Ayush Koul, Author at Botsify https://botsify.com/blog Read Our Blogs | All About Chatbots and Conversational AI Tue, 15 Aug 2023 09:49:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://botsify.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-Untitled-design-39-32x32.png Ayush Koul, Author at Botsify https://botsify.com/blog 32 32 5 Ways to Create Next Level Growth for Your Business Using AI https://botsify.com/blog/growth-for-your-business-using-ai/ https://botsify.com/blog/growth-for-your-business-using-ai/#respond Wed, 24 Aug 2022 11:06:17 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4972 Businesses are increasingly turning to technologies to improve efficiencies, automate processes and drive revenue. With advances occurring at a dizzying rate, many businesses are looking …

5 Ways to Create Next Level Growth for Your Business Using AI Read More »

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Businesses are increasingly turning to technologies to improve efficiencies, automate processes and drive revenue.

With advances occurring at a dizzying rate, many businesses are looking for where to focus their digital transformation investments.

But many enterprises face the problem of a huge number of applications to optimize work processes. Because of this, the memory on work devices quickly fills up, so employees are constantly faced with deleting a large number of programs. The only correct solution to these problems may be replacing most work applications with artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a critical tool for companies looking for cost-effective, high-impact solutions that will drive business results. Artificial intelligence uses intelligent computer software programs to improve processes. Often AI programs use machine learning, which means that the programs improve over time as they are exposed to more data.

Businesses use AI to simplify complex. Today, companies must grapple with large amounts of data, customers who expect personalized engagements with brands, and deep competition.AI tools that allow for differentiation for customers, better operations and competitive advantages.

Here is a closer look at five ways to grow your business using artificial intelligence.

1. Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Marketing today is about resonance. Your company’s messages must be relevant to customers, answer a need that they are seeking to solve, and have an impact on their lives.

Today, we all spend a lot of time online via smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. We surf various social media sites and engage with others via text and email.

That means marketers need to use personalized messaging to connect with customers where they are. AI tools help marketers improve personalization that creates individual experiences.

One example is product recommendations, Document Collaboration. AI tools allow for real-time recommendations based on past behavior (purchases, searches, sites visited) and brand interactions. They can provide suggestions of products and services that are likely of interest to visitors.

Another AI use is to identify the best times to target messages to customers, based on their use of the website or application. Tools also allow for advertising on apps and via email or text that are also related to a customer’s past history with your brand.

Applying AI tools to your customer relationship management (CRM) system can also help you refine your email marketing campaigns. The AI tools can help identify patterns and commonalities among millions of customers while helping to determine which types of email campaigns will be most effective for each group of customers. 

2. Enhanced Customer Service

No matter what your business is, customers will have problems, questions or issues that need to be resolved. Customer service is integral not only to resolving these issues, but also for maintaining customer loyalty and brand affinity.

Completely replacing your human customer service team with AI is a controversial topic. Allowing customers the option of interacting with another human is still an important option to provide.

However, chatbots and other AI technologies can save time and resources, for both the company and the customer.

Adding a chatbot to your website allows you to engage with customers in real time. The chatbots use textual context to provide recommendations, answer common questions or navigate help options. Chatbots can even be used to place orders, suggest upsell opportunities or facilitate returns. They can greatly improve the efficiency and efficacy of your customer service experiences.

There is a generational difference at play with customer service options. While older customers may prefer engaging with a human, a Gartner study showed that live chat is the preferred mode of customer service for customers between 18 and 49.

AI tools can also help you analyze customer service interactions to help you determine how many live agents should be scheduled for certain times and the types of support your customers prefer.

3. Automate Branding Tasks

Brand automation uses technologies to automate manual and predictable marketing tasks. It’s a way to scale up your branding efforts rapidly, resolve production bottlenecks, solve branding inconsistencies and manage the vast volume of creative needs within an organization. Automation can also help you when you create your branding materials. You can design a logo easily using automated tools and it will require much less time and money, while still providing a good result. You can also use AI-based logo generators to get design ideas based on industry or keyword.

There are multiple ways that brand automation can boost your business efficiency, including:

  • Collecting and organizing data. Data today is located in disparate places. AI can scan, collect, store and manage data from those myriad sources. AI tools can also tag, label and enhance the collected data for optimal use by marketing teams
  • Powering self-service platforms to help with distribution
  • Triggering workflows. As data and processes are collected, used and launch, AI can trigger workflows based on the information and processes run. For example, AI can use indicators to adjust budget allocations to social media, paid search or marketing campaigns
  • Forecasting. AI can use predictive modeling and machine learning to provide more accurate projections about the outcomes of individual campaigns. It can forecast how close to goals a campaign will achieve and make recommendations for adjustments during a campaign
  • Collaboration systems to power faster turnarounds and manage requests
  • Automated systems to help brands manage user-generated content
  • Automated deployment tools to assist in sharing content and messaging
  • Automated notification systems
  • Coordinating vendors and freelancers providing content and creative

Brand automation works hand in hand with marketing automation. Both are designed to provide experiences that will maximize the impact of marketing dollars and simplify operations.

4. Automate Content Delivery

Automating content delivery helps you determine the optimal times to deliver content and what content should be included. Doing so requires a collaborative effort on the part of your marketing and engineering teams.

It starts with content creation. Design elements need to be created that will be responsive to customer interests, wants and needs. These components need to account for the size, content type (e.g., text, photos, graphics, videos), and performance needs.

Web pages, ads, social media posts and other content needs to be developed with a focus on delivering on one or more customer needs. The idea is to provide content, no matter where it’s consumed, that is relevant and delivers an exceptional user experience.

Automating content also entails integrating data into your design. Data needs to inform which content is provided and to which customers.

AI can also be used to automate the creation and delivery of content internally or to clients and partners. AI content solutions let you better analyze what content is working and why, prioritizing which topics or content should be scheduled and created first, model the topics to consider as part of ideation and iteration processes, and plan work more productively.

5. Data-Based Decision-Making

Information is power. Insights drive decisions. That’s why you need capabilities to give you the best, newest and most relevant data at the time of need.

Imagine being able to make decisions about products, supply chain matters or production schedules in real time. What are the possibilities available with predictive modeling that uses up-to-date data to create possible trajectories?

It’s all dependent on data. AI tools can take massively large data sets to synthesize interactive dashboards, reports and insights that give your business access to the most current information.

When data collection and management are dependent on human beings, there’s an added risk of errors. With AI tools, you’ll reduce the risk of making decisions based on faulty data or calculations.

Using big-data analytics in tandem with machine learning and AI lets you harness the power of your data. It can allow for better course corrections and strategic decisions. It can also help you identify ways to leverage your data for additional revenue streams.

Artificial intelligence is remaking the way business is conducted in companies large and small. It can be a transformational component of your business strategy.

For businesses looking to gain an edge, connect better with customers and reimagine the what and how of their work, artificial intelligence is a logical set of technologies to deploy.

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Why Are Chatbots Gaining Popularity In Online Marketing? https://botsify.com/blog/popularity-in-online-marketing/ https://botsify.com/blog/popularity-in-online-marketing/#respond Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:00:24 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4279 faoThe latest buzzword in the marketing industry is bots. They are the future, and if you are wondering whether your business should have them, you …

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faoThe latest buzzword in the marketing industry is bots. They are the future, and if you are wondering whether your business should have them, you are asking the wrong question.

Chatbots are a seamless and efficient way of engaging with existing and potential customers. The best part about this technology is that you do not even have to give in time and effort. 

Everything is automated thanks to artificial intelligence.

What is a Chatbot?

Chabot is powered by artificial intelligence and is a piece of automated technology utilized by businesses to engage and communicate with their customers. Chatbots are capable of audio commands and text messaging. 

Artificial intelligence has allowed businesses to build brand awareness, increase customer retention and enhance productivity at a minimal cost. Chatbots are just one of the many tools that this technology offers. 


For example, you want a new laptop for gaming. You could visit various websites, scroll through 15-20 pages, fill out a form with all your shipping and payment details, or tell the chatbot. 

The bot will guide you through the various options suited for your request. Behind your request, the chatbot leads you through a series of dependent questions to understand your query and then deliver the right content. Even chatbots will most certainly become commonplace in the office by 2022, with the goal of improving the employee experience.

Superpower of Chatbots

  • Reduces Communication Costs for Businesses

Chatbots magazine says that businesses can reduce customer service costs by up to 30% after integrating a chatbot.  

AI chatbots can handle simple requests like scheduling an appointment, changing a password, or requesting balance without any human involvement on chat support. So, it can help to significantly reduce the number of sales assistants required by further cutting down the costs and the sales enablement process.

Chatbots can work 24×7 to attend to your customers without you having to set up a 24-hour call center. Also, businesses can save significantly by shifting from IVR technology to AI. 

  • Finishes everything in one place

The best part about chatbots is that they do not redirect the customers continuously to other pages. They accomplish the entire task in the place where your customers already spend a lot of time. 

For example- WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, or Viber are some apps where you can integrate the bots and allow them to do their work.


Inviting a bot into a conversation with your friend and asking it to place a takeout order is possible. You can even chat with it and clear your doubts before purchasing a product from a new store. The possibilities to convert a potential buyer or encourage an existing buyer to make a purchase are endless.

  • Helps to De-clutter

Chatbots solve the most irritating problem that customers have with apps. There is no need for people to download apps that take up storage on their phones, and they rarely use them. Most people use a few apps daily, and messaging apps are one of them.

Businesses can connect with their customers directly without asking them to redirect or download anything with chatbots. Every customer service email inbox is cluttered, so customers want a quick and straightforward way to connect with the brands. Chatbots are precisely the solution to this problem.

  • Consumer Shift

There are so many brands and products on the internet that consumers’ attention is decreasing. They want quick responses from brands to make a quick purchase decision. If a business fails to do that, some other brand will distract the customer.

So, consumers are shifting to social media apps to connect with brands. They have the control to follow or block a brand. However, if a business can provide value in the places they already spend their time, everything changes. 

A buyer is merely looking for a direct line between their problem and the solution a Chabot can provide. 

  • Easy and Simple Fixes

Combining bots in messaging apps has been a game-changer for online business growth. It helps consumers find solutions irrespective of where they are or what device they use. The best part is that a buyer does not have to put any effort into filling forms of their requirements, cluttering their inboxes, or wasting minutes while scrolling through content.


They have to type their question or concern, and the bot will provide them with the best relevant solution. Chatbots help to intertwine communication, services, and transactions. It has also changed the self-serving marketing of the past as bots are themselves a service. 

  • Keeps it Conversational

The major challenge of building a chatbot is not a technical one. Instead, it is a conversational one. However, a brand needs to understand its audience’s interactions with it. Then, it is possible to harness a chat interface that yields maximum impact with minimum fluff. 

Also, brands can mold the content their bots have with their consumers. Most brands prefer to have witty banter with their audience to keep coming back to the bots and use them as a service. 

Good chatbots can harness the micro-decisions of the consumers daily and use those as an opportunity to help. Bots provide various solutions like updating the shipping details of an order, changing a reservation, providing medical advice, and so on. 

  • Informational or Utility

Chatbots are either informational or utility-based. Informational bots help users to consume content in a new format. For example, customers can subscribe to breaking news alerts based on their reading habits. 

On the other hand, utility bots will solve a consumer’s problem via a user prompted transaction—for example; a shopping bot allows customers to purchase flowers or buy a new dress. However, utility bots are not just shopping bots. They can automatically book meetings by scanning emails or even giving payment notifications.  

  • Voice Communication is the Future

Voice is the next big thing in the digital marketing industry. People are used to starting their day by asking Google or Alexa about their appointments or any live streaming events. Most searches have become voice-driven as they offer clients a seamless experience.

The best part is that voice can be integrated into chatbots. Also, voice bots are gaining popularity by engaging customers with intelligence-based communication. Businesses can provide reliable data insights and give correct real-time information with voice-enabled bots. 

Voice bots are also the future of online marketing as they offer opportunities for personalization and reduce errors faced while dealing with customers. 

  • Greatly Improves Customer Experience

Any aspect of marketing, including PowerPoint presentations, Youtube marketing, or even content marketing, is done to improve customer experience. The latest edition of the same is Chatbots. They help to redefine the way with which businesses engage with their audiences. 

A good customer experience is known to increase the revenue of any business. Companies can automate functions like lead generations, customer feedback, and even FAQs with chatbots. 


They even reduce support tickets and can engage with the customers 24 x 7. At the same time, chatbots are scalable during busy hours to engage with the buyers to offer them a good customer experience. With the help of chatbots, customer service like number for live person can be improved.

The Success of Chatbots

Chatbots are already gaining popularity as most buyers prefer to use them regularly. One such example is WeChat in China. With its bot, users can video chat with a friend, hail a taxi, order food online, and even book their next vacation. WeChat is popular back there that a business would be considered obsolete without its integration. 

It is because chatbots give the user what they ask for and nothing more. 

Should brands incorporate Chatbots into their marketing strategy?

Brands should incorporate chatbots, but it is essential to understand why a brand might need a chatbot.

Some of the questions that a brand must ask are:

  • Do they need it to answer customer questions?
  • Will it be helpful in their industry to give personal recommendations to the customers?
  • Can a chatbot help your brand increase customer engagement and retention?

These are some of the initial questions you must answer as a brand. If you replied yes to any of the above questions, you need a Chatbot. However, the best part about answering such questions is that the utilization of chatbots is clear from the start.

A clear motive will help you develop a chatbot accordingly with an excellent user interface and experience. Also, building a chatbot is very easy in today’s time. You do not have to type a code; just subscribe to a good software or tool. 

Most companies adopt chatbots for brand awareness and marketing. The most extensive consumer base of any brand or service is millennials, and they surely appreciate the fast-paced communication that the bots offer. 


Chatbots are a fun and interactive way to engage with the audience. Also, it has taken place in the conversational strategy as it needs to be constantly evolved and optimized based on how users interact.  

Bots are the new superheroes of the marketing industry as there is nothing that they can’t do. They are giving the brands and customers a beautiful opportunity to redeem commerce and communication. If used wisely, brands can build authentic relationships with their buyers. 

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9 Creative Ways To Include Chatbots Into Your Daily Life https://botsify.com/blog/chatbots-into-your-daily-life/ https://botsify.com/blog/chatbots-into-your-daily-life/#respond Wed, 23 Feb 2022 10:27:09 +0000 https://botsify.com/blog/?p=4111 The lengths to which chatbots prove useful in our daily lives are incomprehensible. From ordering a snack to scheduling tweets, business meetings, chatbots have become …

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The lengths to which chatbots prove useful in our daily lives are incomprehensible. From ordering a snack to scheduling tweets, business meetings, chatbots have become an integral part of day-to-day lives. Your everyday companion Alexa and Siri are also advanced-level chatbots. When you register a complaint on Zomato, you speak to a chatbot first. Depending on your response, the chatbot generates a response. Likewise, you will always see a chatbot tool lingering around when visiting your online banking. Some of us even use it to find quick solutions without waiting for a representative. However, not many of us are fully aware of their capabilities and find it difficult to use them daily. 

Once you understand how easy and interesting these chatbots can make your life, you will be able to use them smartly. For now, you need not juggle your brain-wires to determine creative ways to include chatbots in your daily lives. We have got that covered for you, and the coming sections will highlight interesting ideas for the everyday use of chatbots.

#1: Travel

chatbots into your life

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There are numerous chatbots available that can assist you with your travel-related requirements. From finding the best flight deal to booking a hotel within your budget, a chatbot can do numerous such tasks for you. 

Chatbots are designed to help users with their searches and make bookings on their behalf. The best part is that you can integrate this chatbot with Skype, Facebook, or even Slack. 

Other chatbots like HelloGBye perform similar functions and allow you to insert data in audio, image, and text format. If you are feeling lazy to type, simply talk to this virtual assistant and explain your travel requirement in detail. The bot matches relevant deals within 30 seconds based on your data input

Other travel-related chatbots that you can use to make your life easier are Mezi, Snap Travel, and Pana. Make use of these chatbots to make your travel bookings smoother and easier.

# 2: Scheduling a Cab Pick up

Scheduling a Cab Pick up

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Using apps to book cabs for commuting has become quite common. But what happens when you have multiple arrangements to make and travel to various locations? You can simply use a chatbot to deal with it. 

Even popular apps like Uber have chatbots that help schedule your bookings at a later date or time. This feature has already been rolled out and is paving the way to mark its presence in many cities. 

The WhatsApp feature allows users to schedule bookings by messaging Uber’s business line or scanning QR. One can also choose the booking by opening the link on WhatsApp chat. 

# 3: Getting Tailormade Notifications About Latest News, Events or Listen to Jokes

Even when you don’t want to do something specific with chatbots, they can still make your life interesting. Using chatbots like TechCrunch allows you to enjoy the content of your choice. You can tailor-make the entire settings in this chatbot. For example, you can choose the number of daily notifications, type of content, etc. The bot then delivers the content tailored to your specifications. 

Alternatively, you can use fun chatbots such as Hector. It can tell you jokes and even play hangman with you. If you want to stay updated with real news from around the globe, try using the CNN chatbot or Wall Street Journal. You will need to use Facebook to get access to these chatbots. 

With such chatbots by your side every day, no moment would seem boring. 

# 4: Learn About the Weather at a Specific Location

Weather chatbot

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Numerous chatbots display local weather conditions. You can choose the location within these bots and check the weather at the desired location. Several chatbots even inform the forecast for the next day. You can use these chatbots to get regular weather updates while traveling to a new city or country. 

Some bots have features that allow you to get reminders regularly at your chosen time. Such chatbots will come in handy if you live in uncertain weather conditions.

# 5: Order Food and Groceries or Get Dinner Ideas

Ordering your daily necessities such as groceries has become a lot easier. Numerous chatbots allow you to place orders via voice notes or text commands. With such bots, you can place an order even while driving in your car and find the food delivered before you reach home.

If you are in a mood to relish a pizza, then use Domino’s chatbot that allows you to build your pizza and place your order. You can also check the status of your order with this bot. Even using Facebook messenger to track orders is an option with Dominos chatbot. 

Another interesting chatbot that you can use in your daily life is Whole Foods. Its Facebook Messenger chatbot offers recipes and cooking inspiration. Once you select from its filters, it narrows down the list of options from various cuisines and directs you to its company website for details. 

Whether ordering food or getting inspired to cook something delicious, these chatbots would surely make your life joyful.

# 6: Organize Business Meetings

meeting chatbots

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The pandemic has made professional life pretty complicated. Remote work from home jobs is not as easy as they appear. Many of us find it difficult to keep up with increasing pressure. 

Scheduling meetings and being there on time are common work requirements for most days. It is common to forget to set up meetings and so you can use a helping chatbot hand to make your life easier. Even if you use an additional solution for planning such as the SharePoint calendar, chatbots can still come in handy to make your meetings more organized.

Meekan is a great example of a chatbot that takes care of hosting meetings . You only have to request a new meeting and the chatbot would check everyone’s schedule on slack and advise the best time. 

Other popular choices for scheduling meetings are Messagely, TARS, and x.ai’s Amy. Similarly, a time tracker helps to manage teams remotely and track their time. You can use these chatbots to help you create a balance in your work and personal life. 

Businesses have also shown great interest in AI-based chatbots and software that help them in increasing their productivity and profitability. For instance, a phone validator app helps to improve productivity by checking the validity, line type, network carrier, location, etc. of the line. 

Let these chatbots take the entire burden of scheduling and organizing meetings while you focus on other vital errands.

# 7: Develop a Healthy Workout Routine

The past two years have taken a toll on many of us. In the efforts to manage our personal and professional life, we often forget the most important thing, i.e., our health. The good news is various bots can take care of that too. If you find it difficult to develop a proper workout routine, let chatbots do it.

From meditation to extensive workout sessions, chatbots can help you organize everything. You can use the AI-based MeditateBot to create a regular meditation routine. Many other chatbots, such as WotNot, can even assist with setting up intense workout sessions to keep you fit. They deliver chatbot solutions that are tailor made as per your workout requirement. 

# 8: Sleep Assistance

chatbot assistant

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There is even a chatbot that keeps you company if you cannot sleep. Insomnobot3000 is a text-based chatbot that talks to you when you send a text to the company’s line. As per the makers, the bot remains most active during night times between 11:00 pm to 5:00 am. 

Another AI-based chatbot called Dr. Snooze by SleepSpace helps focus on various aspects of sleep. This chatbot says powerful sleep-inducing phrases that help you fall asleep faster or longer, reduce insomnia, and get deep sleep.

# 9: Assorted Tasks

You can use chatbots to perform creative tasks, such as schedule TikTok posts or using MemeGenerator Bot to create memes within the Facebook messenger. 

Another chatbot called Mitsuku is an AI-based chatbot that learns more when talking to her. Mitsuku makes use of Office Work Suite downloaded on your desktop.

If you are looking for true love, try using the Foxsy chatbot that promises to find a “beautiful and meaningful connection with the right person.”

The Present and Future of Chatbots

At present, only 15% of the users interact with the chatbots this year. However, the number is likely to escalate quickly in the near future. About 75% of the people expect to get an immediate response from the chatbot.

As per Mantra, The global chatbot market is expected to reach USD$ 1.25B by 2025, and generate roughly $8B savings globally by 2022 itself.

Everyone has adopted chatbots to simplify their business processes, from insurance companies or animation software to banks and government organizations to NGOs. The need for human indulgence is reduced with the advent of AI-based chatbots.

Besides these figures that chatbots offer immediate and 24/7 assistance throughout the year, their popularity is set to rise. Chatbots have proven to be extremely useful in the personal and professional world. 

Final Words

Chatbots have proven to be cost-effective and useful technological development in the human world. While new types of chatbots are developed every day to ease up the lives of people, it is up to us to use them creatively. 

You will find endless possibilities of using chatbots to your best advantage. The above pointers were just the tip of the iceberg. Put your mind to use and find out other creative ways to help you decipher other ways to use chatbots. 

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