassle? Here’s what you can now modify using Instagram chatbots – your customers can now place orders directly using Instagram chatbots!

These chatbots use their AI to get orders from your customers. This feature automates your sales through your social media channel and keeps a record of these helping your business to focus on your overall growth.

Andrew Priobrazhenskyi, CEO of DiscountReactor says “Chatbots cut down on the amount of time customers have to wait by offering rapid answers. They relieve agents of the burden of answering frequently asked inquiries while simultaneously qualifying leads for further action. Your sales team will be able to focus on prospects who have shown interest in your products or services when chatbots are used to create leads for them. This will help turn prospects into loyal clients for life.”

A Scaled Inbox

From your Instagram DMs, you can now send fully automated drip marketing campaigns. According to expert researchers, drip marketing campaigns are the most used feature of Instagram bots; mostly because they are incredibly effective at Instagram engagement and moving leads down your funnel.

With a great welcome message, feedback form links and an extensive as well as relevant FAQ responses you can eventually win a number of leads, high ratio of customer retention and build a contact list of your customers which you can later use to interact with them directly sending them your upcoming offers!

Mike Thompson, President & CEO of Hyperlend saysWith drip campaigns, you can effectively stay in front of your audience on an ongoing basis without having to go in and manually create or send out a blast each time. You can automate a series of blasts and messages that will be delivered through Instagram to all of your connections or to just a specific audience or audiences by using a feature called “drip campaigns.”


Time is precious specially for a business that is new in the market and is growing. A new business has several things it must take care of and even though customer satisfaction is the key for any business but at the same time we cannot put all the manpower to communicate with consumers online. This is 24/7 job and it cannot be done better than AI bots.

The AI Instagram bots send immediate responses to the clients and can answer most of their queries without needing any human interference saving time for a business.

Tanner Arnold, President & CEO at Revelation Machinery If you use an Instagram chatbot, it will automatically reply to any direct message you get on the platform. The process of responding to direct messages on Instagram can be time-consuming for humans, but it can be done immediately by chatbots. Instead of reading direct messages and responding to customer inquiries, you can come up with ideas for marketing campaigns, generate financial reports, or take a break for some well-deserved potato chips.

Set Responses in Multiple Languages

Isn’t it always more convenient to explain or get an explanation in your local language? Localization can never go for countries where English is not the first language. Most of the marketing campaigns are designed in English. However, in many countries, people cannot speak or understand English and this may be a big reason why your international campaigns are failing.

Instagram chatbots allow you to add responses in almost every language spoken worldwide which makes your responses more personalized, adding value to your one-to-one interactions with your international customers. There are multiple ways you can go about setting up a multilingual chatbot. If you have made one yourself, you can translate answers into multiple languages.

Abdul Saboor, a Full Stack Developer at The Stock Dork, says “The first key advantage of using chatbots for Instagram is that you will require fewer members of support staff that are multilingual. It can be challenging to find individuals who are fluent in more than one language. Because of this, adopting a chatbot that is multilingual means that you will no longer need to look for additional staff members who are bilingual.

Abdul further added “The second advantage is that your customers like being catered to in the language that they are most comfortable with using. The majority of customers would rather communicate with support staff in their native tongue since it allows them to convey their thoughts and feelings more clearly.”

Therefore, if you provide customer care in the clients’ local language, they will most certainly enjoy it and will have a better overall experience with your business as well as the goods and services you offer.


There’s no doubt that we have more advanced Instagram automation tools available today. That is because Instagram now has complete control over what is and is not permitted on the platform, like Instagram interaction bot, Instagram DM bot, Instagram comment bot, Instagram story bot, and other forms of an Instagram bots. Tiffany Payne, Marketing Specialist at says Easily make Instagram more controllable and effective by using automated processes. Start utilizing approved and reliable bots that allow you to create your own custom Instagram bot using Instagram bot automation functionality.

Easily make Instagram more controllable and effective by using automated processes. Start utilizing approved and reliable bots that allow you to create your own custom Instagram bot using Instagram bot automation functionality. As per James Crawford, Co-founder of Deal Drop These bots will increase the engagement, following, and visibility of your business which are the key factors for any business that has just started to grow.

These bots will increase the engagement, following, and visibility of your business which are the key factors for any business that has just started to grow. Bear in mind that your customers are your ambassadors when it comes to your brand image – keep them happy and you are good to go!

The post 10 Fruitful Benefits of Using Instagram Chatbots for Small Businesses appeared first on Botsify.

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